It's been a while! I'm here, and ready to go!
Onward! To battle!
Tokochiro (5)
"Ey gil! I need your help here, fix my leg already!""Gil" seems a little preoccupied at the moment, so you turn your attention to killing your enemies.
You aim a fist at the nearest rat, but fail to put much force behind it. (5 v. 6) The rat sidesteps the attack, then brings his hammer about for a strike. (5 v. 6) You manage to hobble out of the way. This battle is getting crazy.
Inv. [4]
-Bandage (1) [1] (wrapped around leg - unusable)
-Nunchuck Cane [3] (wrapped around leg - unusable)
P-Abilities-Helping Hand (+1 to assisting friends)
-Taekwondo (Chance to block oncoming punches or kicks (2nd dodge roll))
A-Abilities-Minor Regeneration
-Minor Plant Control
Status-Right Foot - Broken (-1 to dodge rolls, No use of foot) (Regenerating... 2 turns left...)
-Left Lower Body - Bruised (Healing...)
-Right Upper Body - Bruised (Healing...)
-Left Hip - Cut (Regenerating... 2 turns left)
Ociamarru (5 - 1 = 4)
(I am very sad about this roll. Believe me, I would have loved to see that attack succeed.)The rat with the rod goes for another strike. (3 v. 4) He misses, and you push him over nonchalantly with one hand.
You aim for the head of another rat close by, and plunge your claw-arm straight for him.
"Eenbreyd, feelthy maungreyl!"(4 v. 4) He completely fails to notice your attack, but you miss anyway.
(Spitting roll = 7) Well, you might've missed on that opportunity, but you won't miss this one. You spit at the rat, hitting him right in the back with a loud splat. He freezes.
Then turns.
He looks really mad.
Inv. [7]
-Hammer [3]
-Badass Wolf Gear w/ claws [4] (+1 to all dodge rolls, and Primal Beast Senses)*
P-Abilities-Expert Craftmanship (+1 to metalwork)
-Strong Arms (+1 to strength rolls)
Status-Back - Heavily Bruised (No effect)
Torrent (Healing = 12 - 1, Attacking = 7)
You put your left hand up to your head, activating your healing powers. Your hand glows with soft light, and your head clears up quickly. So quickly, in fact, that you feel all tingly... almost slightly drunk. But there's no time for that, because the rat next to you needs to be punished. You move quickly with your dagger and stab at him. (7 v.

He avoids your strike, ducking under your blade and stepping backwards to a safe distance.
Inv. [4]
-Hip Flask [2]
-Dagger [2]*
P-Abilities-Sleight of Hand (+1 to dexterity)
A-Abilities-Minor Force Imbuement
-Minor Healing Touch
Status-Tingly (No effect. Wears out in 2 turns.)
caekdaemon (11)
"You're calling me weak when I'm using a large hammer as a weapon? Do you have no intelligence? Oh wait, you're a rat."(Behind the scenes rage roll = 10) He snarls at this and charges with angry haste, swinging his blade furiously. (8 - 2 v. 6) You manage to slide around his crazed slashes, and try to pull off a really crazy move. You ready your hammer into position like a golf club, pull back, and swing it with everything you've got. (11 v. 5) The rat is facing away from you when the attack hits him in the side. You hear a cracking sound. Most likely a rib. Maybe two. You continue spinning and head for a second rat. (11 v. 12) This one leaps as far as he can to try and avoid you, running his head into a wall. You finally slow down to a stop. You feel really dizzy...
Through a haze of double-images, you see two big black rat bodies stand up, turn and face you. You see two pairs of eyes glowing with hatred. And they're getting closer.
"You're going to die for that," say the two rats simultaneously.
Inv. [6]
-Small Hammer [2]
-Enhanced Large Hammer [4]*
P-Abilities-Metal Worker (+1 to metalcraft)
A-Abilities-Minor Mental Forge
Status-Dizzy (-1 to rolls for one turn)
Adam (1 - 1 for inexperience using said weapon = 1)
You take the chain by what seems to be a handle, and swing it as hard as you can at a rat. The weapon doesn't do exactly what you intended, instead wrapping itself around your legs, making it extremely difficult to move.
The rat that you tried to hit seems to think this is the best time to attack. He's right.
His buddy backs off as he swings his tail at you once more, (7 v. 5 - 2) hitting you in the face. Your cheek burns like fire, and you clutch it in pain. You feel like screaming aloud.
Inv. [9]
-Broken Handle [1]*
-Odd Chain-Whip [4]
-Chainmail [4]*
P-Ablities-Fist Fighter (+1 hand to hand combat)
Status-Right Arm - Whipped (Pain)
-Right Cheek - Whipped (PAIN)
-Legs - Bound by chain (-1 to dodge rolls)
-Great Pain (-2 to actions)
CaveCricket (4)
You make your way back to the entrance area, effectively blocking it off. A rat comes for you, slicing with a small dagger. You swing your sword at him diagonally, (4 v. 9) But he jumps back. Thanks to your positioning, he can't reach you well enough to counterattack.
Inv. [13]
-Shortsword [3]
-Dan's Black Powder Rifle (Unloaded) [4]
-Dagger [2]
-Nikolai's Longsword [4]*
P-Ablities-Stealthy (+1 to sneak)
A-Abilities-Minor Telepathy
Status-Upper Back - Bruised (No effect)
Gabriel takes another swing at a nearby rat (10 v. 1 - Holy crap.) taking off its arm. He then cuts off its head while it screeches in pain. Blood flies about the room.
Yeah... Gabriel just kicked ass. You guys are fighting pretty well. As you've probably noticed, I've upped the difficulty since your last battle. Fighting is now a lot more punishing, so there is a serious risk of death. Keep your wits about you.