Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 192)
Walk it off MLC, it's literally all in your head. "REALLY eager to ask all sorts of stuff on making constructs, but that can wait. Do you think the Containment people will go for having you on loan to Vranhal? If we ask and they say no, they'll probably put us under pretty heavy scrutiny. Or, well, heavier than they would otherwise."
Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:15 am
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 192)
"Should be fine as I am, well... Drakes got any nasty tricks I should know 'bout?" >Go hunting.
Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:45 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 193)
Roll 193
The world as the players know it:
1. Kyeltziv 2. Kleigg, Vandolf 3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John ~~~ 1. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John ~~~
1. Get Spirit expertise from the Lupus (Kyeltziv) 2. Get Construct expertise from a Construct Master in a Chirop jail (John, P’orihc, Ki’stha) 3. Don't talk to strangers (Kleigg) 4. Help Kleigg with his mission (Vandolf)
Time: Morning
Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU) Race: Human ____________________
"REALLY eager to ask all sorts of stuff on making constructs, but that can wait. Do you think the Containment people will go for having you on loan to Vranhal? If we ask and they say no, they'll probably put us under pretty heavy scrutiny. Or, well, heavier than they would otherwise."
Emiel: ”Beats me. I don’t think they’re gonna keep an eye on you though for asking, it’s not like making requests like that is uncommon.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Form Artificial Matter (Create magic’d solids) (Durability: Steel) (Efficiency: 1 Mana = 2 Durability) ---Form Memory Stone (Create a memory stone) (Efficiency: Low) ---Form Mana Stone (Create a mana stone) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 8 Mana) ---Form Conduit (Create mana conduits) ---Form Release (Create a release crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 10 Mana) ---Form Focus (Create a focus crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Ability = 9 Mana , Ability Strength (per ability): 100% = 9 Mana [cannot exceed 100%]) ---Form Sparker (Create a Mana Sparker) (Efficiency: 1 Impulse = 0.01) ---Security Sequence (Level: 2) (Load a memory crystal with a magic sequence that protects the construct from deconstruction) -(Kinetic) --(Impulse) (Offensive skills lower target’s Will by 50% for Stagger check) ---Micro Meteor (Launch an object with kinetic force) (+ to Projectile = Arcane + Mana) ---Kinetic Bolt (Launch an orb of kinetic energy that explodes upon impact) (Inflicts Trauma = Arcane + Mana) ---Levitation (pick up and levitate small objects) ---Blast Wave (Lets out a powerful but short-ranged concussive wave) (Inflicts Trauma = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Counter Force (Single Turn Condition) (Applies counteracting forces to a target, lowering strength and evasion) (-Strength, -Evasion = Arcane + Mana) ---Impulse Evasion (Evasion) (Cannot use Evasion AP) (Launch yourself with kinetics to evade an attack) (Substitutes your basic evasion) (Stumbles you after use, can be used when Stumbled, can be used to recover from a Stumble) (Evasion = Arcane + MP) --(Fortification) (If cast with Mana, Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed/buffed attacks land) ---Stabilize (Direct Magic) (Single Turn Condition) (Lock an object’s movement relative to a target) (+Trauma Resistance = Arcane + MP) ---Lockdown (Single Turn Condition) (Lock your bones in place and petrify your skin, resisting damage) (+Physical Damage Resistance = Arcane + Mana , affected parts are unable to move [affects evasion]) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) ---Fireball (Launch an orb that unleashes an explosion of heat on impact) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn) Passives: Strength: 6 Arcane: 10 Aim: 8 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 5 Speed: 1
-Fortified Resolve (Grants a separate pool of AP for Fortification magic) -Acrobat (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Accelerator (Passive) (+10% Damage and Aim to Micro Meteor) -Quick Rest (Passive) (If no action in the turn, all standard AP is recovered at the end of the turn) (Cannot be used if stumbled or in negative standard AP)
Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit) Race: Human ____________________
"No, it didn't affect me. saved my life. Let's go."
