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 Roll to Dodge : Destiny 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Gonna be wiping my machine in a minute or two. Expect the roll on Saturday, with some luck everything will be golden again.

Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:36 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Sky blue.

Remember my MapTool thing? I could try to make something like that but hex-based, if it's helpful.

Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:57 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Sure. Just reinstalled Windows, gonna take ma while to get back on my feet.

Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:21 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
On second thought I don't think I need to, the other MapTool should suit your needs.

Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:52 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Okay, while my machine updates, rolling.

1st January, 2062. One month since planet fall.

Game Event

[20] World Wide major event - Positive. Strange lights and flashes occur thousands of miles above the planets surface, drawing the attention of colonists throughout the globe. These flashes take place both at day, and at night, outshining even the stars themselves at times. Various colonists look skyward at night with binoculars, telescopes and see a great battle taking place in orbit of the world. Green and purple flashes rip out from ships in a great exchange of light. From the planet surface, it's hard to get a visual on who, or what is winning up there, but after nearly a week of continuous battle, the flashing lights stop and the rain begins. Dozens of pieces of debris of ranging in size from two feet to the size of houses. They slam into various places on the surface of the planet, but the largest piece lands in the ocean, nearly the size of an Exodus class colony ship. It breaks up and scatters during reentry, with most of the parts burning up before it slams into the ocean, shattering the already broken hulk. During the battle, radio transmissions are picked up on by the communications satellite, but they are almost completely indecipherable, having no cultural link to Earth languages to compare it with or having much in the name of context.


The defeated fleet moves to the star with the victor following them, firing shots across the void of space to inflict additional losses on the retreating fleet. By the time the defeated fleet leaves, ninety percent of their combat fleet is destroyed with twenty percent of the victor's fleet lost. Much of the debris stays in orbit creating a ring of wreckage around the planet. With their enemy defeated, the victorious fleet jumps into FTL to pursue them further.


Supradynamics United - CrazyMLC
[4] With the amount of food in the colony declining, the colonists start looking around for food sources. Luckily, the opportunity for food presents itself in the form of fish. They are pretty big and it doesn't take too long for a number of them to be caught and returned to the colony ship. One is delivered directly to the advanced mainframe to be scanned by it's systems. Twenty five minutes later, the mainframe files it's report. "Analysis complete. The fish is infact, edible. However, the body of the creature contains a series of poisonous sacks intended to poison a creature consuming the animal. Removal of these sacks is necessary before consumption. " It doesn't take long for a hundred colonists to start capturing and preparing some of the fish.

[6] After eating some of the local animal life, they start working on houses, but realize they don't have much in the name of construction materials. They start dismantling the ship's four engines, freeing up 1000 units of metal for construction of the houses. They use 125 units of metal to make houses for the remaining 1500 people, thanks to the mainframe making the process more efficient. The colony becomes a hub of activity as the construction progresses, with a number of industrial machines being lowered out of the ship to act as cranes and bulldozers for the construction progress. Welding takes place at the colony ship as the engine block is removed from the hull and rendered down into usable metal for the construction of the houses, with the sound of power tools echoing across the landscape. The mainframe assists in the design phase of the construction, designing attached houses that share structural girders to reduce the metal cost of the housing by 25 units.

[8] As the construction of the houses proceeds, Fifty units of metal freed up by the dismantling of the colony ship's engines is used to create a small factory building suitable for the construction of additional machinery. 25 machines are removed from the colony ship and driven over to the factory site where they are protected from the harsh environment. It doesn't take long to convert them into an assembly line capable of producing even more multi-purpose machines and a number of colonists wait in the building ready to start the manufacturing process with work commencing immediately on fifty units, with ten units completed. Meanwhile, far from the colony, one of the ATVs stumbles upon a still glowing piece of wreckage from the recent battle in orbit, about the size of a car while following a significant mineral vein. The crew get out and take a closer look. It looks like a piece of hull plating.

