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 Fhealltoir Take:2 
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Drink water. Do not reboot my shields.

Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:55 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
maart3n wrote:
>Shields to inactive and start dumping energy from the capacitors into them whenever they're full.

Wed Dec 04, 2019 12:57 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
New unit encountered: Stultulo, see Resource thread for details.

Finally reaching the district gate with no more suprises it opens up, and Thunders Drone reveals some enemies already within its range.

[A turn must end with all alive players located on either of the Elevators for your packages to deploy]


Orbital scans of this district show it to have a pair of military garrisons to the north and south, between which lies freight elevators granting access to the Geofront below the city. The rest of the district is mainly composed of logistics and shipping facilities to handle what goes in and out of the Geofront.
- Deploy Packages on Geofront Freight Elevators.
- Destroy Northern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Destroy Southern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Leave District through Northern Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

HKU - Thunder

Shutting down your shields for a better recharge rate you head along the road, as you reach the corner just before the gate, you launch your drone up, happy to see no ambush there, and pullign up to the gate you see no hostiles in direct view of it as well, that's some luck.

CrazyMLC - Crispr

Just sitting back you head to the next area, nothing really worth wrecking on the road to be honest.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

Making sure to leave your shields down, no matter how vulnerable you feel you follow the others, taking a deep chug from your canteen, getting the feeling you might need to be on top of your game to survive this.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Cycling your ammo feed to draw a mixed burst you just head along with the others.


Heading along you destroy some of the cameras with your AP Laser, but honestly there are so many of them that you quickly lose heart and stop bothering with it.

maart3n - Shockwave

Managing your capacitor and dumping it into your shields as you walk along, you manage to bring them back to full before you reach the gate.

Areku - Frog

Just striding ahead you make a beeline for the gate, and are almost disappointed that there isn't another ambush.

---- Enemies ----

Stultulo #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Stultulo #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Fiver #1
- Armour Undamaged

Last edited by Amazigh on Fri Dec 06, 2019 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:06 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"They obviously know we're here, and I'm staring at artillery units on the radar... Anyone think they have their own spotters?"

Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:15 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> After the doot, EE tN N tE. Flamer Lasair any visible Stultos.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Fri Dec 06, 2019 5:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Dec 04, 2019 6:54 pm
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"I mean we did just get done wiping an entire group of them out. They probably rolled out the red carpet after the Dunfort and company left.
Around the elevator is prooobably a giant kill box. We may want to hit one of the guns first and then move from there, so we have some cover."

> Shields up. After Maart doots, 2E, Turn N, 1N, Turn E, 2E. Railgun Stultulo #2 on my way by. End behind that horizontalish building for cover.

Also let's go north and blast through the side of the orbital gun plaza

Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:24 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>2E, 1N, Max Doot E, 1E, 1S, Kick unfriendly mech. Use the micromissiles to barrage roughly where the infantry and powersuits are.

Last edited by maart3n on Fri Dec 06, 2019 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Dec 05, 2019 4:30 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
so we can break into the gun room.

Thu Dec 05, 2019 4:32 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> 1E tS 1S Hit Fiver #1 with plasgun, compressing with 5EN 2N tE 1E

Last edited by DSMK2 on Sun Dec 08, 2019 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Dec 06, 2019 12:53 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>1E, turn S, 3S, turn E

>5 Mobi punch the vinebro

>Sidestep 1S

>Use all remaining mobility to stomp the fiver

>Smoke self

after the others have unloaded their guns on that area, pls

Fri Dec 06, 2019 1:57 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Move East 1, Turn North, Move 1 North

If drones have line-of-sight, open fire

Turn East

Fire cannon on Stultuos/whatever's available

Move 1 East, try to fire again if enemies weren't within LoS the last time I tried

Use the building south of me as cover from the south

Fri Dec 06, 2019 2:36 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Turn the shields back on. EEN, then E after Shockwave opens up with his sonic weapon. Then fire the SABRE on the two Stultulos. E again to slide behind the tall buildings if they are still standing, otherwise slide back behind the corner in the same tile.

