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 Legends of the Sky - Six and One 
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:

Several hours later, after observing the ice spell form for the umpteenth time, something clicks inside you.
Leon: "Oh? Something?"

You concentrate a moment, looking for something different within your spell casting senses, and lo and behold there it is, a new unfamiliar bump adjacent to your healing spell. A nudge brings it forth to the surface, and from there it flows almost on its own, the mana twisting and flexing, taking shape in your hand in a much simpler and different form than the only other spell you've learned so far. Feeding a bit of mana into the formed spell, your hand shrinks back as a wash of cold air falls down onto it. A spot above your open palm twinkles slightly as ice crystals form, fall, and melt when they hit the warmer air.
Leon: "Congratulations. You're no longer just a healer."

Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:54 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Yes. Now I'm - Ice Gun Healer.

What's next? What time is it?"

> How late is it?

Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:12 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Yes. Now I'm - Ice Gun Healer.

What's next? What time is it?"

> How late is it?

Leon: "Ice Darkness Thunder Gun Heal Sniper. Heh.
Uh, should probably check on Frederic and Karina. They should've found something by now. It's uh... looks around 4? Where's a clock..."

Yeah, around 4 looks right. Sun's still high and bright, but on the descent.

Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:34 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Seems about four."

> Go find Karina and Frederick!

Tue Apr 02, 2019 1:27 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Seems about four."

> Go find Karina and Frederick!

The two of you head to the north district again, to where the merchant offices and docks are. A quick walk through doesn't find them, so you head to the main avenue leading from the docks, to scan through the restaurants lining the road. There, sitting at a table in front of a cafe are Fred and Karina. Karina has her eyes half closed and her hands propping up her head as she lazily watches the crowd, while Frederic seems to be enjoying the sun and reading through a small book. The knight actually has his breastplate removed now, instead only wearing a brown tunic on his upper half.
On approach, Karina spots you and perks up, causing Frederic to glance up momentarily from his book.

Karina: "Oh thank the lords, Leon, Gram! Do you have something interesting to do?"
Frederic: "Welcome back. You find everything you needed?"

Sat Apr 06, 2019 7:59 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Yup. Now I have access to ice magic! Should give me a little more utility out in the field. Got some specialty penetration ammo, too.

What've you guys been up to?"

Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:09 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Yup. Now I have access to ice magic! Should give me a little more utility out in the field. Got some specialty penetration ammo, too.

What've you guys been up to?"

Karina: "Nooooothiiiiing."
Frederic: "Found a caravan leaving south tomorrow at noon. We can hitch a ride with them. Been waiting for you since then."
Karina: "Yes! Now let's do something!"
Frederic: "Well now that we've met up, sure."

> Do something!
> Timeskip

Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:24 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Wanna go training? I need to break in the new spell."

> Timeskip training!

Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:59 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Wanna go training? I need to break in the new spell."

> Timeskip training!

Karina: "Yes! Let's!"
Frederic: "I'm game."


The four of you spend a few hours back in the training ground, mostly testing out various things with your bullets. The ice spell attaches to a bullet easily, plenty of space in the spell to stick the bullet. Throw tests work pretty much the same as with the fireball spell, but with cold instead of flame.
You do end up trying out the mana bullets in your gun by pulling the ball from your regular cartridges and replacing them with a mana formed bullet. At Frederic's insistence, he is the one to hold the gun during the test fires.
With a spell-less bullet, it makes a small blast at the point of impact. With your ice spell attached, the results are... different. The bullet itself hits the wall you fire at, but the impact is fairly unremarkable. Interestingly, the wall where it hits is still its normal temperature, but the barrel of the gun is chilled after firing. Seems the spell activates the moment the gunpowder goes off.

You also take the time to test out the effects of the other 6 elemental spells Leon knows on a thrown bullet. Light, wind, and electricity work fairly predictably. Water has a pretty weak effect, and earth displays pretty much no effect. Those aren't surprising, Leon says those spells need the caster to have some of the material ready to use as a projectile. There isn't a ton of moisture in the air, and the concrete wall is built to be pretty much immovable without much stronger magic.
Darkness has the most interesting effect, with a small cloud of black smoke lingering at the spot where the spell went off. With Leon's assurances, you touch the smoke and feel both a chill creep into your hand, and some of the mana get sucked out of your body.

Karina also tries attaching her armor glitter spell to a bullet, and though it has no effect on the wall, after Frederic bravely volunteers it does seem that the spell attached to him correctly after striking the bullet on the ground next to him.

Karina: "That was fun! Those bullets are super neat, Gram!"
Leon: "They are very interesting, yeah. A lot of tactical uses for that, it seems."

Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:56 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Yeah. I'll have to stockpile them, will definitely be handy to have a ton of 'em at the ready."

