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 RTD Galactic Reboot! 
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Hunker down. Load all my magazines, then load one into the gun. Chamber a round. Safety off.

Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:27 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
Load the shotgun and 2 pistol mags. Hold shotgun in lower arms and the pistol in right upper hand. Walk up to the looters and send a warning shot near the guy on the cockpit.
"You have 5 seconds to get off my ship before I activate the autoturrets and have them take care of you for me.


Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:46 pm
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
"Is the underfueled ship that fired off the distress signal going to land on the Grevet Coast as well?"

Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:50 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Hm. Not as good as I used to be able to do.
Oh well. Put the ice back in the pitcher to melt, sit down and think.
The desert is terrible. Where else can I go?

Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:24 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!

Judith, Kyr:
Both of you load your guns and magazines, while you watch the man on the roof yell at the other 2, and the other 2 hooded men grab crowbars from the ATV trunks. Judith chambers a round and looks down while Kyr jogs down to the looters. The 2 looters with crowbars put them down and pull out semi-auto handguns. Kyr fires at the man on the plane, getting him to hop down and draw.
Kyr: "You have 5 seconds to get off my ship before I activate the autoturrets and have them take care of you for me. ------ 5..."

Jakob: "Is the underfueled ship that fired off the distress signal going to land on the Grevet Coast as well?"
Secretary: "No, it's landing at the capital. If you're going though, the next bus leaves in the morning, and be careful. The only ones that land here are the Feds, the pirate coven, and the Rifters, and it's not the Feds."

Other places to go, huh. Well, there's the forest to the north, the desert to the south, the cliffs to the northwest, and farmland to the east. For specifics, you'd need a map.

Judith Trovare (CaveCricket48)

Jakob Stennard(TheKebbit)




Bandit 1:

Bandit 2:

Bandit 3:

Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:53 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Get in range, Steady Hand. If some of the bandits seem to be complying with Kyr's order, open fire on the bandit last to comply. Else, open fire on the closest bandit.

If my first target goes down, shoot at another target, prioritizing a bandit that seems to be taking action.

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:16 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Cliffs could be interesting. I need a map. I wonder if the barkeep has a map.

Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:10 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
"Fox's Legacy, arm turrets, load HE shells, Aegis protocol."
Aim shotgun at nearest bandit and keep pistol pointed at cockpit bandit.


Now let's hope the ship still has power.

Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:37 am

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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!

Judith, Kyr:
Kyr: "Fox's Legacy, arm turrets, load HE shells, Aegis protocol."
FsL "Lockdown in progress. Authorization required."
Well that isn't good. As Kyr point your guns, the bandits aim at him, steadying their aim. As they do this however, Judith fires at the closest bandit to her, 2.
1 Roll + Perception + 2 (Surprise) + 3 (Steady Hand) vs 1 Roll + Speed + 1 (Desert Bandit)
1 + 7 + 2 + 3 = 13 vs 3 + 2 + 1 = 6
Judith's hand shakes, but she manages to aim accurately and hit the bandit square in the chest.
-5 Health
6/11 P, 12/12 S
Pain: 4416253551 = 36/6 = 6 X 10 = 60
6/11*100 = 45% + 20 (Major Wound) = 65%
The bandit takes a bullet to the chest, and falls over, clutching.
-45% Combat Strength
The other 2 bandits take cover behind the FsL before Judith can get another shot off.
Negotiations end. Combat begins!


You go downstairs to look for the barkeep, but he's not there. Instead, a old boy, around 15 years old, is behind the bar, organizing the glasses.
Boy: "Can I help you?"

Judith Trovare (CaveCricket48)

Jakob Stennard(TheKebbit)




Bandit 1:

Bandit 2:

-45% Combat Strength
6/11 P, 12/12 S

Bandit 3:

Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:27 pm
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
"Last chance, throw down your guns and I'll let you leave."
Walk up to downed bandit. If any of his buddies do anything but surrendering; shoot him in the balls. Be ready to shotgun blast whatever pokes out of cover.

Fri Jun 16, 2017 4:36 pm
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
"Got it - thank you for your help."
>Return to my room at the inn, since night fell a long time ago. Is there any way I could use my GalTram to get through to Major Devlin? Assuming he's on leave and not in deep space.

Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:04 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> While Kyr gets closer to the dropship, keep my distance and slowly circle around in the direction is back is pointing. If it's not facing left or right, circle around in the opposite direction that the bandits went.

Fire at first bandit that is visible.

Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:27 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> ... I have no idea how to mime a map.
Write down "Map?" on something and show him.

Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:39 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!

Judith, Kyr:
Judith: 4 + 3 = 7
Kyr: 5 + 2 = 7
Bandit 1: 2 + 5 = 7
Bandit 2: STUNNED
Bandit 3: 2 + 6 = 8
3 peeks around the back of the plane and fires at Kyr, before ducking back into cover.
1 Roll + Perception vs 1 Roll + Speed - 1 (Preoccupied)
2 + 4 = 6 vs 5 + 4 = 1 = 8
And misses.
Judith circles behind Kyr, and manages to loose a shot at the bandit.
1 Roll + Perception vs 1 Roll + Speed + 4 (High Cover) + 1 (Desert Bandit)
3 + 7 = 10 vs 5 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 12
The shot whistles past the bandit's cheek.
Kyr shoots the downed bandit.
Perception + 1 Roll >= 6 to hit, 9 to hit right area.
4 + 4 = 8
In the stomach, doing another 5 damage.
1/11 P = Bleeding Out
Meanwhile, 1 step out of cover, aims, and fires 2 shots.
2 Roll + Perception vs 1 Roll + Speed + 1 (2 Shots)
4 + 1 + 4 = 9 vs + 5 + 2 + 1 = 8
One whizzes by, embedding itself into the sand, but the other one flies straight into Kyr's leg, doing 3 damage.
5/8 P, 6 S
-37% Effectiveness
Pain: 2 1 1 2 6 4 6 3 1 2 = 28* 1 2/3 = 45 > 37
However, he manages to withstand the pain, and fires at the bandit out of cover.
1 Roll + Perception + 3 (Buckshot) vs 1 Roll + Speed + 1 (Desert Bandit)
6 + 4 + 3 = 13 vs 3 + 2 + 1 = 6
Critical Roll: 2
The 00 buck flies right into the bandit's face, sending an explosion of blood out as he is knocked backwards, dead.

Jakob: "Got it - thank you for your help."
Secretary: "No problem."
You head home. (You are caught up time-wise with everyone else)
As you head into the bar, you see Arica writing something down a piece of paper. You return to your room, and sit down in one of the chairs. After fiddling with your GalTram for a few minutes, you find a localized link. After activating it, you are connected to the local network. However, it seems quite limited, with only functions for pay-from-distance and better call service than local bouncing in the form of a direct link to the local transmitter. Good enough though. You punch out a call, and after around 2 or 3 minutes, Major Devlin picks up.
Devlin: "Jakob, how are you? I'm glad to hear that you're alive, after the Whish Oil disaster. Can you believe it? More than plenty of pods, and yet half of the hoiters stilled managed to get themselves killed."

There's a small notepad, probably for orders, on the table, along with a pen. You write down <MAP> on it, and hand it to the boy. He nods, and grabs a map from one of the shelves.

Judith Trovare (CaveCricket48)

Jakob Stennard(TheKebbit)




Bandit 1:


Bandit 2:

-91% Combat Strength
1/11 P, 12/12 S
Bleeding Out

Bandit 3:

Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:23 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Fire at Bandit 3.

Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:40 am
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