Roll To Dodge 2 (RtD2) - Finished
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Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:46 pm Posts: 1930
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:13 am |
Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:06 am Posts: 196 Location: In front of keyboard, staring at monitor. (WA, Oz)
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Aight, lets get this thing ON!!
ROLL #101
FoiL (4) Andrew Rodrigues Andrew pulls out his AA-12 and points it at the Snake through the window, but there's a Vladimir in the way, so he moves Vlad out of the way and blasts the Snake THROUGH the window, blowing a crapload of glass shards at the Snake. It doesn't seem fussed, nor is it bleeding or anything. Abilities Fists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee) Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things) Hyper Focus (+1 concentration. 4 of 6 uses) Anti-Laser (Immune to attacks using Pure Energy as a Main Source, unless rolling a 1) Blast-Proof (Immune to explosive forces, unless rolling a 1) RAGE FACE (+1 to intimidation, scariness etc) Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir) Weapons AA-12 (30 of 32 Rounds, Wielded) Beretta 92FS (10 of 10 rounds) Extendable baton (Holstered) Inventory Top gun sunglasses (Worn) Blast-Proof Jacket (Pockets: 7 slot used, 3 available) - Jacket Usage Manual (1 slot) - 9 Rations (+1 to next action, 3 slots) - A water bottle (+1 to next action, 2 uses, 1 slot) - Ammo (5 Handgun magazines, 2 slots) Waist Pockets (18 slots used, 2 available) - 3 rockets for a SMAW (6 slots) - Swiss army knife (1 slot) - Utility Machete (1 slot) - Ammo (3 Drums, 4 Magazines, 10 slots total) Botanist's Backpack (16 slots used, 14 available): - Flare Gun and 4 red flares (6 slots) - A Folding Shovel (3 slots) - Some empty vials (3 slots) - 30ft of rope (5 slots) - Briefcase (Broken lock but closed, 4 slots) Condition(s) Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement) Broken Leg (Realigned, -1 to jogging and faster, belt-tied to stop blood flow)
Ociamarru (2) Vladimir Ivanov Vlad tries to exit the Jeep through his door, but the Snake has slithered past the window and is blocking it from opening. Andrew pushes past him and blows the window out trying to shoot it, but he seems to have failed. Vlad, meanwhile, tries to enter Barker's mind to see what he's thinking, but hits a wall. Almost literally: Barker's Mind is blocked by a mental wall, and Vlad can't 'break' it. Abilities Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled, 1 of 5 uses)
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions) Resilience (Gains one extra roll before death) Pilot Training (Able to fly aircraft, Cannot roll 1s) Scar-face (+1 Intimidation, -1 Charisma etc) Mental Link (Can project thoughts to others and 'see' theirs) Slow Motion (Uncontrollable) Instinctual Actions (Vladimir does things without thinking or knowing) Say what? ( ??? ) Weapons Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun (8 of 8 shells, dropped nearby) Colt 1911A (5 of 7 rounds, wielded) Khazar-replicated knife Inventory Containment Unit (37 slots used, 13 available) - Carved Wooden Statuette of self (1 slot) - Radio (1 slot) - Cellphone (Reception: 3/5, 1 slot) - Flare gun with 2 green flares (4 slots total) - Ammo (4 mags of Shotgun Shells (40), 8 handgun magazines (80), 12 slots total ) - 5 days of Rations (15 meals, 5 slots) - TOP-SECRET Information File (4 slots) - Bubblewrapped Mechanical Cube (Downed Phoenix?) (3 slots) - Medical kit (2 of 5 Uses, refillable, 5 slots) - Cybernetic Enhancement Kit (1 Use left, nonrefillable, 1 slot) Condition(s) Rested for ∞ turns, ∞ turns before tiredness. Fail Chest? (Healed?)
