How data realms will rule a country
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Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:00 pm Posts: 4144 Location: Hell.
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
3 1 1 - The need for more weapons helps stimulate the defence industry, which in turn provides jobs for Realmers across the nation. But they want more funding. This doesn't necessarily just go to making bombs, but also to things like military ports which employ thousands of people, trucks and helicopters, things that can be used in the event of a disaster. 1
Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:05 pm |
Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:04 pm Posts: 1545
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
3 1 1 2
Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:06 am |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:14 am Posts: 3966 Location: Canadida
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
The issue with position two on the fourth question on the plate is that businesses may like women even less in the workplace. But this is a game, and that issue is probably glossed over/abstracted.
Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:52 am |
Joined: Mon May 23, 2011 3:41 pm Posts: 269
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
TorrentHKU wrote: 3 1 Dismiss 3
Nuding, no. Stem cells are useful yo. Military is a tricky subject. We probably don't need MORE military and more spending, but keeping a certain standard of military might is essential. Maternity leave I approve of, and well deployed socialistic policies tend to do well. The taxpayers will be fine. BTW: When you type dismiss you mean, pass or delete.
Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:48 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
I mean delete it. If I dismiss, it's because I don't like the options we have for it. They're not going to get any better on the second time around.
Sat Mar 01, 2014 2:14 pm |
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:34 am Posts: 213
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
Voting Finished 3 1 1 Draw
Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:47 pm |
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:34 am Posts: 213
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
==Overview== The Community of Data realms is a small, genial nation, remarkable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its compassionate, cynical population of 26 million are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."
The enormous government juggles the competing demands of Education, Defence, and Commerce. The average income tax rate is 35%, but much higher for the wealthy. A healthy private sector is led by the Book Publishing, Automobile Manufacturing, and Arms Manufacturing industries.
Political parties are banned from advertising and receiving private donations, nudity is frowned upon, scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes, and military spending is on the increase. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Data realms's national animal is the Cat, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the Data.
==Issues== Maternity Leave A Must, Say Mothers(Issue 21) A coalition of expectant mothers (Mothers 4 Justice) has banded together to demand legislation allowing for six months of fully paid maternity leave.
1 "Six months?! Six WHOLE months?!" blusters Ivan Cheswick, a payroll manager. "Six whole months of being fully paid by our company for doing nothing but looking after a baby?! This will sink the small businesses and lose us an obscene amount of revenue! We cannot allow this to pass!"
2 "I believe that passing this law will be a step in the right direction," says Ryan Longfellow, the nation's most outspoken feminist advocate. "These kids need their mothers' love and attention during an important part of their growth development! I don't see why mums should be forced to juggle with the stress of bringing up children and having a job! It's simply too much! Six months maternity leave with full pay is what this country needs - even if it is at the expense of a few avaricious fat cats."
3 "Look, I've got an idea," says Matilda Bronte, an obsessive centrist. "Perhaps we can allow for six months of paid maternity leave, but have the government pay the companies for lost revenue? That way the mothers can bring up their children without financial worries, companies won't lose investors, and everyone will be happy. Apart from the taxpayers, of course, but you can't please everyone."
Compensation Culture Must End, Say Corporations(Issue 22) After a recent spate of high-profile lawsuits against corporations concerning the safety of their products, corporations have appealed to the government to change the laws of compensation.
1 "It's crazy!" cries Kathleen Christensen, CEO of Sharp 'n' Pointy Things Incorporated. "These people should simply not be allowed to put the blame on us if they mindlessly abuse our products! I'd have thought it would be common sense not to stick your hand in a blender to 'see if it was working properly'. We need to outlaw these ridiculous lawsuits so I can get on with my business and those working in the law profession can get on with theirs."
2 "I'm almost inclined to agree," muses Jamil Keep, a nearby firefighter. "People really should know better than to dry their cats in the microwave oven. But it's also that microwave oven that should not start a fire if one leaves it running overnight. Let's just put higher national safety standards in place that all products must be certified to meet. The extra expense shouldn't worry people if it's the difference between life and death after all."
3 "There's nothing wrong with victims getting a little money for the damage they've suffered," claims Colleen Silk, Data realms's most notorious lawyer. "In fact we should be increasing court capacities so everyone with a complaint to file won't have to wait long before they can get before a judge. Sure it'll be expensive to implement, but maybe then the manufacturers will think twice before selling their unsafe junk without explaining things clearly in the manuals!"
