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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216)
Roll 216 - 1

Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -

You shake your head while staring at the rapier on the ground.

"I knew we were out of our league."

"I wouldn't even try to wield your power, and a rapier isn't really my type of weapon, anyway. You said you were cursed by your master and fight to free yourself. What is it that you want?"

???: To end corruption. Not the outbreak of unstable magic, but the corruption in living things, the lust for power that drives them to commit genocide or bend nations to their will. It has been too long that the humans and chirop and lupus have fought for what they perceive as justice that they have not seen the evil springing from within their own ranks. The only reason why I am able to think is due to someone tampering with me while I was being created; a safeguard against a lunatic with a weapon.

The rapier stays on the ground, unmoving. It doesn't look like it can create another avatar for itself right now.


Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:19 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 1)
"As long as free people exist, there will be born those who are power-hungry. There can be no end to that corruption, unless... no.
Surely your intent isn't to kill every person living, and destroy the world as we know it?"

Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:54 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 2)
Roll 216 - 2

Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -

"As long as free people exist, there will be born those who are power-hungry. There can be no end to that corruption, unless... no.
Surely your intent isn't to kill every person living, and destroy the world as we know it?"

???: Hahaha, rest assured, I will do no such thing. Corrupted hearts will always exist, but as long as I am able to fight, I will fight to insure that such people will not climb to power, and to remove if they already hold such positions.

Though, right now I am not in the state to do anything. I am positive that if those last two mages were not healers I would have been captured.


Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:02 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 2)
"What would you have us do? Should we leave you where you lie? We were sent here to neutralize a threat to friendly patrols - an assailant that utilized water and ice manipulation. Considering the state you're in, I'd say our job is done, but I can't help but wonder why you attacked the patrols in the first place."

Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:42 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 3)

Roll 216 - 3

Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -

"What would you have us do? Should we leave you where you lie? We were sent here to neutralize a threat to friendly patrols - an assailant that utilized water and ice manipulation. Considering the state you're in, I'd say our job is done, but I can't help but wonder why you attacked the patrols in the first place."

???: I didn't attack the patrols initially. When I woke from this museum, the curator assisted by several mages attmpted to subdue me, and of course I fought back. Patrols had heard the commotion and came to assist the curator, and when most of them had fallen, the rest fled to report back I suppose. After that, I've had several task forces sent after me, and I had no choice but to fight back.

The Hastae rarely go in blind, so I attacked patrols around this area to cut out their eyes, buy myself more time to recover from attacks from task forces and the corrupted.

As to what you should do, I am not sure. The healers that ran off will surely report what happened, and your magister will expect your team to be returning with me in hand. Doing otherwise would not be beneficial to your case.

Koa walks around the room, picking gem-like crystals off of the bodies of the dead. Mage stones, you remember them being called, which were given to high-ranked mages to store large amounts of energy.

She walks over to Blizzard and places the stones by the weapon's hilt and then backs up. Blizzard glows slightly, and then a sort of mist that forms into tendrils sprout from the rapier, twisting and turning into the shape of a human, reforming the weapon's avatar once again.

Koa: "The weapon had hidden reserves of energy and is too large of a threat for our task force to handle alone. We're making a tactical retreat."

She strides towards the hall's entrance before giving a glance back at you and the rest of your allies.

Koa: "Let's go."


Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:39 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 3)
> Create large fan-shaped air blade at the end of Whirlwind, cut some ♥♥♥♥♥es down.

Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:15 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 3)

"Feiar, you can do that sonar thing, right? Do you have any idea how many of them are out there?"

"Griffore, are you capable of fighting? It looks like we're going to have to cut our way out of this if we don't get any support."

Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:55 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 3)
> Follow Koa.

Thanks for putting up with my insanely long conversation shenanigans, Cave.

Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:22 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 3)
I'm actually glad to have a player that decides to talk things out rather then going in swords swinging and magic blasting.

Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:47 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 3)

Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:13 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 3)
I am greatsword-toting diplomat. :P

Really though, the main reason I talk is because fighting scares the crap out of me. I take this game so seriously that I'm legitimately afraid of dying.

TorrentHKU wrote:

And don't worry, Torrent. We understand how you feel. We know it's tough negotiating with dragons.

Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:20 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 3)
Well it's a bit easier when you essentially have three gods on your side.

Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:25 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 4)
It'd be nice if my other players would action. In the meantime, MINIROLL

Roll 216 - 4

Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -

You, along with Ettiin and Garett, trail behind Koa, leaving Blizzard in the museum's entrance hall.

???: "Thank you..."

The trek back to the spire is a quiet one. Quiet until half-way there, you see a corrupted round the corner of a building.

Unlike the ones that looked like mutated humans or chirop or lupus, this one looks like an entirely different creature. About the size of a horse, the head looks like a cross between a wolf and a lizard, and its body somewhat long with a tail that makes up half of the creature's entire length.

The creature's skin is covered in bulbous round scales with yellow bristles here and there, and its sturdy limbs end in wicked curved yellow claws. The beast opens its mouth and roars, revealing pointed pearl-white teeth.

Ettiin: "Whoa, that's new!"

Four more creatures of the same build appear from the same alley as the first, and they all charge.


[ - ] = -

Both you and Feiar reload your crossbows, which is quite the feat considering your current orientation.

"Feiar, you can do that sonar thing, right? Do you have any idea how many of them are out there?"

Feiar: "Um, I can try. I haven't practiced it a lot."

While Feiar makes sounds that range from hissing to ear-shattering shrieks, you do your best to try to communicate to Griffore.

"Griffore, are you CAPABLE OF FIGHING? IT LOOKS like we're going TO HAVE TO cut OUR way out of this if we don't get any support."

Feiar: "There are twenty-two of them exactly!"

Griffore: "Twenty-two? I can handle a few at a time, not all at once though. Well, I'll make some light, and you guys stick 'em from far away, and I'll deal with any that get too close."

Rotating his body so his head is to the ground and his tail is to the air, a small mote of light appears in front of Griffore's snout, which quickly glows into a fist-sized ball of illumination, revealing three horse-sized wolf-shaped beasts with black scaly skin and pale yellow claws already starting to climb up the tree.

Griffore: "Alright, have at them!"


Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:44 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 4)
>Get bearings

Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:57 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 216 - 4)
Let loose the bolts of war.

Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:03 am
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