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 Roll to Dodge - Psychic 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
> Perform medical action to mend ears.

Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:12 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
Well... Wait, I guess.

Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:47 am

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
>Improbability drive make him trip then help Maria pin him to the ground.
"Excuse me, we just saved your stupid ass. Whatever you're doing out here you're doing it poorly."

Crazy punch him in the mind for me please.

Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:19 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
"I honestly don't even know if I have clearance to tell you what I'm doing out here, but it isn't anything you want to get your hands in. Just let it be, unless you want to come with and end up full of holes. And don't worry, I'm one of the good guys."

Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:37 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
Ociamarru wrote:
"I honestly don't even know if I have clearance to tell you what I'm doing out here, but it isn't anything you want to get your hands in. Just let it be, unless you want to come with and end up full of holes. And don't worry, I'm one of the good guys."

"Stop threatening to murderize the regular folks. You're making us look bad."

Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:06 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
"I wouldn't be the one filling you with holes, my friend."

Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:12 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic

CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [1-1=1]:
Ok, your hearing is more or less back to normal. Now for your lesser half over here.
You get up, grab Jamal by the sides of his head, and glare menacingly into his eyes. He immediately shuts up as your Chakra does its stuff, healing the interiors of his ears, until he suddenly yelps and jumps back, clutching his ears.
"OW, THAT FREAKING- Hey wait, I can hear?"
Success. And you even caused a bit of pain to him in the process! Bonus!
Now what? You've forgotten why you were heading this way.


Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [3 Well that didn't last long]:
"Just stop asking questions now, it'll probably be for the better."
"You can't leave until we know what you're doing here. No exceptions."

You sigh heavily.
"I'm sure I have authority over you in this situation, if you try and stop me I'll resort to lethal force to carry on with my...hunting trip."

"Excuse me, we just saved your stupid ass. Whatever you're doing out here you're doing it poorly."
"I honestly don't even know if I have clearance to tell you what I'm doing out here, but it isn't anything you want to get your hands in. Just let it be, unless you want to come with and end up full of holes. And don't worry, I'm one of the good guys."

Stop threatening to murderize the regular folks. You're making us look bad.
"I'm not THREATENING them, I'm WARNING them. To stay out of my way."

You're done with this, you have better things to do. Turning around, you feel a vague itch in your head, but ignore it and head onward.
Until you trip over something, and go sprawling face first into the snow.
And then suddenly this feisty girl has a your arms behind your back, a boot on your wrists, and an arrow aimed at your head.
God dammit, you just got done being pinned by the elk!
"You're coming with us."


Emogotsaone (Jamal) [10]:
Wait, Raphael is up! Good, he's fi-
Why is he grabbing your head.
Oh god why is he making that face.
And suddenly there's a sharp pain in the sides of your head, and you leap out of your self induced trance with a yelp.


Izen (Theron) [5]:
"It may or may not be shelter, but it's a better option than laying down to die."
As you head towards it, you feel Vadim thinking threatening things.
"Stop threatening to murderize the regular folks. You're making us look bad."
I'm not THREATENING them, I'm WARNING them. To stay out of my way.

... That's the same thing.
Whatever, you don't have time right now.
You reach the object as the snow and wind get extremely bad. Right now, it would be a bad idea to stay outside. What the object actually IS is a large metal dome in the ground, with a big wheel on top. A hatch!
You consider proceeding carefully for a moment, but only a short moment, then you crank it open with all your might. It's too cold to hesitate about it right now. Actually, considering it's an old abandoned looking hatch in the middle of the tundra, it opens surprisingly easily.
You hop in and climb a couple rungs down a ladder in the hatch, then close it behind you, careful not to lock it.
Looking down, it's a good 50 feet straight down before the floor. You see a dim light emitting from a doorway at the bottom.


CrazyMLC (Maria Crazer) [1]:
"Just stop asking questions now, it'll probably be for the better."
"You can't leave until we know what you're doing here. No exceptions."

He sighs the sigh of not wanting to talk about something.
"I'm sure I have authority over you in this situation, if you try and stop me I'll resort to lethal force to carry on with my...hunting trip."

"Excuse me, we just saved your stupid ass. Whatever you're doing out here you're doing it poorly."
"I honestly don't even know if I have clearance to tell you what I'm doing out here, but it isn't anything you want to get your hands in. Just let it be, unless you want to come with and end up full of holes. And don't worry, I'm one of the good guys."

He turns around to leave, and as he does you fire off an attack at his mind, but your indescriminate anger makes the assault fizzle and do nothing.
He then trips, and Rose immediately springs into action, pinning him on the ground. You grin at the poetic justice of him being stuck under his rescuer.


