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 Tiny Gods: Deux Ex 
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Attempt to animate some more statues as practice.

Sun Nov 15, 2015 1:21 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
> Carve my stone greatsword a bit down to size, focusing on efficiency and functionality as well as my previous focus of raw power. Try to make it as sturdy as possible. Nod to Urstrig as I return parts of the stone to the sanctuary.

Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:12 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
>Hum a rousing sea shanty. Something from somewhere I've been before this mess. Black water, drink and lights at the edge of the sand.

Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:55 am

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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
> Try to develop a way to sense energy

Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:07 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Just between Fallout 4 and Thanksgiving and Warframe and School...

Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:39 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
caekdaemon - Al-Aris and Li-Rala [3, 1]:
Wan Wan: "Haha! To WIN of course! It is all a contest, a battle! To be the STRONGEST and BEST! Every advantage and resource is vital! Even if for nothing else than to make sure your OPPONENTS do not get it!"
Matt: "Ah, so he's figured out the setting of the game... Impressive."
Wan Wan: "Did your lord not tell you? I would think it would be STANDARD knowledge!"
Li-Rala: "And he wouldn't accept my offer of a drink, either. It's like he doesn't trust me. What about you? Do you want a drink? I'm the embodiment of food and snacks!"
As she talks to Laeh, Li tries to form a few blood sausages to re-energize her tired comrades. Nothing like a bit of hearty food to put the fire of life back into you! Sadly, with her lack of experience in any food besides sweets, they sausages fail to materialize. Hm. Maybe try something more simple. Bread, or just simple meats perhaps.
Laeh shrinks back, trying to hide behind her broom and failing, being larger than a broom and all. She still seems to be very fearful of you all, despite your best efforts to calm her down.
Al-Aris: "She's not lying. She can make just about anything you can think of eating...within reason, I suppose. I doubt she could make a literal chocolate planet."

You try flexing your arm to get the pins and needles out. It causes stronger waves of the horrid feeling with each flex, but it also helps banish it with each flex. You make sure to keep your face friendly while you flex, to not scare Laeh any further. Her face perks up for a moment at the mention of a chocolate planet, but she quickly snaps back into her cautious mode.
Laeh: "W-Wan Wan... Please, come on... W-we should get the thing and go..."
Despite yourselves, both of you think the girl is cute.

Appearance: A big and bulky man that appears to be middle aged, with a full head of black hair and surprisingly dark eyes. He claims to be Middle Eastern in origin, but to an observer he would seem to be a little...pale.

Seraphimo - Dunrim [5-1=4]:
It suddenly dawns on you, with a mastery of energy, it would certainly help to be able to "see" what energy is around you. You can already sense energy when you're in close proximity, but from a distance would be nice as well. Though, "energy" is very vague. There's all types of energy after all! You try ratcheting up your sensitivity to energy, as if you're 'feeling' the air and space around you, and are suddenly overwhelmed with an absolute cacophony of extrasensory information. Your mind shuts down for a moment as it tries to process it all, and you almost fall forward before managing to catch yourself, head pounding and pulse racing.
Ok. Ok. You do NOT want to do that again.
To put it into words... Well, you picked up all sorts of information about the environment around you, and that was just a few feet in radius. To put it in visual terms, the biggest thing was light. There is light EVERYWHERE. Large pale yellow sheets of it coming down from the sun, then crashing into the ground and scattering everywhere like mad, bouncing every which way. You could also see a very slight pinkish tinged light coming off of everyone here, along with the suns rays bouncing directly off of them. Then, there's a slight blue haze covering everything like a fog, flashing constantly in sharp bursts all over the bodies of the people here, and a strange but beautiful gentle shimmer in the grass. You think that was kinetic energy. After that there was also heat and sound, and life coming from everyone, though they were less overwhelming. You could also make out a personal aura around everyone in the area, with each color matching their personality somewhat. Li and Al's auras were somewhat odd, in a way you can't quite define. Wan Wan's aura was a bright cherry red, and Laeh's was a calm lilac, with tinges of darker purple.
You could also notice a green sheen covering everything in the area, most predominantly in the grass and trees, but also present a bit on the rocks and earth. It was entirely missing from all the humans here, but most interesting is that it's the exact shade of green as Urstrig. Is this the energy he runs on?

