Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
First Roll
Events ::
Good Morning!!! 3 Steps Now is the time to have a nice chat with the GM
[Image TBD]
Nathaniel Ectio -[10/30 Step; You Tried, *]
You fail to harvest anything, these Lower Form Radicals are violently binded. Ether Radical T2 at (3,3) and (2,2) Because of Request
Sleeping at the table has become a regular occurence for you, and your mentor is too far gone with the thought that you are an impassioned youth, it is flattering, at a distance. You wake up with for the most part a clean slate, and heavy body, the journal is thankfully lacquered to prevent a mess from what has transpired over the night.
The upstairs room seems dimmer for some reason, and you smell a bit ripe. Maybe it is time to search for the Scholar, or finally have a meal in the tavern downstairs.
You are met with a strange pause. [+10 Steps]
Nighthawk wrote:
COLOR Sex :: Male
Affinities :0:
Necromancy - An in-born talent allows Nathaniel to control the energies of the living. His greatest feat was reanimation. Transmutation - Because of the nature of his mother's reanimation, he has a handle of transforming, or tempering thaums. Light - In his brilliance, he was raised around the Gleaming Noon, and is accustomed to the free radicals that shine forth from the Eden Furnace Dark - In his years after, and meticulous work in the Shimmering Dusk, he had to find ways to practice his art with the scholar that brought him up to Journeyman Healing - It is a natural occurrence that one can mend wounds, is also of gentle nature, and a knack for others. It is sad.
Afflictions ::
Cascading/Unstable - His last great manifested he'd admit, would be reanimation. He knows better, he is a powder keg inside, and can surge forth greater feats in his instability. [Prone to Unstable/Uncontrollable Reactions] Mutable/Split - As a journeyman, one thing sets him aside from a vagrant, profession. As Nathaniel, one thing sets him apart from a Journeyman, nerve. [Difficulties with Unstable Radicals/Thaums/Arcana]
Biography ::
Nathaniel was born into a poor household. His mother was always sickly and his father had left the family long ago, never to be seen again. Left basically to fend for himself, Nathaniel found he had the ability to control the life-force of other creatures... and people. The power went to his head, and he abused it for a time, using it to threaten others in the slums and get what he wanted. However, when his mother finally succumbed to a terrible sickness, his uncontrolled powers, fueled by his grief, caused her animated corpse to rise and begin terrorizing people. Horrified by what he had done, Nathaniel fled his home. He eventually met a scholar who taught him how to control his abilities, and set gave him work as his assistant. Nathaniel spent a few years in his care, but became restless, and felt the need to travel and search for meaning in life. He left with his teacher's blessing, visited his old home one last time to pay respects to his mother, and set off on a journey that would take him who-knows-where....
Nathaniel is a bit of a pessimist. He never believes that things will simply 'work out for the best,' and commonly prepares himself for disappointment. This does not stop him from having a strong sense of justice, however; he cannot stand seeing people mistreated, for it brings back guilty memories of the times he used others to get what he wanted. Indeed, he feels guilty every time he uses his skills in Necromancy, though his teacher always told him he had such powers for a reason. Caught between confused guilt and a sense of duty to help those who are in a state of poverty as he once was, Nathaniel continues to search for a reason for his existence.
Alvin Miller -[30/30 Steps; I AM SO PROUD OF YOU, SON]
Ether Radicals
T1iv [Fourfold and Very Unstable] (4,4) T2ii [Double Ion and Stable] (4,2) T1i [Single Ion and Stable] (4,0) T1 (2,0) T0 (1,0) T1 (0,1) T2 [gg] (0,0)
Least [Let's Get Creative!] (1,3)
Minor Overlap [Space!!!] (1,2)
You are sore after a restless sleep in the backroom, and find that there is a certain rush when you get up and about. The bar feels strangely wary, as opposed to the more usual air of warmth.
It is uncomfortable to think that your nightly nightmares may be because of nightly visits from real mares.