JJA79 (Rose Fors) [9]:
"Just stop asking questions now, it'll probably be for the better."
"You can't leave until we know what you're doing here. No exceptions."

He sigh heavily.
"I'm sure I have authority over you in this situation, if you try and stop me I'll resort to lethal force to carry on with my...hunting trip."

"Excuse me, we just saved your stupid ass. Whatever you're doing out here you're doing it poorly."
"I honestly don't even know if I have clearance to tell you what I'm doing out here, but it isn't anything you want to get your hands in. Just let it be, unless you want to come with and end up full of holes. And don't worry, I'm one of the good guys."

He turns his back, but Maria doesn't do anything for some reason. So, you decide to take action yourself.
And it just so HAPPENS that a small but thick and elastic root was hidden in the ground, right in front of his foot, bent down by the weight of the snow. And his footsteps dislodged that root, causing it to spring up out of the ground, right into the path of his foot, making him trip and fall.
The moment he does, you spring into action, pulling his arms up and behind his back, then stepping on their wrists to keep them pinned. As a final measure, you noisily draw your bow and take aim at his neck, making sure he knows you did.
"You're coming with us."


Game Events:

Raphael and Jamal are at "E,6".
Theron is in "B,9".
Maria, Vadim, and Maria's Partner are at "F,1".

Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:46 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
>DON'T LOOK DOWN just climb straight down and don't look down again.

Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:08 am

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
> "Don't try anything stupid, I guarantee i can put an arrow through a vital area faster than you think. Now why the hell are you out here with all that crap?" Probability nudge Maria's next action to be better

Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:16 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
> Blast his mind to high heaven if he so much as twitches the wrong way.

Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:59 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
"I'm here to investigate a person of interest, any attempts to get me to elaborate on that will be wasted breath."
Try and erupt a psionic cone between me and my captor; regardless of the result, act surprised.

Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:41 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
> Head to B,8.

Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:16 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
Follow him. Like a dog. Mmmm.

Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:38 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic

CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [8]:
You head southwest to the area of about C-7, and find yourself on the edge of a very large and furious snowstorm. You COULD continue in, but right now that might not be wise to just dive in and wander about without reason, if you were to just wander around in the snow like this you could easily freeze to death.
Well, maybe not you, since you have your Chakra. But Jamal, who's following like an obedient puppy, would have trouble.


Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [2]:
"I'm here to investigate a person of interest, any attempts to get me to elaborate on that will be wasted breath."
You quickly form a small cone of Psionic energy, and attempt to expand it to several feet wide and many tall to spear the one keeping you down. Except, you suddenly get what amounts to a mental sucker punch, and lose your focus. The cone dissipates, and the foot on your back presses down harder.
God dammit.

Good job bro, hang in there.
"HELP ME YOU ♥♥♥♥♥!"


Emogotsaone (Jamal) [4-2=2]:
Raphael starts walking away, and you dizzily stumble in circles for a few seconds, before you decide to stay there for a bit instead of trying to follow Raphael and fall over.


Izen (Theron) [3]:
♥♥♥♥ you looked down.
Ok. Just. Take it slow. Be calm.
You make it down the ladder without flipping your ♥♥♥♥, somehow, and turn around to look down the corridor. It's long and ends in what looks like a circular room at the end. Down here, you can see the light flickering, probably from a fire. You also hear a couple voices talking occasionally, one female and two male.
Vadim is getting his ass kicked by a couple girls, but he doesn't seem to be in any real trouble. Yet.
"Good job bro, hang in there."
HELP ME YOU ♥♥♥♥♥!


CrazyMLC (Maria Crazer) [1+2=3]:
You practically fall over your own feet, in your mind, but somehow you make a lucky stumble in the right direction, and faceplant onto the stranger with guns' mind. Luckily, this cancels out his attack!


JJA79 (Rose Fors) [9]:
"Don't try anything stupid, I guarantee I can put an arrow through a vital area faster than you think. Now why the hell are you out here with all that crap?"
Acting on a hunch, you boost Maria with your powers, and she blocks an attack the stranger fires off at you. You smirk to yourself, then push down harder on his arms to make sure he understands.
"Like I said.
You're coming. With us."


Game Events:

Jamal is at "E,6".
Raphael is at "C,7".
Theron is in "B,9".
Maria, Vadim, and Rose are at "F,1".

Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:02 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Psychic
> "You seem more incompetent by the second, but i think you can still do some damage if you aren't silenced. Maria imprison him." Boost Maria's action again

Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:33 am
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