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 Legends of the Sky 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Shame you guys dealt with that octopus, already. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as overcoming a great foe, Maart3n.

Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:07 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Shamefully shuffle back to store, sell spear and purchase OmniHead
"I couldn't find my wizard friend, so I'll uh, I'll take the regular deal."

Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:29 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>View items in cases while waiting for service.

Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:14 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
caekdaemon wrote:
I'm pretty sure that qualifies as overcoming a great foe, Maart3n.

It still does my friend, it still does.

"If you would give me just a minute."
Run out of the store and back to the ship, melt the octopus gel of the deck and carry it back to the mage.
"This is the Icey gel of a sky octopus we defeated a while ago."

Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:42 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Um. Since when do you talk?"

Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:35 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
I'm sure we can come to some sort of...arrangement.
Slug a little more liquid Thunder, and then seduce her. All in the name of lower prices.

Well, unfortunately my Captain is a niggardly bastard. Miggles, any chance you've got some spare D's I can borrow for this lovely woman and her gun?
Trade blunderbuss for gun, hopefully Miggles comes through. Figure if we're staying the night at this town.

Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:42 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Buy repeater. Also give James 250 drachmas

Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:20 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [4]:
"Um. Since when do you talk?"
Since someone started talking to me, numbnuts.

"What did you do to my sword."
"Yeah I'm not even gonna bother. Thanks for giving my sword a voice I guess."

You walk out of the blacksmith.
"...Well what the hell do I do now?"
Don't ignore me, for a start.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [2]:
"Sounds good."
You pay Diana, and take your new repeater and ammo. You then notice that James is giving you puppy dog eyes shamelessly. You sigh and dole out 250 Drachmas, then hand them to him. He gleefully cheers back up, and sets the money and his blunderbuss on the counter.
"Alright sir, thank you for your patronage, I have another customer now soifyoucouldkindlygetoutofmystorekaythanks!"
You find yourself being half pushed, half thrown out of the gunsmiths, and the door slams shut behind you.
Well, not the finest customer service YOU'VE ever seen.


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [4]:
Let's see...
There's a rock about the size of a potato, heavily pitted and dark in color. Next is... Um, a fork? It's a silver fork with intricate and regal looking patterns formed from the metal, along with black sooty stuff covering its surface. Finally, a small musicbox with a windkey next to it, made from wood and decorated in a simple lined style.
The shopkeep bustles out of the back and greets you. He mops his forehead with a handkerchief, and smiles at you.
"Welcome to the Artifaction Almadum! How can I help you?"
"You... sell artifacts here?"

He perks up at the word.
"Ohh, yes! Would you like to hear about what we have in stock?"
You cautiously nod as Charlotte drifts around, looking at the cases up close.
"W-well, all three of these are artifacts! The rock I believe has some kind of volcanic influence. When struck from any side, fire comes out the opposite side proportional to how hard it was hit. Can't break, and no limit to the force you hit it with. Had a ship captain fire a cannon at the thing, LAVA sprayed out the other side! Oh dear, that was a messy occasion...
The fork becomes INTENSELY magnetic, but only when the tines are struck. That provided more than a few shenanigans during transport.
Finally, the music box, er, summons people. Anyone and thing close enough to hear it play will be irresistibly drawn to it, and just stand there enjoying the music. Except for anyone within 2 or so feet of the music box."
"...Those seem kinda... weird."
"Yes, artifacts tend to be abnormal."


Izen (Sedraxis) [8]:
Guess you'll have to just bite the bullet. Well, at least you CAN bite it now.
You head back to the weapon shop.
"Got an enchanted spear for me?"
"Nope, just a plain ol' spear. But I did find some money, so I can buy it. You said you'd pay 20 for my current spear?"
"Yep. You got 140 I assume?"

You lay your spear and the money on the counter, and the shopkeep nods approvingly. You take the OmniHead, and the shopkeep shows you the different movements and techniques for using the spear. You gain a bit of insight into spear use as well. Or at least, THIS spear.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [3]:
"If you would give me just a minute."

You leave the shop and hurry back to the shipyard, but are stopped by O'Neil as you try to board the ship.
"Ey. You th' Cap'n or Engineer?"
"Then I cannae let ye on yet."
"What! Why?"
"Important business with them. Takes priority. Cannae let anyone back on th' ship before that."

Well, assbagels.


Tomaster (James Tiber) [5+2=7]:
"Well, unfortunately my Captain is a niggardly bastard. Robert, any chance you've got some spare D's I can borrow for this lovely woman and her gun?"
He didn't hear you. Ok, plan B. You sidle up next to him and deploy the puppy dog eyes.
It works like a charm. Rob sighs, gives you 250 Drachmas, and then is quickly ushered out by Diana. You stare quizically at the scene as she closes the door and locks the door, then flips the sign in the window to Closed.
She walks back behind the counter, and accepts payment, counting out the coins and stashing the Blunderbuss behind the counter. You happily take your new toy, and heave it over your shoulder, testing the weight. Pretty heavy, but MAN you can't wait to try it out on something.
"Awesome. Well then madam, I believe I'll be taking my leave now."
"Really? Can't you stay a bit, maybe have a quick drink? Or perhaps share some of yours?"

She bats her eyes at you and leans on the counter. Your spider senses detect a "vibe".
"I mean, wouldn't you like to properly 'Seal the Deal' on your purchase?"


Several Sealing the Deals later, Diana snuggles against you in her bed upstairs, the both of you quite tired but thoroughly satisfied. She makes a sort of happy grumbling sound, and you're inclined to agree.


Game Events:

Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:27 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Jeez. I mean, this is cool and all, but I'm going to look crazy talking to a sword. Ah, who cares. So uh... do you have a name, swordbro?" >Head to Honest Ed's. Get premonition about James calling me a bastard, plot vengeance.

Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:12 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Well, that's always a nice buying bonus.
Wait. Drink some more. Wonder how long we're staying on this island.

Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:23 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Well, I probably won't get a chance to get in, but this looks fun. Put me on the waiting list, HK.

Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:29 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Find Cap'n, ask him what do.
"Thanks for showing me how to use this spear."

Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:41 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Head back to ship, investigate what is going on there.

I have a bad feeling about O'Neill..

Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:57 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"How much to purchase any of these fine artifacts? I must say I'm particularly interested in the music box and the fork though..."

Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:17 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Also I'm gonna take the Fail Flail route and color player text, this is getting hard to see. If you've requests for text color speak them now, or forever enjoy the neon pink.

Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:26 am
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