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 Tiny Gods: Deux Ex 
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The Rebootening.

This'll be a modern day, fantasy coop RTD; ordinary people gaining extraordinary abilities. Much different plot though. IE, I actually have one this time.
I've always been one to run this with simple rules and play things pretty loose. So, I'll continue that with this.
Rolls will be on a D10. Opposing someone else, your roll + modifiers vs their roll + modifiers. Though keep in mind, rolls only determine your success at an action, not your ability to actually do that action. A 10 from a normal human to punch a god who rolls a 2, the god still won't feel a thing.
1 is Critical Failure
2-3 is Failure
4-5 is Moderate Success
6-7 is Success
8-9 is Great Success
10 is Critical Success
Generally, if you try to do something, you won't screw it up, since people generally do things right. Unimportant/simple actions (walking, picking something up, talking to someone) will not get rolls. You don't need to crit fail on walking down the street.
Aside from that, pretty standard RTD rules. Inventory, Status, Abilities, etc.

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Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:08 am
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In an empty alley somewhere off a quiet side street in a busy city, six people awaken. After overcoming the initial shock of waking up in an alley, the six people realize something: they don't remember how they got there. In fact, they can barely remember anything at all. Family, friends, school, jobs, hobbies, anything to point them towards a previous life is gone. Except, they realize, for one thing. Each of them remembers a very similar conversation with a certain man, just a few hours ago. A man with fair skin, slicked back black hair, a crisp black two piece suit, striking deep purple eyes, and a set of horns that grow from the sides of his head above his ears pointing forward, ending in front of his forehead.
Each time, to each of the people, the man said the same thing.

"Hello, my name is En. Yes yes, you're in a dark void, I did that. No, you aren't in any danger, please do try to stay calm.
As you probably guessed, I'm not exactly a normal human. I am, in fact, a god. One of many. And I would like your help. You see, there's currently a bit of a... succession game going on. Two other gods and I are competing for the seat of Head God of Earth for the next few centuries. We aren't allowed to interact with or fight each other directly in this game, so instead we Embody humans to make them into our servants, and have them fight for us. You've probably heard of them in the news recently, the odd disasters and reports of strange people doing impossible things. Well, those are because of us gods and our Embodiment servants.

An Embodiment is basically a physical avatar of... something. Anything really. Common choices are elements, superpowers, or items and weapons. Less common but still good are, ideas, concepts, and legends. Anything goes as long as you can use it in battle, and to accomplish the tasks I give you. You have complete control over whatever you Embody, able to command it, move it, shape it, etcetera etcetera.

Why should you? Excellent question. I cannot, in fact, force you to become my servant. If you do not wish to accept Embodiment, I cannot make you. It simply won't work. And I'm sure this all sounds like a raw deal. You gain super powers, but get shackled to some strange god in a game that doesn't involve you. Well, I can tell you... want something. Need it desperately in fact. And as it so happens, my specialty as a god is that of Deals. So, human. I'll make you one, and my word is as good as gold.

If you accept Embodiment and serve me in this game, I'll give you what you need, whatever it may be. Oh, and if you happen to... fall in battle, your Embodiment will protect you, though it will be sacrificed in the process. You'll go back to being a normal person, as you were before the deal, with no memory of it. You can even keep your reward.
Yes, I figured you would accept. That's why I approached you. Now..."

What do you Embody, and what do you want in return?

Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:41 am
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reserve because this looks like it'll be an absolute blast and I need to think carefully on what I will play

Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:41 am
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Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:39 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Eh, I haven't been in an RtD for a long time...but what the hell :p Don't expect huge posts from me, I've got a ton on my plate as is.


Name: Al-Aris, called Big Al by his friends.
Appearance: A big and bulky man that appears to be middle aged, with a full head of black hair and surprisingly dark eyes. He claims to be Middle Eastern in origin, but to an observer he would seem to be a little...pale.

"You claim to allow concepts, therefore I desire the power over Entropy and all it entails."

"As for what I want in return...well, lets just say I'm on "holiday"...and I feel up for an adventure."

Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:37 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
I'm in for it.
Well I'm participating in an RTD for the first time so if I'm doing something wrong please tell me.
Edited thrice

Name: Dunrim
Appearance: His face is full of soot and he looks a bit pale but otherwise he looks like a normal human. He is a little shorter than the average human and he likes to wear fully protective clothing. His origin is claimed to be somewhere inside Europe though he's not telling where.

"Well an embodiment let me think... I think I've come to a conclusion, I want the power to control energy no matter what form it's in."

"What I want in return for my service is the required knowledge to make a fully working and operational space elevator."

