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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 248 - 2)
"If you don't mind Feiar"
>Move lupus into Feiar's care, follow Isaac's lead and help him survey surroundings (with weapon ready)

Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:08 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249)
Roll 249

[ - ] = -
> Isaac: "Great. More."

"If you don't mind Feiar."

You set the lupus down and Feiar keeps him upright, and then head over by the doorway with Isaac.

With a light arrow already generated in your bow, you take a peek outside.

The red light from the setting sun reveals several berserk lupus attacking the large, lizard-like creatures you saw earlier, with skirmishes all around town it seems. Three of the lizard creatures are heading up the road towards the smokehouse.

Conditions :
- Burned Face
- Missing Eyebrows

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -
> You light a small fireball in your hand, and as you do, the mountain starts to shake again. You rush deeper into the cave to avoid the masses of falling debris, until the shaking eventually stops.

Aucupe and the dragon are nowhere to be seen.

Whirlwind: I think Aucupe brought down the cave.

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 36/50)

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ - ] = -
> You rush to the cave entrance as it rumbles, and by the time you make it, the opening in the mountain has been completely closed up by earth, as if there was never a cave to begin with.

Aucupe is standing in front of the former entrance.

Aucupe: "Oops."

Conditions :
- Torrential Armor (+4 Casting/Attacks)
-- (Energy: 30/50)

Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -
> "Right."

You take back your armor from Ettiin, stuff Talon into your inventory, and lead the group out of Teleiat through the eastern gate.

The sun is already setting, and the dense forest doesn't help with lighting. Your party travels along the stone road for less than a minute before you can hear the sounds of combat far off, in every direction.

Conditions :

[ - ] = -
> "Great. More."

You load your new crossbow and take a peek outside with Cihas.

The red light from the setting sun reveals several berserk lupus attacking the large, lizard-like creatures you saw earlier, with skirmishes all around town it seems. Three of the lizard creatures are heading up the road towards the smokehouse.

Conditions :


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 27/50)

Koa Tsinthula

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm

Ettiin Enku

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Wing-bone Claws
- Bruising (-2 movement)


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Blizzard Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 33/40)


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Sprained Ankle

World Events:
Time of day: Day

World Map

Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:40 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249)
Alright. Options. I think the Dragon got caved in on, so that will hold it for now. We can't go that way anyway, so... Yeah. Further in for now. Can we sense any drafts or anything? Maybe there's an opening somewhere further in.

Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:21 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249)
> Continue at the same pace, but be wary, and ready to draw weapons at any moment.

Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:33 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 1)
Roll 249 - 1

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -

Alright. Options. I think the Dragon got caved in on, so that will hold it for now. We can't go that way anyway, so... Yeah. Further in for now. Can we sense any drafts or anything? Maybe there's an opening somewhere further in.

Whirlwind: I don't feel any drafts from where we are right now.

You cautiously head deeper into the cave, your fireball providing enough light to see the walls and floor, but the ceiling is high enough to be barely visible. There are old skeletons, armor, and weapons here and there, along with deep gouges in the stone. Occasionally, you think you can hear muffled movement far ahead.

Whirlwind: So, uh, my name's Naomi. But you can still call me Whirlwind if you want, I guess. Also, doesn't fire use up air?


Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -

You continue at the same pace, on guard and ready to draw your weapons if needed. Up in the sky, in the distance, you see several shapes flying towards you, and it doesn't take long for you to make out a chirop being trailed by two flying drakes, and what looks like a green dragon, smaller than the one you fought before.

As they pass over your party, a familiar voice reaches your ears-

Hakua: "Watch tower up ahead gotta go bye!"

And the nimble batty flier zips off while performing aerial acrobatics to avoid the drakes, which in turn appear to be trying to avoid the dragon.

Ettiin: "Uh, does she need help?"


Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:35 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 1)
"It does, but unless you have some way of seeing in the dark it's our only navigation option.
Wait. Hmm."
> Try to remember light magic from when I used lucida.

Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:33 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 1)
"Where does this cave go? Is there an opening on the other side?"

Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:26 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 1)
"Looks like I'll be removing my armor again."
"I'll render assistance, you two can go on ahead."
> Remove armor, stash it away somewhere nearby if Ettiin doesn't want to carry it, and take to the air, going after Hakua. Use Power Flow to get a nice kick off the ground for immediate speed.

Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:56 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 2)
Roll 249 - 2

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -

"It does, but unless you have some way of seeing in the dark it's our only navigation option.
Wait. Hmm."

You try to remember the light magic you used when you had Lucida, but nothing's coming up.

Naomi: The weapons act as a shortcut to magic. Easier to cast, but you don't learn from it as well as you do when actually casting yourself. Let me try something...

There's a hum in the air around you, and your fireball stutters a bit from the tiny gusts. For a few seconds nothing happens, until a strange series of faint, greenish flickering lights overlap your vision, as if the walls of the cave were made of glowing gemstones.

Naomi: Ah ha! Like what the chirop do to see! I think.


(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ - ] = -

"Where does this cave go? Is there an opening on the other side?"

Aucupe: "I don't know, and, I don't know."

Torrent: There should be another entrance somewhere.


Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -

You let out a sigh.

