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 RtD: Illusia - (Roll #132) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (Talking to Sprites!)
nicolasx wrote:
>get put on the waiting list, ask if I should repost with character information

You may repost your information whenever you wish. If the current moment is more suitable, you may do so immediately. If not, you may post it in such a time as a character dies and you take their place.

... Did I sound professional?

Also, roll coming up.

Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:46 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (Talking to Sprites!)
you sounded very pro, :wink: il post it when someone dies as to not clog up the thread
btw read all 79 rolls over the last few days and am exited to see how this story goes :)

Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:51 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (Talking to Sprites!)
Lord of the Dice, Return of the Roll. COMING TO THEATERS 2012.

This roll isn't very serious, being kinda... well, set up. So I'm not giving any penalty if you didn't post. *AHEM* Not to name anyone in particular....

Torrent (Gillian)

Ociamarru (Nikolai) (10)

Calling upon your enhanced senses, you feel out to everything around you. All goes silent until a single source of noise is present to you -
A soft humming. Like a phantom, the sound flows past your ears. You're not actually sure if what you're hearing is real or not. Nevertheless, you stride off in the direction you think it's coming from.

You half-walk half-float for a minute or so, and the humming begins to get louder. You stop suddenly, realizing that it's near you. Wheeling around, you spot a hole dug in the roots of a tree. There's a faint glow emanating from it. You drop to your knees, and push your hand into the opening. After groping about for a bit, you grip something and pull it out.

The object looks like a small plant, but it has no roots. Instead, a large... gemstone makes up its base. The stem branches outward radially, ending with glassy purple leaves. The whole thing glows with an eerie light.

caekdaemon (Anderson)

"I have no questions. Do you have a place for me to work metal?"
"I believe that was a question."
You roll your eyes at Terry.
"Yeah, sorry. We don't have any sort of forge around here. This is a forest, after all."


CaveCricket (Raphael) (1)

Focusing on a single blade of grass, you try and make it grow into a flower. You are horribly unsuccessful, as a few weeds sprout out of the ground where you were trying to perform this party trick.

Tokochiro (Johni) (11)

"Oh well, I never liked the noise of the capitals..."
With a yawn, you turn to the closest tree.
"Heeeeeeeeeeelllllllloooooooooooo." It says very slowly.
"Woah. You CAN talk!"
"Yeeeeeeeeeees innnnn faaaaaaactttttt I caaaaaaaannn."
This guy is taking a horribly long time to form his sentences.
"Uhm... can you talk any faster?"
"Faaaaaasteeerrrrrr? Whaaaaat isss faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssterrrrrr?"
"You know... when you... you know what, never mind."
You turn away from the tree, then hear it begin to speak.
You patiently wait a full 30 seconds for it to finish saying the words,
"Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccce toooooo meeeeeeeet yooouuuuuuuuuuu."

Man, trees are weird.

Adam (Adam) (12)

More sprite children gather around you, and you decide to tell them a tale.
"Have you ever heard about the adventurer who took an arrow to the knee?"
You can tell by their silence that they have not.
"Well, let me tell you, then..."

Before you know it, you're rambling on about this adventurer. Words come out of your mouth without you even knowing quite what you're saying.
"...IT WAS SO FUNNY! Seriously, the guy goes around talking to all these guards and apparently they ALL used to be adventurers but then they took an arrow to the knee! And there's this other video on YouTube where this one guy dips his arrow into a p-"
You quite suddenly realize that you have no clue what you're talking about. One of the sprite children actually speaks.

"What's YouTube?" she says in a tiny voice.

You shake your head.

"I have no idea."




Sunlight streams through the leaves, awakening the Six the following morning.

Terry yells out heartily,
"Rise and shine, people!"
Everyone groans and slowly sits up. The trees were INCREDIBLY comfortable for reasons unknown.
"What makes you so cheery this morning?" Gabriel asks, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm comin' with ya!"

"Woah. What?"

"I discussed it with the others last night. They think I'd be a hella lot happier out there doing what I do best. And I know they're right. So... I'm comin' with ya!"

"Well..." Terry scratches his head.

"If you guys'll have me."

Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:24 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (New Character?)
"Oy vauch for hiem."
MINOR: Show the mysterious plant to Terry after gesturing for him to move away from the group, after we're done discussing his joining.
"Oy faund zeece orlier, do yew heyv any eenformeytion abaut eet?"

I have a question - for actions (like the above) that are essentially dialog actions, will there be rolling? 'Cos it'll suck if I fail to ask him what that thing is several times in a row.

EDIT: I figure that's a minor action anyway, and then my real action will probably utilize the information garnered.
EDIT2: Dialog revision, Vadim doesn't talk that much!

Last edited by Ociamarru on Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:39 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (New Character?)
> We are taking the treeman.
That is a statement of fact, not a request.

Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:29 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (New Character?)
"Just hope your tree isn't as SLOOOOOOOW as the ones over there, no offense, tree."
Get a vine to wrap around my feet like boots, mix my cane with the sword to make a nunchuk lance, use plants to fixate them if needed

Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:37 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (New Character?)
"Your death wish then pally. Last time I checked, wood is not resistant to fire. And we have fought a few demons, which, if memory serves me well, used quite a bit of fire..."

"God I hate nature."

Use my Mental Forge ability on the Red Ingot.

Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:47 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (New Character?)
Ociamarru wrote:
I have a question - for actions (like the above) that are essentially dialog actions, will there be rolling? 'Cos it'll suck if I fail to ask him what that thing is several times in a row.

I don't roll to determine what people know or for wringing information out of them if they're friendly NPCs. They will tell you what they know, nothing more, nothing less.

If you're trying to CONVINCE someone to do something, I WILL roll for that. That's a speechcraft/charisma roll.

Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:43 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (New Character?)
Tokochiro wrote:
"Just hope your tree isn't as SLOOOOOOOW as the ones over there, no offense, tree."
Get a vine to wrap around my feet like boots, mix my cane with the sword to make a nunchuk lance, use plants to fixate them if needed

You can't make vine boots AND combine your two weapons within the same turn. That's two actions. Alter your move to pick one, or I will simply make you perform only the first.

Also I apologize for the double post. Didn't realize I'd be replying to multiple people - it just turned out that way.

Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:45 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (New Character?)
Also, before people ask about my hostility to the tree guy, its a in character thing. Therefore, asking my character about it will explain it.

Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:48 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (New Character?)
caekdaemon wrote:
Also, before people ask about my hostility to the tree guy, its a in character thing. Therefore, asking my character about it will explain it.

I'm cool with your hostility. It's nice to have someone be slightly different.

NO, I'm not encouraging all of you to be complete jerks to all the NPCs.

Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:02 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #79) (New Character?)
"We can use all the help we can get, so I don't mind an extra set of helping hands... Or, branches."

Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:57 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #80)
Merry Christmas everyone! (Or Hanukkah, or whatever else you celebrate.)
As a gift to you guys, I'm FINALLY rolling! Yeah, this took way too long.

But I am making progress on plans for my next game, along with a tile-mapping program that'll make things a lot easier for you AND me in the future.

Here's a little preview of the character icons I'll be using. (They're Dwarf Fortress style)


Red ones at the bottom are going to be bad guys, obviously. Still trying to work out a way to display whether or not a corpse is looted.
Also, if you guys have any requests for colors that you think might stand out well against background, I can do that too.

Anyway, gotta roll.

Torrent (Gillian) (-)

You say this single word with so much emphasis that everyone else finds it hard to disagree. This guy is DEFINITELY coming with you.
"Well, thanks for the support." Terry smiles.

Ociamarru (Nikolai)

"Oy vauch for hiem."
You wait for everyone to say their parts, then make a vague gesture to Terry. He scrunches up his face, a bit confused, then follows you.


You hold up the odd plant.
"Oy faund zeece orlier, do yew heyv any eenformeytion abaut eet?"
Terry flies out of his golem, inspecting the plant closely himself. Then he shakes his head.
"You found this in our woods? That's odd. I thought I knew every tree and fern in here. I've never seen the likes of this thing until now.
Keep it. I'm sure it does something useful."

caekdaemon (Anderson) (7)

"Your death wish then pally. Last time I checked, wood is not resistant to fire. And we have fought a few demons, which, if memory serves me well, used quite a bit of fire..."
"Wood ain't the only thing protecting me. This suit's held together by magic. I won't have any problems holding up against whatever is thrown my way."

"God I hate nature."

"Oh, and my hearing is ENHANCED through use of Hunchback."

"God I hate magic wood golems."


You separate yourself from the group and try using your mental forge ability on the ingot. The metal heats up slowly in your hands, but your Lesser ability alone is incapable of making it hot enough to be shaped. You need another source of heat.

CaveCricket (Raphael)

"We can use all the help we can get, so I don't mind an extra set of helping hands... Or, branches."
"I see what ya did there."

Tokochiro (Johni) (5)

"Just hope your tree isn't as SLOOOOOOOW as the ones over there, no offense, tree."
You doubt the tree takes offense. And even if he did, he'd probably take a while to say so. So you don't really care.

You attempt to get a vine to form boots around your feet, but you only manage to get one vine around each foot. Your shoes are slightly more stylish.

Adam (Adam) (-)

You say nothing. (Post, DOOD)



"Welcome to the team, then."




With Terry in company, the party departs the Sprite Woods.

(One more day of grinding.)


Oh, and don't forget to comment on the map stuff. (Top of post)

Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:29 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #80)
Mix cane with sword to make a nunchuk lance, try to talk with the glowing flower shyamaladingding

Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:41 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #80)
Work out some more.
MINOR: during my resting, fiddle about with the strange plant.

Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:43 am
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