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 2D:Core Fates [One-Third Way through Character Creation] 
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 0/2 Action Conflicts Resolved
> Go do more work, get more money.

Place T0 Ether Radical in (3,3)

Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:59 pm
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 0/2 Action Conflicts Resolved
Or walk out on MLC, but whatever.

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Go do more work, get more money.

Place T0 Ether Radical in (3,3)

You create a T2ii Ether Radical on 3,3, you still have 7 more steps.
Your pool is clear, excluding the T2ii on 3,3

Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:22 pm
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 0/2 Action Conflicts Resolved
> Sure, why not; have a chat with the waiter.

Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:31 pm
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 0/2 Action Conflicts Resolved
> Strike up a conversation about the order.

Place T0 (4,3)
Nudge 2,2 (1)

Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:37 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 0/2 Action Conflicts Resolved
I am a horribly lazy DM, wooooo.

And MLC, ur commited.

Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:25 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 2nd Roll Pending
Second Roll

  • Events ::

Still three steps. Alan and Nathaniel Meet

Nathaniel Ectio -When I'm finished eating, wander outside and look around. Sure, why not; have a chat with the waiter. [13/13 Steps]

The Waiter seems to be another affably magical individual, but being around him, you feel a bit of an internal twinge.

You make short work of your breakfast, and pony up with his attempts for chatter.
For the most part, he seems to be a menial laborer that is around and about, and is having trouble with accretion, and inspiration.
Seemingly, he is interested in some help. [I'm a lzay DM, I wonder if you guys can handle talking to each other between turns, in an IC manner.]

[I think I am forgetting something... hummmmmmmmmmmm]

Alvin Miller -Talk to the Adept, and see if they can spark my very inactive curiosity. [3/3 Steps] [Commited is Commited]

The Adept seems somewhat interested in your case, and doesn't mind much the strangeness of this morning.
It goes on, and you figure out the Adept is a Considerable Journeyman under years of tutelage by a Regional Scholar.
The staff, and the other patrons seem to not mind, that you are taking someone's time over others'.

It seems interesting that there is another magically capable around with a sort of knowledge, or skill gap.

Amelia Oaks -Go do more work, get more money. [8/13 Steps]

Instead of having a late breakfast, you continue through your chores for another eight currency.
As far as it matters, you now have a round number of Fifty Units of Local Currency, and a full meal is about Twelve.
You aren't doing bad for yourself, but it dawns on you, that it's nearing Noon as far as time goes, and you are getting peckish.

You are at an esteemed Apothecary's Roost, but you feel glad you aren't desperate for a living, not for a long while.
It is a harrowing thought, but you shake it, the best you can; and you look around in a daze, happening upon a Scholar of Note.[+10 Steps]
[I bestow unto all of you little shits, the Gift of Gab]

  • Reactions ::

Refinement :Append 3: [Free; Automatic; No Tick; T\n\+1]
    Two non-Diagonal and Adjacent Tiles of the same Type and Tier merge onto the Last Moved Tile
  • Ionized :: In which three like tiles are refined into an very energetic one +[T\n\+i]
  • Pulse! :: Two Ions are Refined unleash a pulse of unadulterated energy +[T\n\+i]
  • Burst! :: A highly unstable reaction, which is Ionization taken to its extreme, can cause cascading failures. +[d6 -> ?!?!]
Harvest :Zero Roll: [1 Step; Requires Coordinates; Tn -> T0]
    The Tile under said Coordinates is Harvested, diminished to a lesser state, and you are given resources.
    Certain conditions apply, like Harvest Cost.
Place Tile :Zero Roll: [1 Step; Requires Coordinates]
    Places a Resource Tile on said Coordinates if it is unoccupied.
    Extra Conditions depending on the Tile, like Cost, otherwise, placing a tile is one step
  • Overlap! :: A very bad idea, overlapping two tiles, especially with two or more unlike tiles +[d6 -> !?!?]
  • Spaced! :: The result of a tile being sent to a null square, but for the most part, tiles gravitate to legal squares. +[d6 -> Space/Nudge]
Nudge Tile :Zero Roll: [2 Steps; Requires Coordinates and Quadrant]
    The Coordinates are for targeting the tile you want to nudge, and the Quadrant is the direction you want to nudge a tile.
    Needs an unoccupied space to move.
    Quad: 1- Up Right; 2- Up Left; 3- Down Left; 4- Down Right
  • Slide! :: Through further investment into pool control, one can slide a whole row over in a Q-direction.

  • Resources ::

Ether Radical :Append 3: [1 Step; Tile; Non-Gendered; Radical]
5 Tiers [T\0...2\]
    T0 - The most Basic of the Basic, it is a simple mote of unpotentiated energy, Mana. [Cost- Free; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?]
    T1 - [Cost- 5 Mana; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?]
    T2 -[Cost- 20 Mana; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?]
3 Known Reactions Undiscovered
    Can be Refine ::
    Can be Ionized ::
    Can be Bursted! ::
Ionized Radicals :: [Charged; Unnatural?; Tile; Radical]
These overcharged Radicals take on a form greater than their current form, but much less than their greater form.
These motes of energy passively charge the pool with a slight energy, if the Ion is unstabilized, it will decay into a lower energy level, and give off a noticeable burst.
2 Known Reactions Undiscovered
    Can be Pulsed!
    Can be Decayed!
??? ??? :: [???]
??? ??? :: [???]
??? ??? :: [???]
Arcana :: [Unnatural?; Tile; Arcana]
The Least Arcana is the most gaunt form of the Arcanas, but it allows you to channel energy in the crudest way possible.

Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:20 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 3rd R Pending, MLC u so silly
I thought since all three had committed I could commit even farther in advance.

Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:04 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 3rd R Pending, MLC u so silly
Well, it's a stupid system, that I didn't fully explain, and I'm probably going to roll the actions as they come in, then pend, then finalize.

I'm not going to do what the experiment thread did, it failed due to poor organization.
That being said, the only thing organized here is the art assets.

Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:41 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 3rd R Pending, MLC u so silly
To the waiter: "The only interesting thing I have to speak of is a past that I try every day to forget."

Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:07 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 3rd Roll done, screw Art Assets
> Go eat brunch.

Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:17 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 3rd Roll done, screw Art Assets
"You make it sound as if being an Adept is a bad thing."

Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:27 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 3rd Roll done, screw Art Assets
"Well, I suppose it has its uses, but if I had a choice in the matter, and a bit of foresight, I might've chosen not to receive such gifts."
"What about yourself? Surely bartending isn't the finest work for one who has some skill in magics? You'd likely be able to find much more interesting work elsewhere, would you not?"

Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:09 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 3rd Roll done, screw Art Assets
[I'm tempted to feel better about a stupid system, by doing a dumb move, and doing something that involves a new system that pretty much makes me feel good about myself.]

[Flyweight system, solves the issue of GOD DAMN DISCRETE FINANCIAL NUMBERS, and mostly the reactions, by allowing abstraction, best of all, it's up to negotiation]

Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:37 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 3rd Roll done, screw Art Assets
Do eet.

Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:19 am
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Post Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 3rd Roll done, screw Art Assets
[Either we get onto skype, steam, or the irc channel HKU invented, considering your characters, you could probably directly port them anyways.]

Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:48 am
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