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 Roll to Dodge : Destiny 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
I was asleep, it seems you haven't written up my term before the hiatus, so I'll repost my ♥♥♥♥ with no idea, still, what I'm doing.

Foa wrote:
Foa wrote:
Foa wrote:
> Minor Action.
> [?] Is this a Minor Action?.
> Major Action.
" [Special Conditions to Flavor Text] Flavor Text, Probably going to use this for mostly communication. "
Flavor Text, Probably going to be things someone or something does.

" [Around time of Design Submission] Hmm, the rail engines sound interesting, but don't we need to build some sort of infrastructure for them, beforehand? I was thinking that the Moonmen [This is the start of my Wordplay Regime] would be useful for taxiing [sic], and general couriering... they just need a smoothed road. Anyways, as far as being a military implement, they were used like portable concrete road blocks, and their choice of freight. "
> Disseminate Moonmen into the General Populace for Transport/Cargo.

She soon starts on her congratulatory write up about the situation whilst leaning against the central hub's console, and listening for further commentary or community voicings; it reads:

> Poll Fourthnet, and the Central Hub for responses, and general news.

> Start Construction of Superior Water Pumping, it will have to accommodate Several Thousand More Colonists.
> Start Production of Mining Machinery. It will be needed for the Sustenance of the Second Wealth, Industry.
> Start Construction of 5,000 More Housing Units.

Last edited by Foa on Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:03 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
I'm in.

1> Defrost another 4,000 citizens. Check with the Advanced Mainframe's databases to make sure we defrost those experienced in construction and agriculture.

"Today is a beautiful day! With our new efforts in agriculture, we can finally accept some of our old friends into this brave new world. In fact, we've just doubled our population!
Our growth is astonishing, and I'm confident in saying that we're making our way on this world. I definitely see a bright future ahead of us; if we keep this up, we'll having the entire crew defrosted in no time!
But we have a lot of work ahead of us before that happens. I know we can do it."

2> Help out our new citizens with supplies and access to our newly built industrial machines to manufacture their houses. Get the Advanced Mainframe's help in making their placement and design as efficient as possible.

3> Get our scientists and a team of workers on giving us a fresh water supply. If they decide to try to use the river we found, make sure we analyze samples to make sure it's safe.

?> Check on the exploration of my ATVs

Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:17 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Caek, god dammit you senile dragon

Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:34 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Foa wrote:
Caek, god dammit you senile dragon

Ahem, what?

I have already told you guys it would be restarting soon. I am very busy with other writing projects (a full blown story, two cooperative stories, game reviews and now this again), so that naturally means this will take a while to get an opening in my very, very busy schedule. There's a lot of things that need to be done before Destiny can be continued, and that'll take time, and I certainly will not delay any of my other projects to immediately start work on this again.

You have waited several months since the end of the first time I started this thread, you can wait a few weeks more.

Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:07 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
That and Tomaster is AWOL.

Again. We may have to bring in an understudy.

Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:01 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Here's Unwoundpath's roll! :D Just remember, this is the last roll of the previous batch, so the next roll will be everyone, as you'd expect.

And of course...this means Unwoundpath gets the new number system first :D

Slight problem, though. It seems imageshack have gotten rid of my image, so I don't have the map anymore :S

>Continue to build housing in the way the mainframe stated. "We should research some defensive measures, we don't know whats out there."

>"Start a farm, or the like, we need a source of food."

>"Set up a water pump station with a filtration system to start getting a supply of fresh water, supplies wont last forever, and we need to keep a stable income of it anyways."

Minds of the World Combined - Unwoundpath
[9] The Director calmly looks out the window of her office. When the colony ship had traveled across the infinite depths of space to their new home, fleeing the death of the old at the cruel hands of Destiny, armor plates had been lowered into place for the voyage. But when the ship landed, they had her a view of the colony. Every Exodus class colony ship was the exact same structurally, with only the fittings differing from ship to ship. One of the leaders of the colony's science teams stepped forward, making his presence known. "You called, director?" Without breaking her gaze from the slowly developing colony and the unknowns in the distance, she said, "We should research some defensive measures, we don't know whats out there." The scientist smiled and nodded, slipping out in utter silence. The Galactic Mind was blessed with not just the schematics for the colony ship, but her designers, almost every man and woman who had contributed to the development of the Exodus ships and the Pathfinder faster-than-light engines that had taken them across the stars.