Colony Stats :
4000 colonists.
Housing : Enough for 4000 people.
Food : Colonists are eating the food from the colony ship. 16,000 - 3400 = 12,600.
Water : Colonists are using the water from the colony ship. 50,000 - 1250 = 48,750 - 3000 = 45,750.
Power : 100 - 1.25 ( prefab housing) - 1.50 (housing) = 97.25 units of power. Two units of heavy metals have been depleted.
Resources :
Food : 500 units of food produced per turn by 100 colonists. Democracy increases raw material production. + 20% = 600 units of food in total.
Metal : 815 units.
Production :
Multipurpose industrial machines : 50 underway, ten complete. Time remaining : 2 turns. Consuming one metal for each unit.
Morale : 70%
Base morale : 50%
Morale modifiers :
A new home! + 10%
Native life is infact, delicious. + 10%


Chernogradost-Golgotha Popular Directorate - Kebbit
[2] The Overcaptain starts giving orders in the wake of the previous attack. "You are to immediately finish excavation under cover of security teams stationed at the choke point before the cave widening. They are insects. We have firearms." His words, however, do little to encourage the worried labour force. They are being cautious with the excavations, in case they accidentally break into a tunnel. Progress is slow and it looks like the houses will be delayed another month, but the soldiers guarding the choke point remain at their posts, guarding the tunnel ready to give their lives if need be to stop the creatures reaching the mouth of the cave.

[9] The Overcaptain gives more orders to the team at the water pump. "The Directing Party will accept no delays with construction of the hydraulic outpost. See to it, citizens." The team over at the pumping station, however, make good progress on the pumping station. The machine gurgles to life, spraying water out of the uncompleted water pipe before they shut it down after a test, using twenty five units of metal to completely finish the pumping station and extending the power cable long enough to power the pump, along with adding a second pump to maximize water pressure. The pipeline is finished by the end of the month and water flows into the colony on demand. They ride the industrial machines back to the colony, where they are met with cheers and applause by the colonists. The first glasses of purified water taste as good as fine as the greatest shot of vodka after their hard work out near the lake.

[9] With the construction of the water pump under way and the construction of the housing delayed another month thanks to those damn scorpions in the tunnels, the Overcaptain issues orders to get vengeance for those souls who gave their lives so that the Directorate could live. "Up-armor five industrial machines with metal superstructures and staff them with Cherno kill-teams bearing flamethrowers. Mount an assault on the cavern. We do not allow Party members to fall victim to xenos. " He then turns to one of his officers. "The lone survivor. Get him medical care, acknowledge his heroism in first contact with indigenous man-eaters, give him my direct order for promotion - ask him to recount everything he remembers." Outside, the party after the first glasses of water breaks up with more work commencing to allow the Directorate to retaliate against those creatures who attacked the colony unprovoked. Revenge is a dish best served burning, he thought. The colonists started work on five multi-purpose machines, stripping off their mechanical tools and fitting points. Freed of much of it's weight, the resulting platforms roar with a lot of engine power and are monstrously powerful. They start welding on metal plates directly onto the frame around the pilot cabin, fortifying the platform into a mobile bunker. The glass viewing port for the driver is replaced with a large metal sheet with a viewing slit for them to see. Flame throwers are broken out of the ships armoury and attached to the base platforms., with a shared fuel tank to reduce the carry weight of the platforms and mounted on swivel points inside the bunker block.

While the platforms are readied, the sole survivor of the attack wakes up from his injuries and immediately some military officers move to his side to speak with him. "I guess this is about those creatures that attacked me and my team?" "That is right, Master-Sergeant Matveev. We're doing a counter attack and would like you to tell us everything you know about them.""They are less like scorpions and more like lobsters. They've got a bulb, sure, but they don't use it to poison, they use it like a harpoon. My second in command was impaled, right through his heart, they threw his body straight back and went back to attacking. I tried to get the squad into a defensive formation, but we were separated. The damn things engaged us one on one. It was over in minutes. I didn't expect to survive, I made a stand, back to the wall. All that I could see was the blood red armour of those things. I kept firing and reloading but eventually, a hit got through and I woke up here.""Thank you, Master-Sergeant. Oh, one other thing, we would like to give you the offer to take command of the assault, since you have the most experience with the creatures." Master-Sergeant Fedot Matveev nodded, "I'll be out of here in no time. I need to get some payback with those damn краба дьявола anyway! Count me in!" As the officers left the room, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a photo of his beloved, one of the colonists slain in the first encounter. "I'll be with you again, Yuliana."

