Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
Well, I bet this was unexpected. But I only noticed this action while preparing to roll. I'd recommend taking the events of this miniroll into account before proceeding, since there is no point making a full roll for charging into an empty room.
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Shield and mace, get ready to leave the prison room following behind the teleporters and attack whatever they aren't attacking.
You raise you shield and keep your weapon ready. With a kick the door comes open and you charge inside, ready to fight. Unfortunately, there is no one in front of the door. You look around quickly.
There is no one in the room whatsoever, not even one guard. It seems they were so arrogant as to not even post a guard outside the door. Have they only been capturing unarmed peasants?
You hear voices to the left, through a door, along with the sound of rolling die.
A woman asks, carefully.
"So, uh, are you sure it's a good idea to not post a guard outside the door? These guys seem tougher than the usual." And a man responds with a voice that barely contains fury by the sound of it,
"Are you questioning the Daemon's orders?""No sir, sorry sir!""That's more like it. He doesn't believe they are a threat so they are not a threat. Urish already got banished for questioning his orders.""You and I both know that was a merciful judgement by his standards."They go back to playing their game and you look at a gigantic mural on the wall of a fast moving river, with a figure wearing a white cloak standing in it with two dice in their hands, three and five. Their eyes look to be glowing light blue and there is a story at the bottom of the mural.
Apparently, this man's name was Kultra, the first Dice Master, otherwise known as the Torrent. According to what the dice cultists believe, it was he who discovered the power present inside the die when the Dicelord came to him in a dream one day and taught him how to make magical dice to channel the innate power of probability. Kultra became a devout follower of this new faith and preached it to his fellows in the Forum, the governing body of the town that Kultra lived in. People were skeptical, though, thinking him a raving mad man till he threw a dice in anger during a meeting about bandits.
The resulting explosion leveled the entire Forum building and Kultra fled the scene with his acolytes into the forest, establishing the Dicefaith proper. His powers only grew with practice and refinement, becoming a master of manipulating water rendering him invincible on the battlefield. He was ultimately slain however, not in combat but in bed, when the ten women of his harem simultaneously attacked him after he was done. With his dice out of reach, he was felled with twenty dagger strikes in the chest.
And so ended Kultra the Torrent. Some believe his harem was in fact manipulated into doing the deed by his successor and second in command, the Puppetmaster, an expert in mind control. The number of blows also forever discouraged the faith from ever going above six. There is a maximum of six people in a group, a maximum of six die in a pouch and so on.
Suddenly, you hear a voice shouting from below. Not with anger, but as though he had no indoor voice.
"So! What is the reason that you bring this man before me, my friend?""My lord Daemon, he was found to be cheating with weighted die!""The insolence! The arrogance! The stupidity!""Please my lord! Have mercy! Tis was only a game!""Mercy?!? MERCY?!? YOU HAVE COMMITTED AN AFFRONT IN THE EYES OF GODS AND MEN!""For that, there can be no mercy.""What shall be his punishment, my lord? Flaying?""No, not today. The worst punishment I can give for this blasphemer.""Oh gods, no, anything but that!""You're going to hear me sing. Ebbit, get the beat box."Suddenly, there is some harsh, bassy noise from below, the
music to his song.
"They call me the Daemon of Dice,
I've made many a sacrifice,
You made an affront to our lord,
By rights you should get the cord!"Before he could continue, the one called Ebbit says,
"He's dead, my lord.""Oh, damn. I was getting into that, too. I was about to do the "they call me mad," part, too. Throw his body outside.""Aye my lord."You shudder at the horror that man must've went through. The Daemon of Dice appears to be complete and utterly insane, while Ebbit seems to be so loyal as to be programmed.