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 Ad Infidium (Roll 307) - ON HOLD TEMPORARILY 
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 283) - Elder Pact
"Yeah, whole thin' sounds like a big ugly mess."

"...Wait, full military control? what's that mean?"

Fri Feb 12, 2016 12:28 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 283) - Elder Pact
to Tabi: "Welcome back!"

"If you would have it that way. You could see the world while being almost perfectly insulated from harm! Though I do hope you brought a few books, if you are going to make it home for a long time. Tabi? Your thoughts?"

>Let her weigh in on all this - and then say whatever she needs to tell Kleigg in private, if anything.

Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:18 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 283) - Elder Pact


Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:45 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
Roll 284

The world as the players know it:


1. Kyeltziv
2. Vandolf, Kleigg
3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, Raze, John

Combat Map:



Time: Morning

Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU)
Race: Human

"A solid maybe. I'm gonna cut the other wing loose, then... well, since the products haven't marched in yet, they're probably out there waiting with projectiles or something.
Everyone here, wait for a signal. It'll probably be someone smashing the wall down and yelling to go."

You run over to the other wing and hack open the first five doors.

"Did you girls hear any of my talking with the other wing?"

???: ”Something about a signal and smashing walls and running?”

Health: 57/57
Stamina: 5/5
Mana: 3/15
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2
Fortification AP: 1/1
Movement: 3

Evasion Behavior: Use physical dodge when I have Evasion AP and when the Standard AP wasn't going to be used for other actions.

-Lucida Armor (Absorbs all damage) (17 Armor Resilience, 557.3/1500 Durability) (+50 Strength, +30 Evasion, +10 Speed) (Immune to Telepathy)

Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit)
Race: Human

(To Tabi)
"Welcome back!"

"If you would have it that way. You could see the world while being almost perfectly insulated from harm! Though I do hope you brought a few books, if you are going to make it home for a long time. Tabi? Your thoughts?"

Tabi: ”Um. It seems pretty safe. I think we need a supply of food while the farms are growing.”

There’s a rumble in the ground, and Stahlnacht returns. Looking to the south, there’s a large valley in the forest, the earth bare.

Stahlnacht: ”I have collected sufficient materials. Are you ready for armor, Kleigg?”

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3
Movement: 3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Captured Spells (2/3)
-??? Armor Plate
-??? Armor Plate

-Stahlnacht Armor (Absorbs all damage) (20 Armor Resilience, 238/500 Durability) (Degrades 1 per turn)

Name: P’orihc (Asklar)
Race: Chirop

"A switch would be more useful, we never know if this could be useful for us."

The three of you look around for switches, staying in a loose group.

There are… A lot of switches. The room seems to take up a larger area than the building itself, extending to under the courtyard of the dorm. Each individual machine has its own switch, many of them with multiple. Conveniently, there’s a very large switch on the far west side of the room.

Black Mage: ”Label says ‘Main Power Line’. Looks like this is our best switch. Seems to be able to be flipped on without a key, but flipping off requires a key. Makes sense, I guess.”

The blue mage is already picking away at the key panel, take a bit longer than last time until the key barrel rotates with a click.

Blue Mage: ”They don’t seem to make these locks very secure.”

Black Mage: ”I’m not complaining. P’orihc, wanna do the honors?”

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 12/12
AP: 2/2
Telepathic AP: 1/1
Evasion AP: 1/1
Movement: 3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

-P’orihc (1/1 AP) (8 Arcane)
-P’orihc (1/1 AP) (7 Arcane)
-P’orihc (1/1 AP) (6 Arcane)
-P’orihc (1/1 AP) (4 Arcane)
-P’orihc (1/1 AP) (2 Arcane)
-P’orihc (1/1 AP) (1 Arcane)
-P’orihc (1/1 AP) (1 Arcane)

Name: Ki’stha (Roast Veg)
Race: Chirop

Vandolf: "Woah, yeah, I kind of missed all that. Had trouble meeting back up with the group for a while now, so I'm kind of in the dark here. I can keep the guards off you, not so sure about the products."

Vandolf slaps you around lightly.

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 6/6
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2
Movement: 3

Capacitance: 1/3
-Ball Lightning (10 Electrocution)

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Name: Kyeltziv (Amazigh)
Race: Lupus

The audience begins to disperse in a rush, with guards trying to get them to slow down and leave in an orderly fashion.

"Yeah, whole thin' sounds like a big ugly mess."

"...Wait, full military control? what's that mean?"

A man walking by hears you and stops to talk -

Man: ”The lord sends officers or agents to a bunch of shops or farmland and they have direct control over what goes on. Controlling what goods are produced, how much crops are grown, regulating prices. Makes sure the population is fed and food prices don’t go crazy, make enough armor and weapons, that sort of thing.”

Health: 88/88
Stamina: 12/12
Mana: 9/16
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2
Movement: 4

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Vandolf (CrazyMLC)
Race: Lupus

"Woah, yeah, I kind of missed all that. Had trouble meeting back up with the group for a while now, so I'm kind of in the dark here. I can keep the guards off you, not so sure about the products."

