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 Legends of the Sky 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Seek medical attention more

Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:59 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [9]:
"Hey captain, some cannons would be nice, why don't ya spend your money on that instead of booze?"
"Who said anything about booze? I'm not one of the ones that got drunk or even had a shot of anything last night. Besides, we've only got 500 Drachmas left. I doubt that's enough for even one cannon."

He concedes, and the lot of you start travelling down the street, gazing at shops as you go. Besides the less savory places right at the beginning, there are plenty of stores of all kinds! General goods, magic shop, apothecary, alchemical supply, open air blacksmith, ship scale metalworking, artifact store, curio store, accessory and jewelry store, gunsmith, weapon and armor depot, discount Everything store, clockworker's office, a large 2 building medical office, and finally something named "Discount Ed's Honest Rocket ♥♥♥♥♥ Warehouse".
You're not quite sure what that last one is, but this town has every kind of store you could possibly need!
If you're looking for any specific deals or anything, you'll have to scout out a specific type of store.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [8]:
You see a store with a large clock in the window and several mechanical looking things inside. You split off from the group and enter the store, marveling. It's a machinist's paradise. The walls are covered in a huge clockwork assemblage of gears, pistons, rods, and god knows what else, all moving in a glorious symphony, while somehow remaining exceptionally quiet. The only sound is that of the clock in the window ticking. All around the shop are shelves covered in clockwork creations, both practical and fantastical, and racks of bins filled with tiny parts of all shapes and sizes.
You approach a thin man in his late 40's with slicked down black hair, a ridiculous yet very fitting mustache, and circular glasses.
"I'd like to sell this watch."
You present your masterpiece, and he picks it up, examining it. A few minutes of careful appraisal go by, with him asking a few questions about it as he does. He looks disdainful, and tuts occasionally. This worries you.
"Yes, well, not a very elegant piece. It's like you've thrown it together from bits and bobs in a repair kit."
"Er, yeah, about that..."
"...Quite... One thing though, where is the wind?"
"The wind, the small knob you turn to wind the main spring and keep the device running. I see nothing of the sort on your... device."
"Oh, it doesn't have one. It's powered by magic."
"Mm? Runic power, eh. Well with something this small-"
"What? No, not runic. I used a tiny shard of crystal."
"Wha- what."
"Yeah! Keeps it powered constantly! You didn't know that?"

He stares blankly at the watch for a few seconds.
"...f-four hundred Drachmas."


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [3]:
You easily find a magic general shop, and head in.
There's a bookcase, a barrel of staves, several crystal balls and shiny gems, and all sorts of magical looking things in general.
That are ALL out of your price range. Good lord, it's exorbitant in here! 199 Drachmas for a tome on fire magic?
"WELLLCOME! TO THE MAAAAAAAGICAL MEGUSTOOOOO'S MAGICAL EMPOOOOORIUM!! How can the maaaaagicalll Megustoooo assist you today?"
The most flamboyantly dressed "wizard" you've ever seen pops out from a curtain behind the counter. Bright purple ropes covered in stars and moons and a long white beard that you're 95% sure is fake. You've never seen a bigger ham in your life, and your neighbors raised pigs.
"Um... excuse me?"
"OOH! A SPPPPPPPRITE! I've not seen one of your kind in AAAAGES! How may I assist you, fellow crrrreature of magick!"
"...You can't really do magic, can you?"


Izen (Sedraxis) [4-2=2]:
The heat spreads into your chest now, and you fall to the ground unable to continue, unable to even scream in pain.
Then, suddenly, you burp. You burp like a champion. The force of your belch literally pushes back against you, and several pebbles are blown away. The air shimmers from the heat of your burp, and everyone in the area stares. You get back to your feet, embarrassed like NOBODY'S business, and barely even notice that your hands have stopped hurting.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [8-1=7]:
"Hey captain, some cannons would be nice, why don't ya spend your money on that instead of booze?"
"Who said anything about booze? I'm not one of the ones that got drunk or even had a shot of anything last night. Besides, we've only got 500 Drachmas left. I doubt that's enough for even one cannon."

