Orbital scans of this district show Industrial Facilities to the East, a series of housing units to the west and Garrisons housing the objectives in the Northwest and Southwest corners.
- Destroy Northern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete
- Destroy Southern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete- Leave District through Northern Exit.CaveCricket48 - DiscoWalking up alongside HALT you take a moment to pick yourself a target among the Sumats, but every time you center your aim on one someone finishes it off, so you're left with nothing to fire on. Shrugging to yourself you step forwards, looks like this is about it for this district.
TorrentHKU - Rumble"Ah! God has given me a TREAT as thanks for my STUPID AS PAINTED ♥♥♥♥ maneuver!" Pedal to the metal you power out past Swiss, and swing yourself up between the Sumats and the wall. With a Shout
"HOW CAN I NOT?" You kick your engine into overdrive and slam into one of them and with the deafening roar of your engine you push forwards and smash it into another as that one takes a pounding from your allies. Turning to get yourself loose of the carnage you take a glance at the carnage you wrought, the two tanks are little more than a twisted pile of scrap metal at this point.
TheKebbit - GazerSwitching aim to an undamaged Tank, you open fire.
[XFEL] 80+50:100 - 89Your beam has much the same effect as before, but the follow up by Swiss leaves the Sumat in the same state as the others, fit for the scrapheap. At which you swing around the Buildings, a stationary target is a dead target after all.
DSMK2 - HALTMoving out past the building with Disco, you open fire with you main guns on the nearest Sumat.
[Laser] 80+50+8-20-25:93 - 45
[Particle Lance] 80+50+8-20-25:93 - 89Your shots, combined with Swiss's shells prove more than sufficient, and it almost seems to collapse in on itself, and it basically does after Rumble drives the other Tank into it. Shots fired you move back behind the buildings.
CrazyMLC - Swiss- ! STUNNED ! - [-20% to hit]
"Sumats on the exit! Gonna need a couple more guns pointed at these things." Swinging your Tank around and taking aim as best you can you open up with your Chaingun.
[Linked 90mm Chaingun] 80+20-50:50 - 78 20 81 21 56 3 35You land some shots into the closer one just before Rumble slams into its rear.
[Linked 90mm Chaingun] 80+20-50:50 - 10 20 63 54 1 67 100The one behind it, now exposed takes a few hits as well, its armour near enough flowing like Butter after Gazers beam and your shells punch right through its armour detonating inside and blowing out the crew hatches, definitely taken care of.
[Linked 90mm Chaingun] 80+20-50:50 - 46 86 92 18 42 59Finally you unload the last of your burst into the one Rumble slammed the other Sumat into, leaving it a complete wreck. Before you get a chance to enjoy the destruction you wrought your rear sensors ping that enemies are spotted, and they open fire.
[4MW Lasers] 80-5-5-15:55 - 47 24
[50mm Missiles] 80-5-5-15:55 - 100 74 45 14
[Discharger APS] 80/60 - 95 69[Crit!] 8 - Cockpit/Sensors [Sensor Strength reduced by 50%, all successful hits must be re-rolled]The lasers heat score into your armour burning away precious protection just for the missiles to come in, two managing to bypass your APS to hit you, your screens flicker for a moment before coming back up, with a warning about damage to your primary FCS.... you remember one thing about the schematics for this vehicle, and that's how the FCS units are mounted right above your head, that's really bad news.
---- Enemies ----Pony #2- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged
Bramble #1- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged
Prong #1- Shield Up
- Armour Damaged