You walk over to Ki’stha and slap him lightly, trying to get him back to his senses.

He doesn’t seem to respond.

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 17/17
Mana: 2/2
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2
Heroic AP: 10/10
Movement: 4

Evasion Behavior: Default evasion - Delay and Evade, block if out of evasion AP

Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:29 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
_____ Followers

Name: Miimas
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 12/12
Mana: 1/10
AP: 2/2
Movement: 3

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Grant
Race: Human Spirit


Health: 50/50
Stamina: -/-
Mana: 8/8
AP: 4/4

-Affixed to: Caelum Fire Token (+1 Basic AP)

Name: Horoma
Race: Human Spirit in a Doll


Health: 30/30
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 108/110
AP: 3/3
Movement: 3

Name: Aucupe
Race: Human Spirit in a Doll


Health: 30/30
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 30/30
AP: 2/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2
Feather AP: 1/1
Heroic AP: 2/10
Movement: 3

Swift Feathers: 26
+26 Evasion
+26 Speed
+5.2 Movement

Armor Feathers: 0 (10 Armor Resilience, 0/0 Durability) (+0/0 Defense)

Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:31 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
"As long as this doesn't explode on me..."

> Flip the switch.

Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:00 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
"Well... Alright, then. What's the plan, Noel?"

Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:22 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
"Huh, well that's... 'bout what i'd 'spect from the lord I 'spose."

>Head back to the house, time to spread the news.

Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:36 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
"I am, Stahlnacht."

to Tabi and family: "You could certainly stock up on groceries in Nullam, no? Past that - preserved foods in bulk, fresh food when we regularly stop in one city or another."

Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:29 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
"Pretty much.
When someone busts through a wall and yells to run, run. Until then, don't run, or the product girls will probably try to cut you down."

Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:38 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
Asklar wrote:
"As long as this doesn't explode on me..."

> Flip the switch.

You flip the switch, and all the machinery becomes dead quiet - along with all the lights turning off. Almost immediately after there are several loud banging sounds on the upper floor.

Black Mage: "Guess some of 'em are breaking out already."


CrazyMLC wrote:
"Well... Alright, then. What's the plan, Noel?"

Noel: "I dunno. You and Chrys fight and I stop magic."

Aucupe: "More badguys appeared!"

A cacophony of banging sounds out from inside the dorm, followed by a telepathic message.

Andrew: Eight guards just exited what looks like the barracks, and three more weapons appeared a bit to the east of them. Oh, and the anti-magic systems in the dorm near you just got shut down.



Amazigh wrote:
"Huh, well that's... 'bout what i'd 'spect from the lord I 'spose."

>Head back to the house, time to spread the news.

You head back to the house. On the way, you notice numerous shops are flooded with customers, places like dessert bakeries, high-end clothes outlets, butcheries, toy stores, and other shops that sell non-essential goods.

Reaching the house, you unlock the door and head in, finding Miimas and Horoma sitting on the couch waiting.

Miimas: "Did you hear about it already?"


TheKebbit wrote:
"I am, Stahlnacht."

to Tabi and family: "You could certainly stock up on groceries in Nullam, no? Past that - preserved foods in bulk, fresh food when we regularly stop in one city or another."

Kuva: "Yeah, that sounds reasonable. Good thing we brought money, though I'm not sure it's enough to buy enough food to last until the the crops finish growing."

A shadow falls over you, and you turn to see Stahlnacht. A thin, red vertical line appears in the center of the armored witch, quickly becoming a split that widens. Blood gushes out of the beast as it lurches forward and closes with you inside, encasing you in a dark, warm, wet chamber of flesh as the old armor you were wearing disintegrates.

You can feel the inside of Stahlnacht moving, and there's soon an opening where your face is. Trying to look around, you find that you're wearing a suit again, except this one's a bit bulkier than the previous.

Oh, and Tabi and her family are looking at you horrified.


TorrentHKU wrote:
"Pretty much.
When someone busts through a wall and yells to run, run. Until then, don't run, or the product girls will probably try to cut you down."

???: "Okay. I guess we wait around until then?"

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:11 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact

"...Jus' hope we can stay out of it."

Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:26 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
"Alright, let's go get them out."

Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:22 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
"Badguys, huh? Guess that means we should try to get these girls out of here before the fighting starts. Let's cover their escape until they're a safe distance away."

>Knock hard on the wall as a warning, then slice through wherever there isn't someone on the other side, using the map Andrew sent me. Use as many AP on flurries as I need.

"Who wants out of this dump?"

Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:46 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 284) - Elder Pact
"That's the plan...But. The products still haven't come in. Which means they're either still waiting outside for me, or...
If any of you can transfer mana, I need everything you can give in my sword!"
> Move 2 S, cut open the doors and put another big X on the southern wall. Don't break through yet.

Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:38 pm
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