Point.Blank (6) Asfer Asfer charges the Snake, extending the Blade Shield as he goes, and thrusts it at its head. The Blade bounces off and smacks his helmet, making his ears ring. The Snake is well and truly pissed now. Abilities Large Muscle Mass (+1 to action requiring strength) Sixth sense (+1 to detecting enemies, traps etc) Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir) Super Sprint (Diverts all power to the legs of the Exo-Suit to sprint. Max 3 consecutive uses. +2 to sprints, -2 to any other power-using action) Weapons Mk.III 40mm Revolver Cannon (2 of 6 rounds, 1 turn to reload) READY Mk.II 5.7x28mm Vulcan Gun (250 of 250 rounds, 1 turn to reload) READY Bladed Shield (Left arm) EXTENDED Inventory MAF-EX103C Exo-suit (1 turn to enter/exit) Ultra-compact generator (Recharged by light, 15% per turn) Sensor node (Left Shoulder, IR, NV, auto-targeting camera) Rear cargo container: (18 slots used, 32 slots available) - 40mm cannon rounds (6xHE, 6xFrag, 6xSmoke, 6xStun, 12 slots total) - 500 spare Vulcan rounds (6 slots total) Condition(s) Loud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc) Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Wounded Left Calf Muscle (-1 to using lower left leg) Mechanized Heavy Armour (Asfer's body is mostly safe from harm) Generator Power 40% RIIIIIING (Ears ringing, -1 to next action)
HighEndNoob (5) Kyle Berguard Kyle jumps out of the Jeep and races around to the other side. He aims his Desert Eagles with deadly precision and fires at the Snake's head. The rounds fly true, but the scales successfully protect the Snake's head from harm. Abilities Marksman (+1 to longrange combat) Pyromaniac (+1 when using explosives or flame) Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir) Weapons Famas-G2 (30 of 30 Rounds, Slung) Dual Golden Desert Eagles (5 - 5 of 9 Rounds, Wielded) Katana (Sheathed) Inventory Holographic Sight (Mounted on FAMAS) KAC Masterkey Shotgun Attachment (Mounted on FAMAS) Recoil-countering Wristguards (100% Energy) Backpack (23 slots used, 2 available) - 5 Flashbangs (Non-Lethal, Audio/Visual, 2 slots) - 5 Claymores (Lethal, contains ball-bearings and shrapnel, 5 slots) - 5 Molotov Cocktails (Flammable, 2 slots) - Cigarette Lighter (100% Fuel, 1 slot) - 4 Semtex Plastic Explosives (Waterproof, malleable, 2 slots) - 4 C-4 Explosives (Everything-proof, malleable, 2 slots) - C-4 Detonator (1 slots) - 5 Spare Magazines per weapon (15 total, 7 slots) - 12 Spare Shotgun Shells (1 slot) Condition(s) Highly Explosive (Roll a 1 when shot and one of your explosives blow up) Recoil-Countering (+1 accuracy, -1 when Energy has run out) Explosives (Roll 3+ to successfully use, 2=fumble, 1=premature explosion, 6=dud)
CrazyMLC (6+1=6) James Blond James jumps out of the Jeep, leaving it running, and runs around the front to get a good shot. He fires some plasma at the Snake, burning some scales off, and making it rather annoyed. Abilities Ambidextrous (+1 to rolls involving the use of both hands) Sly (+1 to sneaking, deceiving, picking up ladies etc) Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir) Weapons Super-Heated Plasma Rifle (96% Energy) High-Powered Dual Laser Pistols (100% | 100% Energies) Mono-filament Bladed Bronze Knuckles Inventory Backpack (22 slots used, 3 available) -Rations (15 meals, +1 to next action, 3 slots) -Water Bottle (2 uses, +1 to next action, 1 slot) -Two hand-lit flares (2 slots) -Box of 12 Cigars (lasts 2 turns, +1 to awesomeness, 1 slot) -Box of 50 matches (3+ to use, 1 slot) -2x C-4 Explosives (3+ to use, 2 slots) -3x Flash bangs (3+ to use, 2 slots) -Blasting caps (3+ to use, 1 slot) -Box of 6 Cigar guns (Disposable, single use, 1 slot) -Fancy Expensive, manly cologne (1 slot) -Plasma Rifle Ammo (5 mags, 5 slots) -Utility machete (2 slots)
Game Events The time is 6:30 AM. With bullets fired, attempted stabbing and burnt skin, the Giant Anaconda has turned aggressive. It strikes at James, who barely dodges, and Asfer, who blocks its attack. A great thud brings their attention back to the Jeep. Somebody just landed on the roof of it and quickly jumped down the other side. The Jeep rocks on its suspension and the Anaconda gets ripped off the back bumper. The three outside run around to the rear of the Jeep to see a surprising sight: A lady, wearing but a shirt, jacket, pants and boots, is wrestling with the Anaconda, which is quite an achievement considering what an Anaconda does with its prey. She eventually grabs it somewhere down its body and swings it away, crashing into a tree. She wipes his hand across her forehead and looks at the three of them. "Oh. I knew you were around here someplace. You can't kill that thing easily, so I just got rid of it for you." Barker joins them. "You three realize I said stay in the car, right?"
