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 Ad Infidium (Roll 307) - ON HOLD TEMPORARILY 
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
>Start moving towards Nullam again.
"At this point, would you say the road has become a second home?"

Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:57 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
CrazyMLC wrote:
Ettiin: ”I fought in the Uniof independence war - the slow ones get shot up, the fast ones get slightly less shot up.”
> +6 Speed, +4 Will, +10 Stamina. Enter the doorway.

You walk forward and push open the doors, entering Elizabeth's office.

She's waiting for you behind her desk, hands ready to scribble notes down with an ink pen and some paper, while the familiar armored lupus stands beside her desk and Torrent stands in his usual corner.

Elizabeth: "So, what has happened since you've left?"


TorrentHKU wrote:
> 10 points to Mana. 5 points to Arcane, 2 points to Aim, 3 points to Will.
"I see... That's good to hear.
I think I've exhausted my questions for you. Which means it's time to go pay a visit to the other building.
Magicist... What's your name?"

Magicist: "Kaniiria Juuken."


Amazigh wrote:
>Is there a sort of check in tent or something? if not just ask the nearest robed person.

There doesn't seem to be a check-in tent, not one that you can see, anyways, so you just go for the nearest robed person.

Each of them have the same emblem on the back - an abstract rose with a bird in the negative space.


Miimas approaches one of the robed people.

Miimas: "Excuse me, can you help us out?"

Healer: "Yes? What's the-oh dear. Here, bring her into this tent."

The healer walks to a nearby tent, holding the flap open for Miimas to carry Horoma in before the healer heads in himself.

A minute or so passes before the healer exits the tent, calling another healer over, some blonde woman.

Both healers, along with an additional three, enter Horoma's tent.

Tuhota: "Should we see what's happening?"


TheKebbit wrote:
>Start moving towards Nullam again.
"At this point, would you say the road has become a second home?"

Tabi: "It's been that way for a while, ever since I joined the Spiral. Always on the move."

The two of you cross the farms and fields towards Nullam.

Tabi: "Kleigg.

You've... Done a lot, for my family. And for me. I just want to tell you, that... I... I'm grateful, and... I..."

She starts to go blush here, looking down while balling her fists.

Tabi: "Think highly of you!


Thank you."

The two of you soon reach Nullam, the city alive with activity as people continue to scramble for supplies or run about the streets looking for friends and family.

Tabi has joined the party

Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:43 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
"Well then Kaniiria, I hope our paths cross again with less unfortunate circumstances."
> Head out and to the southern building, where apparently all the real answers and problems are.

Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:56 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
"...Might be a good idea."
>Go see what's happening.

Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:16 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
"Got out of a hew hairy situations, and helped unwittingly release something at the tower between Magusalto and Teleiat. Went to go help John and the others at the facility, and got toasty fried. Thankfully the team was able to revive me. Been quite a ride, so I decided to head back as soon as I could."

Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:23 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
TorrentHKU wrote:
"Well then Kaniiria, I hope our paths cross again with less unfortunate circumstances."
> Head out and to the southern building, where apparently all the real answers and problems are.

You leave the cloning building and walk into the one just south of it.

The building doesn't look very large on the outside. Entering through the main doorway, you see a desk, several chairs, a coffee table, a restroom, and some stairs leading down. Talking is coming from below, along with a sharp striking sound.

Heading down, you find yourself standing in a much larger room. Offices are to the sides, and ahead is a beefy metal door that looks like it's supposed to open by rising up. The surface is smooth, along with the metal wall it sits in save for a small panel on the wall nearby. Several Caelum mages are trying to chip away at the door's edges with pickaxes and swords, without much success.

Turning your attention back to the offices, it looks like there are eight rooms total. All of them are a bit hazy inside, smoke, with piles of ash on their floors. One of them has various newspapers pinned on the wall, still intact.


Amazigh wrote:
"...Might be a good idea."
>Go see what's happening.

You and Tuhota enter the tent.

Miimas is standing near the tent's wall, looking away while the healers surround the blood-soaked bed in the middle of the space, where Horoma is lying.

