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 Roll To Die - ENDED 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Just keep spraying lead at the ♥♥♥♥.

Mon May 23, 2011 1:51 pm

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Post Re: Roll To Die
put me on the witing list plz.

Tue May 24, 2011 3:08 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die
1 7 1 [Robots]
Player Move distance is more or less the height of the Current Room.

Clone #25942 [7] > Grab the grenade launcher and fire it in the middle of the group of robots.
You Reach over and Grab your Grenade Launcher, a couple of seconds after you grab it it finishes reloading. You proceed to Fire it at the Robots, you completely obliterate one and tear a second in two, a third has an arm Blown clean off and most of it's plating torn off.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Grenade Launcher [0/1] [||------]
-Assault Rifle [12/30]
-Combat Knife
-Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]
-Grazed Leg [-1 to rolls involving fast Movement]

Clone #25943 [3] "#4, why not toss your Static Projector to the prone guy? I got us all covered." >Strengthen barriers. TK spent projectiles back at the Robots.
You try to strengthen the Barriers but with the Large one is taking damage you concentrate on Strengthening it but despite your best efforts it still weakens under the Robots fire.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Moderate Physical Barrier
--Barrier [||||--] [Large] [4 turns]
--Barrier [|||---] [Small] [3 turns]
-Assault Rifle [18/30]
-Scarred Right Leg [Movement Speed Reduction]
-Scarred Stomach [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Clone #25944 [8] >Fire three bolts through barrier at the three robots in the middle.
You Fling off three Bolts through the Barrier, and they each strike a Robot, two are Destroyed and the third is torn in two by the Grenade detonation before you can tell how much damage you dealt to it.
-Weak Psychic Barrier
-Bladed Right Hand
-Burn Scars [-1 to some Rolls]
-Bullet Wound [-1 to some Rolls]

Clone #25945 [3] >Just keep spraying lead at the ♥♥♥♥.
You Spray the Remainder of your Magazine at the Robots, but just spraying bullets isn't really all that effective or accurate against so few enemies.
-Machinegun [0/50] [||------]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [74%]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25946 [7] Fire from behind the barrier.
You decide to wait for the other Clones to fire before doing so yourself, this is rather helpful in that it leaves you with a single Damaged Target, two Beams to it's now unarmoured chest are easily enough to render it completely inoperable.
-Pulse Laser [47%]
-Scarred Chest [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]
-Missing Left Ear [-1 to hearing]

Clone #25958 [7-1=6] Shoot some more, I guess
You Blast the Legless Robot's Head clean off, before you can shoot another the other Clones Deal with them. It also seems that your bleeding is slowing down slightly, that's always good to hear.
-Rifle [4/8]
-Slightly Stronger Limbs
-Minimal Plating
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions] [|---]
-Shattered Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]

Game Events:
The Robots have all been obliterated by the combined fire of the Clones.
You now notice the two Hazard striped sections of wall on the side of the room, thankfully they aren't raising Yet.


Wed May 25, 2011 12:59 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Let the grenade launcher reload.

Wed May 25, 2011 1:32 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Thank the DiceMaster for his mercy!

Painfully stagger toward the rest of the group, getting behind the barrier.
Spit up blood, because I'm a hard-ass and it's the only way I can show the others I'm injured.
(Aside from the fact that I'm leaking, that is)

Last edited by Ociamarru on Wed May 25, 2011 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 25, 2011 1:33 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Raise my hands up in the air and celebrate our victory.

Wed May 25, 2011 5:26 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Gesture toward the hazard stripes, downtrodden.
It's not over yet.

Wed May 25, 2011 12:24 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die

Wed May 25, 2011 1:23 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Get into the best protective position possible and charge an electrobolt.

Wed May 25, 2011 7:16 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
So, uh, you ARE reorienting those barriers then, right?

Wed May 25, 2011 10:57 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die

Clone #25942 [6] > Let the grenade launcher reload.
You sit tight behind the Barriers waiting for your Grenade Launcher to reload.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Grenade Launcher [0/1] [|||||||-]
-Assault Rifle [12/30]
-Combat Knife
-Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]
-Grazed Leg [-1 to rolls involving fast Movement]

Clone #25943 [8] >Barriers!
You Strengthen your Barriers and bring them to what seem to be the limits of your current power.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Moderate Physical Barrier
--Barrier [|||||-] [Large] [4 turns]
--Barrier [||||--] [Small] [4 turns]
-Assault Rifle [18/30]
-Scarred Right Leg [Movement Speed Reduction]
-Scarred Stomach [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Clone #25944 [2] >Get into the best protective position possible and charge an electrobolt.
You move to the side a bit and begin charging a Bolt, but accidentally loose your hold on it and fling it into the floor.
-Weak Psychic Barrier
-Bladed Right Hand
-Burn Scars [-1 to some Rolls]
-Bullet Wound [-1 to some Rolls]

Clone #25945 [8] >Raise my hands up in the air and celebrate our victory.
You take a moment to feel good about yourself for how well you feel that you handled this group of Robots.
-Machinegun [0/50] [|||||||-]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [79%]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25946 [2] Celebrate, Reload.
You take a moment to look over your Weapon for a reload function, but can only find a slowly refilling bar that you'd assume represents it's energy levels, it is slowly refilling at least.
-Pulse Laser [55%]
-Scarred Chest [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]
-Missing Left Ear [-1 to hearing]

Clone #25958 [5-1=4] Painfully stagger toward the rest of the group, getting behind the barrier.
You Stumble towards the other Clones coughing blood and waving your arms wildly at the now raising sections of wall, you make it about half way to the Barrier before the Walls finish raising. At this point you see a few Robots around the corner, Things aren't looking all that great.
-Rifle [4/8]
-Slightly Stronger Limbs
-Minimal Plating
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions] [||--]
-Shattered Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]

Game Events:
The two sections of striped wall raise revealing some more Robots, but due to the shape of the Room the Clones can't be sure exactly how many they are dealing with, but try to make a Rough guess nonetheless.


Thu May 26, 2011 11:01 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Reattempt to charge a bolt. "Everybody try and cover the new guy! "

Thu May 26, 2011 11:36 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die

Fri May 27, 2011 12:38 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Happy gestures at the nice guy. Take four potshots at the one robot that's visible to me at the edge of the north room, then head to cover.

Fri May 27, 2011 12:39 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> When grenade launcher finishes reloading, pull out and reload assault rife (or randomly pepper the wall ahead with bullets until the gun auto-reloads).

Fri May 27, 2011 12:40 am
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