Military Budgets Up For Approval(Issue 23) The various branches of Data realms's military brought their budget petitions to your attention and, as usual, they are all asking for widespread increases over the rest of the military departments.
1 "Clearly the army requires the greatest increase in funds this year," says Field Marshal Howard Longfellow. "After all, wars were never won by air or sea and in this dangerous world we must be able to protect the interests of Data realms. Currently our men get hand-me-down weapons, rations I wouldn't feed a pig - the army is increasingly looking like a bad career option and we can't have that. If we're going to get recruits, we need more funding to support our brave lads in their duty."
2 "Hah! It's the Navy who needs the money, mate," says Grand Admiral Roxanne Bronte. "The army and the police forces can protect us domestically, but can they protect us from having our foreign trade cut off? Can they protect us from terrorists and pirates? How are the soldiers going to get to the enemy's borders? Swim? I think not. Fund us, the Navy, the true protectors of Data realms!"
3 "Despite the statements of my colleagues," says Tobias Christensen, Marshal of the Air Force. "The Air Force requires more money than these men playing around with boats. We are increasingly seeing terrorists taking to the air, and more ships or guns are not going to stop that. Our people will only be safe when the Air Force has the power it needs to defend us - and for that we need more funding and more government support for industries geared towards the development of new aircraft."
4 "You're all thinking too small!" exclaims Heather Keep, an avid Star Wars fan. "What we need is more research into the possibilities of space weapons! Big laser cannon and satellites with complete annihilation power! And cool spaceships! Boom! Rat-a-tata! Bang! Bang! It'll be expensive, sure, but think of the power! THE POWER!"
5 "It's simply not good enough!" wails Sean Silk, the Minister of Defence. "It's not about the money - it's the manpower. Not enough people by far are signing up! All we seem to be getting nowadays are drunks and people who volunteered for a dare. The current conscription laws need to be either more strictly enforced or drastically rewritten. What I propose is a universal draft: everyone capable of pulling a trigger should become a part of the Army, Navy or Air Force. Only in this way can we ensure the dominance of Data realms in the region."
6 "The military is a stain on the peace-loving nature of our nation!" cries Clint Singh, while sporting a Rastafarian hat. "People should be allowed to choose what they do for a living! Conscription is wrong and I don't see why our tax Datas should go to such a despicable cause! The money should be going to more important places - like our pockets!"
Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:49 pm |
Joined: Mon May 23, 2011 3:41 pm Posts: 269
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
2 1 - Now i read... 4
Last edited by HeadcrabPL on Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:01 pm |
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:34 am Posts: 213
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
3 Pass 1
Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:27 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
3 Idgaf 3
Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:15 pm |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:14 am Posts: 3966 Location: Canadida
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
3 non 4
Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:42 pm |
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:34 am Posts: 213
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
VOTE FINISHED 3 dismiss 4
Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:18 pm |
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:34 am Posts: 213
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
==Overview== The Community of Data realms is a small, genial nation, renowned for its keen interest in outer space. Its compassionate, cynical population of 29 million are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."
The government -- a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked morass -- juggles the competing demands of Defence, Education, and Social Welfare. The average income tax rate is 37%, but much higher for the wealthy. A robust private sector is led by the Book Publishing, Arms Manufacturing, and Automobile Manufacturing industries.
Scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes, military spending is on the increase, most of the military's funding goes into researching space-age weaponry, and untold millions of Datas are going into a new government-funded maternity leave scheme. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Data realms's national animal is the Cat, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the Data.
==Issues== Gypsies In A Field(Issue 24) After a much-publicised incident involving a farmer's attempts to drive a family of travellers off private property, there has been a call for you to review the laws governing gypsies.
1 "These pikies just rolled onto my field in those caravans of theirs and camped out," says Anne-Marie Janssen, the enraged farmer. "And when I tries to run 'em over with my tractor, it's me who gets stuck in the cells overnight! I've tried getting the government to evict them but they take too long over it. How would these people have reacted if I'd set up a tent in their back garden? There should be a law so I can get rid of them any way I choose. Gypsies should not be allowed to go wherever they like. It's just not fair to landowners."