The five platforms, now nicknamed, Пожарная часть or Firehouses, are ready for battle. A brief test of them driving around the main cavern with a weapons test shows that they are fast and extremely deadly. Master-sergeant Fedot Matveev is recovered enough to lead twenty five colonists into battle, taking the front flame turret of the lead vehicle. He steps aboard the vehicle and gives a speech to the troops before they embark and depart on the assault. "Those damn fiends in there attacked our brothers in sisters in arms unprovoked! They are so stupid that they think that we won't retaliate in kind, that we are too weak to defend ourselves against them! They. Are. WRONG! We will take these vehicles constructed by the labourers and we will have our vengeance! We will march into the depths of hell and we will come out again! Come with me, and I promise all of you, the Directorate will reward us greatly!" The assembled troops cheered and manned their positions with renewed vigor and they got underway. The platforms barely fitted into the tunnels, but there was enough of a gap that they could put some engine power down. Fedot made sure to bring his side arm, it saved his life before, maybe it would do so again?

The drive was long, but soon they reached what must've been a hive, as it was crawling in the bastards. The flamethrowers screamed to life and soon, the entire cavern smelt like burning metal. They made several passes, the heavy treads of the vehicle getting bogged down in disintegrating flesh. All the trucks had long scratch marks across them, but they couldn't break the steel of the Directorate! After ten minutes of silence, Fedot got out and took a look around. The air down here was clear of any dust and probably breathable without even a mask. He banged on the side of the lead Firehouse, walking down the row and banging on the side of the trucks. They disembarked, and looked at their handy work. Dozens, nay, hundreds of burnt scorpions lay dead or dying in the cavern light only by the headlights from the platforms. A single scorpion limped it's way towards Fedot, digging it's scythe like arms into the ground to drag it along like a mountaineer. He turned round, pulling his trusted side arm from its holster, and with one shot, finished the job. "Death, the only gift the Directorate gives it's enemies."

Colony Stats :
3996 colonists.
Housing : 3996 people are currently homeless.
Food : Colonists are eating the food from the colony ship. 16,000 - 4000 = 12,000.
Water : Colonists are using the water from the colony ship. 42,000 - 8000 = 34,000 + 15,000 = 49,000
Power : 100 units, 3 units used = 97. Two units of heavy metals have been depleted.
Resources :
900 units of metal.
Production :
One more turn to complete excavation. DELAYED
Water : Production = 15,000 units of water.
Military :
Thirty crewmen.
Five firehouses.
Morale : 90%
Base morale : 50%
Morale modifiers :
A new world to conquer! + 10%
Yes my Overcaptain! + 10%
Burn out the creatures + 20%

United Fourfold Commonwealth of Nundinates - Foa
[7] The Automated Formers two automated formers work together to prep the field. It's a very large field, around the size of a hectare, and the two formers together have the strength of two hundred experienced farmers. The field is tilled in a day and ready to be irrigated in the next as as one of the former drills straight into the underground river. The water gurgles to the surface, but would need a pump to be ready to properly irrigate the field. The other former, in the mean time, had prepared the soil for planting by sucking in soil and mixing water with it to make the normally dry soil more fertile. The gene vault on the ship in assistance with the Advanced Mainframe and planetary sensor array, decides to plant rice. The large quantity of water available means that, odds are, the area around the field will most likely start to grow all sorts of plants in a very short amount of time.

[5] The prefabricated houses are unloaded while the formers work on the field. The colonists get to work on deploying them with the aid of some of the multipurpose industrial machines. It doesn't take long before the houses start springing up along the road grid which makes moving around much easier. Power cables are hooked into each of the houses. While they do half solar panels, they still need to pull some power from the grid, albeit half that of a regular house. In addition, water pipes are connected. The power cables and water pipes are installed underneath the road surface before it gets smoothed over again. Some people jokingly ask for a white picket fence for their cookie cutter houses. They get to work on the fields afterwards, adding a water pump to the underground point and the field surges with water. The formers take notice and start planting rice seeds into the wet ground. With the vast amount of ground now growing rice, the advanced mainframe starts calculating. With the vast amount of processing power at it's disposal, it doesn't take long. "According to the calculations based on the area and estimated yield, it is estimated that enough crop should be harvested for twenty thousand units of food. However, the crop takes two months to grow, with the crop being ready for harvest at the end of next month since it was planted at the beginning of this month. Overall food gain is ten thousand units. Is there anything else, Helmseer?"

[7] With agriculture set up, attention is instead turned to what resources are nearby. With water available in huge amounts thanks to the underground river, instead, a search is mounted for mineral resources. They seem to detect minerals to the north. It'd take a while to travel there on foot, but in a vehicle it shouldn't be more than an half hour drive. However, there is no sign of heavy metals in the searched area. Finding radioactive material will most likely prove to be a challenge indeed. The dust in the planets atmosphere, however, seems to be a mixture of iron and rock being blown around the surface. It may prove to be a risk to the crops, but if the weather stays calm it shouldn't be a danger to the field.

