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 Roll to Roll to Dodge 
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happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
> Cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake (Change the rolling system to a binary one, and lock it in place. All rolls are either 0 or 1, 0 is success, 1 is fail. Thus the die is actually a coin with 0 on one face and 1 on the other. Anyone who attempts to change it must first become a muffin, then give the secret password to change it).

Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:13 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
“Life is a party”
>Eat ALL of the cupcakes, ALL OF THEM.

Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:16 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge

Bentus [34]: You silly, you're Cupcakes! Cupcakes can't do anything!
- Godly Schrodinger's Cupcake
- Mayor Cupcakes

Occiamaru (Vladimir) [8]: You silly, you're Cupcakes! Cupcakes can't do anything!
- Godly Schrodinger's Cupcake
- Cupcakes

Amazigh [38]: You silly, you're Cupcakes! Cupcakes can't do anything!
- ALL of the cupcakes, except a few
- Cupcakes

Tomaster [9]: You silly, you're Cupcakes! Cupcakes can't do anything!
- Cupcakes

Duh102 [15]: You silly, you're Cupcakes! Cupcakes can't do anything!
- Cupcakes

Game Events: Everyone is still Cupcakes.

"Gah, you idiots can't do anything right. Fine, I'll help this once, but screw up again and you're on your own."
If existence existed, a man with short hair, a long white trenchcoat, and a bright green Sepulchritude T-shirt under the coat would appear in front of all of you. He would then snap his fingers, and you would all stop being Cupcakes. Finally, he would grumble something about Serious Roll to Dodges, and disappear in a poof of confetti.
But of course, none of that happens, because existence doesn't exist yet. You guys should really get on that.
None of you are Cupcakes anymore though.

Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:09 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
Think about the swamp, thus bringing existence to a swampy world with random gravity based on the roll (low is lower gravity, high is higher).
Make it so nobody can interfere with the probability of others' rolls, because that's just stupid.
Become immune to random ♥♥♥♥' transmutations.
Look for a place to sit down - I need to take this all in!

"Moy gaud, zeece vorld eeze fahked ahp. Em Oy eenseyn?!

Last edited by TorrentHKU on Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:36 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
> Attempt to enter the game either by:
  • Becoming Grif
  • Changing Duh's rule to let me in
  • Creating a waiting list

Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:43 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
There are Russians in the U.S. so my accent is American - just to clarify, and avoid any further cupcake dickery.

Last edited by TorrentHKU on Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:18 am, edited 4 times in total.


Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:53 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
Model the world after South Park's art style. And make us all into 4th graders.

Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:55 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
>Start off on a different world, because swamp-lands, random gravity, and Eastern European RUSSIAN-AMERICAN accents are just stupid.
Contemplating and create the following things:
1. Sources of light -- they should generally be spheres of mass with have a high hydrogen (about 80% by mass) and helium content (we will assume for this game standard atom configurations and isotopes that can be found on our current Periodic Table). These spheres should be undergoing nuclear fusion processes. Define these sources of light as stars.
2. Things which will orbit these stars -- smaller ones should have irregular shapes and extremely low gravity. In fact, gravity should be proportional to the mass of the object. Larger objects will have spherical shapes. Define the irregular shaped ones as asteroids and larger ones as planets. Planets may have smaller masses orbiting them: define these as moons. While doing this, be sure to create at least 1 planet which satisfies ALL the following criteria:
    -A surface covered by roughly 70% liquid water (H2O chemical formula)
    -The remaining 30% should be covered by a solid substance containing carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphate, magnesium, sodium, iron, and silicon, as well as various other elements and combinations as molecules. The distribution does not need to be uniform, but does need to be in concentrations which would support Earth-like life in most areas. Define this as land.
    -An atmosphere containing mostly nitrogen (N2) gas -- about 80% by mass -- and oxygen (O2) gas -- about 20% by mass. There should also be trace amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, about 0.05% by mass. Pressure at the water surface should be roughly 101 kPa, or 101 N/m^2 (using these Newton and meter definitions).
    -The temperature at the surface of this planet should range, at the extremes, from -89.2°C to 57.8 °C, with a mean temperature of about 14°C. Define 0°C as the temperature at which pure H2O will solidify, and 100°C as the temperature at which it will evaporate.
    -A gravitational acceleration that can be generalized as 9.81 m/s^2 at the ocean surface at any point of the planet (use this definition for a second).
    -The planet should rotate about it's own axis about once every 24 hours, or once every 86400 seconds. Define one rotation about it's axis as a day. It should also orbit it's star about once every 365 days. Define this as a year.
    -At least one moon. The moon(s) should be significantly small enough so that the central rotational axis of the planet and the moon(s) is completely contained within the host planet, but should be large enough to cause motion of the liquid water on the surface.
All the following actions will be considered on such a planet. Should more than one of these planets be created, pick one at random.
3. Create several arrangements of masses with complex molecules which undergo various chemical reactions. These aggregation of molecules should be able to perform the following things:
    -Contain a molecular set of "instructions". These instructions are used to create various other molecules within the aggregation. These instructions may also be copied an indefinite amount of times, though they are allowed to gradually mutate during each copying process. Define these molecular instructions as "chromosomes".
    -Be able to respond to external stimuli
    -Be able to create more internal units of its structure over time, or change in size, shape, or structure following the chromosomes' instructions.
    -The capability to pass on these chromosomes in such a way that a new aggregation of molecules is formed. This new aggregation is independent of the original aggregation. Define any such process that requires only one parent aggregation as "asexual reproduction", and any process that requires two parent aggregations as "sexual reproduction". For sexual reproduction, both parents need to have similar, compatible sets of chromosomes.
    -The capability to acquire fuel and materials, as well as a way to expel any spent fuel or waste products.
    -The capability to maintain the internal environment within any necessary parameters to sustain its chemical reactions
    -Over time, the capacity for similar sets of aggregations, through passing on successful chromosome patterns and eliminating unsuccessful ones, change to become more suited for sustained chemical reactions in their environment.
Define these aggregations collectively as "life", and lifeforms with similar sets of chromosomes as a "species". All forms of life together should be able to maintain an equilibrium of molecules in the atmosphere, water, and land, such that no single molecule or element becomes exhausted.
4. Create a species in which I will belong into. This species should have the capacity for complex thoughts and communication. They should also be able to create and use tools. In physical description, they should have 4 limbs, two upon which they may move and two with which they can use tools. They should also have tails and cat-like ears. They should also be a sexually reproducing species. Define this species as "catpeople". Catpeople should also have a complex social structure, with smaller units of a few genetically-related individuals being a family, a collection of families living in an area being a town or a city, and a large collection of cities being a country. Towns and cities are run by a person called a Mayor, and countries are run by one person, which may be called a President, Prime Minister, or King, depending on the nation's rules of governance.
5. Become the mayor of the largest Catpeople city, Purrolia.

Last edited by Bentus on Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:18 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
"You know what; you can’t shrug off your responsibilities. I guess i'd best get started then.”
>Bite Ociamarrus face off.

Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:24 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge

Last edited by TorrentHKU on Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:17 am, edited 6 times in total.


Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:50 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
> Change the rolling system to a binary one, and lock it in place. All rolls are either 0 or 1, 0 is success, 1 is fail. Thus the die is actually a coin with 0 on one face and 1 on the other. Anyone who attempts to change it must first become a muffin, then give the secret password to change it. Also, anyone posting in a color other than white must be a forum moderator or admin, or an NPC. Otherwise you die from lack of white-texts.
"Damnfool rolling system is too complicated for us old folk."

Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:26 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
Ociamarru wrote:
Uh...why is it stupid for a Russian person to have a Russian accent? Well at least your pseudo-scientific 'LOOK AT MUH SMURTZ' world is more creative and specific than mine.

"Pseudo-scientific". Please explain, aside from the cat-people part, what exactly is pseudo-scientific. This should be rich.

Also, it's not so much that the accent is stupid, it's just a stupid way to try to avoid the cupcake rule. "YES, THIS IS A RUSSIAN ACCENT, BUT IT'S RUSSIAN-AMERICAN." Key point here being that you don't have a standard American accent.

Please stop being butthurt because I don't like your world and don't wish to participate in it.

Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:46 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge

Last edited by TorrentHKU on Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.


Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:51 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
He's being specific because he knows if he doesn't I'll turn around and use it against you all.
Also, stop your collective bitchin. Ocia, I find that you are the one more at fault here, since you instigated Bentus with the crack about HURFDURF SMURTS, so I hardly think you're the one to be taking the moral high ground.

Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:56 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
Is there a softer pink? If there is I'll gladly switch to it, but this one didn't seem too harsh to me.

Last edited by Ociamarru on Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:03 pm
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