You wave the captain off, when suddenly Sedraxis collapses. You're about to crouch down and help him when he burps astoundingly loudly.
"Oh dear god."
You quickly head into the nearest store, reluctant to be associated with him. You find yourself in a dark room, windows covered by thick black cloth. Several small shelves and bookcases are around the room, with a small circular table and two chairs in the center. The entire place has a dusty and old feeling to it, made even stronger by an old man about 5 feet tall hobbling out the back to see what the commotion is. He's got a long downward pointing nose, his back stoops, and he's wearing a deep purple robe with the hood pulled down. He has short, thinning white hair.
"Oh... A patron?"
"Erm, no I just-"
"Yes yes, here to learn magic. Sit down, sit down."
"N-no, I was just hid-"
"You wouldn't be able to enter if you weren't looking to further your grasp of the arcane. Now sit down, or I won't serve any tea."

That's the strangest threat you've ever heard. You sit down.
The tea is delicious.


Tomaster (James Tiber) [6]:
You quickly run into the first bar you see.
"Garçon! I need a bottle of something that'll knock me on my ass!"
"Hmm... North Empire Thunderwater. Kicks like a horse, tastes like it sounds. 30 Drachmas for a bottle."

You've slammed the money down and taken the bottle before he can even finish. You take a hearty swig and very nearly spray it out your nose. Holy hell, he wasn't kidding, this stuff is like chugging lightning! Kickass!
You head back out into the streets, ready to take on the world, and wander down the row of shops, ending up outside a gaudy looking place called "Megusto's Magical Emporium".


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Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:10 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>First stop: Weapon and armor depot.

Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:21 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
> Haggle with the shopkeep for more money.

Last edited by Miggles on Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:30 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Miggles? Seriously?! It's obviously worth 3 times that amount, if you ARE going to sell it make sure its for a fair price.
"*sigh* Do you have anything for beginners? Moderately priced perhaps?"

Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:50 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
What? I'm confused.

Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:05 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Thank you for the tea, that was very kind, but you mentioned the teaching of magic, how food you know I was interested?"
Enquire what the man is willing to teach me.

Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:01 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
I like how EVERYONE makes a beeline for the magic shops. Not that the majority of you can do anything with the stuff in them.

Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:33 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Nobody saw that. Right? Right."

>Quickly shuffle to the weapons and armor depot. Forget about embarrassment browsing the selection of spears.

Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:15 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
I wanted something passively magic, not actively.
Roll by the gunsmith. Keep Honest Ed in mind though. Keep swigging my Thunderwater.

Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:01 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
TorrentHKU wrote:
I like how EVERYONE makes a beeline for the magic shops. Not that the majority of you can do anything with the stuff in them.

I'd have headed to the marketplace to buy trade goods to sell at the next town we visit.

Damn'd waiting list!

On that note, you forgot to put me on the list. Here's my character.

Gotta have someone to load cargo.

Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:27 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Caek how the hell, your char is derp with a side of fries, it doesn't know economics.
Alllllsssssooooo rolling.

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [2]:
You find a small blacksmith tucked away between an Organic Foods shop, whatever that is, and Discount Ed's. You head inside, and are hit with a wave of heat and soot in the air. A large, hairy man sits at the forge, hammering a long bar of metal.
"Hi, I'm looking for somewhere to buy weapons or armor."

You pause for a moment, your mind making a realization.
"Be right back."
You step out the blacksmith and look up at the sign. It's a couple of long boards nailed together and with letters crudely painted on with red paint.
Yep. It's a blacksmeth. Peeking back inside, you see the walls covered in "tools" and "weapons". Looks more like he hammered out some chunks of metal, and whatever they most looked like that's what they were. Square piece? Hammer! Piece with a sharp edge? Axe! Long piece?
You jump in fright, the large hairy man having snuck up behind you.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [10]:
"...Four hundred Drachmas?"
"Yes. That-that's a fair price, you'll be hard pressed to find another buyer in this town, a-and even if you did they wouldn't pay that much."
"Hmm... Well, I think I'll go shop around a bit. Maybe I'll go see a blacksmith, they could melt the thing down and would probably buy that."
"I uh, don't think you could get more than-"
"Or maybe I'll just keep it. I think it's rather cool and all."
"Well it... it-it has a cert-"
"Actually, I'm feeling charitable. Maybe some kids would like to play with it!"

The man's eyes literally bug out from shock.
"I-I'll triple the price! 1200 Drachmas! Just, just let me have it!"

You smile.
"Well, I suppose I can take that offer."
You accept your payment and hand over the watch. The clockworker then ushers you out of his shop, and slams and locks the door, shuttering the windows and closing shop. You're not entirely sure why he wanted the watch so much, but you're 1200 Drachmas richer.