Let's Get Creative! - [!!!] Stunted - With a lack of memory, things are all a blur, you have experienced a lot, but it is worth nothing other than the feeling in your pulsing veins. [Difficulties with Nonstandard/Experimenting with Radicals/Thaums/Arcanas]
Biography ::
Green is not a creative color!
Amelia Oaks -Wake up and then inspect gear. [0/30 Steps; I WISH I HAD A SON, LIKE MLC]
With a start, you feel that something is amiss, and scramble out of bed in indecent attire. It is far into the future, where you have had to get by, initially on bequeathing your more sacred possessions, an interesting thought, considering what followed after; but you still manage to have clothing for the awfully brisk weather of the Dusk-Lit City, and nice leather padding, with small bits of chain mail.
Your wardrobe is otherwise lacking its old splendor, but you still manage to have a Flanged Sceptor, made of a lightly flickering metal, and a pair of Vambraces of similar make.
Outside, the cresting light can be made out over the nearby hills... Hmmm. [+ 20 Steps]
Puritanical - [Difficulties with Stabilizing Arcana] Monolith - [♥♥♥♥ if I know]
Biography ::
Born into wealth, the Oaks family was known for its greed, obsession for power, and inability to discern the gender of children. Amelia quickly became fed up with her family and left at the young age of 13 to join the church, devoting her life to aid others and fight the corruption in kings and nobles. With powerful supportive skills and experience with shields and heavy armor, Amelia fought on the front lines in holy wars as a heavy defender or from the rear as a support mage. With time, the church had eliminated all of the visible corruption in the hearts of leaders, only to fall to corruption itself, and eventually tear itself apart from internal conflicts.
With the church collapsed and her family one of the many accused and executed, Amelia travels the land, searching for a purpose while questioning her past actions.
Reactions ::
Refinement :Append 3: [Free; Automatic; No Tick; T\n\+1]
Two non-Diagonal and Adjacent Tiles of the same Type and Tier merge onto the Last Moved Tile
Ionized :: In which three like tiles are refined into an very energetic one +[T\n\+i]
Pulse! :: Two Ions are Refined unleash a pulse of unadulterated energy +[T\n\+i]
Burst! :: A highly unstable reaction, which is Ionization taken to its extreme, can cause cascading failures. +[d6 -> ?!?!]
The Tile under said Coordinates is Harvested, diminished to a lesser state, and you are given resources. Certain conditions apply, like Harvest Cost.
Place Tile :Zero Roll: [1 Step; Requires Coordinates]
Places a Resource Tile on said Coordinates if it is unoccupied. Extra Conditions depending on the Tile, like Cost, otherwise, placing a tile is one step
Overlap! :: A very bad idea, overlapping two tiles, especially with two or more unlike tiles +[d6 -> !?!?]
Spaced! :: The result of a tile being sent to a null square, but for the most part, tiles gravitate to legal squares. +[d6 -> Space/Nudge]
Nudge Tile :Zero Roll: [2 Steps; Requires Coordinates and Quadrant]
The Coordinates are for targeting the tile you want to nudge, and the Quadrant is the direction you want to nudge a tile. Needs an unoccupied space to move. Quad: 1- Up Right; 2- Up Left; 3- Down Left; 4- Down Right
T0 - The most Basic of the Basic, it is a simple mote of unpotentiated energy, Mana. [Cost- Free; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?] T1 - [Cost- 5 Mana; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?] T2 -[Cost- 20 Mana; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?]
3 Known Reactions Undiscovered
Can be Refine :: Can be Ionized :: ??? ??? ??? Can be Bursted! ::
Ionized Radicals :: [Charged; Unnatural?; Tile; Radical] These overcharged Radicals take on a form greater than their current form, but much less than their greater form. They give off a slight pulse of energy, and aren't too stable. 2 Known Reactions Undiscovered
Can be Pulsed! ??? ???
