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 2D:Core Fates [One-Third Way through Character Creation] 
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
♥♥♥♥♥es always be up on my color.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:27 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
Oh Foa was using blue too. Changed again.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:29 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
♥♥♥♥, I was using Yellow, NOT BLUE.

Also, Grey is for the Outlines.

Art Assets Pending
Character Assets Pending
Systematic Assets Pending
The Extent of How Thought Out This Is

[Compiling User Data TBD]
  • Character Assets Pending

Nathaniel Ectio - You seem frantic, if at times, hit with an ennui. Your powers haven't been able to manifest themselves in a manner as strong as your revived mother. It was a spectacle, that horrible, horrible day was.

It was months later that Nathaniel was given a sort of lead in life, having run from his home into the dusk. It seemed that he had spurts of power that amazed a scholar. And it was by recognition alone, that the scholar brought the youth into his wardship. Through the years afterwards, the tutelage gave him respectable powers.

He is a journeyman at the very least, but his powers are questionable.

Alvin Miller - Alvin is a rare sort, he didn't need to know much, or anything, and through his travels, he had never the thought about them.
It is needles to say, but Alvin was strangely never affected by the Dusk, but he wasn't a gleaming mind either. In his ruminations, he supposed, he didn't need the light, but he couldn't have the brilliance of it either.

Alvin meanders his town, and sometimes see displays by others, that amazed him, and the caster themselves.

Amelia Oaks -You were a righteous woman. It wasn't hard to see, but you housed the keenest sense, and a further domination into your interests. Because of your hard barriers, you were privvy to slights corruptions, but were mostly heralded as inflammatory.

You were simply concerned, and afraid.

Amelia is held up in a pub; working for the nearby garrison, or the local abbey.
She busies herself with writs as she continues to ruminate her past.

[Resources TBD]
  • Systematic Assets Pending
  • Art Assets Pending

Your respective 6 by 6 of Elements are your mana pools, in a sense.
I have no ♥♥♥♥ idea for what kind of thaums or arcanas to allow you.

The Eden Furnace is the center of power, it illuminates everything, and with it, powers everything, Append 2 should give you an idea, if any.

[Resc. Refinement, aka Reactions TBD]
My current thoughts is that each player gets about three or more steps per turn to place tiles, and the reactions carry out as they may, refining lesser motes of power, into purer or different form.
  • Maybe Ten Steps per turn is a good idea? Right? I don't know, it'll probably be limited by skill, and available arcana/thaum radicals

[Combat TBD]
Combat is more or less the dies or Cave's system, augmented by your internal reactions.
The plan is that further down the line, you can have interpersonal reactions, and extrapersonal reactions.

etc etc fml

Now to draw up SO MANY DIAGRAMS

I need input, or questions from people

Last edited by Foa on Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:40 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:32 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
First, slight change made to my character sheet, if that's acceptable. I basically just dropped Abjuration and grabbed Darkness in addition to Light element (so we wouldn't have 2 characters with the exact same elements).

Second, I have no idea what you mean by reactions and stuff besides the fact that we'll be doing something with our little isometric tiles (coloring time?). Please clarify.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:42 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
Okay, Turns are going to involve steps.
These steps limit the amount of actions you can do.

But, it allows you, to quite readily combat, and manipulate your mana pool.
The Refinement Reaction requires that you place two similar tiles next to each other, in an adjacent/non-diagonal manner, and they'll naturally combine/refine.

Placing Tiles takes one step, reactions, unless otherwise said, are free steps.
Take that into consideration when you get into later items.

Later things will require more advanced forms of reactions to get what you need: be it resource, effect, or damage.


I digress, I'm afraid it'll be too easy to progress your mana pools, and strategies to do all the cool things, but this requires input from all directions.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:51 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
Edited my char sheet because I can't spell.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:54 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
Does anyone know what the TWELVE ALCHEMICAL PROCCESSES are?

Distillation and Incineration are TWO of THEM.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:56 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
Ooh, it's RtD plus Tetris! Or Bejewled! Or... some sort of puzzle game.

Now I sort of get it. Match stuff up for more power. Got it.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:42 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
Change in Append 3
  • New Reaction

Foa wrote:
[Combat TBD]

Last edited by Foa on Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:09 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread

Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:13 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
Anyways, any arguments with the leaflets I wrote about your characters?

