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 Legends of the Sky - Group the Second 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Group the Second
Return to port, cash in on job. Price up a bigger ship.

Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:45 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Group the Second

Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:42 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Group the Second
The group, having been made obsolete, decides that it's time to go back and collect on that job before whoever posted it hears that the group of 4 adventurers that took up the job weren't the ones to actually complete it. Totally not fraud!
The four pile back into their dinghy, and float off the side of the ship-
And straight into the prow of another ship. A large, metal armored, many gunned, ruffian crewed ship. A ship flying a black flag with a skull and crossbones.

Onboard Mercutio's ship, the crew has finally been quieted by their captain, who is about to launch into a wonderful speech about the good of the many and need to know information, when he's saved the trouble by the arrival of the same ship that crippled them in the sky and left the trader vessel to die. The pirate's ship begins circling the cargo ship, like a hungry shark stalking wounded prey. The crew of the cargo ship react appropriately, losing their minds, while the pirates line the rails of their vessel, jeering and shouting over the edge at the sailors.
The only calm ones around are the Sword Saint and Mercutio.
"Are they the ones?"
"...Yes. They raided our ship before. I remember that damn boat of theirs."

Naomi cracks her neck and hoists her spear, clearly unimpressed.
"Well, they're about to stop being a problem."
"W-WAIT! No, you can't blow them up! I uh, may have failed to mention... they uh, they took the package in the raid."

Naomi releases her most withering of glares at the captain, who appropriately withers under the glare.

"Alright. Restraint's not my strong suit, but never hurts to get some practice in.

"Huh, they don't usually respond to that."

Someone leaps off the ship, a giant overcoat-cape billowing behind them, and falls down to slam onto the deck of the cargo ship, splintering the boards beneath them. They then stand up, revealing... another woman. This one with shoulder length brown hair, striking blue eyes, and a ridiculous, completely unserious grin.

Mercutio leaps forward, arms swinging together from his sides to crash together in front of him.
Following the motions of his arms, two giant orbs of distorted air swing forward in front of him, crashing together on the pirate woman and spinning rapidly, tearing chunks of the deck off and blowing over several crewmembers.
He then crouches down, clenching his right hand tightly and grabbing his wrist with the left. In front of him, the two orbs of air fuse together, then pulse and become several times smaller, barely larger than the woman stood tall, before bursting violently, sending dust and splinters everywhere.
Finally, several points in the air around the cargo ship glow, then extend out into twisting beams of light with a sharp point at their tips, darting through the air towards the pirate woman and ripping through the dust cloud obscuring her, along with even MORE of the ship's deck.

Mercutio falls to his knees, panting heavily after the display of heavy magical firepower. He looks up, waiting for the dust to clear enough to see how many pieces he put her into.
"Alright, I admit it, I deserved that."
A wave of her hand, and the dust cloud clears, revealing the pirate woman stands there, completely unharmed though a bit dusty.
"Huh. Maybe this will be some fun after all. Hey girl, you the one who stole the package?"
"I only borrowed it! I'm here to give it back!"

The cargo ship's crew gives a collective "What." as the pirate girl throws a box over towards Mercutio, who barely manages to catch it in his drained state.
"I told you, I was only borrowing it. Don't need it anymore now."

What do you do?

Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:52 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Group the Second
"So uh, mission accomplished?"

Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:18 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Group the Second
"Normally, I would say we could try to take the pirate ship, but it seems as though they have an unkillable god as a captain. Looks like we should head back and claim our prize."

Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:32 am
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