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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Check out the sides and back of the building.

Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:03 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
Buy as many of the one shot pistols as I can, if I have to sell the peacemakers do it.
I'm going full pirate and none of you can stop me. Unlike my bullets, which will kill stop all remaining rhino's.........with one shot.

Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:46 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
maart3n wrote:
Buy as many of the one shot pistols as I can, if I have to sell the peacemakers do it.

Vargall takes off all his current pistols, slams them on the table, then gives Vladimir a piercing glare.


Small $ signs flash on the ork's eyes, and he scrambles to get the requested weaponry. You buy enough EX-EX ammo for two shots with each gun, and he even throws in a pack of flare rounds for free.

You're not quite sure how you're gonna carry them all at once, but damn if you're not the madman packing the most heat in the whole town right now.

...Oh wait, this is Seattle. Nope, you're not even in the top 10 heat-packing list. Gotta get more money for guns mate!

You are left with a meager 473 nuyen afterwards.

TorrentHKU wrote:
"One bulletproof jacket."

Vladimir unceremoniously takes Faust's cash and plops a slightly worn padded kevlar jacket onto his hands. It looks pretty sturdy, at least, and is a lot less conspicuous than the old ghillie suit you keep at home!

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Show all the guns I looted to the shop owner. Practicing proper muzzle awareness and trigger discipline of course, as well as ejecting the mags of each and clearing the chamber before setting them down on the counter or whatever.

"I'll sell all of these and take the light pistol.

Do you have any blades?"

The ork nods with approval at Allie's trigger discipline and gun handling expertise.

"Very good. I can give 175 nuyen for heavy pistol, 275 for capitalist submachinegun. Take light pistol instead. Tiny, yes, but мощный! Here is laser sight button, here is detachable stock.

He pauses for a moment, sizing the elf up.

Blades... I have blades, yes. But... Unsure if blades for tiny elf arms!

He opens one large crate propped against a wall, revealing two troll-sized poleaxes and a ridiculously wide ceramic claymore. Intimidating.

"Scotsman sword is a special job. No metal parts, not even american MAD scanner can find it. Big enough that everyone can see it though!"

Vladimir laughs heartily at it like some sort of private joke.

CrazyMLC wrote:
> Check out the sides and back of the building.

Trying his best to look inconspicuous, Bright takes a stroll around the block, taking note of any possible entrance routes. To the left of the building is the parking lot entrance ramp, followed by a backup diesel generator and general utilities machinery. A tall, nondescript wall separates it from the street, with a small service door for maintenance personnel and garbage bag dumping.

The right side faces a public park. The wall there is much nicer-looking, with old-style red bricks and fancy stone housings around the motion detectors at the top. Some of the trees are growing pretty close to it, though, and it wouldn't be too hard to climb up along them.

The back of the property butts directly against the one on the other side of the street, an 8-story commercial building with several private offices. You notice a "OFFICES FOR RENT" sign on the front garden.

What will you do?

Sun Jul 03, 2016 3:19 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Point at the Flechette rounds, pointer finger for one set of 10.

Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:56 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Buy the light pistol, 50 rounds of standard ammo, and a bulletproof jacket.

Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:02 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
What time of day is it in the game?

Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:12 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
"Thanks Vlad!"
Gingerly run back to the car with my pile of pistols and find a way to carry at least four while waiting for the others.

Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:46 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Buy the light pistol, 50 rounds of standard ammo, and a bulletproof jacket.

Allie gets her merchandise, loads 30 rounds into the pistol, with the remaining 20 in a spare magazine. She then slips the kevlar jacket on top of her old-fashioned ashigaru armor.

DSMK2 wrote:
> Point at the Flechette rounds, pointer finger for one set of 10.

Vladimir respects a man of few words. He hands you the rounds silently.

maart3n wrote:
"Thanks Vlad!"
Gingerly run back to the car with my pile of pistols and find a way to carry at least four while waiting for the others.

Vargall returns to his car, noting the sun has finally started to rise over the everpresent smog. He puts one gun in his left holster, one in his right holster, two clipped onto his belt, and...

He's not quite sure where to keep the fifth one, so he just puts it on the back of his pants. Safe? No. But the thug lyfe chose him.

What will you do?

Sun Jul 03, 2016 5:38 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Buy another 10 rounds to top off my reserve mag, thank the shopowner and prepare for departure.

Sun Jul 03, 2016 7:24 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Use my character's knowledge of security protocols and strategies to come up with a plan or look for a security flaw.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jul 03, 2016 7:29 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Jacket up and head back to the car.

Sun Jul 03, 2016 7:40 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
"arr mateys, we be boarding!"
Get the team back together and drive towards the objective.

Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:42 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
TorrentHKU wrote:
> Jacket up and head back to the car.
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Buy another 10 rounds to top off my reserve mag, thank the shopowner and prepare for departure.

maart3n wrote:
"arr mateys, we be boarding!"
Get the team back together and drive towards the objective.

You give Vladimir your best regards, then return to the Murdermobile. A few moments later, you're heading to the target's home at breakneck speeds.

CrazyMLC wrote:
> Use my character's knowledge of security protocols and strategies to come up with a plan or look for a security flaw.

Bright draws upon his previous experience in private security and looks for any convenient entrances into the complex.

The motion sensors along the garden wall must be turned to low sensitivity, or the moving tree branches would trigger them all the time. Provided you were careful, it should be possible to climb over it undetected.

The maintenance door doesn't look particularly sturdy or high-tech. It should be possible to pick its maglock or break it altogether. Alternatively, you could wait until the janitor is bringing out the trash and either sneak in or subdue him.

If you could get to the building behind the target's, it could be feasible to rappell or climb down onto the roof. You doubt there are any security cameras looking upwards.

The front guard doesn't look too bright. Talking your way in should be possible for either of the party's rather charismatic mages. Failing that, corpsec grunts are rarely above a bribe...

...or you could crash a stolen car through the front gate, shoot everyone, then set the place on fire. Your teammates would probably like that plan.

What will you do?

Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:48 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Follow everyone until something happens.

Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:51 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Wait for a yellow car with police lights to leave the garage. Tail it from a safe distance, keeping track of the route he uses to get to work.

Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:09 pm
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