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 Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky 
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happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Yeah, I had to modify things to make it possible to work on a forum.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:20 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Head to D1

Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:02 am
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Turn Order
Asklar, caekdaemon, Amazigh, Miggles, Miggles' Monsters

Asklar/Prof. Longfellow runs down the hall and into the Furnace Room (D,3) and takes over from Vivian. With practiced ease that belies a lifetime of pressing his own ammunition, the professor melts the scrap silver and packs gunpowder into casings, finally producing enough silver bullets to last the entire night. Now if only he had something to shoot them with.
The noxious atmosphere of the Furnace Room gets to him, making him hack and cough, and he takes 1 physical damage.

caekdaemon/Vivan Lopez hasn't allocated her point of physical damage so I did it for her. In addition, because the Silver Bullets have already been created, she doesn't bother and simply runs back along the way the professor came, emerging out of the Secret Staircase in the Organ Room (Ground Floor B,3) to find the Werewolf staring her down. This may end badly.

Amazigh/Jenny LeClerc continues on her quest to put as much distance between herself and the Werewolf as possible and moves upward, finding the Gymnasium (D,1), where she finds an Omen.
Madman: A raving, frothing madman.
Gain 2 Might and lose 1 Sanity now.
Lose 2 Might and gain 1 Sanity if you lose custody of the Madman.
While she's there, Jenny decides to work out a bit and gains 1 Speed.

Miggles/Darrin "Flash" Williams once again feels the invigorating power of the full moon and gains 1 Might and 1 Speed. He smells the scent of silver and charges after it, lunging past the fear-stricken form of Vivian, and jumps atop Prof. Longfellow in the Furnace Room (Basement D,3), howling.
Combat attacking, Flash: 7d3-7: 1,2,1,1,3,2,1 (-7); 4
Combat defending, Prof. Longfellow: 3d3-3: 1,2,1 (-3); 1
Prof. Longfellow takes 3 points of physical damage as Flash rips and tears. Prof. Longfellow has been bitten, he may turn into a Werewolf!

Dog labors along after his master, pushing past the still shaking Vivian, but cannot get farther than the Dusty Hallway before exhausting itself.

Important Bits
Attic: When exiting, you must attempt a speed roll of 3+. If you fail, lose 1 might (but continue moving).
Catacombs: You can attempt a Sanity roll of 6+ to cross. If you fail, you stop moving.
Chapel: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 sanity.
Collapsed Room: You must attempt a Speed roll of 5+ to avoid falling. If you fail the roll, draw a basement tile and put it in play. You fall there and take 1 die of physical damage.
Furnace Room: If you end your turn here, take 1 point of physical damage.
Gymnasium: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 speed.

House State
Upper Floor

Ground Floor


Current Player Information
Haunt has been revealed! See PM for your rules.

  • Small Item Pile (Balcony, Upper Floor)
    • Rabbit's Foot: Once during your turn, you can reroll 1 die.
    • Spirit Board (Spirit Board ability, see this post)

  • Miggles : Darrin "Flash" Williams Werewolf
    Speed 4_4_4_5_(6)_7_7_8
    Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_7
    Sanity 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
    Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
    • Dog (+1 Might +1 Sanity + Dog ability, see this post) OVERRIDDEN FOR THIS HAUNT
  • Dog Monster
    Speed 4
    Might ?
    Sanity ?
    Knowledge ?
    • Not Stunned
  • Asklar : Prof. Longfellow Bitten
    Speed 2_2_4_(4)_5_5_6_6
    Might 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_6_6
    Sanity 1_3_(3)_4_5_5_6_7
    Knowledge 4_5_5_5_(5)_6_7_8
    • Silver Bullets
    • Crystal Ball (Crystal Ball ability, see this post)
    • Ring (Can attack with Sanity instead of Might if opponent has Sanity)
    • 4 points physical damage to allocate
  • caekdaemon : Vivan Lopez
    Speed 3_4_4_(4)_4_6_7_8
    Might 2_2_(2)_4_4_5_6_6
    Sanity 4_4_(4)_5_6_7_8_8
    Knowledge 4_5_5_(5)_5_6_6_7
    • Girl (+1 Sanity +1 Knowledge)
  • Amazigh : Jenny LeClerc
    Speed 2_3_4_(4)_4_5_6_8
    Might 3_4_(4)_4_4_5_6_8
    Sanity 1_1_2_4_(4)_4_5_6
    Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_4_5_6_8
    • Smelling Salts: Raises Knowledge to its starting value if below (You or another Explorer in the same room) (single use)
    • Music Box (Music Box ability, see this post)
    • Medallion: Immunity to the effects of the Pentagram Chamber, Crypt, and Graveyard.
    • Madman (+2 Might -1 Sanity)

Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:11 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Go to the third floor and to the closet. Search it this turn if possible. If not, move towards it anyway.

Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:28 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
>Allocate 2 damage points on each physical attribute. Run towards dusty hallway and climb up the secret stairways.

Not sure if I have enough speed to do this though.

Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:14 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Move the dog back up the stairs and have it attack Prof. Longfellow.
Follow Vivan and attack her.

Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:26 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Head to C1

Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:53 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Turn Order
Asklar, caekdaemon, Amazigh, Miggles, Miggles' Monsters

Asklar/Prof. Longfellow feels the moon's gaze full upon him, sapping his sanity.
Werewolf resistance roll, Sanity: 4d3-4: 1,3,1,3 (-4); 4
Prof. Longfellow barely manages to resist the siren call of the moon and attempts to run out of the room where the Werewolf is. Unfortuantely, in his weakened state he can only manage stumble into the Dusty Hallway (B,3), where the Dog lies in wait.

caekdaemon/Vivan Lopez runs as far away from the Dog and the Werewolf as possible, stumbling up the Grand Staircase only to collapse, exhausted, on the Upper Landing (Upper Floor C,1).

Amazigh/Jenny LeClerc continues on her quest to discover the rest of the house while ♥♥♥♥'s going down and finds the Game Room, where an event happens:
Image in the Mirror: If you don't have any item cards, this event affects the next explorer to your left with an item card. Discard this card if no explorer has an item card.
There is an old mirror in this room. Your frightened reflection moves on its own. You realize it is you from another time. You need to help your reflection, so you write on the mirror: THIS WILL HELP
You then hand an item through the mirror.
Choose one of your item cards (not an omen card) and put it in the item stack. Then shuffle that stack. Gain 1 Knowledge.
Jenny passes through the Smelling Salts (because her other item is way more useful) and smiles to herself, magically gaining another Knowledge for the sacrifice.

Miggles/Darrin "Flash" Williams feels the moon's rays on his back but his muscles cannot get any bigger without bursting. He scampers back past the fleeing Prof. Longfellow and charges up the stairs after Vivian. Unfortunately for Vivian, he is far faster than anything human and catches up to her almost instantly, pouncing with a bloodcurdling howl.
Combat attacking, Flash: 7d3-7: 1,1,1,3,2,3,2 (-7); 6
Combat defending, Vivian: 2d2-2: 1,3 (-2); 2
Flash savages Vivian, slashing and beating her within an inch of her life (or maybe less). Vivian has been bitten, she may turn into a Werewolf!

Dog doesn't bother moving, merely attacks Prof. Longfellow.
Combat attacking, Dog: 4d3-4: 3,3,1,3 (-4); 6
Combat defending, Prof. Longfellow: 2 (-1); 1
The Dog finishes off Prof. Longfellow with ease, the geriatric man already suffering from multiple horrendous wounds at the hands of Flash. As he succumbs to the cold embrace of death, he feels the madness the Werewolf's bite infected him with fade as well, the Dog's final bite on his neck providing him one small gift.
Prof. Longfellow has died.

Important Bits
Attic: When exiting, you must attempt a speed roll of 3+. If you fail, lose 1 might (but continue moving).
Catacombs: You can attempt a Sanity roll of 6+ to cross. If you fail, you stop moving.
Chapel: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 sanity.
Collapsed Room: You must attempt a Speed roll of 5+ to avoid falling. If you fail the roll, draw a basement tile and put it in play. You fall there and take 1 die of physical damage.
Furnace Room: If you end your turn here, take 1 point of physical damage.
Gymnasium: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 speed.