Simple weapon systems were easily within their knowledge. Only a few of the Exodus engineers had been reawoken, but those few knew that the ships conventional fuel was extremely flammable it would instantly burst into fire on exposure to oxygen. Even though the ship had less than one percent of it's fuel remaining after the long journey...and that the tanks were not designed to be withdrawn from once the fuel was inside, a group of engineers had come up with a plan.

"You can't be serious!" snapped the chief designer of the Galactic Mind's engine assemblies. "If that goes wrong, you'll be lucky to just kill yourself and not blow up the entire damn ship!"

One of the ship's chemists, one who had worked on the fuel mix ratios, nodded in agreement. "At this temperature and pressure, the hydrazine fuel inside the tanks is...highly explosive. I really, really don't recommend trying to get at any of it."

But the Director's chief science officer disagreed with them both. "We have crossed the void between stars at faster-than-light speeds. Taking gas out of the tank cannot be that hard." The other two sighed as the engineers got to work on his plan. It was brutally simple - use a hacksaw to cut through the ship's fuel lines, connect a large bag to the hole and then use a multipurpose industrial machine to pump out the fuel into barrels. The steel fuel lines were over three inches thick at the thinnest points, but using any kind of machinery could create a spark which could ignite the fuel, an explosion that would annihilate the aft of the ship, including the reactor powering the life support systems sustaining those who were steel in the dreamless sleep of suspended animation. The Director didn't know what they were doing - she surely wouldn't have let them do so if she did! They took some clean film food wrapping from the dining hall, cut a hole in it and used tape to fasten it to the end of the pipe connecting to the pumps, while an "engineer" in a harsh environment suit outright attacked the engine lines with a sledgehammer to crack through the last inch, a technician sitting besides him with the connector...waiting.

There was a horrible bang as the sledgehammer slammed through the steel. "Now!" he roared, running from the engine line as the fuel began to bubble in contact with the air.

The technician bravely connected the plastic wrapping to the hole, using duck tape to hold it in place. With a thumbs up he waved to the machine operator, who sighed behind their filtration mask. "I always wanted to go out with a bang...but this wasn't what I had in mind..."

He initiated the fuel transfer...and to everyone's mutual surprise, the ship didn't explode. Instead, it went off without a hitch, flooding spare barrels with highly explosive hydrazine, the barrels holding them at just barely the correct pressure. Connecting simple pressure detonators to the opening valve on each drum and burying them far from the colony, an entire minefield of fuel-air bombs is created, each bomb packing as much explosive power as half a ton of dynamite. They drain the Galactic Mind dry, placing the mines at a safe distance from the colony and placing up markers so that none would ever accidentally wander into the new minefield.

But for more mobile protection, the colony ship's armories are opened and weapons attached to one of the new BAMPs, creating a decent fighting vehicle by jury rigging two assault rifles onto the side of the cabin and connecting them to the control system. Small, spartan houses are built up near the ship's landing far as possible from the minefields. Everyone knows that while adults might know not to wander in there, children - which more colonists are starting to consider having - are not necessarily the same. When the houses are done, two thirds of the population have a roof over their heads, but the remaining third are bunking with them, at least for the time being. To many, the tight conditions of their quarters reminds them of their dorm years in university.

[8] While the engineers madly work with the ship's fuel tanks to create defenses for the new colony, work starts on creating a sustainable food source by using the industrial machines for their most basic purpose. They start work well within the perimeter created by the minefield, creating a bank of earth around the edges of the colony grounds, wide and high enough to protect the colonists against any shrapnel. Then the ground is tilled as the ship's botanists and geneticists carefully select a species of flora from the ships gene vault - not everything from Earth is available to them, but they have a lot to choose from all the same. In the mean time, the geologists carefully took soil samples and made their recommendations. The soil was rich in nitrogen and seemingly in broken down plant matter, in the past, these lands were likely meadows drinking from the nearby lake.

