Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #63) (Finally! On with it!)
The traveling begins again!
caekdaemon (Anderson) (4)
"If you excuse me, I'm going to go mining...""You're excused. Just don't fall too far behind."Coolio. You head off, hoping to find some ore.
You take a good look around, but the area is pretty darn flat, with very few hills. In fact, it's boring overall. Plains of wild grass, as far as the eye can see. Not a tree nor hill anywhere.
Stupid plains. You stomp a small yellow flower in rage and stomp off after the group.
Ociamarru (Nikolai) (5)
You want to train yourself, but you can't find anything you can use in order to do so. There's not a tree for miles - you're walking through open plain. You have grass. And more grass. And the occasional bug. That's about all. You rip up some grass and swat some bugs, but you don't feel any stronger.
Torrent (Gillian) (11)
You take out your mace, tossing it from one hand to the other. Well, it ain't a dagger, but it'll do. If you can be quick with this this, you could bash an opponent senseless before they even lifted their weapon. Sounds good. You get to it.
Your pet coins are becoming quite annoying, what with all the buzzing. Perhaps you should silence one or two. You concentrate for a bit, and then swing your mace in an arc. You hear a metallic *tink* and then a coin goes flying straight up into the air, spinning. With incredible dexterity, you catch it on the end of your mace, then flick it to your other hand.
"That. Was awesome."You feel skilled. (Sleight of Hand is now +2)
All of a sudden, you feel like you're carrying more. You look in your inventory. Hey, look. Your knives. You forgot to pick them up. How did they get back in there?
... Is some strange and powerful deity watching your every step??...
CaveCricket (Raphael) (4)
You try shifting through many different forms, but each time you shift, it comes out all wrong. Your bird of prey turned you into feathery priest, your mountain lion became a large statue of a cat, and your lizard only resulted in a
chatty, more annoying version of yourself.
This is disappointing.
Tokochiro (Johni) (5)
You summon up a copy of yourself, and make several attempts to get him to walk in a circle.
Among these are,
The straightforward -
"Walk in a circle."The commanding -
"Walk! Circle! Now!"The polite -
"Could you please walk in a circle?"And the Just Plain Weird -
"Yo, mah homie! Y'know, walkin' in circles is great! It's like... circular! Yeah, man... totally... great..."You give up. The clone is facepalming.
Adam (Adam) (12)
Without thinking, you begin to teleport.
"I'm behind you. In front of you. in this tree. (THERE ARE NO TREES) Behind you again."It seems to be working quite well.
"Hey, look, guys! Now I'm-""WHA?"You can't move your arms or your legs. They're... stuck in the ground. In fact, the only part of you that isn't buried in the earth is your head. You try to teleport, but it won't respond.
"A little help here?"
"Oh, it's alright. We're making camp now anyway. You'll have plenty of time to dig yourself out."You sleep beneath the stars that night. And for the most part, beneath the ground also.
Trip to Colber -
Day 1 of 3 over. 2 days remain.