??? ??? :: [???] ??? ??? :: [???] ??? ??? :: [???] Arcana :: [Unnatural?; Tile; Arcana] By sheer luck, a player has gotten an Arcana on their First Roll.. and with that are on their way to formalized magic. The Least Arcana is the most gaunt form of the Arcanas, but it allows you to channel energy in the crudest way possible.
Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:38 pm
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
> Put on gear/grab scepter, go check out the town.
Nathaniel Ectio -Pay a visit to the tavern for some food. Listen in on conversations while I eat (if I can). [13/13 Steps]
Pertinent Info There's not really any, I can enlarge if you'd like.
You aren't brought down by much of the inclined weather. The morning is a bore, and the soft blue light in your room and board do not help with your tiredness. You shake the thought of the lapping azure shadows from your dream.
With a quick through path, across the way, you hurry into a local tavern for a late meal. The hearth burns nicely, but buffets with each gust. And you start to make out your late night ravings hitherto, as you stares at the coolly lit room. At least dining here isn't bland.[+10 Steps]
Nighthawk wrote:
COLOR Sex :: Male
Affinities :0:
Necromancy - An in-born talent allows Nathaniel to control the energies of the living. His greatest feat was reanimation. Transmutation - Because of the nature of his mother's reanimation, he has a handle of transforming, or tempering thaums. Light - In his brilliance, he was raised around the Gleaming Noon, and is accustomed to the free radicals that shine forth from the Eden Furnace Dark - In his years after, and meticulous work in the Shimmering Dusk, he had to find ways to practice his art with the scholar that brought him up to Journeyman Healing - It is a natural occurrence that one can mend wounds, is also of gentle nature, and a knack for others. It is sad.
Afflictions ::
Cascading/Unstable - His last great manifested he'd admit, would be reanimation. He knows better, he is a powder keg inside, and can surge forth greater feats in his instability. [Prone to Unstable/Uncontrollable Reactions] Mutable/Split - As a journeyman, one thing sets him aside from a vagrant, profession. As Nathaniel, one thing sets him apart from a Journeyman, nerve. [Difficulties with Unstable Radicals/Thaums/Arcana]
Biography ::
Nathaniel was born into a poor household. His mother was always sickly and his father had left the family long ago, never to be seen again. Left basically to fend for himself, Nathaniel found he had the ability to control the life-force of other creatures... and people. The power went to his head, and he abused it for a time, using it to threaten others in the slums and get what he wanted. However, when his mother finally succumbed to a terrible sickness, his uncontrolled powers, fueled by his grief, caused her animated corpse to rise and begin terrorizing people. Horrified by what he had done, Nathaniel fled his home. He eventually met a scholar who taught him how to control his abilities, and set gave him work as his assistant. Nathaniel spent a few years in his care, but became restless, and felt the need to travel and search for meaning in life. He left with his teacher's blessing, visited his old home one last time to pay respects to his mother, and set off on a journey that would take him who-knows-where....
Nathaniel is a bit of a pessimist. He never believes that things will simply 'work out for the best,' and commonly prepares himself for disappointment. This does not stop him from having a strong sense of justice, however; he cannot stand seeing people mistreated, for it brings back guilty memories of the times he used others to get what he wanted. Indeed, he feels guilty every time he uses his skills in Necromancy, though his teacher always told him he had such powers for a reason. Caught between confused guilt and a sense of duty to help those who are in a state of poverty as he once was, Nathaniel continues to search for a reason for his existence.
Alvin Miller -lazily work in the pub. [3/3 Steps]
Pertinent info. A T1iv Ether Radical collapsed into a T1iii. [d6 -> 3] A Spaced Ether Radical becomes a Free Roaming Ether as it wrecks havoc on your internals. [d6 -> 1; d4 -> q2]
You believe you are starting to hallucinate, and Today is starting off horribly.