Tabi: ”We should probably stay off the streets for now.”
She puts on a bundle of cloth around her right arm, something that looks like a cast, and a shimmering blade sprouts from the fabric-wrapped hand. A quick swipe and the lock on the security door on the balcony is cut, and the two of you slip into the building.
Once the door closes it’s pitch black, the only light you can see is rounding a corner in the hallway before moving towards you. A uniformed chirop with a couple of heavy textbooks under an arm, the other held slightly above her head, a ball of light in her palm.
Student: ”Hey. So uh, the power’s out.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(???) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) --(???) ---Extrasensory (Detects magic in the area) (Does not consume AP) -(???) --(Negation) ---Nullify (Reduce the effectiveness of a magic instance, cancelling it with enough effort) ---Zero Field (Create a persistent nullification effect on a target or area) (Inflicts Null Body = Arcane + MP) ---Capture (Grab an instance of a spell being cast, storing it while nullifying any remaining) (Nullify = Arcane + Mana) ---Release (Cast a spell that was stored with Capture [removes spell from storage]) ---Reversal (Reverses the Light/Dark polarity of a magic instance) (Fire<->Ice , Impulse<->Fortification , Light<->Dark , Electric caster/user is switched) (Reverse Strength = Arcane + Mana)
-Escape! (Roll a 5 or higher to successfully run away from a battle)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn)
John: "REALLY eager to ask all sorts of stuff on making constructs, but that can wait. Do you think the Containment people will go for having you on loan to Vranhal? If we ask and they say no, they'll probably put us under pretty heavy scrutiny. Or, well, heavier than they would otherwise."
Emiel: ”Beats me. I don’t think they’re gonna keep an eye on you though for asking, it’s not like making requests like that is uncommon.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) -(Electric) --(Telepathy) (Skills ignore Evasion and do not consume Mana) ---Message (Sends a telepathic message to a target/multiple targets) (does not consume AP) ---Receive (Picks up on thoughts if people are thinking hard enough) (does not consume AP) ---Trace (Find the source of a tendril from an active spell that uses one) ---Proxy (Create a fake mind at a specified location that you can direct to use telepathy) ---Mental Security (Strengthen your defense against Telepathy) (Inflicts Mind Guard = Arcane) ---Analyze (Degrading Condition) (Probe the target's thoughts to discover its behavior and stats) (+Evasion +Aim against target = Arcane - target_Will) ---Mind Control (Force the target to perform an action) (Arcane must be higher than target's Will) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude) Passives: Strength: 1 Arcane: 12 Aim: 6 Evasion: 7 +7 Will: 4 Speed: 2
-Mind Guard (+1 Telepathy Resistance) -Multiprocessing (Grants a separate pool of AP for Telepathic magic)
John: "REALLY eager to ask all sorts of stuff on making constructs, but that can wait. Do you think the Containment people will go for having you on loan to Vranhal? If we ask and they say no, they'll probably put us under pretty heavy scrutiny. Or, well, heavier than they would otherwise."
Emiel: ”Beats me. I don’t think they’re gonna keep an eye on you though for asking, it’s not like making requests like that is uncommon.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Electric) --(Lightning) (Aim of skills is increased 50%) ---Shocking Touch (Electrify a target within arm’s reach) (Inflicts Electrocution = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Lightning Bolt (Strike a ranged target with a lightning bolt) (Inflicts Electrocution = Arcane + Mana) ---Forked Lightning (Hit multiple targets with damage evenly distributed) (Inflicts Total Electrocution = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
"Should be fine as I am, well... Drakes got any nasty tricks I should know 'bout?"
Madenuuk: ”They can spit kinetic bolts, so watch out for that. Now, let us tread lightly. Be on the lookout for black scales or long trails on the ground. Keep your ears open and make no light.”
Your party of four enters the pitch black forest, relying on sound, touch, and spirit vision to figure out where you’re going.
