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 [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1 
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Post [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
Welcome to a Sort-of-Roll-to-D[whatever]! Rules are a little different here - but first, some intro;


Terran Alliance Navy, Scout Cruiser Ulysses

Welcome aboard the Scout Cruiser Ulysses! One of the fastest Marine ships this side of Sol, although you can’t feel it from in here. This is your first tour of duty and I’m sure you’re all excited to be out of bootcamp and ready to hit the ground for your first missions. As you’re probably aware, the Marines haven’t had a whole lot to do since the 2112 Accords were signed, outside of the occasional peacekeeping and relief missions, so we’ve pretty much had to sit on our hands and try not to go completely crazy.

But that changes now, at least for us here on the Ulysses. A call has come in; about three weeks ago, one of our colonies went gone dark and stopped broadcasting scheduled progress reports. They’re not due another freighter for another four months, and the Ulysses is the closest Marine vessel in the sector. You lucky boys get to go take a look at the situation down there and make sure some idiot hasn’t tried to use the comm relay heatsinks to cook his breakfast or something.

The planet you’re dropping to is largely classified as an Ocean world - lots of islands arranged in chains, and even more water between them all. We’ll be hitting the largest island close to the equator first, as that’s the only place with docking facilities that can handle the Ulysses. Intel tells me the island is best described as - and I quote - a "big frak-off forest", and the second-largest much further north is - again, these are Intel's words not mine - a "sodding great iceberg". With any luck we'll be setting town at the main colony of Taris, a city home to around a million hard-working Alliance citizens. Other minor habitation centers are scattered across the planet, along with a research station on the northern ice-plate.

You’ll be deploying in about 24 shipboard hours. I realise this is pretty menial as far as missions go, but Command were awfully twitchy and specifically requested the Ulysses for this job so we don't have much of a choice. Familiarize yourself with your kit, your squadmates, and your squadship in the meantime. Oh, and make sure you get a good meal or two in - we have no idea what it’s like down there. Don’t expect quality catering.



First things first; One player will be picked as the squad/team leader. You can (and should) nominate other players rather than voting for yourself. The squad/team leader is expected to take initiative, keep the rest of you in line, maintain morale, and so on. They get some other perks. If you don’t want that responsibility you can specifically refuse it/opt out.

For this, we’ll be using a d10, but this isn’t your average RtD. You don’t have set levels of failure/success; a 1 doesn't mean you messed up, nor does a 10 automatically equate to amazing success. For most events (like repairing something), you’re set against a static target number. For contested events such as shooting a living creature or arm-wrestling someone, numbers are rolled for both the "attacker" and "defender".

Finally, there is also the Luck system, modelled closely off of Dark Heresy’s Fate points (though adjusted for the format). Everyone starts with 1 point. You can use it to positively or negatively influence certain events, such as rerolling a failure. Most of the time it 'refreshes' a while later, but if you use it to escape certain death then it could well be gone forever. But don’t worry! If you do survive, you can earn more Luck later.

For lots of words about how it all works, pop open this spoiler;

That was a lot more than I expected. Sorry about that.




The number after a role’s name indicates the maximum number of squadmates that your squad can have in that role at a given time. For example, you can only have one Squad Leader* or two Medics at a time.

*The Squad Leader role applies on top of whichever starting role you picked, so you could be a Medic/Leader, Tech/Leader, and so on. It doesn’t completely overwrite your choice, but it still counts against your original pick. If you have a Medic/Leader, then you can only have one other Medic.

Infantryman - Unlimited - The bread and butter grunts of the Marines.

Support - 2 - Equipped with non-standard weaponry to enhance squad flexibility.

Medic - 2 - Vital to long-term squad survival in hostile terrain.

Tech - 2 - Useful for restoring damaged equipment and accessing secure systems.

Pilot - 1 - Marine Pilots are usually tasked with squadships and close-air-support craft, but can handle fighters and armoured vehicles too.

Squad Leader - 1 - A ‘bonus role’ given to the player nominated as Squad Leader, obviously.