Today is especially cold for some reason, but the drafts in the tavern are starting to pick up, even with the in-set doors. Not much is new, you end up stealing two of the backroom blankets, and bus the counter, as the patrons, and other works huddle around the stove, hearth, and mantle. Of which, it seems only a few of the regulars have come in for a late breakfast- You approach an Adept, with their order.
Let's Get Creative! - [!!!] Stunted - With a lack of memory, things are all a blur, you have experienced a lot, but it is worth nothing other than the feeling in your pulsing veins. [Difficulties with Nonstandard/Experimenting with Radicals/Thaums/Arcanas]
Biography ::
Green is not a creative color!
Amelia Oaks -Put on gear/grab scepter, go check out the town. [0/23 Steps, Well then, +10 steps for three next turns then]
It's a pity that most of your gear had to be sold off to travel out of the Brighter Lands... No matter. You put on your normal gear: leggings, trousers, tunic, tabbard, and a furred over tunic. You leave most of your leather, and chain, as you head out the door with only the scepter, and a horizontal holster-pouch.
With your passable accommodations, you are given a nice view of the fluctuating lights of the Greater Bright over the nearby foothills, just outside of the local shadow. It is inspiring.[+10 Steps]
It is cold, and the shade takes a cooler form today than any other you care to recall. There are a few writ offices around, for each little plaza, and block cluster, but Today's simply started for you, and you eventually stop in the late morning, between a few usual tasks around town.
CaveCricket48 wrote:
COLOR Sex :: Female
Affinities :-1:
Abjuration -As an Affectueux Fregate, she was trained in the ways of Turning many Materials, and Setting many more Structures Divination -It may have come with her renowned wit, and powers as an abjurer, but she was privy to higher perception and scrying Enchantment -This mostly came from her dissatisfaction and greater schooling, but personally, it came from her generally sympathetic nature: the ability to feel, and move others. Light - Her family generally was born, raised, and devout in the Brighter Lands, of Lacire Gnomyc.. to be specific, around the Ismuth between the Inner and Intermediate Archipelago. Armored Support -From her days in the Chapel, she was trained in combat, and affectionate magics to better bring out the greatness of her regiment.
Afflictions ::
Puritanical -Considering the extremism and grossly permeated corruption that plagued the tenants that she stood by in others, the only way out, or away, was through strict observance. It may have hampered her in other walks of life, but the life of a Regiment Warrior made specialization less of an issue. [Difficulties with Stabilizing Arcana/Experiments] Monolith -Considering her upbringing for the extreme majority of her life, she is heavily burdened by way of specialization, though her vastly different parts weave into an unyielding make, she is a Frigate, and not a Corsair. [♥♥♥♥ if I know]
Biography ::
Born into wealth, the Oaks family was known for its greed, obsession for power, and inability to discern the gender of children. Amelia quickly became fed up with her family and left at the young age of 13 to join the church, devoting her life to aid others and fight the corruption in kings and nobles. With powerful supportive skills and experience with shields and heavy armor, Amelia fought on the front lines in holy wars as a heavy defender or from the rear as a support mage. With time, the church had eliminated all of the visible corruption in the hearts of leaders, only to fall to corruption itself, and eventually tear itself apart from internal conflicts.
With the church collapsed and her family one of the many accused and executed, Amelia travels the land, searching for a purpose while questioning her past actions.
Reactions ::
Refinement :Append 3: [Free; Automatic; No Tick; T\n\+1]
Two non-Diagonal and Adjacent Tiles of the same Type and Tier merge onto the Last Moved Tile
Ionized :: In which three like tiles are refined into an very energetic one +[T\n\+i]
Pulse! :: Two Ions are Refined unleash a pulse of unadulterated energy +[T\n\+i]
Burst! :: A highly unstable reaction, which is Ionization taken to its extreme, can cause cascading failures. +[d6 -> ?!?!]
The Tile under said Coordinates is Harvested, diminished to a lesser state, and you are given resources. Certain conditions apply, like Harvest Cost.