Staying in a tight group, you carefully scan the ground for any signs of a beast while being sure to keep your ears out for danger. After several minutes, you start to get bored from all the moss, mud, and insects, until you see something pointy in the ground. Crouching down, you pick it up - a long glassy shard, about the length of a human finger.
Madenuuk: A fragment of a magic organ. Perhaps there is a corpse nearby that we can scavenge from.
It looks like there are some reptilian footprints nearby, but they just sort of stop in an area of moss. No other footprints around the area. ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Entity) ---Meditation (Relaxes and strengthens your soul, resisting outside spirits) (Inflicts Inner Peace = Arcane + Mana) ---Spirit Channel (Let a spirit use your body to perform an action) (Consumes AP for spirit actions) ---Bind Spirit (Affix a spirit to a physical object) -(Kinetic) --(Fortification) (Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Cast at beginning of turn) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana)
-Chilling Howl (Degrading Condition) (Strike fear into enemies, lowering their Aim and Arcane) (-Aim , -Arcane = Will) Passives: Strength: 8 Arcane: 8 Aim: 6 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 9 Speed: 4
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+5 Magic Evasion) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Acrobat (Passive) (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Inner Peace (+5 Spirit Magic Resistance) -Constitution (+10% Maximum Base HP)
You collapse on the ground and start whimpering. An armored hand grabs you by the leg and drags you out of the alleyway, and when you’re in the open street and clear of the mist, you see that it’s one of the armored chirop.
-Scrap Metal -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell) -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell 2) -Paper (Light Grenade Runic Spell) -Paper (Taschenblitz) >Make a similar rune spell, one that is armed once its mana reserves increase by 0.5, like before. When it is armed, it locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Taschenblitz II) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light evenly distributed 0.5 meters away from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Fire Mine) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as heat from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Mana Storage) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers its mana into that creature. -Paper (Mana Storage 2) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30 if the rune is set to T. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers 2 mana into that creature and sets to F. Must be taken out of the specified range to set back to T.
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP)
-Flurry (Melee three times, each attack dealing one third of your normal damage [consumes 1 AP]) -Metabolize (Exert your will over your body, forcing it to produce energy faster than normal) (+Stamina = Will)
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+3 Magic Evasion) -Momentum (Passive) (Keep yourself moving, increasing damage with each attack) (Buff ends when you fail to attack in a turn or are blocked or stumbled) (+Damage = 1d6 per attack , Max total +Damage = 2 * Strength) -Critical Shot (Increases damage by extra Aim if initial damage to target is greater than 0) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Adrenaline Rush (Passive) (Stamina usage is twice as effective)
Skills: -Stabilize (Spend the extra energy to hold still, increasing Aim for the next attack) (+Aim = Stamina) -Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Skills: (Magic) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Accelerated Repair (Speed up the body’s natural healing process on a target, clearing conditions) (Turns given = Arcane + Mana)
"You don't seem in too much of a hurry to get out of here. Do they treat you alright?"
Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:14 pm
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 193)
Amazigh wrote:
>Check the trees in case they jumped/climbed up one. If there's nothing above carefully move closer and check if the moss is covering a pit/etc.
You look up. High in the branches above, it looks like there're the remains of a drake tangled in the vines. No, not tangled - tied.
Madenuuk: A drake that fell prey to another beast. It may very well have intact magic organs, but us rummaging through the carcass may attract unwanted attention from the predator.
Guess you could either go for the remains and hope you can get out of the forest safely, or search for more lively prey.
Roast Veg wrote:
"You don't seem in too much of a hurry to get out of here. Do they treat you alright?"
Emiel: "Three meals a day, hot showers and a flowing toilet, plenty of books and lots of visitors. I can't practice any magic, but it's not exactly bad living. There are a lot worse prisons to be in, and depending on your crime, you're better off killing yourself before they capture you."
Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:49 pm
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 193)
"Yeah. Any idea what happened?"
Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:30 pm
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 193)
TheKebbit wrote:
"Yeah. Any idea what happened?"