Example Profile;


Active Roster:

Player Character Class Armour Primary Sidearm Status Grenades Luck
Fail Flail Cpl G. Mason Tech/Leader Heavy VRX Laser Rifle [300/300] [1] Heavy Pistol [7/7] [3]
4x Shock
caekdaemon PFC B. Jones Pilot Heavy X1A Burst Fire Rifle [30/30] [4] Heavy Pistol [7/7] [3]
4x Shock
Izen PFC CD-V5 Tech Heavy VRX Laser Rifle [300/300] [1] Marine Pistol [10/10] [3]
2x HE/1x Shock/1x Cryo
TheKebbit PFC H. Dagenham Medic Heavy X1A Burst Fire Rifle [30/30] [4] Heavy Pistol [7/7] [3]
2x Shock/1x Cryo/1x Frag
Traumahawk PFC G. A. Vorotyntsev Support Heavy Assault Shotgun [12/12] [120] Heavy Pistol [7/7] [3]
2x Shock/1x Cryo/1x Smoke
Harzipan PFC N. Petrouski Medic Heavy V8 DMR [20/20] [3] Marine Pistol [10/10] [3]
2x Cryo/1x Shock/1x Smoke
Miggles PFC D. Mason Support Heavy Hydra Grenade Launcher [N/A] Heavy Pistol [7/7] [3]
3 Cryo/9 Shock/3 Smoke/3 Frag

Reserve Roster:
Private S. Carten - Human Support (Psygnosis)

Hall of Heroes:

Last edited by Arcalane on Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:00 am, edited 17 times in total.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:49 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
Bob Jones, Pilot reporting for duty.

I have a good feeling about this.

I'll edit this post when the character is done.

Name: Private Bob Jones
Description: Private Jones comes from a ancient lineage of pilots, engineers and soldiers. Like his father, and his father before him, he has enlisted to do his part for humanity. Originally, he planned to be a engineer, but instead decided to be a pilot. Bob was born on the Hugo Gernsback, a medium freighter that made regular runs between agricultural colonies. As such, he was taught how to pilot a landing transport at the age of 21, and the Gernsback it self at 27. He enlisted with the Terran Marines at 29, relinquishing command of the Gernsback to his younger brother Linus.
Role: Pilot
+ Marine Body Armour: A vest, thigh pads, boots, gloves, and protection for your upper arms. Protective value is regularly questioned as a form of humour.
+ Pilot’s Helmet: Replaces Marine Helmet. Improved HUD interlinks with vehicles for status info.
+ Marine Pistol: 10mm semi-automatic, 10-round magazine, underbarrel flashlight. Puts holes in things pretty good.
+ Monoknife; Not really monomolecular, but exceedingly sharp all the same. Can hurt just about anything if you use it properly.
+ 3 Marine Pistol magazines (10rds ea.)
+ 1x HE Grenade: A small and powerful concussive blast to scorch and stun enemies.
+ 1x Frag Grenade: A larger-ranged hail of deadly shrapnel, lethal to exposed organics but weak against armoured targets.
+ 2x Smoke Grenade: Creates a cloud of moderately warm smoke, obscuring normal and infrared lines of sight. Uncomfortable to be standing in, though.
+ T7 SMG: A lightweight submachinegun with integral Tactical module. Same 10mm rounds as the Pistol, 28rd magazines.
4 T7 SMG magazines (28rds ea.)

+ Universal Driver’s License: Whilst even the freshest Infantryman knows how to handle a squadcar or APC, Pilots are tasked with handling everything from squadships to bombers. They do not need to roll for aerial maneuvers outside of stressful situations.
+ Pilot’s Uplink: Neural connection to vehicles and craft improves handling in all situations. Lowers the difficulty of all static rolls and improves the result of all contested rolls if plugged into a compatible vehicle.
+ 1 Luck
= Rank: Private

Last edited by caekdaemon on Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:36 am, edited 4 times in total.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:16 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
Oh well, Tech sounds good anyway.

Last edited by Fail Flail on Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:16 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
Fail Flail wrote:
Dibs on pilot!
Edit: ♥♥♥♥. ninja'd

I'll probably need a co pilot at some point for larger vehicles. Who knows?

