Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7)
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Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256)
Roll 256 ____________________ (dragonxp) Cihas [ - ] = - > "Who wants to go first?"Isaac: "I'm sure it's perfectly safe."He climbs into the hole and then drops down. Conditions :- Burned Face - Missing Eyebrows (TorrentHKU) John Freemaneth [ - ] = - > "If you can't enjoy some things anymore, then I guess you have to experience enough of other things to make up for that. Live life as full as you can live it. Don't dwell on what was, don't worry about what might not be. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the 'present'."You get a small smile from Naomi, but it looks more sad than happy. Another moment of silence, before she speaks again. Naomi: "So, we need to find Atra. We should probably check on Aucupe and Lucida, too."Conditions :(None) (Roast Veg) Paradox Mist [ - ] = - > "Aucupe isn't bright, but she's only days and hours old. She was formed from my power and a crystallized child's mind under the instruction of an aspiring mage named Somni. I fear for her safety, and how she will cope mentally with Lucida."Vattii: "Hrmm, hopefully the both of them will be able to sort things out. Shall we check on them?"Tara: "I need to check on the status of the city, see how well things are being organized."Vattii: "Very well."The dragon turns to you. Vattii: "You and me, then. What was your name?"Conditions :- Torrential Armor (+4 Casting/Attacks) -- (Energy: 38/50) (Nighthawk) Kyros Deiimor [ - ] = - > "Strategy is not exactly my forte, but even so, I don't know if we can take on large, coordinated numbers by ourselves without a plan of some kind."So, that's what the six seven of you attemped to do. Heading back into the watch tower and going over who can do what and possible ways to get into Magusalto with everyone intact, along with wondering if everyone should instead wait for the possibility of reinforcements. Koa Tsinthula - Dualumn (spell canceller), information relay, basic offensive capabiltiies with light and dark magic, missing an arm, cannot fly Ettiin Enku - Marauder: physical fighter and tank, has weird claw things, cannot fly Blizzard - Magical weapon, ice magic, magic negation, good swordsman, cannot fly Kyros Deiimor (you) - powerful physical fighter and defender, can utilize kinetic projectiles and lightning, can fly Hakua Hiinathi - Raptor: aerial lightning fighter and scout, evasive, can fly Rudo Liimas - Elementalist: fire and ice magic, good at nuking, can fly Uugram - Young adult Emerald Dragon, powerful breath attack, kinetic attacks, communicates telepathically, can fly Four of you can fly, and three of you cannot. The enemy is large enough that they can simply overwhelm you with numbers, so someone will have to scout out and find the best angle of attack on Magusalto with the least resistance. Koa: "So we don't know if there are actually reinforcements from the west, we don't know if the Magistar's forces are still alive, communications are cut off with Vranhal and Venari, and Magusalto appears to the heart of the enemy now."(You learned that Venari is the east-most Lupus city, and their biggest) Koa: "We can try making contact with Venari or Vranhal, or try to see if the Magistar's force are alive and help pull them out, or sit around and maybe reinforcements will come."Hakua: "Vranhal is further away, but Venari's probably surrounded by mutated Lupus. Those things are even worse than the drakes. If We get to Venari and the place is already over-run, we're not giong to be able to get away with all of us alive."Blizzard: "And attempting to take on the enemy in Magusalto sounds like suicide."Conditions :(none) (Harzipan) Isaac [ - ] = - > Cihas: "Who wants to go first?""I'm sure it's perfectly safe."You climb into the hole and then drop down, falling maybe four meters before hitting the ground with a jarring stop. You have to cover your head with your arms to keep your skull from cracking open against the stone ground as you slam forward and down. Your legs hurt, your arms took a beating, you have a headache, and your insides feel like they got thrown around, but you're mostly intact. Getting back on your feet, you look around in the dark. It's, well, dark, and the burning arrow is no longer on fire, so you're without a light source. Conditions :(None) (NPC) Naomi[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging) -- (Energy: 46/50) (NPC) Aucupe[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging) -- (Energy: 35/50) (NPC) Vattii[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Ultima Armor (+3 Actions) -- (Energy: 54/180) (NPC) Ettiin Enku[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Wing-bone Claws - Bruising (-2 movement) Hakua Hiinathi[/b] [ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : (None) (NPC) Rudo Liimas[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : (None) (NPC) Blizzard[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Blizzard Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging) -- (Energy: 40/40) (NPC) Uugram[/b] [ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : (None) (NPC) Feiar[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Sprained Ankle (NPC) Maargral[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : (None) World Events:Time of day: Night MapsCombat MapsWorld Map
Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:14 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256)
"Atra is in a bit. There's preparation to do first. In the meantime, yes, I should go talk to Lucida soon. I've spent the most time with him besides Aucupe, and she could probably use some help calming him." > Start walking towards the Castle. "Also I was hoping you'd, er, help me spar. I need to get stronger. Acquire my own strength. I've just been relying on your power for these past few battles. I want to be strong enough to fight next to you, not just using you. A-and it might help you activate faster too, which would be good."
Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:26 am |
Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:15 pm Posts: 1288 Location: Heck if I know.
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256)
"We'll never be able to take the fight to Magusalto ourselves. We need help.... Will the mutated Lupus around Venari be able to attack us if we fly?"
Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:56 am |
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256 - 1)
Roll 256 - 1 ____________________
(TorrentHKU) John Freemaneth [ - ] = - >
"Atra is in a bit. There's preparation to do first. In the meantime, yes, I should go talk to Lucida soon. I've spent the most time with him besides Aucupe, and she could probably use some help calming him."
The two of you begin walking towards the city's center, heading through the fields.
"Also I was hoping you'd, er, help me spar. I need to get stronger. Acquire my own strength. I've just been relying on your power for these past few battles. I want to be strong enough to fight next to you, not just using you. A-and it might help you activate faster too, which would be good."
Naomi: "Mm. A good spar is always refreshing."
Before the two of you leave the fields, however, you encounter Aucupe, with Lucida sheathed on her back. The armor she's wearing is different from the one she had earlier, now bulkier and more angled, the helm resembling a dragon's head.
She's facing away from the two of you, looking at a mound of dirt in the grass, and a large hunk of rectangular stone next to it.
(Nighthawk) Kyros Deiimor [ - ] = - >
"We'll never be able to take the fight to Magusalto ourselves. We need help.... Will the mutated Lupus around Venari be able to attack us if we fly?"
Hakua: "I've had mutated Lupus take shots at me with bows and crossbows before, so I'd say yes. Lot of 'em are still as smart as they were before the corruption, but there are still plenty of dumb ones."
Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:22 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256 - 1)
Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:28 am |
Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:15 pm Posts: 1288 Location: Heck if I know.
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256 - 1)
"Then scouting it out is probably not a safe option. Still, we need backup. It might take longer, but might we fly to Vranhal, clear it, scout for help, move on to Venari, do the same, and then finally go for Magusalto?"
Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:42 am |
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256 - 2)
Roll 256 - 2 ____________________
(TorrentHKU) John Freemaneth [ - ] = - >
Aucupe slowly turns around to face you. Her eyes are their normal blue now, but saddened. She turns her head to look at the grave again.
Aucupe(?): "Parents shouldn't outlive their children."
(Nighthawk) Kyros Deiimor [ - ] = -
"Then scouting it out is probably not a safe option. Still, we need backup. It might take longer, but might we fly to Vranhal, clear it, scout for help, move on to Venari, do the same, and then finally go for Magusalto?"
Hakua: "Sounds good. Half of us can't fly, though."
Uugram: I can carry two of you, but we will be easy targets for arrows and other fliers if we encounter enemies.
Blizzard: "I'm fine on foot."
Hakua: "To Vranhal, then?"
No one says otherwise.
Koa: "We should leave then while it's still dark. The less attention we draw to ourselves, the better."
Uugram motions to Koa and Ettiin, and they climb onto his back with some hesitation.
Hakua: "I'll fly some distance ahead, make sure we're not flying into a swarm of drakes. Koa, keep us all connected. Kyros, Rudo, cover Uugram's flanks. If I find some hostiles that our group can't evade, I'll draw 'em away before meeting back up with you guys. The less we fight, the better.
Everyone ready?"
Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:07 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256 - 2)
"She was your- I'm truly sorry."
Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:27 am |
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:23 pm Posts: 1416 Location: North-Ish
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256 - 3)
"If you could find some sort of torch up there and bring it down, I'd appreciate it."
Allow eyes to adjust to the darkness.
Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:50 am |
Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:16 am Posts: 3032 Location: Somewhere in the universe
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256 - 3)
>look for some sort of torch like object; else find some sort of flammable object and wrap the end of an arrow with it. Light the torch (if not already lit) and hand it Isaac
"Sec let me find something"
Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:18 am |
Roast Veg
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 8:27 pm Posts: 4521 Location: Constant motion
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256 - 2)
"Paradox Mist, and this is Torrent."
Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:30 pm |
Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:15 pm Posts: 1288 Location: Heck if I know.
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 256 - 2)
"Let's move." > Take up the flank and get flying.
Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:37 pm |
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 257)
Roll 257 ____________________ (dragonxp) Cihas [ - ] = - > Isaac: "If you could find some sort of torch up there and bring it down, I'd appreciate it.""Sec let me find something."Inspecting the room, you find a bundle of cloth that you wrap around a hunk of wood that used to be the leg of a chair. Lighting the cloth on fire, you then drop the makeshift torch into the hole. Conditions :- Burned Face - Missing Eyebrows (TorrentHKU) John Freemaneth [ - ] = - > "She was your- I'm truly sorry."LucidAucupe: "Leave us."You decide to listen to Lucida/Aucupe and head off, Naomi at your side. The two of you stop at a part of the fields that's clear and open, perfect for a good fight. Of course, you had to pick up a discarded longsword and spear along the way, since you don't have any other melee weapon. Naomi: "Well, let's get started."She walks out in front of you until there's about a 15 foot space between the two of you. With Whirlwind in both hands, she takes a defensive stance with the halberd aimed at you. Naomi: "Ready?"Conditions :(None) (Roast Veg) Paradox Mist [ - ] = - > "Paradox Mist, and this is Torrent."Vattii: "Yes, I am familiar with Torrent. I will go check on Lucida and Aucupe. Make yourself ready to leave, gather any supplies you need, things like that."Vattii opens his wings, leaps into the air, and flies off. Conditions :- Torrential Armor (+4 Casting/Attacks) -- (Energy: 40/50) (Nighthawk) Kyros Deiimor [ - ] = - > "Let's move."Hakua is the first to take off, then the dragon, and then you and Rudo. You take the dragon's right flank and Rudo takes his left, while Blizzard sprints across the landscape below. As your party flies off, the forests vanish and turn into large, rolling plains. There are groups of dead bodies here and there, the remnants of previous battles, and even ongoing battles between corrupted(?) lupus fighting drakes. Blizzard is probably going to fall a bit behind getting through them. Heading South East from the watch tower, the trip is fast and mostly uneventful, until you reach the half-way point. A bright lightning bolt connecting two aerial targets far ahead of you, briefly illuminating dozens of dots in the sky. Hakua: Hostile contact! I'm going to pull them away, everyone else fly low and keep going. I'll be too far for communication, I'll catch up with you later.The rest of you obey and fly low to the ground while more lightning bolts flash through the sky, a swarm of black dots zooming to the North. You have doubts at whether or not Hakua will actually be able to evade and escape all of the enemy fliers... Conditions :(none) (Harzipan) Isaac [ - ] = - > "If you could find some sort of torch up there and bring it down, I'd appreciate it."Cihas: "Sec let me find something."You hear scuffling above, and after a few seconds, an orange light spills through the hole in the ceiling where the trap door was. A crude torch falls and clatters on the ground beside you. You pick it up, and it looks like it's a leg of a chair or table with a burning cloth wrapped at one end. With your new light source, you take a look around the room. It's large enough that your light doesn't reveal the other three walls, and there are quite a few wooden barrels and sacks of probably food. There's also dried blood on the floor here and there. Probably not a good sign. Conditions :(None) (NPC) Naomi[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging) -- (Energy: 48/50) (NPC) Aucupe[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Lucida Dragon Armor (+6 Actions, +3 Defense) -- (Energy: 37/60) (NPC) Vattii[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Ultima Armor (+3 Actions) -- (Energy: 54/180) (NPC) Ettiin Enku[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Wing-bone Claws - Bruising (-2 movement) (NPC) Hakua Hiinathi[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : (None) (NPC) Rudo Liimas[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : (None) (NPC) Blizzard[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Blizzard Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging) -- (Energy: 40/40) (NPC) Uugram[/b] [ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : (None) (NPC) Feiar[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : - Sprained Ankle (NPC) Maargral[ - ] = - > ~ Conditions : (None) World Events:Time of day: Night MapsCombat MapsWorld Map
Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:01 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 257)
"Suddenly realizing how completely unsuited to melee combat I am." > Spear's more useful to using a polearm than a longsword is, so use that. Charge at her, stab at stomach.
Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:21 am |
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:23 pm Posts: 1416 Location: North-Ish
 Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 257)
"Seems safe enough."
Inspect the blood, and attempt to find it's source.
Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:59 am |
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