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 RTD Galactic Reboot! 
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
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Judith: "If you don't mind me asking - who are your customers? Is there a significant threat in this region that demands this sort of weaponry?"
Blacksmith: "Weer near th'old waazone of us and Grevet. We took back tha continent 'round 3 months ago, and they let us 'ave it 'cause they're goin after the new guys, Bunok. They only formed 'round 50 years ago, when a bunch of the dukes of Grevet thawt they could have a rebellion. Ended up makin a new 'dom for us ta fight. Not complainin though, it splits our enemies. But now, we got nobody ta fight, and I only get calls for stock 'round 3 or 4 taimes a month. Used ta be bustling, with out troops here everyday, but now..."
Jakob: "Yeah. The capital suite."
Arica holds up 2 fingers.
Barkeeper: "Kay, just transfer me the funds."
(You can do this with your mind, as you all have basic implants.)
You look around. Nobody seems too bothered by the bar fights.
Kyr: "Yeah, that's what I thought pinky."
You walk out of the bar, looking for a weapons shop. Well...there's a blacksmith, and a general shop. Blacksmith seems like a better option. The door's wide open.
Someone 1: "If you don't mind me asking - who are your customers? Is there a significant threat in this region that demands this sort of weaponry?"
Someone 2: "Weer near th'old waazone of us and Grevet. We took back tha continent 'round 3 months ago, and they let us 'ave it 'cause they're goin after the new guys, Bunok. They only formed 'round 50 years ago, when a bunch of the dukes of Grevet thawt they could have a rebellion. Ended up makin a new 'dom for us ta fight. Not complainin though, it splits our enemies. But now, we got nobody ta fight, and I only get calls for stock 'round 3 or 4 taimes a month. Used ta be bustling, with out troops here everyday, but now..."
Jakob: "Yeah. The capital suite."
Arica holds up 2 fingers.
Barkeeper: "Kay, just transfer me the funds."
(You can do this with your mind, as you all have basic implants.)

Judith Trovare (CaveCricket48)

Jakob Stennard(TheKebbit)


Health = 16/16 Physical, 11/15 Stun, 28/31 = 90% Combat Effectiveness

Tue May 30, 2017 12:13 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
"I need a shotgun, boomstick, deck clearer, whatever you people call it and 2 pistols. What do you got?"

Tue May 30, 2017 12:36 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
"Business goin' down, huh.

What's the agriculture scene like? How does food come into town?"

Tue May 30, 2017 3:26 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Pay, then check out the room. That other girl can take the other bed, if she arrives.

Tue May 30, 2017 3:34 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
>Pay, go upstairs, check out the accommodations.

Tue May 30, 2017 3:59 am

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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
Uh...I accidentally deleted the post, and I can't redo it...

Last edited by TheMysticDreamer on Wed May 31, 2017 2:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue May 30, 2017 4:57 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Checkout the rifles while the blacksmith is helping out Kyr. Semi-auto or bolt-action stuff. See if there are any optics, too.

Tue May 30, 2017 5:02 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
"I'll take that break action and a box of ammo. Throw in those semi autos and 240 rounds too. I'll throw in these local coins if you point me towards someone who'll drive without asking question."
Load the guns. Strap the shotgun to my back and head out to whoever is willing to drive me to my bloody gunship.

Wed May 31, 2017 2:20 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
>Close up the room, head downstairs and get back to the street. Is there a workshop or a grain mill around? I might need work for a bit.

Wed May 31, 2017 3:54 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Fill up a glass or a jug or both, set it by the bed where it's easily accessible.
Then, pomf on my bed. Fluffy?

Wed May 31, 2017 4:13 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
GM Rolls:
STUFF: 2246

Rifles and optics, huh.
For optics, there's a variety of sights, mostly dot sights, up to 3x zoom, around 100 to 300 GC. There's also a couple ACOG for 4-8x zoom, for 600GC, and a thermal 4x, for 1000GC.


Wooden Hunting Rifle: There are many, many of these, hung on every wall. they have anywhere from 2 to 10 round capacities, and shoot .33. Some are breech loaded, some are bolt-actions. Every variety is available. 500-1250GC, depending on how good it is, and the decorations. 30GC for 80 rounds

Specialist Rifle: Uses military standard 20-round 3.11 (7.62mm), light, wooden with no carvings, semi-auto, shoots about as fast as you can pull the trigger. 1500GC, 50GC for 100 rounds, bulk deal of 400 for 1000 (Party Pack!)

Heavy Rifle: Plasteel gun, long, thin, fires .60, 1 round clip. Manual load, deadly precision. Has a 2x to 20x magnification sight. 2800GC, 15GC for 10 rounds

Light Sniper: Plasteel, 10 rounds, semi-automatic. Fires .338. Comes with ACOG. No much else to say. 2100GC, 80GC for 100 rounds.

Kyr: "I'll take that break action and a box of ammo. Throw in those semi autos and 240 rounds too. I'll throw in these local coins if you point me towards someone who'll drive without asking question."
The blacksmith picks up all three guns, then digs around in a large pile of small boxes, eventually putting 3 boxes on the table.
Blacksmith: "1200, 50, 1200, 2400, 170, so 2570. Handle thais one with care," He says as he points to the shotgun, "She's one'o a kaind. And abaut dravas, thare's Old Rick daon tha raod, in tha house with tha green sedan. Keep tha coins, you'll need them ta pay'im."
You pay the blacksmith into his GalTram, and grab the guns. Where are you going to keep them?

You exit your room, lock it, and go outside. As you look around for businesses, you see a blacksmith, a leatherworker's, a general store, and a grain mill. Most of them seem locked up, though the blacksmith's has distinct chatter coming from it.

You look around for water. None in the room, so you'll have to go downstairs. There's a large plastic jug, around 2 meters tall and very long, with a small pump attached. You take one of the pitchers, which looks mostly new, and a metal mug, that smells faintly of bleach, and fill the pitcher with water.
Balance: Strength and/or Agility > 4 = Yes
You carefully carry the large pitcher up to your room. After putting down on the middle nightstand, you let yourself fall onto the bed. It easily absorbs your weight, and you feel the feathers, though slightly stiff, is overall supportive and soft, although not quite "fluffy". However, the wool is very soft, from use or perhaps treatment. Either way, it feels incredible after spending hours stuck in a metal escape pod, bolted down.

Judith Trovare (CaveCricket48)

Jakob Stennard(TheKebbit)


Health = 16/16 Physical, 11/15 Stun, 28/31 = 90% Combat Effectiveness

Last edited by TheMysticDreamer on Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 31, 2017 2:28 pm
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
>How good is the "signal" on my Galtram? Can I access any sort of internet? Are any of my contacts within reach?

Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:39 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Look for a bolt-action rifle with an internal magazine that can be loaded via door on the side of the receiver. Capacity of 5+1. Adjustable iron sights via knobs. Picatinny rail on the top.

Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:28 am
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
Strap the shotgun to my back and shove the pistols in my belt gangster style. Ammo can just go in every pocket I have.
Set of to the house with the green sedan?
"Judith right? Do you want to come along?"

Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:01 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: RTD Galactic Reboot!
> Sleep?
Hm. Maybe sleep.
Yeah, sleep.

Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:15 am
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