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:20 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
Nonsequitorian wrote:
You named a forum game after somebody who shares the same name as Ulysses Green, Engineer.

And a spaceship! Let's face it, who wouldn't want a spaceship named after them? ;)

I needed a snappy name and couldn't think of anything better off the top of my head.


caekdaemon wrote:
Fail Flail wrote:
Dibs on pilot!
Edit: ♥♥♥♥. ninja'd

I'll probably need a co pilot at some point for larger vehicles. Who knows?

Apart from the one pilot "limit", yeah, you won't be running tanks or anything by yourself. But hey, the rest of the team can handle the guns and pick up relevant perks too. There's no set perk trees or anything - sometimes they'll be handed out for doing something awesome repeatedly, other times you'll get to pick from two or three at an opportune moment... no set scheme really.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:24 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
Arcalane wrote:
Apart from the one pilot "limit", yeah, you won't be running tanks or anything by yourself. But hey, the rest of the team can handle the guns and pick up relevant perks too. There's no set perk trees or anything - sometimes they'll be handed out for doing something awesome repeatedly, other times you'll get to pick from two or three at an opportune moment... no set scheme really.


So basically its preset starting character builds?

Simple enough then :grin:

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:29 am
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Character classes, if you will. They just define extra starting equipment and perks.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:31 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
I'm assuming we can be Androids, so here we go.

Name: Private CD-V5
Description: A large, humanoid android, standing at about 6' 2", designed for harsh situations. CD-V5 was assigned to the Ulysses after he was constructed and programmed.
Role: Tech
+ Marine Body Armour + Marine Helmet
+ Marine Pistol: 10/10
+ Monoknife
+ Ammo: 3 Marine Pistol magazines (10rds ea.)
+ 1x HE Grenade: A small and powerful concussive blast to scorch and stun enemies.
+ 1x Frag Grenade: A larger-ranged hail of deadly shrapnel, lethal to exposed organics but weak against armoured targets.
+ 1x Smoke Grenade: Creates a cloud of moderately warm smoke, obscuring normal and infrared lines of sight. Uncomfortable to be standing in, though.
+ T7 SMG: A lightweight submachinegun with integral Tactical module. Same 10mm rounds as the Pistol, 28rd magazines.
+ Tech-gaunt: Replaces left or right glove with a wrist-computer with mini keyboard. Links to helmet HUD to display info; can be plugged into things for hacking and diagnostics.
+ Toolkit: Wrenches, wirecutters, screwdrivers, crowbar, wire coils, duct tape, and a fusion-torch. Can also be used to repair Androids. What more could a tech ask for?
+ 4 T7 SMG magazines (28rds ea.)
+ +1 Smoke Grenade

+ Qualified Repairman: You don’t need to roll to treat Light or Moderate damage to mechanical systems and entities with your toolkit outside of combat.
+ Technophile: You can use Luck to reroll failed Repair/Hack rolls, and reroll failed Repair rolls you make to save androids and other robots from Critical damage.
+ Luck: Everyone starts with 1 point of this.
= Rank: Private


Last edited by Izen on Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:32 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
Human-like androids I believe, although I'd aim for something EDI from ME3 like.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:47 am
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Either's fine - just remember you'll need a Tech when you get damaged, rather than a Medic like the squishy humans. Some of them are basically indistinguishable from humans, others are obviously androids.

Androids are basically the same as humans in all of the most important ways; personality varies, but they're legally considered just as much of a person as any other Alliance citizen. Obviously they're immune to certain things that might stun or kill a human; there are also things that are very dangerous to androids but harmless to humans. I think that's about all that's important.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:53 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
I can't write up a character now, but I'm interested in joining. Could I reserve a temporary spot thingy?

Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:41 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
I guess I'll bite on this one. After all, I'm hardly active around here, so I might as well.