House State
Upper Floor

Ground Floor


Current Player Information
Haunt has been revealed! See PM for your rules.

  • Small Item Pile (Balcony, Upper Floor)
    • Rabbit's Foot: Once during your turn, you can reroll 1 die.
    • Spirit Board (Spirit Board ability, see this post)
  • Small Item Pile (Dusty Hallway, Basement)
    • Silver Bullets
    • Crystal Ball (Crystal Ball ability, see this post)
    • Ring (Can attack with Sanity instead of Might if opponent has Sanity)

  • Miggles : Darrin "Flash" Williams Werewolf
    Speed 4_4_4_5_(6)_7_7_8
    Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_7
    Sanity 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
    Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
    • Dog (+1 Might +1 Sanity + Dog ability, see this post) OVERRIDDEN FOR THIS HAUNT
  • Dog Monster
    Speed 4
    Might 4
    Sanity ?
    Knowledge ?
    • Not Stunned
  • Asklar : Prof. Longfellow DEAD
    Speed X 2_2_4_(4)_5_5_6_6
    Might X 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_6_6
    Sanity 1_3_(3)_4_5_5_6_7
    Knowledge 4_5_5_5_(5)_6_7_8
  • caekdaemon : Vivan Lopez Bitten
    Speed 3_4_4_(4)_4_6_7_8
    Might 2_2_(2)_4_4_5_6_6
    Sanity 4_4_(4)_5_6_7_8_8
    Knowledge 4_5_5_(5)_5_6_6_7
    • Girl (+1 Sanity +1 Knowledge)
  • Amazigh : Jenny LeClerc
    Speed 2_3_4_(4)_4_5_6_8
    Might 3_4_(4)_4_4_5_6_8
    Sanity 1_1_2_4_(4)_4_5_6
    Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_4_5_6_8
    • Medallion: Immunity to the effects of the Pentagram Chamber, Crypt, and Graveyard.

Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:09 am
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Heroes, you are in poor shape.

Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:13 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Head to C2

Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:22 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
We didn't have the manpower for this one :(

"Sorry...little girl. I best. while you can."

Give the werewolf a nice big hug.

Give the werewolf a nice belly rub that dogs like.

Send the girl to go get the revolver for a mercy killing.

Hmmm, no. None of those are good. I know!

Limp into the closet so I have a nice place to die so I can with my last act try and find the revolver.

It'll be sad and hilarious if the revolver isn't there.

There is one man that can be blamed for our defeat here.

Mikolaj! By the gods old and new I will haunt you till the end!

Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:06 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Murder Vivan.
Move the dog to C, 2 and have it attack Jenny.

Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:06 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Werewolf was pretty much perfect for Miggles' character, no wonder why we are probably gonna lose.

Still, it was fun!

Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:35 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Flash "Aaa-aaa" Gordon will forever be the best character.

Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:51 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Turn Order
caekdaemon, Amazigh, Miggles, Miggles' Monsters

caekdaemon/Vivan Lopez feels the maddening power of the moon upon her.
Sanity: 6d3-6: 2,3,2,1,2,3 (-6); 7
Vivan easily resists the cajoling power, then forces her barely functioning body into the Attic (C,0) and scratches at the closet door, hoping that the revolver is in it.
Closet door: 2d3-2: 2,1 (-2); 1
Her fumbling fingers manage to open the door, but nothing is inside, not even dust. However, an event happens:
A Moment of Hope: Something feels strangely right about this room. Something is resisting the evil of the house.
Place the Blessing token in this room.
Each hero rolls 1 additional die (maximum of 8 dice) on all trait rolls while in this room.
A glimmer of hope shines for Vivian, though the situation looks incredibly grim.