Otherwise, I'm going to jerry rig a zero roll, and a rule set. Currently crunching the ♥♥♥♥ out of numbers.
And for the love of god, question me about my mana pool system, I'm more or less poking at it with a broom, standing on a stool, in the corner.

HKU, pls help. Tell me what you need.

Nighthawk wrote:
Ooh, it's RtD plus Tetris! Or Bejewled! Or... some sort of puzzle game.

Now I sort of get it. Match stuff up for more power. Got it.
Not completely, think more,This Precious Land with Powder Sim reactions... and tile customization like in PXL Adventure [with Pixels]


Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:24 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
I like the leaflet.

And I THINK I understand what you're doing with the reactions system. However, there are two things I don't understand:
1) Where do the tiles come from? Do we summon them wherever we want on the board? If so, doesn't that make it too easy?
2) Do we consume tiles or something in order to fuel combat abilities, or does it work in some other way?

Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:46 pm
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
I personally think you should only be given ether, and a set amount of steps.
Anything past that would be a treat.

The rest is up to skills nudging costs/available reactions

Anyways, I've more or less played the death out of This Precious Land, and all I have to do is find a way to it, in some way.
I figured out the step cost, and material costs for the game, and how they did certain things.
Skype wrote:
Foe: Holy ♥♥♥♥ I committed Science

I've realized that I have to build a pretty hefty base for the system. If you want my current thoughts, hit me up on the DRLFF Forum Games IRC Channel linked in respective thread on this sub forums, or steam.

With that, I need a new sheet of paper, probably several overhauls of reactions, and resources, and that should be roughly it.

Enjoy this image.

As for combat, expect it to play a heavy role, since I doubt a lot of you have combat training, set aside Amelia.
But even then, I will figure a way out how to make it better than flat rolls.

Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:17 pm
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
Foa said he'll make a roll after this post or something likat that.

Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:13 am
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Post Re: Because 'Suddenly HKU' and 'MLC' told me to: The Thread
Zero Roll

  • Events ::

Everyone is Asleep, 30 Steps, No Afflictions, No Affinities, PM your steps
Now is the time to have a nice chat with the GM


Nathaniel Ectio -You have another day of rest, and study from the Scholar's Journal. There was another fire at the Abbey.

There are so many questions to ask, but you wander listlessly through the pages, and settle under the warmth of the desk lamp, for an unbidden respite.

Alvin Miller -After another long day of menial labor, you find yourself long into the evening hours, and spend a few hours in a pub, only to pass out, leaning against a table. The music slowly perverts as you drift off, and are soon dragged into the back.

Everything is a sea of noise, and you still think you are awake. It feels the air around you is whipping, and the doorways are streaming with a black miasma, as haunting voices remind you of your long past.

Amelia Oaks -Today was an off day, you didn't need to much in the way of posted labor. For the most part, the abbey was lively as usual, and you had to intervene on certain occasions. It wasn't much, and there wasn't much to do, set aside a few silent prayers.

You retire into your modest inn room, with your Weapon and Miscellaneous Gear hung neatly on the end of the wardrobe.

  • Reactions ::

Refinement :Append 3: [Free; Automatic; No Tick; T+1]
    Two non-Diagonal and Adjacent Tiles of the same Type and Tier merge onto the Last Moved Tile
Harvest :Zero Roll: [1 Step; Requires Coordinates; Tn -> T0]
    The Tile under said Coordinates is Harvested, diminished to a lesser state, and you are given resources.
    Certain conditions apply, like Harvest Cost.
Place Tile :Zero Roll: [1 Step; Requires Coordinates]
    Places a Resource Tile on said Coordinates if it is unoccupied.
    Extra Conditions depending on the Tile, like Cost.
Nudge Tile :Zero Roll: [2 Steps; Requires Coordinates and Quadrant]
    The Coordinates are for targeting the tile you want to nudge, and the Quadrant is the direction you want to nudge a tile.
    Needs an unoccupied space to move.
    Quad: 1- Up Right; 2- Up Left; 3- Down Left; 4- Down Right

  • Resources ::

Ether Radical :Append 3: [1 Step; Tile; Non-Gendered; Radical]
5 Tiers
    T0 - The most Basic of the Basic, it is a simple mote of unpotentiated energy. [Cost- Free; Harvest Cost- ?; Harvest- ?]
5 Known Reactions Undiscovered
??? ??? :: [???]
??? ??? :: [???]
??? ??? :: [???]
??? ??? :: [???]

Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:02 am
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