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [3]:
"HMMMMMPH! Welllllllll, little creature of myth, I am in FAAAAAAAAACT a Twelfth Circle Grand Maaaaaaaaaaster Maaaaaaaaagi! So THERE!"
"That's not a real thing."
"Charlotte, hush. *sigh* Do you have anything for beginners? Moderately priced perhaps?"
"Weeeelllll, for a begiiinneeeeeer, I would reccommend..."

He spins across the shop floor with ridiculous amounts of pomp, then presents a bookcase covered in bright colored tomes and books, covered in mystical looking symbols.
"Can you pull a rabbit out of your hat?"

You walk over and take a long look at the books. "Magic 101", "Introduction to the Mystical Artes", "Majyck for Dummiyes", "Basic Magical Theory", "Marvels of the Un-Mundane", "Megusto's Tome of Astounding Magic and Breathtaking Sorcery"...
He's got a large selection at least. They're each 80 Drachmas.
"These are the, *ahem*, most MODEST books I can offeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you."


Izen (Sedraxis) [4]:
"Nobody saw that. Right? Right."
You quickly shuffle down the street as everyone stares, and are about to duck into the first place that looks like it has weapons when you see the sign.
You head on further, finding a pretty decent looking weapon shop, and head on in.
"Hello there. Welcome to Barnaby's, give a holler if you need any help."
Hmm. The weapons here are... not an amazing selection, but they all look pretty solid and reliable. You make your way around the small store, gazing at the rows of steel and iron, until you get a large pot with several spears embedded in dirt, spearhead in the air. A couple different styles of spearheads, with a few materials as well.
"Can you describe these for me?"
"Ah, yeah. Those there, you got a steel OmniHead, our own design. Meant to be good for anything you care to stab, takes a bit of technique to use but they're pretty useful once you get used to it. Two iron barbed heads, mostly for hunting of course. Those things stay in good. A Densed bronze armor piercing head, ah, Densed bronze is basically taking two bars of bronze and using magic to cram them into a single bar. It's quite strong, but heavier than even steel. And that last one is an iron glaive. Not actually a spear, but no other place for it.
OmniHead is 160 Drachmas, hunting spears are 50, bronze armor piercing is 220, the glaive is 70."


Maart3n (Mareikura) [2]:
"Thank you for the tea, that was very kind, but you mentioned the teaching of magic, how did you know I was interested?"
"Quiet boy, I'm reading you."

Where the hell did he pull that cane out from and how did he swing it at your head so fast.
Also ow. He sits there, mumbling quietly to himself, hands locked together and thumbs twiddling.
You sit there quietly, letting him do his work.
"Ehh, a pyro. Fantastic. Well I guess I'll have to beat the basics into you first..."
"...The basics?"
"Yes, yes, the basics. Child, do you even know how magic works?"


Tomaster (James Tiber) [2]:
This place looks dumb. You take another long swig, and walk down the street more, stumbling only a tiny bit.
Ah, a gunsmith! Perfect! You head in, merrily swinging your bottle.
"Good sir, I require firearms."
A woman with curly brown hair and a large leather apron behind the counter looks up from her work on a musket.
"You're not a sir."
"No, I'm not. Men have fat fingers, they can't do precision work."
"Heh... Precision work."

She frowns at you.
"Can I help you?"
"Oh, all night baby. But right now I'm lookin' for guns and... and stuff."


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Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:42 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
> Smirk triumphantly and browse the stores. Look for weapons stores, especially ones holding guns.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:58 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
TorrentHKU wrote:
Caek how the hell, your char is derp with a side of fries, it doesn't know economics.

he no no tat he no no.

Get my drift?

He don't know that he don't know economics. Expect people to rip his ass off. Atleast, till someone can teach him to read, so he can read and learn.

Yeah. This is going to be fun.

EDIT : May I recommend upgrading the ship? Then, you could probably kill or capture one of those sky octopi and haul it to town. I'm pretty sure that will generate a ♥♥♥♥ ton of cash. Then you can get quality equipment.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:29 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Sorry, I'm a tad inebriated right now. At any rate, I'm looking for a gun slightly more effective against massive sky creatures than my blunderbuss. Any suggestions, ma'am?
Be charming, since she could probably kill me with various guns if I'm too obnoxious.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:42 am
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