Amazigh/Jenny LeClerc doesn't take chances and continues on her way, finding the Larder (C,2), where she picks up an item.
Sacrificial Dagger WEAPON: A twisted shard of iron covered in mysterious symbols and stained with blood.
When making a Might attack with this weapon, you roll 3 extra dice (maximum of 8 dice), but you must make a Knowledge roll first:
6+ No effect.
3-5 Lose 1 from a mental trait.
0-2 The dagger twists in your hand! Take 2 dice of physical damage. You can't attack this turn.
You can't use another weapon while you're using this one.
Lucky find! Sadly it can't be used to defend yourself, only attack. Also lucky for Jenny, ending her turn in the Larder lets her get a snack, boosting her Might (+1).

Miggles/Darrin "Flash" Williams wastes no time, stalking into the Attic (C,0) and finishing off Vivian.
Combat attacking, Flash: 7d3-7: 1,2,3,1,3,2,2 (-7); 7
Combat defending, Vivian (blessing bonus +1): 3d3-3: 1,2,3 (-3); 3
Flash quickly tears out her throat and watches Vivian succumb. With her few remaining breaths she attempts to comfort the fearstriken Girl, patting her nicely on the wrist while she coughs blood out of her ruined throat. Finally, she falls back onto the cluttered rafters, quite dead. Flash watches the events transpire with bored disinterest, blood dripping from his fangs.

Dog smells Jenny and runs after the scent, easily finding its way through the now-open Larder (C,2) and attacking her.
Combat attacking, Dog: 4d3-4: 3,1,3,3 (-4); 6
Combat defending, Jenny: 5d3-5: 1,3,3,1,3 (-5); 6
Jenny and the Dog fight to a standstill, neither one able to injure the other. Pretty boring fight, really.

Important Bits
Attic: When exiting, you must attempt a speed roll of 3+. If you fail, lose 1 might (but continue moving).
Catacombs: You can attempt a Sanity roll of 6+ to cross. If you fail, you stop moving.
Chapel: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 sanity.
Collapsed Room: You must attempt a Speed roll of 5+ to avoid falling. If you fail the roll, draw a basement tile and put it in play. You fall there and take 1 die of physical damage.
Furnace Room: If you end your turn here, take 1 point of physical damage.
Gymnasium: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 speed.
Larder: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 might.

House State
Upper Floor

Ground Floor


Current Player Information
Haunt has been revealed! See PM for your rules.

  • Small Item Pile (Balcony, Upper Floor)
    • Rabbit's Foot: Once during your turn, you can reroll 1 die.
    • Spirit Board (Spirit Board ability, see this post)
  • Small Item Pile (Dusty Hallway, Basement)
    • Silver Bullets
    • Crystal Ball (Crystal Ball ability, see this post)
    • Ring (Can attack with Sanity instead of Might if opponent has Sanity)

  • Miggles : Darrin "Flash" Williams Werewolf
    Speed 4_4_4_5_(6)_7_7_8
    Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_7
    Sanity 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
    Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
    • Dog (+1 Might +1 Sanity + Dog ability, see this post) OVERRIDDEN FOR THIS HAUNT
  • Dog Monster
    Speed 4
    Might 4
    Sanity ?
    Knowledge ?
    • Not Stunned
  • Asklar : Prof. Longfellow DEAD
    Speed X 2_2_4_(4)_5_5_6_6
    Might X 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_6_6
    Sanity 1_3_(3)_4_5_5_6_7
    Knowledge 4_5_5_5_(5)_6_7_8
  • caekdaemon : Vivan Lopez DEAD
    Speed X 3_4_4_(4)_4_6_7_8
    Might X 2_2_(2)_4_4_5_6_6
    Sanity 4_4_(4)_5_6_7_8_8
    Knowledge 4_5_5_(5)_5_6_6_7
  • Amazigh : Jenny LeClerc
    Speed 2_3_4_(4)_4_5_6_8
    Might 3_4_(4)_4_4_5_6_8
    Sanity 1_1_2_4_(4)_4_5_6
    Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_4_5_6_8
    • Music Box (Music Box ability, see this post)
    • Sacrificial Dagger (Weapon, +3, must pass check first, see this post)
    • Medallion: Immunity to the effects of the Pentagram Chamber, Crypt, and Graveyard.

Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:47 am
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