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 Roll To Dodge 2 (RtD2) - Finished 
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Ragdollmaster wrote:
Too late to look for it now, I already gave it to one of my mercenaries so he could go strengthen the fourth bastion against the T-Rex strike.

As for why I haven't molested you all in the dark; been pretty busy fending off the flying sharks to cover the 14th regiment's retreat. Luckily, Solid Snake's helping me out, but there's too many of these damn things :/ Might not be able to stage an offensive for at least four or five rolls. And that's IF Jesus can take down the Big Sister by himself, if not, I'll definitely be held up for at least two by her.

I stopped believing what you were saying when you said "Big Sister". But I don't doubt that there are T-Rexes.

Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:49 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Ragdollmaster wrote:
Too late to look for it now, I already gave it to one of my mercenaries so he could go strengthen the fourth bastion against theT-Rex strike.As for why I haven't molested you all in the dark; been pretty busyfending off the flying sharks to cover the 14th regiment's retreat. Luckily, Solid Snake's helping me out, but there's too many of these damn things :/Might not be able to stage an offensive for at least four or five rolls.And that's IF Jesus can take down the Big Sister by himself, if not, I'll definitely be held up for at least two by her.

only the non triked out parts are what I believed in all this mess of shitty things and fake ♥♥♥♥.

Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:44 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
:D :-o

I'm sorry, I'm really random today, and I haven't even had lollies! Bwahahahahaha! lololololololol

Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:42 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Ops, sorry.

Repeat previous action.

Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:14 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
FoiL wrote:
Repeat previous action.

Can you explain in a bit more detail? Do you want to join BJJ or the Ladies? Or with Vlad? Or stay where you are? 0.o

Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:31 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Maybe it's better if go meet vlad. And sorry about the delay, I've been without Internet for a couple of days.

Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:48 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Duh102 (2) Rachel Heuber
Rachel walks outside and switches on the Flashlight. It's dim, but she can see just enough. She wanders towards the South-East Corner of the Compound, where she saw a Guard Tower earlier. Just as she reaches the Ladder, the Flashlight gives out. Now it is dark and she cannot see.
Medical Aptitude (+1 or -1 to rolls involving medical action, to put the roll closer to 5)
Analytic Mind (+1 to rolls involving deciphering properties and uses of objects)
CO2 charged repeating crossbow
9mm Uzi (20 rounds)
Carbon fiber combat knife
Medical kit (5 Uses left, Max 5, refillable)
Cybernetic Enhancement Kit (1 Use left, cannot refill)
Magnifying glass
Sleeping bag
Crossbow Bolts (70)
12 Uzi Mags (240)
Phoenix Down Revival Device (In FedEx Bag and Bubblewrap, Single Use Only!)
Flashlight with damaged battery-compartment (10% Power)
Darkness (-1 to any actions) Flashlight

Hyperkultra (4) Fiona Lovagale
Fiona goes to the tent flap, pulls it up and secures it so she doesn't need to hold it. She then watches the Main Gate for any movement. The noise made by the incoming vehicles gets louder and a dim light begins to show from their headlights.
Electronics Expert: +1 to rolls dealing with circuitry
Weapon Specialist: +2 to rolls using Railgun Sniper -1 when using other weapons
Enraged: +1 to damage and attack-related actions. Can only be triggered by anger.
Railgun Sniper Rifle (5 rounds)
Beretta U22 Neos (9 Rounds)
Incendiary and Kinetic Magazines (3 - 2, 6 rounds each)
6 Handgun Magazines (60)
Portable Microfusion Generator (backpack)
Remote Controlled Rotor Drone with Video Feed and Grasping Mechanism (Stored in Hummer, battery-powered)
Satchel of standard electronic components
2 Lithium-Ion Batteries, fully charged.
One empty sack
Iridescent Lighter (Long-range light source, 95% fluid)
Darkness (-1 to any actions) Tent is Lit

caekdaemon (1) Bob Jameson Jones
Some of the tables have been overturned and crushed items are scattered on the floor, trodden on by boots or run over. One of these pieces, a twisted shard of some metal, flicks up when BJJ stands on it and it slaps his leg. (No damage: Brunt Force Absorbers)
Mechanical Engineering: +1 to rolls involving mechanics
Unconventional Weapons: +1 to rolls using unique/strange weapons
Heavy Armour and Brunt-Force Absorbers: Always roll a 4 or 5 to absorb melee damage
Bulletproof Plating: immune to small arms fire, except you if roll a 1
NTE Monocle: +1 to actions involving seeing enemies in any light
Energy Detection: Able to detect the power-level of other beings, including yourself
Earplugs: +1 to actions while there is loud noise Not in use
Lifesigns Detection: Able to determine your own Vital Signs at-will and others when in close proximity
Pancor Jackhammer (10 Shots)
Beretta 92FS (10 rounds)
Tools (in pockets and whatnot)
Earplugs (around ears, not currently in use)
Night vision / Thermal vision Monocle with Scouter Energy Detector
HUGE backpack, containing:
Speargun parts (Handgrip, Hollow steel shaft, 2 stainless steel cables)
Toolkit, containing small fabric bags and Night-Vision Goggles Left Lens w/ housing.
Briefcase (broken lock, closed, contains all papers)
Sleeping Gear (in a vacuum-compression sack)
Ammo (3 drums of 12 Gauge shells, 5 Handgun magazines)
Encumbered (-1 to any actions involving endurance, quick relexes etc)