Finally, after nearly four hours of consideration, durum wheat is selected for its ability to be made into pasta, bread and if necessary, biofuel. The defrosted seeds are first allowed to germinate inside the Galactic Mind before they're deemed hard enough to be implanted into the ground in the tilled fields. It takes only a little time before the entire field is ready, so the colonists turn their attentions to preparing the machines inside the colony ship to process the grains into more edible forms, like flour and bread. The sheer variety that the fields of wheat will bring mean that the colony certainly has no lack of choice and already, many colonists eagerly await a change from the routine of freeze dried ration packs. HINT : Players receive a Morale Bonus for having food variety. High or very high colony morale will typically manifest as a simple +1 or +2 on actions that would benefit from morale, so think of factories, construction, research and battles.

[7] With the colony secure from outside threats and the food supply looking to be secure, the colonists finally turn their attentions to water supplies. The lake nearby is a body of freshwater, easy to use without much in the name of processing. New pipes are fabricated with great care, then bolted together one by one. Rather than risk contamination by using the same pump used to clear the colony ship's fuel tanks, they wheel out another. The lake is very close, so it doesn't take long to erect a small building to contain the pumping machine, spare parts and tools, as well as equipment to carefully inspect and filter the water supplies. Complex filter systems are installed, ensuring that the water that comes out is one hundred percent pure.

The first glass is poured two hours after work begins, to the celebration of all the colonists. Some is diverted to irrigate the fields, but most is used to start refilling the colony ship's water tanks. Someone comes up with the clever idea to dismantle the ship's fuel tanks, believing that they could be properly decontaminated and then converted into water ones instead...which would easily quadruple the colony's water storage level. However, improper decontamination could result in the water being contaminated, so the decision is left up to the Director.

Colony Statistics
Population & Consumable Resources
3000 colonists.
Housing : Two thirds for entire population. Construct another batch of house to house everyone.
Food : Yes, positive food production will begin next turn and begin filling storage.
Water : Yes, with enough storage to maintain water supplies for five turns.
Consumer/luxury goods : No production, but there are more than enough goods to go around.
Industrial Resources
880 units of basic construction materials.
97 heavy machines.
Electricity : Yes, with Excellent supply.
Fissionable Materials : No production or enrichment facilities, but storage is at full capacity.
Military Assets
5 ATV-R vehicles.
Enough equipment to equip one hundred soldiers.
1000 units of military supplies.

Whew, gonna take me a while to get used to doing this stuff again :P This finally finishes the previous roll, at long last, so that done! :D

Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:40 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
TheKebbit wrote:
>Minor: Find out precisely what is missing from storage.

[10] Fedot Matveev leads a small group of five men, steel inserts hidden behind the red cloth of their jumpsuits and standard issue pistols holstered onto their thighs, down through the busy decks of the Crown of Thorns. Though most of the colony is already setup, most of the work people do still takes place on the colony ship itself, whether that be gradually taking pieces apart or ensuring that their frozen brethren sleep safely within their cold tombs. Most of the colony's labs for studying the slain indigenous life forms takes place inside empty compartments turned into research labs, while the manufacturing of common, often used and often replaced tools takes place near the cargo bays, supply the colony with it's essential supply of working tools and mending weapons and machinery.

The armory, larger than its cousins on the other colony ships, has been reinforced with a heavy hydraulic blast door that could shrug off most shaped charge attacks with ease. The keypad and the door's hydraulics are powered by an internal power supply that contains enough charge to continue running for months of being off the grid, three cameras point down all the approaches to the armory without blind spots. Lastly, the door comes with two anti-tamper systems. The first will drop the bolts inside the door mechanisms...something that would take weeks to repair even for the people who built it, the second being an integrated taser to incapacitate anyone tampering with the door.