Student: "No idea. It sounded like there were explosions outside? Some sort of freak accident, maybe. The mana generators are pretty nearby, guess something happened to 'em."
CrazyMLC wrote:
"I feel... dead..." (and maybe melodramatic)
>Pass out like a ♥♥♥♥♥.
Darkness creeps into your vision and you feel the cold grip of death, consciousness fading...
Wait, you don't feel weak anymore! Your body seems back to peak condition, somehow.
Chirop: "Hey, you're fixed up."
Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:04 am
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 193)
"That was perhaps the most miserable experience I'd ever had. And I've ridden the Ballista Express!"
>Shake my healer's hand. Store mana.
"Did you save me? If so, I don't know how to thank you, but my name's Vandolf. Yours?"
Last edited by CrazyMLC on Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:11 am
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 193)
"Hm. Well, better than a cramped cell. Helps prevent unruly prisoners and breakouts, I suppose. This place really is more of a... holding facility than a jail, isn't it. Well, I'm significantly more confident in this plan than I was 20 minutes ago. Hey, Emil. If this works and we get you out of here, can you teach me some Construct stuff? I just got a crash course really, and I've been bumbling along from there."
Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:08 am
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 193)
"Have you telepathically contacted anybody else in the building? Are the lights knocked out all over?"
Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:36 am
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 193)
Given the broken organ we found, not likely there'll be much in the way of intact ones, better t' go for a fresh body. >Ignore the corpse, keep looking for drakes.
Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:14 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 194)
Roll 194
The world as the players know it:
1. Kyeltziv 2. Kleigg, Vandolf 3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John ~~~ 1. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John ~~~
1. Get Spirit expertise from the Lupus (Kyeltziv) 2. Get Construct expertise from a Construct Master in a Chirop jail (John, P’orihc, Ki’stha) 3. Don't talk to strangers (Kleigg) 4. Help Kleigg with his mission (Vandolf)
Time: Morning
Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU) Race: Human ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Form Artificial Matter (Create magic’d solids) (Durability: Steel) (Efficiency: 1 Mana = 2 Durability) ---Form Memory Stone (Create a memory stone) (Efficiency: Low) ---Form Mana Stone (Create a mana stone) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 8 Mana) ---Form Conduit (Create mana conduits) ---Form Release (Create a release crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 10 Mana) ---Form Focus (Create a focus crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Ability = 9 Mana , Ability Strength (per ability): 100% = 9 Mana [cannot exceed 100%]) ---Form Sparker (Create a Mana Sparker) (Efficiency: 1 Impulse = 0.01) ---Security Sequence (Level: 2) (Load a memory crystal with a magic sequence that protects the construct from deconstruction) -(Kinetic) --(Impulse) (Offensive skills lower target’s Will by 50% for Stagger check) ---Micro Meteor (Launch an object with kinetic force) (+ to Projectile = Arcane + Mana) ---Kinetic Bolt (Launch an orb of kinetic energy that explodes upon impact) (Inflicts Trauma = Arcane + Mana) ---Levitation (pick up and levitate small objects) ---Blast Wave (Lets out a powerful but short-ranged concussive wave) (Inflicts Trauma = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Counter Force (Single Turn Condition) (Applies counteracting forces to a target, lowering strength and evasion) (-Strength, -Evasion = Arcane + Mana) ---Impulse Evasion (Evasion) (Cannot use Evasion AP) (Launch yourself with kinetics to evade an attack) (Substitutes your basic evasion) (Stumbles you after use, can be used when Stumbled, can be used to recover from a Stumble) (Evasion = Arcane + MP) --(Fortification) (If cast with Mana, Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed/buffed attacks land) ---Stabilize (Direct Magic) (Single Turn Condition) (Lock an object’s movement relative to a target) (+Trauma Resistance = Arcane + MP) ---Lockdown (Single Turn Condition) (Lock your bones in place and petrify your skin, resisting damage) (+Physical Damage Resistance = Arcane + Mana , affected parts are unable to move [affects evasion]) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) ---Fireball (Launch an orb that unleashes an explosion of heat on impact) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn) Passives: Strength: 6 Arcane: 10 Aim: 8 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 5 Speed: 1
-Fortified Resolve (Grants a separate pool of AP for Fortification magic) -Acrobat (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Accelerator (Passive) (+10% Damage and Aim to Micro Meteor) -Quick Rest (Passive) (If no action in the turn, all standard AP is recovered at the end of the turn) (Cannot be used if stumbled or in negative standard AP)
Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit) Race: Human ____________________
"Have you telepathically contacted anybody else in the building? Are the lights knocked out all over?"