Place Tile :Zero Roll: [1 Step; Requires Coordinates]
Places a Resource Tile on said Coordinates if it is unoccupied. Extra Conditions depending on the Tile, like Cost, otherwise, placing a tile is one step
Overlap! :: A very bad idea, overlapping two tiles, especially with two or more unlike tiles +[d6 -> !?!?]
Spaced! :: The result of a tile being sent to a null square, but for the most part, tiles gravitate to legal squares. +[d6 -> Space/Nudge]
Nudge Tile :Zero Roll: [2 Steps; Requires Coordinates and Quadrant]
The Coordinates are for targeting the tile you want to nudge, and the Quadrant is the direction you want to nudge a tile. Needs an unoccupied space to move. Quad: 1- Up Right; 2- Up Left; 3- Down Left; 4- Down Right
T0 - The most Basic of the Basic, it is a simple mote of unpotentiated energy, Mana. [Cost- Free; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?] T1 - [Cost- 5 Mana; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?] T2 -[Cost- 20 Mana; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?]
3 Known Reactions Undiscovered
Can be Refine :: Can be Ionized :: ??? ??? ??? Can be Bursted! ::
Ionized Radicals :: [Charged; Unnatural?; Tile; Radical] These overcharged Radicals take on a form greater than their current form, but much less than their greater form. They give off a slight pulse of energy, and aren't too stable. 2 Known Reactions Undiscovered
Can be Pulsed! ??? ???
??? ??? :: [???] ??? ??? :: [???] ??? ??? :: [???] Arcana :: [Unnatural?; Tile; Arcana] By sheer luck, a player has gotten an Arcana on their First Roll.. and with that are on their way to formalized magic. The Least Arcana is the most gaunt form of the Arcanas, but it allows you to channel energy in the crudest way possible.
Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:42 pm
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 2nd Roll Finalized
Place T0 (3,1) Place T0 (4,1) Place T0 (3,3)
> Talk to the Adept, and see if they can spark my very inactive curiosity.
Let's Get Creative! - [!!!] Stunted - With a lack of memory, things are all a blur, you have experienced a lot, but it is worth nothing other than the feeling in your pulsing veins. [Difficulties with Nonstandard/Experimenting with Radicals/Thaums/Arcanas]
Biography ::
Green is not a creative color!
Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:20 am
Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:15 pm Posts: 1288 Location: Heck if I know.
Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 1/3 Commited/Actioned
> When I'm finished eating, wander outside and look around. Place Ether Radical [T0] at (0,0), (1,1), (1,0), (1,2), (1,1), (3,0), (3,1), (4,2), (3,2), (5,5), (4,4), (5,4), (5,1).
Totally placing things in This Precious Land while I make my moves to better understand how my actions will play out.
Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:15 pm
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: 2D: An Experiment -- 2/3 Commited/Actioned
> Check to see if I have money on me, and check to see if there are any jobs or paying work.
Place Ether Radical T0 (3,3) (2,3) (3,2) (3,4) (4,3)
> When I'm finished eating, wander outside and look around. Place Ether Radical [T0] at (0,0), (1,1), (1,0), (1,2), (1,1), (3,0), (3,1), (4,2), (3,2), (5,5), (4,4), (5,4), (5,1).
Totally placing things in This Precious Land while I make my moves to better understand how my actions will play out.
YourWaiterseems to try to accost you, and ask for a conversation. [Peruse?] [13/13 Steps]
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Check to see if I have money on me, and check to see if there are any jobs or paying work.
Place Ether Radical T0 (3,3) (2,3) (3,2) (3,4) (4,3)
Second Roll wrote:
There are a few writ offices around, for each little plaza, and block cluster, but Today's simply started for you, and you eventually stop in the late morning, between a few usual tasks around town.
Otherwise, you have a modest amount of change in your respective person. Enough for a day of consumables, and maybe a thing or two on the side. [5/13 Steps; You still have 8 Steps Left this turn!!!]
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