So how the hell did someone steal from the main armory? I know that this is the heaviest part of the cargo hold, so how did they get in there?

"Take a look around, see if you can find any evidence of tampering."

This was the heaviest of the ship's containment units, where the missiles and explosives were stored. Not even Captain Matveev had permanent access to it, only ever being given temporary one use access codes that locked themselves out after each use.

Fortunately, the Overcaptain himself had given him a root access code to all the cargo sections, complete reusable access to every room in that section of the ship. With a quick tap of his fingers, the keypad beeped happily before the bolts rose and the door with them.

The heavy weapons armory, shelf upon shelf of rockets, grenades, explosives, all looked to be where it should be. He stepped inside, the lights flickering on automatically as he looked around, the door sealing itself behind him on its own. On the far wall were where the flamethrowers were, or had been before most of them were used to make the new firehouses. Most of the weapons were stored in special ordnance lockers, with thin slits of bullet proof glass to let one see the contents at a glance, but the rest was thick steel. The heavy armory walls were so large that they had to shrink the adjacent rooms and start storing the excess in the regular storage. Something that's come round to bite us in the ass.

He sighed, then turned around, the armory unlocking itself and opening, letting him leave before bolting itself down again. His men gathered in front of the door, shaking their heads.

There was no sign of a break in on the main armory, so they headed to the one other room that contained the colony's weapons.

Restricted Storage.

It was one of the largest cargo rooms on the ship, the true armory and storage area. He had access to it, one of maybe two dozen people who did at the moment, but he didn't have access to some of the subsections inside where the most sensitive items were stored. A guard sat besides the door on a metal stool, cleaning her assault rifle. Her long, dark hair was neatly brushed...and she was quite pretty, too. She looked up at him with a smile. "Ah, comrade Captain, here for an inspection?"

Captain Matveev crossed his arms, looking at the guard with suspicion. "You could say that."

"Don't worry comrade Captain, I am not a traitor. Come on," she quickly reassembled her rifle and slid her access card into the door's reader before pushing it open and leading the group inside. "The entire colony knows about the theft, though I am not sure how it could've happened. We take shifts, six of us in total each watching for four hours each."

He looked around as she spoke. There were four enormous shelves, forklifts on the ground looking like toys when compared to the , crates stacked inside shelves as high as houses. There were suits for the handling of hazardous materials and radioactives, ordnance lockers packed with guns,

He looked around as she spoke. There were four enormous racks, the gap between each shelf and the next being as high as a house. Elevator platforms sat besides each rack, one could simply walk a crate onto the platform and then give it the coordinates where they want to go and they would be there in mere moments to put the crate there for sake keeping. He felt a weight tugging on his holstered gun and his steel inserts, the weak pull of the electromagnets in the shelves that ensured no item would ever fall over.

It'd take forever to search all of this...

He sighed. But she pointed with her gun to the wall on the far side of the room. "That's where we keep all the good stuff and the cultural artifacts."

He nodded, then he led his men over. "Three of you, search this room. The rest of you, with me. Let's see what we have back there."

That man had booze from the homeland, that must have come from inside there.

The keypad on the door was as responsive as ever and chimed with a high note as the door clicked. Pushing it open, he felt the rush of cold air from inside the room. They kept the room below zero degrees Celsius, so as to better preserve the relics from Earth and the luxury goods. He was not unused to the cold, but this room was colder than the Siberian winter training exercises he had to pass to qualify for a place on the Crown of Thorns in the first place. "Alright...stick together. If anyone drops, we get the hell out right away. Keep your hands close." He shoved his hands straight into his pockets, watching the little puffs of white mist he let out everytime he breathed.

On his left was a pile of crates, one of them near the front. He stepped over, his men cursing amongst themselves because of the knife-like cold. Flipping the lid, he saw the packs of vodka inside, the finest brands there was, reserved for officers.

Or it had been, till someone looted half the damn crate. The lock had been bypassed completely, unscrewed from the chest and disabled with expert precision. This wasn't some souka looking for a drink...they knew what they were doing...