The healers seem to be cutting out wires and chunks of something out of Horoma, things you believe were the internal parts of her doll body, dropping the bloody twisted bits into a bucket.

Miimas: "Hey."

The Westerner is facing you now, face blank of expression.

CrazyMLC wrote:
"Got out of a few hairy situations, and helped unwittingly release something at the tower between Magusalto and Teleiat. Went to go help John and the others at the facility, and got toasty fried. Thankfully the team was able to revive me. Been quite a ride, so I decided to head back as soon as I could."

Elizabeth: "I see. Care to give more details?"

Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:30 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
"Details... Well, I don't know if word's gotten back yet, but the raid was a success. Most of the guards and products were killed or incapacitated, and the one surviving product surrendered just before Linna and the Caelum arrived. John and the others are investigating the facility as we speak.
It appears they've been growing bodies and attaching spirits to them to create the products, having the spirits themselves bud off of a very peculiar girl named Alku, or Base 2. She has unique attributes that makes her ideal for this role. I don't know or understand the specifics, but John should be able to explain it once he returns.

As for the tower, we found an entire city and palace beneath it after a chain of discoveries. It seemed innocuous enough, but during the investigation the tower... malfunctioned? Or maybe, well, it almost seemed like it was taken over by something below. I can't really say, but the tower began to sink down towards the city, with us inside. We escaped, but some kind of beast rose through after us. I didn't get a good look at it.
The only thing I know about the subterranean city is that it once housed a construct capable of killing a leviathan, but I don't know what became of it. If the tower was taken over by something in the city, it could be safe to assume that it can take over other constructs as well. I suppose it's possible that the beast is, in fact, the leviathan killing construct.
Additionally, the city was, uh, full of dead bodies, in the rooms and hallways. I found them using a small probe controlled through the tower. The way they were strewn about, it seemed as if there had been some sort of catastrophe that caused all of them to die unexpectedly, around the same time.

Speaking of leviathans, the leviathan and several other creatures seem to be fighting still, roughly south of Magusalto. I opted not to take a closer look, given my current condition.
By the way, I don't know if there are already precautions in place, but I have a plan that could make it possible for us to kill or seriously injure the leviathan with no casualties, given some time and preparation. If you're interested, I'd appreciate it if we could talk in the privacy of the meeting room."

Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:50 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
"The hell happened in these offices?"

Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:53 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
"Why, Tabi - you're welcome. I owed you a great deal myself. I have this suspicion - a dream, you could call it - that we will go far together. United we could bring hope to the hopeless, create fantastic machines, travel under western stars until there is nothing left in the world to see. That will be never."

>Offer her my arm as we walk north.

"Shall we?"

Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:04 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
CrazyMLC wrote:
"Details... Well, I don't know if word's gotten back yet, but the raid was a success. Most of the guards and products were killed or incapacitated, and the one surviving product surrendered just before Linna and the Caelum arrived. John and the others are investigating the facility as we speak.
It appears they've been growing bodies and attaching spirits to them to create the products, having the spirits themselves bud off of a very peculiar girl named Alku, or Base 2. She has unique attributes that makes her ideal for this role. I don't know or understand the specifics, but John should be able to explain it once he returns.

As for the tower, we found an entire city and palace beneath it after a chain of discoveries. It seemed innocuous enough, but during the investigation the tower... malfunctioned? Or maybe, well, it almost seemed like it was taken over by something below. I can't really say, but the tower began to sink down towards the city, with us inside. We escaped, but some kind of beast rose through after us. I didn't get a good look at it.
The only thing I know about the subterranean city is that it once housed a construct capable of killing a leviathan, but I don't know what became of it. If the tower was taken over by something in the city, it could be safe to assume that it can take over other constructs as well. I suppose it's possible that the beast is, in fact, the leviathan killing construct.
Additionally, the city was, uh, full of dead bodies, in the rooms and hallways. I found them using a small probe controlled through the tower. The way they were strewn about, it seemed as if there had been some sort of catastrophe that caused all of them to die unexpectedly, around the same time.

