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 RtD: Illusia - (Roll #132) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
>Shoot that easy-to-hit demon, preferably through fire if there is any.

Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:32 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
My character is supposed to act towards the greater good, much like Vlad, his distant relative in srs RtD. Like, Vlad is probably the first person to shoot a traitor if he thinks it's best for the group - likewise with Nikolai. And in this case, he doesn't want to trouble the town being attacked by the demons and stabbing someone. Also, he happens to like the town that he's grown to be a respected figure in and wants to help, not harm, the citizens.

Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:57 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Ociamarru wrote:
My character is supposed to act towards the greater good, much like Vlad, his distant relative in srs RtD. Like, Vlad is probably the first person to shoot a traitor if he thinks it's best for the group - likewise with Nikolai. And in this case, he doesn't want to trouble the town being attacked by the demons and stabbing someone. Also, he happens to like the town that he's grown to be a respected figure in and wants to help, not harm, the citizens.

Cool. I like how you gave him a personality. Only downside of that, is you have to stick to it, rather than just acting as you normally would.

Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:26 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Yeah - sometimes in the other RTD, it was hard for me to stay in character, most often when I personally knew other information that Vlad did not, that would have benefited me a ton.

Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:42 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Yes i would like to make their faces concave with my fist please

Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:55 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Roll: To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.

Just in case you didn't already know the exact definition... because "roll" is exactly what I'm about to do.

Tokochiro (2)

You walk over to the raccoon, speaking quietly, trying to sound like a friend to all little forest creatures.
"Hey little raccoon, come here..."
The raccoon seemed to find a threatening tone in your voice, because it skittered off in the other direction.
"Noo! Come baaack!"
Just as it rounds a corner, something else appears where it was just a second ago. Oh, crap. Demon. It turns your way, roars, and charges head on. It slashes at you with its claws, (5 v. 1) and you stumble, taking a huge, three clawed slash down your back. "AAAGHGGHH!!!"

-Bandages (5) [3]
-Cane [3]
-Helping Hand (+1 to assisting friends)
-Bit Finger (No Effect, Heals in 1 turn)
-Clawed Back (Bleeding, death in 5 turns)

Nonsequitorian (3 - 1 = 2)

You look around the corner and see the demons, nearly here.
"We have to get on the upper hand!"
You make a 360, searching for some sort of artillery, but there doesn't seem to be any.... There are plenty of demons, though. And one of them seems to have noticed you and started foaming at the mouth. Oh. Never mind. Make that two of them. Suddenly, you hear a growling behind you. (2 v. 4) Instinctively, you duck as a claw sails over your head, then strike low with a spin kick, knocking the beast to the ground. It seems you have the upper hand.

-Dan's Black Powder Rifle (1/1) [4]
-Powder Horn and Ball Bag (50/50) [3]
-Ranged Mechanical Weapons Knowledge (+1 to repair if roll is 2 or lower) (+1 to use of Dan's Rifle) (-2 to bow and arrow)

Hyperkultra (5)

You sit in wait at the corner of a building, hoping a demon will come along. After a few seconds, you hear something. You ready your dagger as the sounds get closer and closer... then... STRIKE! You spin around, jamming your knife straight into the demon's skull. It's dead before it hits the ground.

That's one down. And no other hellspawn seemed to have noticed your position. You're safe... for now.

-Hip Flask [2]
-Dagger [2]
-Sleight of Hand (+1 to dexterity)

Adam (1 - 1 = 1)

Urgghhh... headache, headache, headache, headache, headache. This is the most horrible migraine you've ever experienced. You try to charge into battle, but fall down, partially from clumsiness, and partially from a pounding headache. Your fall smashes your face into the ground, breaking your nose. "GYAHHHG! ... This is.... Spart....ugh."

Thankfully, the demons pass by, mistaking you as one of the dead. Let's hope none of them are too hungry, because you're now completely surrounded by them. You lie still, too frozen in fear to worry about your headache any more.

-Knife w/ Knuckled Handguard [2]
-Chainmail [4]
-Fist Fighter (+1 hand to hand combat)
-Broken Nose

Ociamarru (3)

You see a demon chasing after... what is that? A raccoon? Huh. Well, shouldn't let it get killed. You leap at the demon (3 v. 6) and aim a punch at it, but it saw your attack coming and leapt out of the way. The raccoon runs off. That's gratitude for you. You draw your sword, ready to fight off the beast.
"Go back to Hell, you damned beasts! Nobody attacks my town and lives to tell of it!" It snarls, showing its bloodstained fangs. You stare straight into its hellish eyes, ready to fight.