Colony Stats :
4000 colonists.
Housing : 4000 people are currently housed with room for another thousand inhabitants.
Food : Colonists are eating the food from the colony ship. 16,000 - 4000 + 6000 = 18,000.
Water : Colonists are using the water from the colony ship. 46,000 - 4000 = 42,000.
Power : 100 units, -2.50 = 97.5. Two units of heavy metals have been depleted.
Production :
20,000 units of food ready next turn.
6000 units of water per turn.
Morale : 60%
Base morale : 50%
Morale modifiers :
A new world to explore! + 10%

Supreme Ark, Bellowing Nautilus

I'll be doing one or two rolls a day.

ThraxoCorp - Tomaster
[9] The CEO assigns fifty industrial machines to start excavating the crater wall. It's hard rock, but the machines make good progress, hitting seams of precious metals in the crater walls. Gold and Platinum are in abundance and in the future, electrical components will be easy to produce on a massive scale. Even though the work is quick, it would be better if it proceeded quickly so they can get to work checking for food and water. If they had explosives, it would be easy, but unfortunately, the ship doesn't carry no where near enough to cleave a path through the crater. By the end of the month, however, they breach the crater wall creating a more or less clear path to allow travel in and out of the crater. Some people call it the Thraxocorp Wall, thanks to it creating a nearly perfect defensive position, what with only two ways in - by land through the newly opened bottleneck, and by air. To a surprise, people find out why the crater walls were so hard.

They are made out of solid iron.

With some work, it would be possible to smelt down some of the ore to produce units of metal.

[9] With a path cut through the crater edge, the ATVs set out in search of materials, with one of them heading towards the field of grass they saw last month. They put their engine power down and blaze across the smooth surface of the planet, reaching the distant field in no time at all. The ground is nearly as smooth as a racing track. When they arrive at the grass field, they make a discovery. A large chunk of a ship, definitely not like the colony ships from Earth, in a crater surrounded by lush grasses and small bushes with the occasional tree. While so far from Earth, it appears life took a similar path to home. Fruits are in abundance here, but not enough to sustain a colony on as their only source of food. Instead, with a soil sampling kit, they find that the ground here is very fertile, well suited to growing cereal grains. The ATV bounces a signal off the communications satellite in orbit back to the colony ship to report back.
"Sir, we've found some kind of wreckage, definitely not from Earth. It's mostly intact, but the surface is scorched. Christ, it's smoking. It's too big for the ATV to haul back. On a side note, also found some plant life, the soil here would be great for wheat and oats. I could probably take a few dozen fruits and a hunk of the metal back if you need me to, sir."

[6] With the excavation work complete, albeit at a slower pace than the CEO would've liked, he puts out a request for a new mining vehicle. Something that could dig a lot faster than what they've got available right now. He decides to allow the formation of small work groups for him to give work contracts to before submitting the request. Two small companies form up, working out of their homes. Rock-B-Gone Mining Solutions, far less impressive than the name would suggest with only seventy "employees" and the Titan Manufacturing company with a hundred employees, the legacy of an old company from Earth. They both come up with two different proposals.

Rock-B-Gone come up first in his meeting roster having gotten their idea to him sooner than Titan Manufacturing. They walk into his office with a series of concept blueprints and resource information. "Hello, we over at Rock-B-Gone would like to show you our idea. We saw the request for a new mining vehicle and, after taking a look at what resources, what we've got available, that is, we've came up with possibly the most powerful mining vehicle that you could get. We think, that by using the point defense laser assemblies on the colony ship that it would be possible to create a sort of mining laser. My friend here has the numbers if you'd like to review them, but suffice to say, they should be able to vaporize 3 metre boulders in seconds, with a slight cost in power, around ten units or so with a plug into the reactor." After listening to the proposals and the numbers, they give him the goals of their project before leaving.

RbG - "Cleaver" Mining Vehicle
Resource cost : 1 laser focusing assembly, large (The point defense assemblies on the colony ship are each one laser assembly, and there are six on the ship). Five units of metal for the frame and body. Ten units of power for a month of operation. Relatively slow vehicle, the laser assembly is a heavy object to lug around, and fragile as well, but capable of outright vaporizing rocks nearly instantly, well suited for large scale excavation work, producing twenty units of ore a month. But experience in the use of lasers, both maintenance and operation, could probably lead to a different sort of vehicle all together...