2 "All we wanted was a place to stay the night," says Billy Licorish, a traveller and parent of fourteen children. "Or maybe for a week or so. Or a month. Perhaps through winter; it's pretty mild around here, I don't know. But is that such a crime? We weren't stealing anything, or harming anyone. All we ask is to be allowed to continue our travels without harassment."
3 "I don't think that's a good idea," says Maria Clinton, one of your advisors who happens to own an extensive greenfield site. "We can't just let people go living wherever they like just because they've been doing it for hundreds of years. It's very untidy! What I suggest is that we dip into the coffers and buy plots of land, all over the country, and turn them into nice safe areas where these folks can stay for as long as they want for a weekly rent before they decide to move on. See? Problem solved."
4 "I have the best solution," says William Sato, in response to a street survey. "These gypsies should be chucked in jail, their caravans sold for scrap, and, and... told not to do it again! I think we've all had enough with the government pussy-footing their way around these criminals! The way they just swan in and disrupt communities any way they please! And think of what their presence would do to the value of my property! People ought to live in bricks and mortar, not tins on wheels!"
Students Demand Financial Aid(Issue 25) Students from many universities in Data realms are protesting about the rising financial cost of studying at university and are demanding that the government provide more financial aid to students.
1 "We need money now," screams Megan de Castro a student from one of Data realms's top achieving universities. "All these tuition fees are just too much! I need that money to spend on books, study materials, accommodation, and alco- well, uh, you get the gist of it. All these fees are doing is preventing people from poorer backgrounds achieving their potential. The government ought to pay for all university expenses. After all if nobody went to university where would all the doctors and teachers come from?"
2 "OH GOD NO THE EXPENSE!" screeches Prudence de Vries, your minister of Education before eventually calming down. "No, no. This is not a good idea. Do you know how high the tax rate is already without introducing something like this? We should be making tuition fees higher if anything. University is a privilege, not a right, and only the elite should be allowed within those walls. And by elite, of course, I mean rich."
3 "These young people are the greatest resource our nation has," says Calvin Fellow, a famous demographer. "If you're going to discourage them from going to university then you're cheating our nation out of its potential. What I suggest is government-funded loans to students from poor families. That way we can have the best of both worlds without the expense. Admittedly, some may still not be able to afford it but there's no pleasing some people."
4 "Why bother with universities anyway," says refuse collector Stefanie Jones. "These students could be working and earning a living instead of wasting time and money learning things with no point whatsoever. Who needs to know about ancient Maxtopian poetry, huh? Who would hire you for that? There are plenty of jobs out there, so why don't they go and get one? I'll tell you why: it's because they are lazy. I propose the government close all universities in Data realms and make people get a job after they leave school. With all the money saved from closing down universities we can have a well-deserved tax cut too."
Is our children learning?(Issue 26) When a relatively minor official in your government vowed to increase the standard of education in Data realms, the press came knocking on your door to ask how this might actually be done.
1 "It's all a question of money," says veteran teacher Howard Hendrikson, "If we really care about education, we'll make it our number one priority. Double the education budget, halve the teacher-student ratio, and make sure every teacher has a master's degree in education. After all, the children are our future."
2 "As much as I'd like to have more money, it's really a question of most of the faculty belonging to one of the most powerful unions in the whole of Data realms that stops this school from being great," says Principal Falala Khan, "I can't discover which teachers are good and reward them for their excellent work, nor fire the useless ones. Destroying teachers' unions is perhaps the most important thing we could do."
3 "I think specialization is the way to go," says your defense minister, standing arm in arm with a bishop of a major religion and Data realms's top CEO, "Specialization lets each focus on what they're truly good at, and I'm sure that religious institutions, the military, and private companies would fork out a bit to train up the next generation, so we could save on taxes too."
Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:24 pm |
Joined: Mon May 23, 2011 3:41 pm Posts: 269
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
mikolaj007 wrote: VOTE FINISHED 3 dismiss - Most voted to pass, wich mean to leave option for other people... 4
Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:30 pm |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:00 pm Posts: 4144 Location: Hell.
 Re: How data realms will rule a country
4 3 3.
Damn travellers.
Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:27 pm |
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