Last edited by Yoman987 on Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:51 am |
Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:06 am Posts: 196 Location: In front of keyboard, staring at monitor. (WA, Oz)
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Waiting on someone to help with the game event.
Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:43 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
James ALWAYS helps a woman in need! > Punch the snake (USING BOTH HANDS) with my mono-filament knuckles.
Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:49 am |
Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:02 pm Posts: 1434
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Jump out of the jeep and WRESTLE ZE SNAKE (using hyper-focus and fists of fury)
Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:09 pm |
Joined: Sat May 02, 2009 4:52 am Posts: 254
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Wrestle the snake using large muscle mass. Try snapping it's neck.
Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:14 pm |
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:46 pm Posts: 1930
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Not wanting to get in the way, try and break that wall as hard as you can.
Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:27 pm |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Quid pro quo, Ociamaru.
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[The extension jpg has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]
Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:01 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:45 pm Posts: 48
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
/me lols at dos style tophat.
(I mean the really religious jews.)
Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:17 pm |
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:09 am Posts: 1115 Location: Being The Great Juju
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Amazing game events, Yoman  You water everything down too much, garshdawnit. Also; I'd totally post pictures of myself but I'm not very photogenic. I'll have to get a huge group picture and be like "HEY GUYS GUESS WHO I AM TROLOLOLOLO"
Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:51 pm |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:00 pm Posts: 4144 Location: Hell.
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Yeah, try something like this perhaps? Game Event:The Jeep buckles as if something just held onto the back of it, as if the snake holding onto the rear bumper was grabbed by something. The team look to the back of the jeep, and see a women wearing blue, holding onto the snake before ripping it away from the jeep and starts beating it to a bloodly pulp, with little effort, as if it was not even trying to destroy the snake. Make little details longer, its what I learned at the Academy of Roll, along with this nice degree. 
Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:55 pm |
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:09 am Posts: 1115 Location: Being The Great Juju
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Game Events As everybody within the cramped confines of the jeep struggles to react to the snake, there is a sudden banging sound from the roof, and the whole jeep is noticeably pressed down. The snake turns and hisses at the newcomer on the roof, but as the group watches, its head is grabbed and pulled up, forcing its reluctant body along. There are more thuds and skids on the roof as the slithering beast enters a series of desperate death throes in an attempt to escape its demise- it finally succeeds, because they hear a sudden yell of pain and the snake tumbles off of the roof ungracefully, its body bruised, its fangs bloody. The jeep then makes a screeching noise as the person on top leaps off towards the leviathan-sized serpent, and in one fluid movement resumes his- wait, her? A woman, clothed in blue- resumes her previous struggle with the creature, using nothing but her bare hands. Little known fact; my major was RTD'ing, but I also took a class in one-upping.
Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:06 pm |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:00 pm Posts: 4144 Location: Hell.
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Ragdollmaster wrote: :D Game Events As everybody within the cramped confines of the jeep struggles to react to the snake, there is a sudden banging sound from the roof, and the whole jeep is noticeably pressed down. A Jeep has a roof? I always thought they did not, like World war 2 style. That and I merely expanded what was already in the game event.
Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:22 pm |
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:09 am Posts: 1115 Location: Being The Great Juju
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
Lots of jeeps have roofs :v There are ones with open tops, yeah, but I imagine that in the jungle it would be more practical to have a hard-top roof due to things like animals, rain, etc.
Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:26 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
 Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MINIBOSS: GIANT ANACONDA
How can you hop into a jeep without opening the doors when it has a ROOF?
MY jeep is roofless, dawg.
Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:32 pm |
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