-Hammer [3]
-Gauntlets [2]
-Shortsword [3]
-Expert Craftmanship (+1 to metalwork)

HEN (3 + 1 = 4)

You take careful aim at the demon. Aim... aim... fire! (4 v. 2) It looks in the direction of the arrow just before it gets hit. The force of the blow knocks it to its knees. It roars in pain and rage, then leaps at the tower, grabbing at the stones. It seems to be... climbing? Just what are these things?

-Sickle [4]
-Compound Crossbow (5/6) [3]
-In the Shadows (+1 to stealth rolls)

A quick question to all players : Would you like me to continue posting the exact Attack v. Dodge rolls as they occur? It isn't really any invconvenience to me, but if you'd prefer not to have number interrupt your reading, I can get rid of them. Please post your response with your move.

Last edited by Nighthawk on Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:43 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Nighthawk wrote:
You take careful aim at the demon. Aim... aim... fire! (4 v. 2) It looks in the direction of the arrow just before it gets hit. The force of the blow knocks it to its knees. It roars in pain and rage, then leaps at the tower, grabbing at the stones. It seems to be... climbing? Just what are these things?

Is that what I think it is? The NPC recieving a block roll?

Im surprised no one actually started doing this earlier...

Also tokochiro and his bit finger, Roll for infection?

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:18 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Nonsequitorian wrote:
No, it's very helpful for me to see my odds.
"Ahg! Die you demon bastard!"

>> Fire at face of the largest, most threatening or toughest one seen.

Are you sure about this? The most threatening one seen is probably not the one you just knocked down. If you attack another of the three you are fighting with, then that one could get up, and you would lose the upper hand.

And by the way, I said this in my OP: You must equip an item to use it, and if you equip and use a weapon in the same turn, you get -1 to your roll because you have to pull it out. (There is a way to counteract this. *COUGHPASSIVEABILITYCOUGHCOUGH*)

But passive abilities can only be gained by doing that which you want to train... er... *cough*

So reread the original post if you don't remember everything, or if you didn't read it all. It helps.

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:24 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
caekdaemon wrote:
Nighthawk wrote:
You take careful aim at the demon. Aim... aim... fire! (4 v. 2) It looks in the direction of the arrow just before it gets hit. The force of the blow knocks it to its knees. It roars in pain and rage, then leaps at the tower, grabbing at the stones. It seems to be... climbing? Just what are these things?

Is that what I think it is? The NPC recieving a block roll?

Im surprised no one actually started doing this earlier...

Also tokochiro and his bit finger, Roll for infection?

About the block/dodge rolls, yes. Part of my rules for this game is that every single being has a dodge roll. Including enemies. That's not the only unique thing here. Main character NPCs, or any NPC for that matter, can also die, because they follow the exact rules that the players do. I think it makes the game less limited, fair, and a little more difficult, all at the same time. As I said in one of my first posts, I put everything I had into the planning of this game.


Infection... hmmm. That is a sinister idea, but he seems to be in serious trouble right now anyway, and I don't want to scare everyone off by making this game crazily hard right away. Maybe I'll do that if something similar happens later.

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:29 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Thrust my blade into the neck of the beast.
"For Colber!"

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:31 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Keep the rolls this way.
>Try to shoot at the demon's hand, and make it fall off the tower wall.

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:34 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Nonsequitorian wrote:
Ok, I'll revise my post."Ahg! I'm on a tower! How the ♥♥♥♥ did these guys get here!"

Run for life while pulling out rifle.


You never actually got up the tower. You failed, and got stunned.


Nighthawk wrote:
Nonsequitorian (1)

"Oh! We needs to get to the watch tower! Vite!"
You rush to the nearest tower, but your eyes are distracted by the fast-approaching demons. Before you know it, you're there, and you run face-first into the watch-tower wall. Wuhhh... you feel dazed.

Looks like you'll have to revise again.

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:34 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
> Slip into a dark ally unnoticed, look for any civilians or soldiers in need of help. If helping them would put me in the line of fire and/or get the attention of demons, ignore them.

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:44 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
I like the (x v. x) system.
>Get up, and run in the opposite direction of the demons, and if any follow, try to eliminate said demon

Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:09 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Just to keep you guys updated, five of you have posted, but Tokochiro hasn't yet. I'm going to give him one more day, then I'll roll and skip his turn.

Just to be clear, there is a three strikes policy here. The first time you miss a turn, I make your move for you so your character doesn't die for being inactive. The second time, I do nothing and simply let you get mauled if you're in the middle of the battle. After the third time, you're kicked. And when I say three strikes, I mean three in total. If you just miss one every month or two, I don't mind, but if you miss three within the span of two weeks, I'll probably consider kicking you.

Not that I have any doubts as far as you guys' ability to reply quickly. You've done well so far. :grin:

Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:50 pm
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