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 Ad Infidium (Roll 307) - ON HOLD TEMPORARILY 
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 258)
"Aaaand she went with Kyeltziv. Arara.
Well, can't be helped I suppose. Wait, is it just you two who got out, you and Horoma?"

Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:04 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 258)
>Amuse myself by attempting to hold a conversation with the armor.
"Hello? It's me, the Fourth. I appreciate what you're doing for me. What does it feel like to interface with a fragile sack of blood?"

Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:09 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 258)
CrazyMLC wrote:
> Observe the hallway closer. Maybe it's a button too? If I press it, it might get bigger and I can see the details closer.

You press the hallway probe screen, and controls pop up on the lower section of the screen. A circle, and to the left of it are four arrows, each pointing in a compass direction. Pressing and dragging the circle seems to rotate the view, and the arrows move the thing that's doing the looking. Moving the probe, probably.

Directing the probe closer to one of the bodies, it seems to be a well-mummified human. Probably has been dead for a long time.

TorrentHKU wrote:
"Aaaand she went with Kyeltziv. Arara.
Well, can't be helped I suppose. Wait, is it just you two who got out, you and Horoma?"

Aucupe: "No, a bunch of us got out too, like twenty? I think Belua might know some more. She's in a doll too, but it doesn't have a heartstone so she can't use her powers."

TheKebbit wrote:
>Amuse myself by attempting to hold a conversation with the armor.
"Hello? It's me, the Fourth. I appreciate what you're doing for me. What does it feel like to interface with a fragile sack of blood?"

A quiet hum fills your ears for several seconds, seemingly coming from the inside of the helm, before becoming silent.

Meanwhile, you hear Luoda and Kura talk.

Kura: "... with a large number of cities in ruins after the War of Blades and the Caelum-Daeli war, lot of core beasts are starting to make territorial claims again."

Luoda: "That sounds problematic. At least the leviathans have retreated into the ocean."

Kura: "That adds another problem, though. When the leviathan Reviiri was around, he claimed a huge expanse of land and demolished large cities, but was fine with small villages and farms. His territory was covered with farms that were effectively under leviathan protection. When neighboring kingdoms drove him out, the land was then taken over by beasts that the kingdoms weren't able to fend off.

There's also the theorized dilemma of witch cities. With newer towns and cities being built with more AM infrastructure, there's the threat of a witch corrupting all of it fairly easily, and the entire thing ends up becoming a witch."

Luoda: "That sounds terrifying."

Kura: "Yeah. Research into corruption protection is huge right now."

Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:28 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 258)
"Hm. So you all have magic, but can't use them in a doll body without a heartstone. Sounds like I wasn't terribly far off with my conjecture. Could you bring Belua here?"

Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:34 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 258)
"Was that a sign? I am not your equal in power, but we are of the same rank of spirit. We share a space. I think I could get used to carrying you on me."

Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:40 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 258)
> Does this probe have a light I can activate? If so, maybe I could explore the other areas too.

Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:06 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 258)
"Just what I needed... I should have just killed her if this is how she was going to end."

> Pick up the stone.

Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:05 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 258)
"Dammit, where is he."
> Peer out of the hole my companion left by

Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:26 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 258)
"S'pose could do with showin' thanks for her help."
>Find a stall that sells fish.

Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:44 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 259)
Roll 259

The world as the players know it:


1. Kyeltziv
2. -
3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, Raze
4. John
5. Vandolf, Kleigg


Time: Morning

Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU)
Race: Human

"Hm. So you all have magic, but can't use them in a doll body without a heartstone. Sounds like I wasn't terribly far off with my conjecture. Could you bring Belua here?"

Aucupe: ”Okay, I’ll go get her!”

Aucupe runs off into the house.

Madenuuk: ”Why don’t you come inside, have a seat.”

Lucida: Might as well.

You and Andrew head inside, taking a seat on the couch in the living room. The walls are covered with paintings of various children, all girls.

Madenuuk enters the room carrying a tray with a tea kettle and some cups, pouring three drinks while a barrage of impacts strike the stairs, heralding the arrival of the energetic Aucupe, and the delayed appearance of a calmer doll.

This one has blond hair and purple eyes, and sporting a simple white dress.

Aucupe: ”Here she is!”

Belua: ”Hello.”

Health: 57/57
Stamina: 5/5
Mana: 13/15
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2
Fortification AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Auto Impulse Evasion when there is Evasion AP | Use Impulse Evasion to recover before actions if stumbled and have any Evasion AP or at least 2 regular AP

-Lucida Armor (Absorbs all damage) (17 Armor Resilience, 1500/1500 Durability) (+50 Strength, +30 Evasion, +10 Speed) (Immune to Telepathy)

Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit)
Race: Human

"Was that a sign? I am not your equal in power, but we are of the same rank of spirit. We share a space. I think I could get used to carrying you on me."