Appearance: His face is full of soot and he looks a bit pale but otherwise he looks like a normal human. He is a little shorter than the average human and he likes to wear fully protective clothing. His origin is claimed to be somewhere inside Europe though he's not telling where.

TheKebbit - Wassily Nuñez [7]:
Wassily: "But good sir! What do you and your little friend need this Heart for? We have a powerful patron who would be livid with everyone involved if he did not obtain it."
Wan Wan: "Ah, you as well!"
Wassily: "Perhaps if we knew what they both needed it for, there would be a way to make sure both are satisfied? I'm sure there's some way we can contact our man. Dunrim has a phone."
Wan Wan: "Haha! To WIN of course! It is all a contest, a battle! To be the STRONGEST and BEST! Every advantage and resource is vital! Even if for nothing else than to make sure your OPPONENTS do not get it!"
Matt: "Ah, so he's figured out the setting of the game... Impressive."
Wan Wan: "Did your lord not tell you? I would think it would be STANDARD knowledge!"
Hm. Well he seems to be too stubborn, or maybe just thick skulled, to convince otherwise, so you let Al and Li try to grease the diplomatic wheels, and instead think of your times on the seas. Better times, less... icy and awful times. Ones where you could sing, drink, and be merry with your comrades, with no threat of death from the elements. The words come back to you easily, and you begin humming happily to yourself, rocking back and forth a bit.

CaveCricket48 - Linna [7]:
Wan Wan: "Then, since I have won, the HEART is mine! This is EXCELLENT, I was fearful it may be some sort of MENTAL CHALLENGE! Believe it or not, Wan Wan is not as UNSTOPPABLE on the field of wits as he is on the field of the SWORD!"
Linna: "The game does not start with winners or losers - it is a board game, no previous victory or loss carries over to the current game. The game works by all players alternating placing a single soldier in an open territory -"
You make to move a soldier into, oh, let's choose Florida. Then you realize Wan Wan isn't even looking, he's busy talking to Wassily. And Laeh is too busy being skittish to possibly play a competitive strategy game with anything resembling competence.
You sigh.
Your fun with strategy games may never come. Oh well. You can still play chess with the battlefield, in a way. A bit difficult with a broken arm, but you manage.

Appearance: A young woman that seems a bit thin but stands on a sturdy pair of legs. Her short dark hair is still long enough to nearly cover her eyes that are already concealed behind thick glasses, making it difficult to read her expression.

maart3n - Mikey/Heph [2]:
Well, that worked! You move your attention back to Matt's stone gnomes, animating them again. Sadly, the first you choose to bring to life is a fighter, rejecting your life energy for a bit, somehow. You eventually wrestle it into submission, but it takes longer than you'd like for some reason. Impurity in the stone perhaps?

CrazyMLC - Matt Sterling [5]:
Wan Wan: "Haha! To WIN of course! It is all a contest, a battle! To be the STRONGEST and BEST! Every advantage and resource is vital! Even if for nothing else than to make sure your OPPONENTS do not get it!"
Matt: "Ah, so he's figured out the setting of the game... Impressive."
Wan Wan: "Did your lord not tell you? I would think it would be STANDARD knowledge!"
Li-Rala: "And he wouldn't accept my offer of a drink, either. It's like he doesn't trust me. What about you? Do you want a drink? I'm the embodiment of food and snacks!"
The witch, Laeh, shrinks back, trying to hide behind her broom and failing, being larger than a broom and all. She still seems to be very fearful of you all, despite your best efforts to calm her down.
Al-Aris: "She's not lying. She can make just about anything you can think of eating...within reason, I suppose. I doubt she could make a literal chocolate planet."