Next, Titan Manufacturing step into his office, with a briefcase of design goals, concept schematics and numbers. They approach his desk with an aura of confidence. The leader, a young women, most likely an executive from the company before it...migrated, to this new planet speaks up. "We saw your contract for a mining vehicle, and as you know, Titan Manufacturing is highly experienced in dealing with various kinds of manufacturing machinery. We've taken one of older designs, tried and tested on Earth, the Hephaestus class mining vehicle. I promise you, it is, without a doubt, the toughest piece of machinery imaginable, and was only bet on Earth by ThaxoCorp's own machines. We've refitted the design to modify it to work more effectively on Planet, so you shouldn't have to worry. The parts needed are already in existence, too, since most of the parts needed for them can be found in the multipurpose machines. Now, the good thing is we've retained the function that the Hephaestus was famed for on Earth, and that is the built in smelter. Here, take a look at the documents and see for yourself. "

She hands the CEO a file of photos of the Hephaestus in service on Earth. It's served in a wide variety of environments. Quarries in the Amazon, underwater mining operations...It's a tough vehicle indeed. It'd only need a few adjustments here and there and it would cope with the new environment like a conqueror.

TM Hephaestus II Mining Vehicle
Resource Cost : Three multipurpose machines for parts. Five units of metal. It is a very tough vehicle, serving in various armies on Earth as a fortification vehicle with a few modifications, as such, the frame could probably resist explosions and the like. With an integrated smelter, it would be capable of smelting the fifteen units of ore it harvests into fifteen units of metal. Unlike the Cleaver, it doesn't use lasers or the like, but a hydraulic crane combined with a digging arm to breakup large rocks before being loaded into the back of the vehicle where the ore is sorted accordingly, with waste detritus ejected from the bottom of the craft. The ore is shifted into the smelters, then moved to a cargo module after completion.

He leans back in his chair to think on which contract to choose.

Colony Stats :
4000 colonists.
Housing : 4000 people are currently housed, with room for another thousand
Food : Colonists are eating the food from the colony ship. 20,000 - 4000 = 16,000.
Water : Colonists are using the water from the colony ship. 50,000 - 2000 = 48,000.
Power : 100 units, none consumed. Two units of heavy metals have been depleted.
Production :
1000 units of ore ready to be smelted into 1000 units of metal. Smelting facilities required.
Morale : 80% : Good.
Base morale : 50%
Morale modifiers :
A new world, with plenty of resources! + 10%
That's a lot of gold! + 10%
More than enough housing for everyone + 10%

Kyran Allegiance - Halo117
[5] The outpost is deployed at the beach after being towed out of the treacherous sands several times by the accompanying ATV. The vehicle is heavy and that most certainly doesn't help the delays, but after a while the vehicle makes it there and starts to unpack into the outpost. Dozens of multipurpose machines set out from the colony ship dragging a heavy cargo of prefabricated houses for deployment. They make better progress than the outpost, but only manage to bring enough housing modules for three thousand people and deploy them together. Cables are extended from house to house and to the outpost, linking the building's electrical surplus together, as well as connecting the water and communication systems. People are moved in, starting from the top of the command structure and going down.
DM comment : I coalesced these together to make it better for story. They are two separate actions, but taking place in the same location/time.
[10][2] The communication satellites in orbit (Assume they are already launched, they can't be launched from the planet surface, probe slingers rather than rockets.) rotate towards the predicted position of the two thousand colonists and start transmitting messages to the location. Meanwhile, five of the ATV-Rs are lowered from the colony ship and armed with weapons. Four are armed with machine guns, but the fifth is equipped with a jerry rigged anti-tank missile system by stripping off most of the rear part of the vehicle and replacing it with improvised rocket pods. They are loaded with some of the stronger workers and those with past experience with small arms and are equipped with a variety of weapons, mostly shotguns and assault rifles. A camera has been brought along to relay video feed from an on foot perspective and bounced to the colony ship via the communication network. The commander has no intent of losing touch with this military expedition, nearly half of the colony's combat strength.

