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 Legends of the Sky 
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"It wasn't our fault. Mostly."
"Oh wasn't it now."

James gets himself to his feet somehow. The horrific disabling effects of having all the magic drained from his body are starting to fade, and he finds himself able to hobble. To bolster himself, he takes a swig of Thunderwater. The magical lightning brewed into the stuff energizes him better than any hangover cure, and James manages to act normal, though he'd still dearly like to sit down and take a nap.
"Sedraxis is pretty much correct. We encountered some...difficulties after we left, and only made it back to the best port we know with some assistance of the magical variety. As you can see, our ship is in need of some pretty heavy repairs. And, seeing as it'd be difficult to find another port to get them done at, I'm assuming you'd be up for the task?"
"... My shipyard's the bes' in the sky. Ah course I'm up to fixin' yer ship.
However, this isn' a charity. Ye want yer ship fixed, ye best have the coin to back it up.
At these levels of damages, especially with yer special situation to consider...
Let's call it 6000 Drachmas."

A moment of silence.
"Si-six thousand Drachmas."
"The superstructure's damaged, we're gonna hav' to replace SEVERAL important and expensive beams and parts, yer engine setup's gonna need refitting and new floaters installed, and all this'll have to be done by my most trusted, experienced, and VALUABLE men. Take it or leave it."

He gives an appraising look to the ship again.
"T' be honest, I've no idea how it hasn't fallen in half. It's not stable with them holes."
"Ah, that's my doing. I've been taking the strain off it for the majority of its flight."
"...Huh. A girly with wings. Eh. From ye lot, I can't even be surprised."

Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:26 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
O'Neil is definitely my favourite character in this. I loved how he just casually said, "...Ya uh, seem to have wrecked yer ship." after looking over the shattered remains of the vessel. Only thing that could've made that scene better was if he had the pipe in his mouth and a coffee cup in his hand like he just got out of bed in an old 90s cartoon or something.

Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:31 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
all of us together only have like 1100 or something drachmas

Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:46 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Alright. Well, you've got the upper hand here, so I guess we've got little choice to accept. However, we don't have that much on hand, so I have a proposal. I'll give you 500 Drachmas right now as a down payment to repair the ship. As soon as the repairs are done, we'll sign a document promising you the other 5,500 as soon as we get that much. Our first priority will be acquiring the funds. We can also provide some services for you, as a transport vessel/courier/mercenary crew, if you would like that in lieu of some payment. We also have an engineer on board who has some experience with the ship, and kept us afloat before we got these wings. He can help with your repairs. Sound good?

Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:47 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
He grumbles, rubbing his chin in thought.
"Well... I'll need collateral. 500 is small enough that I could take that on yer word. 10 times that amount? No, that's too large to just shake on."

Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:15 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
How about Mrs. Girly with Wings here arbitrates the contract? I'm sure you can make it so if I sign with blood and I don't follow through something terrible happens to me, right Phim?

Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:39 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Oh, blood contract? No, not really. I could blow you up if you broke the contract, if you want.

She's staring off to the northeast, zoning out.

Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:55 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Sure, that'll work. So, you might not take my word, but what about that of a supernaturally powerful being that promises to blow me up if I end up skipping town without paying you back?

Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:03 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
I'll be back later. There's something happening."

Sera then spreads her wings wide and takes flight, before glowing softly and shooting off in the direction she was staring at high speed.
"Aye. She's a peach."

Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:13 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Because why make this easy? Alright, well, since our supernaturally powerful friend decided to go off on a whim, and I desperately need my ship fixed, how about I offer the ship as collateral? I'll figure out a way to raise some more money while you're doing the repairs, and if you're not satisfied, you get to keep the ship until you are. Sound fair?

Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:01 am
Loose Canon
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"Because why make this easy? Alright, well, since our supernaturally powerful friend decided to go off on a whim, and I desperately need my ship fixed, how about I offer the ship as collateral? I'll figure out a way to raise some more money while you're doing the repairs, and if you're not satisfied, you get to keep the ship until you are. Sound fair?"
"...Aye, I can work with that. You've got yerself a deal sonny."

The captain and the shipwright shake on it, and O'Neil barks out some orders to nearby workers.
"I'll 'ave the paperwork drawn up in a few hours, come back then and we can make it all official."
"Er, Cap'n? Can I uh, have a word?"

Grif brings James off to the side, away from the prying ears of the dockworkers and over to the rest of the crew.
"I've uh, been thinking Cap'n... I don't think I'm so cut out for this. I signed up for adventure and treasure hunting, this uh, this kind of danger was a bit more than I bargained for."
"...What are you telling me."

Grif takes the Moonstone Greatsword off his back, carefully handing it over to the still-new Captain.
"You'll be needing this more than I will from now on, sir."

And with that, Grif leaves. Charlotte floats along with him hesitantly, unsure if she should follow Grif or stay with the crew, but eventually her loyalty to the one who found her wins out.
"Bye bye... have fun on Adventure."

The party is down a ship (temporarily) and two party members (permanantly). You're in the large port of Madosa, waiting for the ship to be repaired or Sera to return from whatever business she flew off to attend to. The group's treasure hunting so far has been less than amazing.
What will you do?

Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:06 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
TorrentHKU wrote:
What will you do?

> Apply for waiting list

Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:20 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
you made grif's last text the wrong color
also does charlotte count as one of those party members since shes more of a familiar
i think it would be more accurate to say we lost 1.5 crew members

Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:41 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Find an inn or tavern. They should know of jobs around the place
"I guess we're hunting for cash now. this could be fun."

Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:16 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Well, least I got a new sword. Time to go recruiting.
Head to the bar I was at last time, and see if anyone is looking for an adventurous job. Start listening around and see if anyone needs anything done for cash.

Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:54 pm
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