FoiL (4-1=3) Andrew Rodrigues
Andrew leaves Tyrone in the interior darkness and goes outside into the exterior darkness. He wanders back towards the Armoury to find Vladimir. He goes inside the Armoury, but it is pitch-black inside and he cannot see.
Fists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
Hyper Focus (+1 to concentration. Can only be used 2 times before rest (Max 3) )
AA-12 (Full Drum, 35 Rounds)
Colt 1911 (7 rounds)
Extendable baton
Weapon case (SMAW)
SMAW and 3 rockets
Swiss army knife
Utility knife
Top gun sunglasses
Ammo (3 Drums, 4 Magazines)
Unknown Backpack containing:
Flare Gun and 4 red flares
A Shovel
Some Vials, one of them being purple
30ft of rope

Darkness (-1 to any actions)

alphagamer744 (4-2+2=4) Tyrone
Tyrone is absolutely starving, so he runs around like a madman, knocking over chairs, breaking plates and cups, generally making a mess. He finds, though, a fridge in the back illuminated by a little 'pull-string-clicky' lightbulb. The fridge is powered, probably by a generator somewhere. He opens it to find the Mess Hall's entire menu sitting there waiting for someone to come with gnashing teeth. Naturally, he digs in.
"OM NOM NOM! Om Nom."
Exo-suit (Allows large loads to be carried, +2 to any straight-line sprints when not encumbered)
Heavy Weapons (+1 to firing from a stationary/prone position)
IMMAFIRINMAHLAZAR (Roll a 5 or 6 and get an insta-kill against the targeted enemy. Can only use once per day. Any other roll means you miss.)
Model 6 Shoulder-Fired Anti-Vehicle Heavy Railgun (Inactive, roll a 4 to activate and use immediately)
AUG HBAR Light machine gun /w extended mags, Holographic sight Lost!
H&K Mp5 /w grip, laser sight (150 rounds) Dropped!
MagNife (Crushed magazine with sharp edges, used as a knife)
XOS Lower Body Exo-Suit /w attached equipment storage rack (See abilities)
Ammo (38 Railgun rounds, 6 AUG Mags, 10 MP5 Mags)
Small camo Day-Pack
3 days of Rations (9 meals)
Two water bottles
Loud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc)
Hungry (-1 to endurance actions)
Clawed Face (Deep scratches all over his face) Treated, healing
Darkness (-1 to any actions) Back storeroom is lit

Ociamarru (4) Vladimir Ivanov
Vladimir replies: "Vell, zeece pleyz vaz atteyked boy somm....blores. Zey seemed tu be eemporvious to enny atteympts at atteyk. Moy heylicopter vazz knocked daun und nao Oy em heer. Eyvryone ozzer theyn Hewber, Lavvgeyl, Jones, Roadreguez, Toyrone und moyself are deyd. Eet vazz ey...massacre. Yore asseecestance vood be greytly apprecieted."
There is no reply for a few seconds.
"Well, that's quite a story. I've met Ms Lovegale and Ms Heuber, so I'll be coming to see them, but I'm not too sure about those others you mentioned ... I'm sure you can explain it to me once we arrive. Barker Out."
The line drops, just as somebody enters the Armoury.
"Hello? Anyone in here?"
Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled, can only use 3 times before rest (max 5) )
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions)
Resilience (Gains one extra roll before death)
Pilot Training (Able to fly aircraft)
Low-Light Goggles (Able to see in low light)
Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun (9 shells)
Beretta 92FS (10 rounds)
Khazar-replicated knife
Carved Wooden Statuette of self
Cellphone (Reception: |**...| )
Flare gun with 4 green flares
Ammo (4 mags of Shotgun Shells (40), 8 handgun magazines (80) )
5 days of Rations (15 meals)
Low-Light Goggles
TOP-SECRET Information File
Low-light Goggles (Susceptible to bright light, -1 modifier in that case)
Wounded Face (Will scar in 20 turns, -1 to Charismatic actions)

Game Events
Vladimir is talking on the emergency frequency on his radio, and all of the speakers around the compound are tuned into the same frequency. Everybody in the compound can listen in.
The vehicles will arive in 3 turns. Apparently they are friendly, as shown by a previous meeting with the leader.
The time is 8:45pm. It is completely dark now. Make sure to use your lights and your abilities!

Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:13 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Repeat Previous Action.

Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:53 am
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happy carebear mom
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
> Shake flashlight to try to shake the batteries back together, if this succeeds, keep going for the floodlights. If not, look for a source of light and carefully walk toward it.

Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:30 pm

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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
say you bastards, are you living on stimulants? have you ever slept\rested for a single secound? (1 exception is vladimir)
looking for light sources when in darkness should be given a +1 because it is easier than normal.

Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:38 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Ok, we can pretty safely ignore the vehicles from the road at the moment.
>Build a gun mount that I can attach onto my drone.

Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:21 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Yeah, when does sleep-deprivation come into effect? I mean, even me, I haven't really rested for much long. So what's the deal on that?

Well, let's see...there's gotta be something useful I can do.

Noticing Rachel's flashlight went out, go over there to aid her in the dark. So, Oy heyt tew saund loyk ey parasoyt, bott Oy vass vandering eef yew could, poreheyps, forther moy coyberneytic eynheyncements?

I have an idea involving converting a mounted gun into my personal weapon. But I'll need some more cybernetic help.

Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:09 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Vladimir, you don't notice Rachel's light go out, you're at opposite ends of the compound and you're inside. you can't say 'I notice this', but you can ask if you notice something.

Rachel, you can remember that the ladder is right in front of you because you saw it, you just can't see it now.

Fiona, the Drone already has a grabber and can hold weapons.

Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:48 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Oh, ok. Then...

> CAREFULLY ascend ladder, and then CAREFULLY feel around for a floodlight switch when at the top of the tower. CAREFULLY.

Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:54 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Give the drone, who I name Gyro, my Beretta.

Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:10 am
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