Heavy winds throw large amounts of sand at the convoy as it sets off towards the north, the last known positions of the first expedition to the north. Two thousand people, a small number but titanic considering there aren't all that many humans left. The dedicated connection and processing of the feeds by the communication satellites allow undisrupted communications even in the worst weather. The post processing of the communications system on the colony ship itself cleans up the footage as it comes in. The leader of the convoy, James Ross, speaks over the radio. "Sir, we've got something. I can barely make it out through all this damn dust but I'm seeing flashes. Hold on...that's gunfire!" He slams the accelerator on the rover and the engine whines loudly as it starts to go to it's full power. James grabs the radio for the convoy and the compartments. "All troops, brace for contact. We're going in!. The soldiers slam clips into their weapons and do a final check on their equipment. The dust in front of the convoy starts to subside, showing the scene clearly. The original expedition is desperately fighting for their lives inside a kitbashed together fort assembled from the crates of food, barrels of water and the sleds used to bring them to this destination. Gunfire rings out across the area, shouts and screams intermixed as the valiant colonists make their stand. They look towards the convoy arriving and let out a cheer as the ATVs enter the fray, giving the commander and the convoy a clear view of their new adversary.

Large, insectoid like creatures covered in dark red carapaces, comprised of dozens of armoured plates moving across one another as they dart around with a speed that seems unnatural for their size. Two sets of "arms" stick out the side of their monstrous torsos, ending in serrated blades, the two near the top of the creature being like scythes while the bottom set are smaller and pointier, thrusting daggers.

The convoy's troops, at first surprised by this strange new enemy, quickly rise to the challenge in the Allegiance way. A voice speaks over a radio from an improvised command centre. "Bloody hell you have great timing! We're low on ammunition, these ♥♥♥♥ just keep coming!" James chuckles as he drives the lead ATV, crushing one of the beasts beneath its wheels as gunfire erupts from the fighting compartment and bullet casings rain across the soil from the turret mount. "Don't worry now, ma'am, the cavalry is here!" and cavalry they are, death upon wheels. Dozens of the strange beasts are brought down by the reinforced defenders, the beasts themselves horrified by the sound of the ATVs engines. After taking dozens of losses, they break off, leaving behind their wounded and their dead, now covering the ground like a tile floor. The ATVs pull up outside the barricades of the colonists and start to disembark, James diving out of the door of the cabin and into the cheers of exhausted colonists. He meets the commanding officer of the defense, a young woman, probably not much older than twenty six and clearly exhausted. "We've been yelling down the radio for days, no idea if you were hearing us or not. I guess you did, since otherwise we'd be goners!""We didn't receive anything, we were sent by the commander.""Good thing he sent you, then, we found a monstrous deposit of ore here, but that's not important. We've been fighting them since we got here nearly a month ago. We could fight them off easily at first, but the bastards just kept coming and coming, we haven't had sleep for days and were starting to run low on ammo. We did a count yesterday, we had ammo for another three days before we'd be over-".

As if by cue, the ground shakes. A large, monstrous beast of a creature erupts out of the ground a hundred metres from the barricades, the size of an outpost truck. Six muscular legs bring it forward and it looks like a monstrous beatle, aside from a large number of differences. A huge Y shaped jaw being the first and a dozen spear like tentacles. Bullets from the ATVs pound into it's crimson carapace, hitting nothing but armour plating. The beast lets out a roar and charges forward toward the barricades, every gun in there firing upon it's armour. A loud bang and a flash erupts on it's surface to the side of it's monstrous maw, just below one of it's many dark eyes.

A rocket nails a direct hit and annihilates a segment of plating, blowing deep into the muscle mass deep within, ichor pouring out of the monstrous wound."Focus fire on that hole!" yells out James, barely heard over the thunderous storm of battle. Bullets, grenades and rockets pour into the hole as the beast impales people on the tendrils and devours them hole into the maw. A tendril punches a hole clean through the man to James left, erupting out the opposite side of his chest with little effort, then hoisting him away and throwing him into the mouth of the beast. A bone crunching squelch is the last sound many of the colonists hear.

A rocket, the last in the group, slams into the wound with a crunch, a delayed fuse detonating later than anticipated allowing it to dig into the flesh of the titan and blowing an eye out along most of the creature's "face". With an ear piercing shriek, it writhes and falls still, it's tentacles falling limp to the ground as it seizes up, dead.

A few more bullets pour into the corpse, just to be sure before a fierce cheer erupts and colonists hoist their guns into the air, victorious. The Allegiance has encountered a fierce creature, almost demonic in form, and left it slain upon a battlefield. Underestimated again, the heroic troops cheer as the footage to the command centre continues.