Sat Dec 07, 2019 10:54 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2

Orbital scans of this district show it to have a pair of military garrisons to the north and south, between which lies freight elevators granting access to the Geofront below the city. The rest of the district is mainly composed of logistics and shipping facilities to handle what goes in and out of the Geofront.
- Deploy Packages on Geofront Freight Elevators.
- Destroy Northern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Destroy Southern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Leave District through Northern Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

HKU - Thunder

"I mean we did just get done wiping an entire group of them out. They probably rolled out the red carpet after the Dunfort and company left." After replying to STOP you then call out a suggestion the the others "Around the elevator is prooobably a giant kill box. We may want to hit one of the guns first and then move from there, so we have some cover." Seeing how noo-one replies you figure they all agree with you so bringing your shields back online you pull up behind Shockwave, you drive out and swing your turret to get a shot on the further Stultulo but Kettlehead has already shredded it, so you hold your fire for now. Taking a glace at your drones feed you see that there's a Nus right outside the garrison, no doubt at least 3 others around the Elevators, and those two Kriegos who zipped out of its range could be annoying.

CrazyMLC - Crispr

After waiting for Shockwave to unleash his blast you pull up behind him and open up on one of the Stultulos.
[Heavy Flamethrower] 80+20-5:95 - 5 41 29 96
[Scatter] 4(E)
[Dorn Lasair] 80+20-5:95 - 75

Most of your Flamer fire scores a direct hit, heating it up ready for your Lasair shell to slam into it bathing it in more flames while also taking out a considerable chunk of armour.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

You bring your shield back online, though with this little charge it'll be good for maybe one shot, so you stick close to Shockwave and wait for him to fire his sonic emitter before pulling out from behind the building and unloading on the Walkers.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50-10:100 - 48 72 66 48 26
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50-10:100 - 16 85 7 24 5

The first Crumples under your fire shells punching through its thin armour to core what you think is the cockpit area, while your shells stitch across the second before hitting one of the rocket pods and it goes up in a blast that leaves it a smoking pile on the ground, targets taken care of you move up behind the still.. somewhat standing structure.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Creeping forwards you scan the area, having your drones ready to fire on anything they see all while you scan for the Stultulos, but by the time you make it to seeing them they've already been taken care of, taking cover behind the building proves less than successful, as it collapses from the results of Shockwaves blast, leaving you in clear albeit distant view of some hostiles.


"They obviously know we're here, and I'm staring at artillery units on the radar... Anyone think they have their own spotters?"
Calling out to the others about your fears you peek around the corner as Frog rushes ahead and fire a slightly condensed blast into the Fiver.
[30MW Plasgun] 80+50-30:100 - 17
Your bolt slams into it doing some damage, but more importantly softening the armour for Frog, you then quickly back put of sight before you can see the result of his attack, you have no desire to take a hit from that cannon.

maart3n - Shockwave

Striding ahead of the others you charge up and unleash a full charge blast from your Marú Anála, you see the vehicles ahead of you crumple into little more than scrap metal, and the buildings start to slowly cave in on themselves, ignoring the carnage you rush up and kick the nearer Stultulo your foot tearing out a sizable chunk of armour from it, ripe for the others to come along and finish it off. But before you can bask in glory you notice the Nus that you can see through the gap in the buildings as it opens fire.
[80mm Autocannon] 80-20-5:55 - 13 26 1 80
Most of its shells slam into your shield not doing all that much to it, but it's unwelcome all the same.

[As much fun as it would be, you can't do indirect fire with your AP weapon]

Areku - Frog

Rushing out of the gate you make a beeline for the two tanks spotted by the drone, seeing that there is a second APC you slam your Armature through the first one as you pass, it lurches to the side rolling over and you hear the telltale popcorn sound of an ammo cookoff as you slam your foot down on the Assault Gun, your foot tears straight through the armour softened by STOP and you utterly pulverise the engine block, then just as you pull your foot out and go to hit the switch to fire smoke you spot a pair of turrets to the East along with another APC with infantry... that could be a complication.

---- Enemies ----

Nus #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Nus #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Nus #3
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Kriego #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Kriego #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Sun Dec 08, 2019 7:49 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
E tS SS. Flamer Nus #1. NN.

Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:44 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Shoot Turret #2 with plasgun, compressing with 6EN, 3E tN

Last edited by DSMK2 on Tue Dec 10, 2019 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:35 am
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