He sighed again, but a voice called over to him from the other side of the room. "Boss! Captain! This crate isn't on the manifest!"

He turned and walked over. It was a large crate, the largest in the room...and some of those crates contained luxury cars for government officials at the highest echelons of the Directorate's structure. It was a reinforced shipping crate, directly magnetized to the floor. The soldier passed him the digital manifest, powered by a specially designed battery capable of surviving the cold. "It says this should be a cultural artifact."

He looked up at the enormous shiping container. To his left was a secured vault containing relics and texts from the Orthodox church, on his right another vault, this one packed with paintings from the Hermitage and the Imperial Crown of Russia itself, unworn since the days before the Red Revolution over a century and a half ago.

This one just said...cultural artifact-vehicle from the early twentieth century, but the text on the crate itself was in...something he didn't understand a single word of, even though he had been taught Polish and Russian when he joined the Directorate's army and had been raised in a Ukrainian household.

"Maybe they sent us Lenin's casket."

He laughed with his men as they got to work opening the container. The locking mechanism was simpler than the others, but half frozen, the keypad simply not recognizing half the buttons until he punched them in.

Then there was a click from the door as it unlocked, but it wasn't mechanically assisted. How old is this damn thing?

Together, with his men, they pulled the doors apart, a cloud of mist rising out from inside, alongside a plentiful helping of dust that had formed in there over the thirty years voyage. He and his men coughed their way through, but when he opened his eyes he could not believe what he was seeing.

" I dreaming?" he muttered with a smile.

They stepped inside as one, putting their hands over the ancient casted steel. The green paint was faded, as were the white Cyrillics, but everyone knew what it was at a mere glance from their history books.

The tracks had been taken off and placed in a careful pile on top of the engine bay, the hull connected to the floor and a canvas cover thrown over the barrel. But the red star was still emblazoned proudly on the side, as were the words.

Кошмар для нацистов...A Nightmare for the Nazis...hah!

He laughed. He had seen many tanks in his history books as a child, but the T-34 stood out. It saved the Soviet Union and all of its peoples - no matter how much they might have hated one another at the time - from extermination at the hands of the Hitlerites. He patted the cold steel. It had seen countless battles on Earth, and here it was now, on another world dozens of light years from home, a weary soldier that was a living legend and the last of its kind. The tracks were piled onto the back, but they could be reattached and thanks to the vehicle being completely restored, it could probably even be driven.

He saw a metallic glint at the edge of his eye, past the tank and at the rear of the storage locker. He was too largely built to fit past the tank, but one of his men were younger, smaller, seventeen or eighteen years old. A private who was on the ship thanks to family connections, but what he lacked in experience he more than made up for with enthusiasm and courage. Fedot gestured, so the boy eagerly rushed past the vehicle...then shouted, "Comrade Captain, I think it's a door!"

The boy shoved hard...and disappeared into the gaps inside the ship's framework, where the electrical conduits flowed beneath his feet and where only dim yellow lights looked down...lights that should not exist in a place where there was a door that should not exist.

"Get out of there, boy...we have to tell the Overcaptain immediately. You two, stay here, boy, with me."

Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:48 am
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"Let's hold off on the extra water storage for now, we got enough production for a while and I don't want the risk of contamination just yet."

>Build the final batch of houses to cover all the current colonists.

>Build labs of various types around the city, supply them with whatever needed. "I think its about time we set up some dedicated labs for you guys, you earned it, feel free to research and do whatever you please."

>Thaw out another 1500 Colonists, we have enough housing now for the 3000 and it would just be wasteful to not thaw out another batch when 1000 extra could live in what we had before.

Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:49 am
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Yep, he's dead. I need someone to take over his slot, first come first served in this case :D I want to get this moving as quickly as possible and I cannot roll without his actions.

Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:30 pm
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Right, well, no one has come to take Tomaster's place.

That means only one thing.

So that means, here are my actions.