Name: Private Georgii Alekseyvich Vorotyntsev
Description: Consistently bored with his home life and nothing striking his fancy at any of the Alliance Universities, this young man of Slavic descent, with traceable ancestry leading back to the Earthen days before space travel, purportedly enlisted in the Terran Alliance Marines because he "said to [himself] one day, 'Why not?'" Generally aloof and introverted, Vorotyntsev is nevertheless friendly, respectful, and posessed of a wonderfully dry wit, making him generally well-liked among his squadmates and superiors. He stands just over 6'1", with a large and broad frame that makes obvious to anyone his physical capability. Thick scar tissue extends from his right shoulder all the way to his right elbow and down to his middle back; however, Vorotytsev suffers no adverse effects from the scarring, and refuses to elaborate on its origin besides "an accident." He speaks, reads, and writes fluent English and Russian, and knows some rudimentary German.
Role: Support
+ Marine Body Armour: A vest, thigh pads, boots, gloves, and protection for your upper arms.
+ Marine Helmet: Tactical HUD eyepiece with squad link, removable rebreather with 1-hour air supply, earpiece and mic linked to Marine TacNet.
+ Marine Pistol: 10mm semi-automatic, 10-round magazine, underbarrel flashlight.
+ Medium Automatic Rifle: Modified K77 with a heavier, extended barrel and bipod. Cannot use the same modules as the K77, but has a much higher ammo capacity.
+ Monoknife
+ Ammo:
++3 Marine Pistol magazines (10rds ea.)
++ 2 boxes of 7.62mm K77 ammunition (150rds each)
+ 1x HE Grenade
+ 1x Frag Grenade
+ 1x Smoke Grenade
+ Luck: Everyone starts with 1 point of this.
+ Heavy Weapon Training: Reduced likelihood of severe failures when failing rolls involving the operation of any and all Support-class weaponry, on top of any weapon-specific perks.
= Rank: Private

Ninja Edit: I hope I wasn't being too verbose with the description. I can cut it down if necessary...

Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:12 am
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A little more than I expected, but not a problem.

Kebbit; Consider it done, but don't delay too long.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:19 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1
Hurrah. Time to go on galactic adventures.

Name: Pvt. Nikolai Petrouski
Description: Born and raised on a barely hospitable backwater planet as a methane farmer, Nikolai, or Niko to friends, has had a fairly boring life. He vowed with a pack of close friends to join up with the Alliance as soon as they were old enough, although he was the only one who went through with it. Undeterred, Nikolai signed up the role of squad medic. He is surprisingly well spoken considering his upbringing.
Role: Medic
+ Marine Helmet: Tactical HUD eyepiece with squad link, removable rebreather with 1-hour air supply, earpiece and mic linked to Marine TacNet.
+ Marine Pistol: 10mm semi-automatic, 10-round magazine, underbarrel flashlight. Puts holes in things pretty good.
+ Monoknife; Not really monomolecular, but exceedingly sharp all the same. Can hurt just about anything if you use it properly.
+ Ammo: 3 Marine Pistol magazines (10rds ea.)
+ 1x HE Grenade: A small and powerful concussive blast to scorch and stun enemies.
+ 1x Frag Grenade: A larger-ranged hail of deadly shrapnel, lethal to exposed organics but weak against armoured targets.
+ 1x Smoke Grenade: Creates a cloud of moderately warm smoke, obscuring normal and infrared lines of sight. Uncomfortable to be standing in, though.
+ T7 SMG: A lightweight submachinegun with integral Tactical module. Same 10mm rounds as the Pistol, 28rd magazines.
+ Medical Kit: Comes with a limited supply of painkillers, stimulants, bandages, and medipatches - ‘quick’ injury treatment. Can treat multiple instances of Moderate wounding.
+ Basic Trauma Kit: Mild painkillers, antiseptics, basic stimulants, small bandages. Can treat multiple instances of Light wounding.
+ 4 T7 SMG magazines (28rds ea.)
+ +1 Smoke Grenade

+ Qualified Medic: You don’t need to roll to treat Light or Moderate wounding with your medical supplies outside of combat.
+ Stay With Me!: You can use Luck to reroll failed Medical rolls you make to save others from Mortal wounding.
+ Luck: 1 Point [Ready]
= Rank: Private

Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:21 am
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Post Re: [SoRtD] Adventures of the Ulysses, Pt. 1

I'm going to assume support gets all 3 weapons?
Also I wanna run for president pope leader of canada squad leader.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:26 am
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