Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #47)
caekdaemon (6 - 2 = 4)
"Nope. I'm gonna go see if I can find a training centre or something, I want to get used to using this hammer."You take a look around town, hoping to find some sort of training center. Just your luck - there doesn't seem to be one. Of course, if you think about it, why would a little town of crazy people even bother building a place like that?
Tokochiro (9)
ADVENTURE! You set out, happy to be alive in this wonderful world. You hear screams around a corner. Someone in TROUBLE? That means... ADVENTURE! You round the corner, but all you find is two people having quite an argument. Neither of them seems to be in any sort of peril, besides being horribly angry with one another.
Adam (You = 8) (Cercatore = 10)
"Yo cerc, see if you can get me some dough."The little squirrel jumps into action while you look around for shops. There are quite a few down the road, going by various names: "Bentley's Grocery", "Ernesto's Liquor" (You are tempted to visit this one), "Fodderall" (No clue), and an odd place called "Ancients."
None of them seem to be weapon shops, sadly.
Cercatore comes back, holding in his paws and teeth what looks to be 10 L., which is about as much as a little squirrel can carry.
Ociamarru (5 - 3 = 2)
You grumpily follow the gang, which doesn't seem to be moving very much. You express your discomfort making an unhappy face. No one seems to notice. Your animal senses are all but deafened by the noise and your drunken recession.
CaveCricket (2)
"There's some guy around here who's supposed to be good at solving riddles. Maybe we can try to find him?"Gabriel looks hopeful.
"Well, if he solves riddles, he can certainly help us out. We should look for him around town. Perhaps he has his own business."He takes off, looking around. He seems to have recovered pretty quickly.
Meanwhile, you attempt to find out why people are so angry.
You catch snatches of conversation, but there are so many people are talking at once that you can't make out a single conversation unless you stand right next to someone. You decide to butt in to the nearest one and be direct.
"Why are you arguing?"The only thing you get is a swift, harsh word from the woman you adressed.
"This is none of your business! This is between me and this idiot!" She points to the man she was arguing with a moment ago.
... You can't make heads nor tails of these people.
Torrent (8)
You follow Anderson as he looks around the town. After a while, he seems to get upset and gives up.