Student: ”I just uh, talked to other people. Normally. And yeah, all the lights are knocked out. A few people have handheld Eitulta lamps, they’re using ‘em to light a few hallways and rooms, but it’s pretty dark for the most part.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(???) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) --(???) ---Extrasensory (Detects magic in the area) (Does not consume AP) -(???) --(Negation) ---Nullify (Reduce the effectiveness of a magic instance, cancelling it with enough effort) ---Zero Field (Create a persistent nullification effect on a target or area) (Inflicts Null Body = Arcane + MP) ---Capture (Grab an instance of a spell being cast, storing it while nullifying any remaining) (Nullify = Arcane + Mana) ---Release (Cast a spell that was stored with Capture [removes spell from storage]) ---Reversal (Reverses the Light/Dark polarity of a magic instance) (Fire<->Ice , Impulse<->Fortification , Light<->Dark , Electric caster/user is switched) (Reverse Strength = Arcane + Mana)
-Escape! (Roll a 5 or higher to successfully run away from a battle)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn)
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) -(Electric) --(Telepathy) (Skills ignore Evasion and do not consume Mana) ---Message (Sends a telepathic message to a target/multiple targets) (does not consume AP) ---Receive (Picks up on thoughts if people are thinking hard enough) (does not consume AP) ---Trace (Find the source of a tendril from an active spell that uses one) ---Proxy (Create a fake mind at a specified location that you can direct to use telepathy) ---Mental Security (Strengthen your defense against Telepathy) (Inflicts Mind Guard = Arcane) ---Analyze (Degrading Condition) (Probe the target's thoughts to discover its behavior and stats) (+Evasion +Aim against target = Arcane - target_Will) ---Mind Control (Force the target to perform an action) (Arcane must be higher than target's Will) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude) Passives: Strength: 1 Arcane: 12 Aim: 6 Evasion: 7 +7 Will: 4 Speed: 2
-Mind Guard (+1 Telepathy Resistance) -Multiprocessing (Grants a separate pool of AP for Telepathic magic)
Skills: (Magic) -(Electric) --(Lightning) (Aim of skills is increased 50%) ---Shocking Touch (Electrify a target within arm’s reach) (Inflicts Electrocution = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Lightning Bolt (Strike a ranged target with a lightning bolt) (Inflicts Electrocution = Arcane + Mana) ---Forked Lightning (Hit multiple targets with damage evenly distributed) (Inflicts Total Electrocution = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
You look up. High in the branches above, it looks like there're the remains of a drake tangled in the vines. No, not tangled - tied.
Madenuuk: A drake that fell prey to another beast. It may very well have intact magic organs, but us rummaging through the carcass may attract unwanted attention from the predator.
Guess you could either go for the remains and hope you can get out of the forest safely, or search for more lively prey.
Given the broken organ we found, not likely there'll be much in the way of intact ones, better t' go for a fresh body.
Ignoring the corpse, your party continues the hunt, searching the forest for trails. It isn’t long before you find more lizard-like footprints and the mark of something long sliding on top of the forest floor. Following the trail, you start to hear sounds ahead, and after getting sufficiently close without revealing your presence, your group peers around trees, over bushes, and from behind a rock.
Three drakes in a small but still dark clearing, tearing chunks off of a dead cow.