"Looks like I'll be removing my armor again. I'll render assistance, you two can go on ahead."

Ettiin takes your cuirass and gauntlets, and with a kinetic empowered jump, you launch yourself into the air after Hakua.

Zipping right above the trees, the small flier performs a quick spin, facing the drakes, and a bolt of lightning cracks forth from her hand, stunning the closest drake long enough for the dragon to fly over and jump off of it, sending it into the forest below.

Opening her wings wide open, Hakua makes a sudden deceleration and the remaining drake flies past her. As it tries to turn around, the green dragon tackles the beast into the trees.

By the time you catch up with the chirop, five more drakes are trailing the two of you, and the green dragon behind them.

Hakua: "Koa's at the watch tower under a bit of a seige! Go help her, I have this handled!"


Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:24 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 2)
"Roger! Meet us there when you're done cleaning up!"
> Locate watchtower, head toward watchtower.

Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:34 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 2)
How did you...

Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:03 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 2)
"Stay hidden until the wolves are in range. I'm hoping that if we help the... 'other' things, they won't try to murder us like everything else."

Wait until the targets are at an optimal distance, and then try out my new weapon.

Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:36 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 2)

Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:43 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 249 - 2)
> Explore

Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:00 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 250)
Roll 250

[ 1 + 2 ] = 3
> "Stay hidden until the wolves are in range. I'm hoping that if we help the... 'other' things, they won't try to murder us like everything else."

The horse-sized lizard things spot you and Isaac quickly and begin charging. Isaac shoots a bloody fist-sized hole through one lizard, and you put a light-arrow through another. The two of you quickly back into the smokehouse as the third drake smashes into the doorframe of the building, missing the two of you with a claw swipe.

The drake is then tackled by the lupus that was feasting on smoked meat seconds ago, smashing a longsword into the lizard that he got from who knows where.

After several savage chops, the drake loses its head and is shoved out of the building, and the lupus lets out a howl loud that sends shivers down your spine.

Conditions :
- Burned Face
- Missing Eyebrows

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -
> How did you...

Naomi: I can already make you 'hear' things, so making you see things isn't that much harder.

Looking around, Naomi's green overlay allows you to see further than your fireball allows, so you extinguish it and continue on.

It isn't long before you reach a massive chamber with what looks like various burned tables and bookshelves, and in the center of the room is the armored dragon, fully reformed. Around the feet of the beast are piles of smoking, burnt flesh

You feel Naomi's presence grow stronger in your mind, your grip tightens on the halberd, and the green vision intensifies in brightness. The dragon slowly turns its head to look at you, empty eye sockets staring into your soul.

The metal dragon opens its mouth, and a deep booming voice fills the chamber.

???: "It is good to see you again, Whirlwind. I must thank you and your friends for destroying the parasite leaching my power."

The dragon lowers its head to your level, turning its head sideways to look at you with its empty eye socket, though you're not sure what good that would do considering there isn't an eye, and it's pitch black in the cave anyways.

???: "What is your name, human?"

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 36/50)

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ - ] = -
> The sun's down, and everything is nearly pitch black except for the area around Aucupe, illuminated by her shining sword.

You stumble around the tree-covered mountain, occasionally slipping down a drop with the small armored harpy demon thing following behind.

And you're not exactly sure what you're looking for or if you'd even see anything of importance.

Conditions :
- Torrential Armor (+4 Casting/Attacks)
-- (Energy: 30/50)

Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -
> "Roger! Meet us there when you're done cleaning up!"

You drop down into the forest canopy for a moment and wait for everything to fly past. After you're clear, you take to the air again towards the dark grey spire to the east, on the outskirts of the forest.

There are a handful of flying drakes circling the tower, and a horde of them on the ground surrounding it, holding their ground. Occasionally several will try to run into the opened doorway, only to be consumed by fire.

With the sun now down, the enemy fliers are almost invisible, and you can't see on the ground where Blizzard or Ettiin are.

Conditions :

[ 3 + 1 + 1 ] = 5
> "Stay hidden until the wolves are in range. I'm hoping that if we help the... 'other' things, they won't try to murder us like everything else."

You wait for the targets... Wait, are you aiming for the wolves or the lizard thingos? Well, it doesn't matter, because once the large reptilian beasts are within optimal arnge of your weapon, they roar and begin to charge.

Bringing up your new crossbow, you steady your breath, aim, and fire.

The bolt flies out faster than you can see, and the large drake you were aiming for drops to the ground with a bloody fist-sized hole going through its head and its organs flying out of its rear. Cihas puts a glowing white arrow in the head of another, and the two of you duck back into the smokehouse as the last lizard smashes into the door frame, missing a claw swipe at the both of you.

You feel someone grab something off of you, and then the lupus your party rescued tackles the drake, bashing it with the longsword in a berserk frenzy.

The drake loses its head after several savage chops and is shoved out of the building, and the lupus lets out a howl loud that sends shivers down your spine.

Conditions :


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 27/50)

Koa Tsinthula

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm

Ettiin Enku

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Wing-bone Claws
- Bruising (-2 movement)


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Blizzard Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 33/40)


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Sprained Ankle

World Events:
Time of day: Night

World Map

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:33 am, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:09 pm
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