1) Send an armed construction convoy to the ocean to commence construction on a water pipeline, excavating the ground as they go to lay it underground and protect it from the elements as well as any accidents involving reentering debris.

2) Start construction of a series of electrical furnaces powered directly by the colony ship's reactor. Ensure they are water tight.

3) Send a small expedition and one of the deployable outposts towards the grasslands to start farming maize, both for use as a foodstuff and as a bio-fuel.

Minor Action : Post a design request for a large ocean-worthy ship design.

"Uh....anyone out there at the other colony sites? This is James Robertson, vice president of ThraxoCorp. The CEO's slipped and knocked himself out...we don't know how long he might be gone for, so I'm taking over for the time being."

"Looking at the, uh, status reports I've just been given before my morning coffee - take the hint, Sarah - we should all be able to talk to one another through our communication satellites. With the unknown fleets gone, it should be safe for us to communicate with one another. I don't think I need to bother talking about Star Wars up there, but there's a lot of wreckage coming down all over the place. But that's not what I want to talk about."

"Look, we're all humans here, so I was thinking it would be best if we started working together. As a sign of good faith to you all, I've got the schematics for a series of air filtration units that Pioneer Motors just hammered out. They're willing to share the designs so that you'll be able to build engines that run on gasoline and not just on electricity, but in exchange, I'm hoping to get some information."

"Anyone got any data about those tunnels we saw from orbit? On a side note, we've found some, uh, grass and trees. They're not too dissimilar to those back home, but has anyone seen any...animals, around? Fish?"

"Oh, and we've got a ton of precious metals over here, and we're willing to hammer out a trade as soon as we've started a mining operation. Yeah, I know you're wondering what precious metals are for other than jewelry : remember, they're used in electronics and computers. I wouldn't mind sorting out a trade sometime. If we want to survive on this rock, we've gotta work together."

"Humanity goes extinct if we don't."

Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:01 am
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"This thing working? Haven't used it yet... Ah, hello there Mr. Robertson, This is the director of the Minds of the World Combined speaking. I agree wholeheartedly with your idea of working together. We're just a group of scientists that wish no harm upon others and only want to do our work. I think there could be a great deal of benefits working with you. Those schematics sound like a wonderful thing to have on hand, even if I don't think we have any gas yet, or if this place has any...

Sorry, we have yet to look at the tunnels yet as we're trying to get a good foothold and become stable where we landed so far, but we have found some native life! We found some plants, insects, and, fish in the lake! Oh man were we so excited to see those. You mentioned trees? I'm sure some of us would love to take a closer look at those.

My people and I, I'm sure, would love to trade for those metals, but I don't know what we have yet that we could trade you for them, so we'll just keep that in mind for now. Working together is the only way for advancement. I hope to hear from you again soon, stay safe."

Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:46 pm
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"Good to meet you, Director. Your designers did a great job on the colony ships. As for a trade...well, you're scientists! I'm sure we could work something out so that we our precious metal for scientific assistance. And you found fish! Great! We're not too far from the ocean ourselves, so if it's edible, then we might be able to setup a few fishing boats or aquafarms."

"As for the tree...I'm sorry, Director, but we haven't chopped any down just yet. But we do have some interesting test results from some fruit we found. In short, if you see any spikey fruit out there, don't eat it. It has enough toxin to kill you ten time over. But the knobbed one, those with bumps instead of spines...they're edible, if you cook them right."

Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:56 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Can I speak?

Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:02 am
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Foa wrote:
Can I speak?

Yep! :D

Everyone can talk, since the planet has a pretty much complete network of communication satellites. If it's not possible to speak, I'll say, otherwise it's safe to assume you can...and there can be some...benefits, to talking to the other factions. Different cultures nurture different ideas and different ways of doing things.

I'll try and roll on Tuesday or Wednesday. I've caught a cold, so it's stopping me from focusing properly :(

Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:57 pm
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Caek/Tomaster's rolls are 7, 10, 9. I was asked to conduct them to make sure they could not be fudged.

Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:11 pm
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