Colony Stats :
5000 colonists.
Housing : 5000 people are currently homeless.
Food : Colonists are eating the food from the colony ship. 20,000 - 7000 = 13,000.
Water : Colonists are using the water from the colony ship. 50,000 - 14000 = 36000.
Power : 100 units, none consumed. Two units of heavy metals have been depleted.
Production :
Morale : 55% : Good.
Base morale : 50%
Morale modifiers :
A new world, it shouldn't be too hard to live here! + 10%
Beach front property, anyone? + 5%
Where did the 2000 go? - 10%

Minds of the World Combined - Unwoundpath
[9] The Director replies to the scientist, "Go ahead, it sounds like it will work well as were near the mountains, so take all you need." and the eyes of the scientist go wide with eagerness. "Thank you so much! I promise, it'll be worth every machine!", he runs off yelling to a few of his coworkers that the project has been approved. Three machines are appropriated for the engineering work and a group of people, ten strong in total move them to a remote part of the area nearby, keeping it hidden while they work on...whatever it is. Unimportant components occasionally disappear from around the colony. High powered lights, floor tiles and cable being the most common but including plastic utensils and the like. The team drag a power cable over to the little construction site and they begin working through the night on whatever it is. People sent to investigate are turned away, they'd like to keep whatever it is a surprise. Sparks bounce across the soil, ripped from the hardened steel bodies by power tools.

Almost a month after starting work on the new machine, it's moved in front of the colony ship and covered in a large curtain. Whatever it is, it's big, at least three times the height of a human being. People gather around and the team gathers in front with pride. "We're finally done, brace yourselves for the Bipedal And Modular Platform! Jerry, bring the BAMP online!" the lead scientist grabs the curtain and rips it off the giant machine. Large metallic legs lead into a bulky torso where one of the scientists is sat in comfort behind a glass screen, though it's a bit cramped inside, much of the room is used for air tanks and batteries. The back of the vehicle is one large powerpack with a group of communications antennae sticking out the top. Two large lights sit adjacent to the pilot cabin, illuminating all in front of the pilot. The two arms both end in stumps, fittings for modular tools that can be swapped in and out at discretion. "Jerry, take a walk and show the people the BAMP isn't just for show!" Jerry gives a thumbs up from the inside of the cabin and grabs the steering column, turns the vehicle, disables strafe and the legs come to life with a churn as the motors come to life for the first time. The BAMP makes decent speed and then Jerry stomps on the accelerator and the vehicle bursts into a small sprint. The batteries burn through power quickly, the bottleneck of the design forcing Jerry to slow it down. He brings it back round to the demonstration area. "We've got a few modular tools to show you, but it's getting late now so those can wait till tomorrow." The pleased looking scientist turns to face the BAMP and makes a few gestures with his hands. Jerry puts the BAMP into parking and the knees lower the vehicle to the ground, allowing him to climb out of the cabin.

[4] The mobile lab is lowered from the belly of the beast on the cargo elevator and brought online within minutes. Scientists draw lots to be the first ones in it's laboratory and the journey to the beach. In the end, a mix of geologists and biologists take a trip to the shore. Scientific instruments are deployed from the top of the vehicle and scientists hop out to take a walk around. Some of the biologists take a look at the various lifeforms near and in the water and log down several new species of fish, insect and plant. Meanwhile, a scientist aboard the lab takes a sample of the water with a robotic arm and starts analyzing it. Millions of new species of bacteria and virii are found in the droplets recovered, though putting it through even a simple filtration system renders the water safely drinkable.

Aside from smaller discoveries of new types of grasses and fauna, little happens.

[3] The Director orders the personnel left at the colony ship to start work on some protection from the elements, but being the day dreamers the scientists are at heart, little progress is made. But progress *is* made. The scientists mostly dismantle an engine, freeing up a hundred units of metal, but no progress on building the housing. But for the most part, the colonists don't mind camping out for a while as it lets them interact more closely with this strange new world. Many have taken a fondness for looking up at night into the clear sky where the red moon, nicknamed Tartarus by some of the scientists burns in the night sky. It's a heavily volcanic planet and using a telescope you can see even further into the system where the gas giant, called Cronus, looking similar to it's cousin across the stars at home in the Sol system. Even now, some scientists use their telescopes to look deep into the sky to gaze upon that sun, with dreams of the fields of green grasses, the deep blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds and the cities of the homeworld.

With luck, those fields, those clouds and those cities will live again one day thanks to the gift of terraformation. But until then, they lie in the dreamless sleep along with the twenty seven thousand souls in cryogenic suspension upon the colony ship, the seed of Earth that it is.

