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 RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business! 
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
You MIGHT just want to explode the building after we get out of it. I do not foresee a flaming death in my future.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:10 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
let's not turn this into a PR nightmare, shall we?
Request for backup noted. Definitive result coming at roll.
Any specifics regarding a preferred unit for the backup?"

Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:42 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"The backup should fly and be heavily armored. We are going to resist a goddam huge explosion in here."

Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:43 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"Alright then. Thanks for the info."

"Guys! We're going to catch a ride out of here. Everyone up to the lobby."

Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:57 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
>Wait for the vehicle.

"I hope it arrives in time."

Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:59 am
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"Just keep you finger on the trigger and hope no one tries to be a hero and stop us from leaving. In hindsight, we could have taken some uniforms from the security officers we killed and walked out undeterred."

Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:01 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.

Why didn't you thought of that before! Specially with Heather, things would have been much easier!

...Well, I guess that's for the next mission."

Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:03 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"I'm surprised that no one was injured. I guess we just got lucky."

Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:13 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"Pffft, we are not lucky, we are professionals.
Either that, or I'm very optimistic."

Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:21 am
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"I will admit I got lucky. I couldve died four times on some of the stunts I pulled, but hey I didn't like the boss, anyway... I guess I will head up to the lobby with you two"

Go to the lobby. Shoot my way out.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:13 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Harzipan - Nikolai Petrouski.
6 - Take Prototype SMG, and then head up to Ed.

After the team gets back together for the second time, Heather gives you the prototype smg. It's uses a rather strange configuration, where the ammo comes from a horizontally mounted magazine injected into the gun at an angle. This however allows the gun to be compact and still have a long barrel. The following is stamped into the receiver: ".55 Caseless sub sonic SMG prototype". Once again you find yourself without suitable ammo, although this time the weapon is actually worth keeping. You presume Saltech could make some just for you, or modify the gun for a different type of ammo.

You head up to an entrenched Ed, and overhear the verbal firefight between the police force and Apex Dynamics' security guards.
Heather comes barging up the stairs loading her rifle, followed by Nathaniel screaming:
You decide that this was a piece of advise that you will not doubt. What happens next is a blur.

Caekdaemon - Nathaniel McDonohugh.
2 - Leave, explode building.

Leaving the labs just behind Heather and her new quadraped friend you prime the C4 and get ready to blow the labs sky high.
Niko and Ed are already at the top of the stairs and Heather is halfway. You flick the security switch of and hold your finger over the trigger. "This might even get useful as a way out, terrorist style." You say to yourself, before tripping on one of the last steps, dropping the detonator, which is now starting to rapidly pulse a red light. "♥♥♥♥"

"RUN!" Is the last thing you can say while trying to get up again.

Then nothing.

Asklar - Edward Smith.
8 - Wait for the vehicle.

The guards are now in a heated conversation with the police about why the alarms went off, the desk in the middle of the lobby isn't helping them. Niko joins you with a newer version of his trademark weapon, the empty SMG. You radio HQ to pick you and the others up as soon as possible.
"Mission control, this is Saltech R&D security, requesting pickup. Area might get hot."
"Roger, transport is on the way. We've sent an armored carrier to pick you up, ETA is 3 minutes."
"Thank you, R&D security out."

Heather is running up the staircase loading her rifle, getting ready to start today's biggest firefight. You want to stop her, but a panicked Nathaniel draws your attention while a small metal box slides into the lobby.


You put two and two together and grab Niko by the collar while running into the lobby. Diving behind a stone statue you feel the ground shake and your ears pop. The next thing you see is Nathaniel's body being flung through the lobby by the blast. He crashes into a security guard and comes to a stop.

NikolasX - Heather.
5 + 2 = 7 - Go to the lobby. Shoot my way out.

You run up the stairs to the lobby, ready to shoot every man that dares to stand between you and your ride out. When you get there you take aim for the nearest guard.

You breath in.


As you squeeze the trigger the robot pushes you behind the desk, throwing your shot way off, causing it to hit one of the police cars outside.
Then you feel it, the ground starts to shake like a miniature earthquake and your ears feel like you've been standing way too close to an amplifier during a concert. Nathaniel accidentally triggered the C4, and the robot saved you from the blast.

Game events:
The C4 has blown and Nathaniel was knocked out by the blast. He is bleeding severely and his left arm looks like it's in a really bad shape.
The others have slipped into the lobby unnoticed, the guards were too busy keeping the cops out. The same cops are now under the impression that they were shot at by the guards and are storming the building. Bullets are flying left and right and the transport is just under 3 minutes away.

Caek doesn't get an action until woken up.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:28 pm
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"Did the charges go off? This early? Great. Is everyone besides Nathan alright?"

Bring Nate's body to behind cover and attempt to apply medical treatment.

"If anyone has any medical knowledge, now would be the time to speak up."

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:36 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"I knew I should have taken that first aid course, dammit!"
>Help Niko on keeping Nathan alive.

"The vehicle is a few minutes away!"

Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:07 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"I don't know what these do exactly, but I picked up some experimental drugs from the labs, since they say combat drugs i'm assuming they contain large amounts of adrenaline... might work if his heart stops.

Help Nathan, wait for ride.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:24 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
So uh, are we just waiting for caek?

Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:42 pm
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