Each drake is easily the size of a lupus, you, if not a bit larger. Their limbs are thick and short with webbed fingers and claws, while their bodies are long but still sturdy. The heads resemble a fish but longer, and the entire creature is covered in a coat of dark scales.
Horoma: Four of us, three of them. Should be easy if we get the first attack.
Miimas: Wait I only have a gun and sword, are those even gonna work on them? Am I even doing this right, can you guys hear me?
Horoma: Three of us, three of them. If we just take two out, the third might end up fleeing. Saves us extra effort.
Madenuuk: How would Kyeltziv attack? I do not believe he has a way to strike at range, and I fear he may be struck by our attacks if he were to melee.
Horoma: He’ll be fine, I’m not going to sweep the place with fire. Kyeltziv, pick one to beat down with your hammer, Madenuuk will give you a hand with that one, I’ll roast another, and Miimas can shoot the third to scare it off. Unless if you have a better idea. ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Entity) ---Meditation (Relaxes and strengthens your soul, resisting outside spirits) (Inflicts Inner Peace = Arcane + Mana) ---Spirit Channel (Let a spirit use your body to perform an action) (Consumes AP for spirit actions) ---Bind Spirit (Affix a spirit to a physical object) -(Kinetic) --(Fortification) (Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Cast at beginning of turn) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana)
-Chilling Howl (Degrading Condition) (Strike fear into enemies, lowering their Aim and Arcane) (-Aim , -Arcane = Will) Passives: Strength: 8 Arcane: 8 Aim: 6 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 9 Speed: 4
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+5 Magic Evasion) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Acrobat (Passive) (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Inner Peace (+5 Spirit Magic Resistance) -Constitution (+10% Maximum Base HP)
-Scrap Metal -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell) -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell 2) -Paper (Light Grenade Runic Spell) -Paper (Taschenblitz) >Make a similar rune spell, one that is armed once its mana reserves increase by 0.5, like before. When it is armed, it locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Taschenblitz II) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light evenly distributed 0.5 meters away from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Fire Mine) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as heat from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Mana Storage) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers its mana into that creature. -Paper (Mana Storage 2) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30 if the rune is set to T. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers 2 mana into that creature and sets to F. Must be taken out of the specified range to set back to T.
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP)
-Flurry (Melee three times, each attack dealing one third of your normal damage [consumes 1 AP]) -Metabolize (Exert your will over your body, forcing it to produce energy faster than normal) (+Stamina = Will)
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+3 Magic Evasion) -Momentum (Passive) (Keep yourself moving, increasing damage with each attack) (Buff ends when you fail to attack in a turn or are blocked or stumbled) (+Damage = 1d6 per attack , Max total +Damage = 2 * Strength) -Critical Shot (Increases damage by extra Aim if initial damage to target is greater than 0) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Adrenaline Rush (Passive) (Stamina usage is twice as effective)
Skills: -Stabilize (Spend the extra energy to hold still, increasing Aim for the next attack) (+Aim = Stamina) -Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Skills: (Magic) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Accelerated Repair (Speed up the body’s natural healing process on a target, clearing conditions) (Turns given = Arcane + Mana)
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 193)
John, P’orihc, Ki’stha
Ki’stha: "You don't seem in too much of a hurry to get out of here. Do they treat you alright?"
Emiel: "Three meals a day, hot showers and a flowing toilet, plenty of books and lots of visitors. I can't practice any magic, but it's not exactly bad living. There are a lot worse prisons to be in, and depending on your crime, you're better off killing yourself before they capture you."
John: "Hm. Well, better than a cramped cell. Helps prevent unruly prisoners and breakouts, I suppose. This place really is more of a... holding facility than a jail, isn't it. Well, I'm significantly more confident in this plan than I was 20 minutes ago. Hey, Emil. If this works and we get you out of here, can you teach me some Construct stuff? I just got a crash course really, and I've been bumbling along from there."
Emiel: ”Sure thing.”
Well, the process of getting Emiel out seems like it’s going to be fairly simple.
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