Colony Stats :
3000 colonists.
Housing : 3000 people are currently homeless.
Food : Colonists are eating the food from the colony ship. 20,000 - 3000 = 17,000.
Water : Colonists are using the water from the colony ship. 50,000 - 6000 = 44000.
Power : 100 units, none consumed. Two units of heavy metals have been depleted.
Resources : 1000 units of metal.
Production :
Morale : 75% : Good.
Base morale : 50%
Morale modifiers :
A new world, with plenty of new things to study! + 10%
Native life?!? + 10%
Can we go for a swim? + 5%

Okay, nailed down the metal to building ratios. 250 units of metal = enough housing for 2500 people. Therefore, 1 unit of metal = 10 houses. I also hammered out the colonist resource production ratios.

1 colonist is capable of producing five of any resource with just hand tools. With a multipurpose industrial machine, they can produce ten of any resource. A former does the work of a hundred colonists, so 1 former = 500 of any resource. Different machines would cause different results. Every government type has different modifiers which are affected by morale.

It's possible to build your own of anything replacable from Earth, including the formers.

EDIT : For the love of god, if anyone spots a mistake please tell me. It's mostly the math for the resources since I use the previous roll as a template and sometimes (most of the time :p ) something can slip through.

Last edited by caekdaemon on Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:37 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:01 pm
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"We can only last so long at a loss of food, and I'm making it my personal mission to solve this crisis. Together, united, we can fix this - but we have to get moving, people."

> Need. More. Food. Start farming the nearby areas, using the Automated Former and some other Formers, along with some colonists.

> Drum up excitement in the community for the need to make our food and water supply much more efficient and recycle. Have the Advanced Mainframe help us make our food production and consumption more efficient and enjoyable for all those involved.

"If you put something on your plate you should eat it! We can't afford any waste right now, we have to work hard to get on our feet. We can do this!"

> Have some of the ATVs bring back the hull plating. Consult the Advanced Mainframe on it and have it scanned, and contact the scientific community in the colony about studying and replicating the material. Have the rest of the ATVs continue exploring, being careful not to venture too far away from the colony.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:21 am, edited 5 times in total.

Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:41 pm
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> "The threat has been crushed. We will not go homeless out of simple fear. Finish excavation, deploy hydroponic systems and residence for our people."

> "Remove a number of the best and brightest citizen-workers from their current environment and drill them in established techniques of agronomy and crop genetics."

> "Assemble a hundred-strong militia with rifles and an explosive launcher to each tenth soldier. Send them off in pairs of recon vehicles; northwest, northeast, south, west, east."

Last edited by TheKebbit on Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:50 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Oh wow, Foa got a boatload of food from the formers. Maybe I don't need to make such a big deal out of solving our food issues, my fish must just be dum.

Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:20 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
CrazyMLC wrote:
Oh wow, Foa got a boatload of food from the formers. Maybe I don't need to make such a big deal out of solving our food issues, my fish must just be dum.

It's actually the different mechanics of food in play. Some kinds of food, like fish for instance, are harvested every turn.

Plants, on the other hand, are harvested every two turns, so they naturally payout a lot more.

Besides, agriculture pretty much made modern civilization possible :p

Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:03 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Put the image ins a spoiler, it's annoying to refresh the page, and have the forum UI being grossly warped whilst the browser tries to cope with it.

Anyways, slowly building up my roll action.

Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:00 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Foa wrote:
Put the image ins a spoiler, it's annoying to refresh the page, and have the forum UI being grossly warped whilst the browser tries to cope with it.

Anyways, slowly building up my roll action.

I don't know what browser you're using, but I don't have that problem. It flows better this way.

Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:02 am
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It screw over the posting UI.

Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:22 am
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Foa wrote:
It screw over the posting UI.

Huh. I don't have that problem, but okay.

Also, Tomaster's roll is done. I swear, I'm getting faster again :)

The roll should be finished in a day or two.

Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:25 pm
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Me neither.

"While I appreciate your design, we may need to save the lasers on the ship for a more military orientated role. If you could come back to me with a combat design, I might consider that. For now, we're going to go with Titan Manufacturing's design."

> Approve construction of five H2MV's, and assign them to smoothing out the tunnel, and converting ore to metal.

> Submit a request for a more improved multipurpose machine.

> Have the remainder of the houses deployed within the safety of the ThraxoCorp Wall™. Begin harvesting fruit for a short term boon to food, while we work on a farming solution.

(To the ATV-R's) "Yes, excellent. Submit both the ore and fruit to the scientists for analysis."

Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:36 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
I got bored.

Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:53 pm
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