Speaking of leviathans, the leviathan and several other creatures seem to be fighting still, roughly south of Magusalto. I opted not to take a closer look, given my current condition.
By the way, I don't know if there are already precautions in place, but I have a plan that could make it possible for us to kill or seriously injure the leviathan with no casualties, given some time and preparation. If you're interested, I'd appreciate it if we could talk in the privacy of the meeting room."

She takes a moment to write down your report before replying.

Elizabeth: "What makes your plan require so much secrecy that it cannot be discussed in front of my most loyal accomplices?"


TorrentHKU wrote:
"The hell happened in these offices?"

Caelum Red Mage: "They burned files, paperwork. All that's left are those newspaper clippings and a few personal notes. Door here is made of some tough AM, and an antimagic field extends a few feet out in front of it."

The mages continue chipping away at the door, slowly scratching the seam between the door and the wall.


TheKebbit wrote:
"Why, Tabi - you're welcome. I owed you a great deal myself. I have this suspicion - a dream, you could call it - that we will go far together. United we could bring hope to the hopeless, create fantastic machines, travel under western stars until there is nothing left in the world to see. That will be never."

>Offer her my arm as we walk north.

"Shall we?"

She hesitates for a moment, hand slightly raised, before slowly reaching out to take yours.

A twitch in her lip forms, quickly spreading into an uncontrollable shy smile.

The two of you walk north east towards Luttiim, the forest path bright with the afternoon light.

Tabi: "I want to do more than travel. I want to spread technology and magic to places that lack them.

Do you know why the Spiral, originally intended to take down the Ruhe, is so heavily invested in capturing Magusalto?"

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:08 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
"If you trust them, I have no objections.

While we could send everything we have at the leviathan should it become a threat, the casualties would be unfathomable, if we could even stop it. And the longer it rampages, the more lives there are at risk.
So my idea is this. What if we could store the power of all those mages, of Kamilla's weapons, and whatever else we can scrounge up, and release it on the leviathan all at once, from a safe distance? We could avoid the casualties of war, saving countless lives in the process. We could restore life as it was, allowing people to return to their homes in Magusalto, Luttiim, and Teleiat.
While I believe this is a lofty goal, to do this, we would have to resort to the taboo of rune magic. Rune magic is capable of storing an unlimited amount of mana, and releasing it all at once. The spell would have to have a very large payload of mana to injure the leviathan, as large as possible. Most likely, it would be delivered using Kark's ballista.

While I am by no means an expert in the craft, I believe I could make a primitive rune spell that could deliver that mana payload. I'd hoped to keep that fact a secret for my own safety, and the safety of all rune magic users."

Sat Mar 26, 2016 10:08 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
"The industrial base of Magusalto? Its academics? Securing their loyalty and the productive capacity of the city would certainly be a boon to our cause."

>Move onward toward Luttiim.

Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:25 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
"You tried kinetic projectiles?"
> Go check out the newspapers.

Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:38 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
CrazyMLC wrote:
"If you trust them, I have no objections.

While we could send everything we have at the leviathan should it become a threat, the casualties would be unfathomable, if we could even stop it. And the longer it rampages, the more lives there are at risk.
So my idea is this. What if we could store the power of all those mages, of Kamilla's weapons, and whatever else we can scrounge up, and release it on the leviathan all at once, from a safe distance? We could avoid the casualties of war, saving countless lives in the process. We could restore life as it was, allowing people to return to their homes in Magusalto, Luttiim, and Teleiat.
While I believe this is a lofty goal, to do this, we would have to resort to the taboo of rune magic. Rune magic is capable of storing an unlimited amount of mana, and releasing it all at once. The spell would have to have a very large payload of mana to injure the leviathan, as large as possible. Most likely, it would be delivered using Kark's ballista.

While I am by no means an expert in the craft, I believe I could make a primitive rune spell that could deliver that mana payload. I'd hoped to keep that fact a secret for my own safety, and the safety of all rune magic users."

