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Post Re: Shadowrun
CrazyMLC wrote:
"If I'm not mistaken, the job is just for him, not for his family. We won't want to bite off more than we can chew here. Maybe catch him on his way to work somehow.

What kind of car does he drive? Anything identifying you remember?"

"Uhm... That yellow Camaro in the photo, he won't go anywhere without it. With uh, the police lights and everything on the roof. He's a bit weird like that. From what I can remember, he leaves for work anywhere between 8 and 9 AM, then comes back at 6PM. Does that help?"

maart3n wrote:
"more guns sounds like a plan, I've got some ideas to really being the hurt."
See if I can't find someone willing to put sniper rounds in a one off pistol. Or two off really.

Vargall flips out his commlinks and calls one of his contacts, Vladimir the Troll, arms dealer extraordinaire.

"Sniper rounds on a pistol? Well I've got the next best thing, товарищ. A crate of Ichiro Hatamotos just uh... Fell off the back of a truck a few days ago. Yeah, that fancy .78 caliber
пистолет. Come visit my магазин if you wanna deal."

You were never too good at reading the cyrillic alphabet, especially on speech bubbles, but you guess he's telling you to come to his shop?

What will you do?

Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:12 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Overhear Vargall's phone call.

Let's visit that gunshop.

Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:47 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
... A car with police lights?

"Anyone here have any experience with explosives?"

Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:35 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
"Gotta go on a quick grocery run!"
Floor it towards that .78 calibre gold.

Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:08 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
CrazyMLC wrote:
... A car with police lights?

"Yeah, uh, it's an antique or something? He always kept blabbering how it was a legitimate australian V8 or something like tha-"


Bright is left talking to the air as Vargall floors it and leaves in a blast of exhaust smoke and tire marks.

maart3n wrote:
"Gotta go on a quick grocery run!"
Floor it towards that .78 calibre gold.

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Overhear Vargall's phone call.
Let's visit that gunshop.

After a quick bout of reckless driving and road rage, you arrive at Vladimir's shop. Well, less 'shop' than 'bunch of weapon crates on a random basement because his last hideout was just raided by Knight Errant'.

The air is stale and musty with the smell of cheap cigars, and a shaggy-looking ork in a longcoat reclines lazily on a folding hammock, reading the latest issue of Goblin Rump Illustrated. He perks up as he notices your arrival.

"Aaaaaah! Hello, friends. Welcome, welcome! клиенты are always welcome here. Now... What takes your fancy?"

Soothing music starts playing.

***SHOP: Vladimir's Arms Emporium***


What will you browse?

Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:41 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Grumble, go to the building at the address she gave.

Thu Jun 30, 2016 6:12 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Armor

Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:53 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun

Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:06 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Browse everything

Weapons first.

Fri Jul 01, 2016 3:36 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
CrazyMLC wrote:
> Grumble, go to the building at the address she gave.

Bright drives over to Mel's address. It's a pretty good part of town, all things considered. TOO good, in fact. Your SIN is scanned four or five times by passing police drones, and you sigh in relief at having gotten a good fake license for your bike.

After passing a couple manors and parks, you arrive. The building is a fancy two-story trapezoid prism of plascrete and glass, flanked on one side by a private garden and on the other by the entrance to its underground parking lot. The front of the property is predictably separated from the street by a large fence, though it is one of those fancy armorglass ones, as opposed to the more common steel bars.

A small guard post sits by the main gate, with a bored-looking corpsec grunt in it, filing her nails and twiddling her thumbs.

***SHOP: Vladimir's Arms Emporium***


>>Fichetti Security 600 - Light Pistol - $675

>>HK MP5 TX - SMG - $825

>>Ruger 100 - Sport Rifle - $1350

>>Dobul Bareld Stret Swepr - Shotgun - $250

>>Ichiro Hatamoto II - Heavy Pistol - $1200

>>Stoner Ares M107 - SPECIAL OFFER! - Heavy Machine Gun - $11500

***All offers customiseable, multiple accessories available!***


>>Bulletproof Vest - Lightly Used - $900

>>Bulletproof Jacket - In almost real synthleather! - $1300

>>Biker armor - In grey or neon green - $700

>>Chainmail - A blast from the past! - $1100

***All offers customiseable, multiple accessories available!***

>Ammo (per 10 rounds):

>>Regular Ammo - $30

>>Gel Rouds - $45

>>Stick-n-Shock - $120

>>EX-Explosive - $150


>>Frag Grenade - $60

>>HE Grenade - $75

>>Timed Charge - $75

What will you do?

Fri Jul 01, 2016 5:15 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
"Light" security. Right. Never is a milk run, is it.

Gonna need a little time to think on this.

Fri Jul 01, 2016 5:23 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
"I've....appropriated this pistol today, how much will ya give me for it?
And what kind of custom options are we looking at for the hatamotos? "

The hatamoto was the super heavy pistol right?

Fri Jul 01, 2016 7:00 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
maart3n wrote:
"I've....appropriated this pistol today, how much will ya give me for it?
And what kind of custom options are we looking at for the hatamotos? "

Vladimir takes the pistol, racks the slide a couple of times, gives it a twirl then hands it back to Vargall.

"This? This is second hand merchandise, it's third, or fourth, or пятый. I offer... 150 of your american nuyen. No more."

He then moves to one of the crates and pulls out a big, blocky-looking pistol... At least you think it's a pistol, it could pass for a flare gun from how thick the barrel is.

"Now THIS is real gun. Single shot, manual loading, yes, but single shot kills two bears. I've tried! No сука messes with a man with this gun! Now if that is not enough, well, Vladimir can help! You want shorter barrel? I saw barrel off. You want longer barrel? I saw barrel off AK and glue it to pistol. You want Scopes? I have scope. I have smaller scope to put on top of scope, and laser beam under! What, that not good enough for you? Okay, I take single shot pistol, make it full auto! What, you say it makes no difference with just one bullet in it? Well I put two bullets in magazine, and tape other magazine to the side! I even take off magazine, put machinegun belt in place! Not satisfied? Hard to please, you! Very well then, I make the Motherland special! I take shotgun, put pistol under shotgun, bayonet on pistol, laser sight on pistol, scope on shotgun, bayonet on shotgun, jam AI into it all, then tape rocket booster to it and turn into flying sentry gun! Then I paint it red for free because it is weapon worthy of glorious USSR!"

You're... Not sure what prompted that outburst, but he seems to be done now.

What will you do?

Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:42 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Show all the guns I looted to the shop owner. Practicing proper muzzle awareness and trigger discipline of course, as well as ejecting the mags of each and clearing the chamber before setting them down on the counter or whatever.

"I'll sell all of these and take the light pistol.

Do you have any blades?"

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:04 am, edited 3 times in total.

Sat Jul 02, 2016 4:09 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
"One bulletproof jacket."

Sat Jul 02, 2016 4:13 am
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