A whisper fills the helm, loud enough for you to hear, quiet enough that no one else can.

Stahlnacht: ”Disaster looms over all of us. The few who have power are responsible for taking action.”

The lamp slowly morphs in your hand, the metal leaf-like shades folding over and encasing the light crystal. The entire lamp starts to look like an upside-down flower bud, the switch retreating into the body while a wind-up key appears in the top, under the handle.

Holes appear on the lamp around the key, forming letters.

The cage becomes a haven

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Captured Spells (0/2)

-Stahlnacht Armor (Absorbs all damage) (20 Armor Resilience, 100/500 Durability) (+15 Strength, +15 Evasion, +5 Speed) (Regens 20 per turn)

Name: P’orihc (Asklar)
Race: Chirop

Just what I needed... I should have just killed her if this is how she was going to end.”

You try your best to ignore the screams and stagger over to the remains of the girl, taking the stone from her hand. Its about the size of a golf ball. Red in color and smooth on the surface, but doesnt seem to be a perfect sphere, but slightly oblong.

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 12/12
AP: 2/2
Telepathic AP: 1/1
Evasion AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Manual

-Attached Spirit (Will: 1) (-1 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 8) (-8 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 7) (-7 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 4) (-4 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 6) (-6 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 1) (-1 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 2) (-2 Arcane, Aim)

Name: Ki’stha (Roast Veg)
Race: Chirop

"Dammit, where is he."

You climb up the vertical shaft in the tunnel and peer out of the hole.

Ahead of you looks like a partially ruined building that looks like a boarding school, sitting on a vast gated lawn. P’orihc is directly in front of you, standing over the bloody remains of something.

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 6/6
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Capacitance: 1/3
-Ball Lightning (10 Electrocution)

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Name: Kyeltziv (Amazigh)
Race: Lupus

"S'pose could do with showin' thanks for her help."

The two of you find a large number of fish stalls on the west side of the city. Miimas gets a pair of trout for 8 copper.

Miimas: ”One for me, and one for Tuhota. Not that I think it’d fill her up, with how much she eats. By the way, do you know why Horoma doesn’t like Tuhota?”

Health: 88/88
Stamina: 12/12
Mana: 14/16
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

-Inner Peace (+10 Spirit magic effectiveness, +10 Spirit Magic Resistance)

Name: Vandolf (CrazyMLC)
Race: Lupus

Hmm, it appears that the probe does indeed have a light on it, since there don’t seem to be any active lights in the area and your probe is capable of seeing a set distance away.

Checking one end of the hallway, it seems to be blocked with debris, so you head the other way, navigating around the bodies and pieces of stone.

At the end of the hallway leads to a large damaged opening, that seems to be large enough that the ceiling and opposing wall are out of reach of your probe’s sight.

You do notice a large cable of some sort that sprouts out of the wall to your left and leads into the darkness.

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 17/17
Mana: 2/2
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2
Heroic AP: 8/10

Evasion Behavior: Default evasion - Delay and Evade, block if out of evasion AP

Name: Raze (Ociamarru)
Race: Lupus

Ki’stha: "Dammit, where is he."

Ki’stha climbs up the vertical shaft in the tunnel, leaving you.

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 14/14
Mana: 4/4
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Manual

_____ Followers

Name: Miimas
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 2/12
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Grant
Race: Human Spirit


Health: 50/50
Stamina: -/-
Mana: 8/8
AP: 4/4

-Affixed to: Caelum Fire Token (+1 Basic AP)

Name: Horoma
Race: Human Spirit in a Doll


Health: 30/30
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 108/110
AP: 3/3

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Dec 30, 2015 8:49 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 259)
> Follow the cable.

Wed Dec 30, 2015 8:58 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 259)
"Hey there, I'm John. My friend Kyeltziv came through here a couple days ago, I came to check up on him. Then by chance I heard that you kids were involved in Heartstone. I'm actually investigating Project Heartstone right now, could you tell me more about it? Anything would be helpful."

Wed Dec 30, 2015 9:04 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 259)
Two can work at this.
"Contact. She's friendly, but she just got my lamp. More prophecy.

'Disaster looms over all of us. The few who have power are responsible for taking action.'

Whatever we take that to mean. I won't turn the key on this thing until we are in trouble."

Last edited by TheKebbit on Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Dec 30, 2015 9:24 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 259)
"What is this stone? What is this?!"

>Listen if any voice in my head replies to my questions.

Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:42 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 259)
>Buy myself a trout.
"Think she might just be overly prone t' suspicion, Tuhota was almost too eager t' come with us and all."

Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:23 am
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