Elizabeth takes a long sip from one of the many mugs on her desk.

Elizabeth: "We've already experimented with rune magic. It won't work.

Leviathan skin is, first off, extremely durable. They're able to strike fast enough to liquefy rock and metal on contact without any damage to themselves. A direct hit would be required to have any effect.

On top of that, once a leviathan is active, it continuously releases an extremely large amount of heat, which by itself will cause anything within about a hundred meters to incinerate. We used the most temperature-resistant AM we had to test how well runes hold up. They don't make it to the surface of the leviathan's skin.

Attempts to use magic to keep the projectile cool were ineffective - too much mana is required to keep the projectile intact for even a split second once it approached the leviathan's thermal range, and it even seemed to decelerate quickly before vaporizing, and we had one of our best snipers fire it as fast as he could.

Whatever barrier the leviathan has around it, it prevents any projectile we can create from even getting close."


TheKebbit wrote:
"The industrial base of Magusalto? Its academics? Securing their loyalty and the productive capacity of the city would certainly be a boon to our cause."

>Move onward toward Luttiim.

Tabi: "It wasn't for resources.

You know about gunpowder, right? Explosive. Necessary for guns. People have known about it since the cataclysm, but it's only been recently produced on a large scale.

The manufacturing of gunpowder has been outlawed for thousands of years, because it somewhat levels the playing field between mages and non-mages. Magic users can be screened at a young age and then indoctrinated into whatever religion or government that wants to stockpile them. Knowledge and production of gunpowder is suppressed as much as possible. The strong stay strong, the weak stay weak.

It's no different with rune magic. Even constructs, only a few skilled individuals are capable of producing anything noteworthy, and they're quickly taken in by those who want to stay on top. Magusalto, any construct that is to be sold has to be approved. It can't be strong enough that it would allow someone to resist the government."

She's holding one of her interface bricks in hand, staring at the blocky device with a half smile.

Tabi: "That's why the admins took interest in me. My dream of giving the power of magic to everyone, through these telepathy bricks, it was dangerous to them.
That's why the Spiral was there. Magusalto is no different than the Ruhe."


TorrentHKU wrote:
"You tried kinetic projectiles?"
> Go check out the newspapers.

Caelum Red Mage: "Yeah. Ricochet hazard, almost took someone's leg off."

You head over to the office with the newspaper clippings and take a look.

Teleiat ITF Uncovers Another Breeder Hideout
The Investigative Task Force uncovered another breeder hideout yesterday, hidden in the forests to the south-west. "There were 54 of them, human girls kidnapped or bought off the blackmarket," said Iikua Konai, ITF Rank Leader. "It's saddening that there are still organizations that treat anyone not of their species as livestock. The Lupus trade still exists, human and chirop trafficking are well-established and have for centuries resisted efforts to shut them down, but that doesn't mean we're giving up." The children are being cared for in a government-run orphanage until a proper home can be found. In the mean time

That's all on this clipping. There are others that are the same - reports of breeding hideouts or organizations being busted, the girls being taken in by the Teleiat government.

One clipping, however, stands out from the others.

Teleportation Experiment Ends in Disaster
Earlier this morning, the entire block of Quillion Street was devastated by a failed teleportation experiment, officials reported. The area has been known for a while for its plunges into advanced magic experimentation, but the public was not aware until the accident that teleportation was an active project. Everything within a fifty meter radius was obliterated, and the shockwave of the "teleportation ripple" heavily damaged the surrounding area. There were no survivors in the fifty meter zone, and up to 20 casualties and 140 injuries further out. The man taking the blame is Matis Emiel, a well-known constructor among magic researchers. Playing a large role in the

The clipping ends there.

Lucida: Why is this article here?

Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:20 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 291) - Elder Pact
Probably talent scouting. They see a big famous Constructor go to jail, they can snatch him up there where nobody will miss hi-
No. No way. No ♥♥♥♥ way. They wouldn't. They ♥♥♥♥ WOULDN'T be that bad.

> The red mage said there were a few personal notes. Find those.

Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:31 am
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