Her face perks up for a moment at the mention of a chocolate planet, but she quickly snaps back into her cautious mode.
Laeh: "W-Wan Wan... Please, come on... W-we should get the thing and go..."
While the couple are trying to butter up the witch girl, you bring your greatsword in front of you to work on. You try carving off a sheet from one face, and immediately expose intricate lines of some sort of different stone, the lines being a bright pinkish-white against the stony grey of the sword. Waaait a second. These lines are orderly. They're all whirls and loops and swirls and remind you of fingerprints, but they're also very precisely spaced apart and more importantly, the totem you made this from had some strange barrier powers. These lines might be some kind of magic circuitry maybe?
Well, for now you carefully reapply the stone you removed and fuse it back to the sword. You'll need to try this out a bit later. Or maybe soon, depending on how things go with Wan Wan.

Events: Wan Wan: "Hm! Yes Laeh, you are right! We have ourselves a MISSION to complete!"
The giant red-armored man walks over to the fallen green owlbear in the middle of the clearing and reaches towards it. Urstrig growls weakly, but a pulse of a smokey red aura on Wan Wan's hand causes the spirit's form to fade entirely, and the talisman in its middle falls to the ground with a quiet clink. Wan Wan picks it up and holds it aloft, grinning wide.
Wan Wan: "There we are! A mighty energy indeed, you will come in HANDY! Alright Laeh, we can RETURN to Lord Osfar, heads HELD HIGH!"
Osfar? Osfar. The name rings a bell for Al. Wasn't En yelling at an Osfar on the mind-phone?

Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:01 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
>As soon as hostilities break: sharp Squalls directly to Wan Wan. Blow the nerve gas back at them with a Headwind if it flows toward my position. This is no time to go easy on our enemies.

Last edited by TheKebbit on Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:13 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
"I was really, really hoping it wouldn't come down to this," Li sighed. "Al, would you mind giving Leah - if that's her name - your business card?"

"Not at all!" Al smiled, then he walked over and gave her his business card before returning to the rest of the party.

"Now, this is a little tricky...but we have to have the talisman, too," she said softly before continuing. "I would suggest dropping your weapons, as seven vs two aren't exactly good odds for you. We're not looking to get into a fight for no reason and we were here first, so please, give us back the talisman and we can all leave peacefully and celebrate with a bowl of ice cream or something after we're done. Otherwise, this really won't be fun for any of us."

"She's not kidding."

Li looks at the girl with a small, friendly smile. "Leah, if things get messy...I'd suggest running or at least keeping your head down for a few minutes, alright?"

If a fight breaks out after the ultimatum, throw a potato at Wan Wan...

...and decay it. Stay upwind of the resulting gas.

A serious warning to my teammates here; potatoes release ♥♥♥♥ nerve gas when decaying, and this girl's family was utterly annihilated by the stuff. They can paralyze your central nervous system and cause death in seconds, so for the love of god stay upwind and away from melee range when that potato goes off.

As for Leah, she hasn't done anything antagonistic right now and I'd like to avoid a fight with her; there's a good chance we can bring her round to our side with some tender love and care.

EDIT : Rewritten my action to clarify the order of events :) Should be clearer and easier to understand, now.

Last edited by caekdaemon on Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:55 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
"Hey, guy that brings things to life, why not try your hand at the Urstrig statue? If it's even a fraction as strong, it could help out a bit. Assuming it targets them, anyways."

> Try to... channel my magical energy into the sword, maybe? See what that does? And get away from that potato.

Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:45 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
> Stay upwind, heal Dunrim, castle with any ally that gets attacked, followed by castling with one of the remaining minions.

Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:25 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Animate the Ursig statue.
*whistle* "Hey wolfie! come here boy!"

Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:03 pm

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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Pump the energy I absorbed from Urstrig into Wan Wan


Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:29 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
RIP Tiny Gods : 13th April to 20th December 2015, the same year.

Gone, but not forgotten ;_;

Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:32 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Hw exactly did this die? Unless it IS forgotten.

Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:35 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
johiah wrote:
Hw exactly did this die? Unless it IS forgotten.

Poor ol' thing ran out of rolls and starved to death.

Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:53 pm
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