> Timeskippy travel, make magic bullets on the way

Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:58 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Yeah. I'll have to stockpile them, will definitely be handy to have a ton of 'em at the ready."

> Timeskippy travel, make magic bullets on the way

It's getting late, so the four of you go your separate ways after making plans for meeting up the next morning.

You have trouble falling asleep that night, filled with thoughts of your first real trip outside of Madosa and your first real taste of the Adventurer life. You make do by doing maintenance on your gun, and checking on your bullet former every few hours.


The morning arrives, and after a quick breakfast and making sure you have all your gear, you head out toward the docks. It's a foggy, somewhat overcast day, but not enough to impede you navigating the streets. Once at the docks you see the others already gathered and waiting by the dock their boat is tied up to. Karina is rocking back and forth on her heels, clearly excited to ship out again.
Frederic: "Good, you're here. So, we're gonna be riding alongside a Mercury Traders ship caravan down to Belus, docking in the port of Gunan. The trip there should take about a week, and from there it should be a 3 or so day trip to the capital. Or, if we find some work and money in Gunan, we can hire a carriage and make it same day.
On the ships we can likely expect various feisty bird beasts, just annoyed that we're in their airspace. It'll be up to us to safeguard our ship, and if we're ok then helping other ships as well. If we end up needing the caravan's help, they will step in but they'll be billing us. So let's not let that little shame befall us."

Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:52 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Roger. I'll put my extra supply of ammo to good use."

> Double check I have all my ammo. Have Leon charge a mana bullet to be Electric, and then load my gun with the electric around and two lead shots, such that the electric shot is first.


Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:58 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Roger. I'll put my extra supply of ammo to good use."

> Double check I have all my ammo. Have Leon charge a mana bullet to be Electric, and then load my gun with the electric around and two lead shots, such that the electric shot is first.


You do in fact have all your ammo. With that, the group heads to Frederic and Karina's ship to wait til the caravan sets out. While you wait, you have Leon make a bullet with electric polarized mana, and load up your gun with that in front.


It's day two of the voyage, so far uneventful. Frederic has taught you, Leon, and Karina how to operate the wheel and controls, and you now take shifts keeping the boat in line with the rest of the caravan. The clouds drift by lazily as the hours pass, and everyone has taken to books, games, and chatter to amuse themselves.

On one of your shifts steering, Frederic comes up.
Frederic: "Hey Gram, pass the time with me. You ever been down south to Melgard?"
You have not. You haven't been to any of the four continents, your life so far has all been contained on and near Madosa. Not uncommon, considering the distance.

Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:59 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Nope. Never really went far from Madosa."

Sun Apr 07, 2019 11:13 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Nope. Never really went far from Madosa."

Frederic: "Hm. It's, different, the continents. More spread out, less bustling. The islands are... concentrated.
I've never been to an isolated island like that. Definitely a strange change from vast singular land. I've never really had to wonder what would happen if I, well, fell off.
Anything in particular you want to see down there?"

Hm. Well, what is down in Melgard.
On the east end of the continent there's the three sister kingdoms, Belus, Bankes, and Bartusis. They all came about when one big empire split, after three royal sons got into a succession battle. That was hundreds of years ago you think. They're arranged in a rough west-pointing triangle, with Belus the western point, Bankes the southeast, and Bartusis the northeast.
Bartusis is the most mountainous, Belus the most forested, and Bankes in the middle. Bartusis apparently has pretty good metalworking technology, while Bankes is the region's breadbasket, and Belus the trade center. Despite the old wars and squabbles, tensions have cooled down after hundreds of years.

The middle of the continent is the Air lord's domain, a large stretch of mountains, pits, and valleys, most notable for being the single highest concentration of continental floating islands in the sky. That is, floating islands directly above the continental land. Birds and flying creatures obviously are king in that region, but fairly safe travel routes have been set up through the region.
On the west end of the continent is the Fire lord's desert, the Calid. It's... well, it's a desert, full of fire creatures. Some brave or crazy souls have made civilization out there, and have the market cornered on whatever you can get out of the desert. Mostly sand, you'd think. At the center of Calid is a great volcano, the only one currently active in the entire sky. Not sure what kind of things live around there, but it'd be the prime spot to get any magic materials relating to fire.

Oh, you do remember that apparently right on the border between the Air and Fire lords' domains, where the mana of the two mingles, there tends to grow plants with the characteristics of both. In other words, plants that burn hot and stir up a lot of air. There's several cities situated along the border, and they've ended up specializing in various forms of explosives! The region is in fact the chief producer of fireworks and weapons-grade gunpowder for the whole sky.

That's all that springs to mind right now.

Wed Apr 10, 2019 3:52 am
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