Last edited by Seraphimo on Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:12 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
A note, you're a normal human with what used to be a normal life. I'll cut Caek some slack since he knows what he's doing and won't actually let his character be what he is in his home universe, but an outright space alien's not gonna fly.

Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:19 pm
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caekdaemon wrote:
"You claim to allow concepts, therefore I desire the power over Entropy and all it entails."

"As for what I want in return...well, lets just say I'm on "holiday"...and I feel up for an adventure."

"Holiday? Hmm... Wait, aren't you... Hm. You are. Or at least, the resemblance is striking. Well, you appear to be for all intents and purposes a normal human, so, I suppose it must be an extraordinary coincidence.

As for your power, Decay eh. Not the first time that's been picked. Certainly won't be the last. A bit dark, but potent, though also opposed by almost everything that lives. You seem clever though, I'm sure you can make it work.

I accept."

Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:28 pm
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"I am Captain Wassily Nuñez of the superfreighter Borum."

A square man in a heavily starched uniform stands before you - white, blue, and yellow, battered radio and a flare gun hanging from his belt in a plastic crate. His face is creased with lines of worry. He bears papers and codes of many navies, corporate and scientific contracts, stamped, sealed, filed as paid.

"Give me the way of knowing and crossing the abstract Horizon. I am a traveller always returning, but never have I arrived. I cannot find my home as it was when I was a child. Navigation, geometry, salt, dark water, secrets and the sky - I will finally be able to find my way back to the port I knew."

"I was very young when the partial melt of the Amundsen Sea shattered the levees and sank Amsterdam. Please, do this for me: return my country to wholeness. Raise my father's bones up from those depths and make it a place to live again."

Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:31 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Seraphimo wrote:
"Well an embodiment let me think... I think I've come to a conclusion, I want the power to control energy no matter what form it's in."

"What I want in return for my service is the required knowledge to make a fully working and operational space elevator."

"Energy? Interesting. The first one took Entropy, the second took Energy. You'll have many of the same challenges he will, but at the same time you two should be able to achieve some powerful synergy.
As for your wish... Well, I can make it happen. It will take a few years. We gods are powerful, not omnipotent. Luckily, I'm good at making nudges happen. Space Elevator research will get priority within a few months, and after that I'm sure it will all be functional within a few years. If not, well, a direct intervention can happen.
I accept."

TheKebbit wrote:
"I am Captain Wassily Nuñez of the superfreighter Borum. Give me the way of knowing and crossing the abstract Horizon. I am a traveller always returning, but never have I arrived. I cannot find my home as it was when I was a child. Navigation, geometry, salt, dark water, secrets and the sky - I will finally be able to find my way back to the port I knew.
I was very young when the partial melt of the Amundsen Sea shattered the levees and sank Amsterdam. Please, do this for me: return my country to wholeness. Raise my father's bones up from those depths and make it a place to live again."

"You are an interesting one. Elegant in word, strong in heart, clear in your convictions. I like you. So your Embodiment will be The Sea, or should I say navigating it. That of the Seafarer. Interesting, interesting.
As for your wish, it will take some time to accomplish, but it is no problem. Your city shall rise again, a shadow of its former self, but still glorious even in ruin. It shall stand tall among the waves, never to concede to them again. What you do with that, will be up to you.
I accept."

Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:22 am
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Name: Linna

A young woman that seems a bit thin but stands on a sturdy pair of legs. Her short dark hair is still long enough to nearly cover her eyes that are already concealed behind thick glasses, making it difficult to read her expression.

"I want to protect people. Give me the defense of steel and the ability to heal. Give me the Embodiment of a Paladin.

As for my reward, I... I want to be a doctor. Medical knowledge, a license without having to go through school, that kind of thing."

Seraph, your color choice is hard to read.

Caek too, but not as bad.

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:32 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
It looks like we're going to have an interesting mixture of concrete and abstract abilities. I'm looking forward to seeing what our remaining two players come up with - perhaps we need a pure offensive figure? A Militiaman, a Grenadier or a Pyrelord?

Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:25 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
We've got two essentially elements, and two roles/characters. Need two more players, come one come all!

Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:31 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Can i claim a reserve homie?

Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:05 pm
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Don't have time to type something up now, will do so in an hour. I know I'm too late but whatever.
Wasn't actually too late, that's cool. Lets do this!

Name: Mikey/Heph
Appearance: Remarkably lean but still muscular machinist. Wears aviators, a white t-shirt and a pair of dirty jeans over leather shoes that look way too expensive for his line of work. Has been suffering from multiple personality disorder ever since his brother died.

Well, I always wondered how the human machine worked. Make me the embodiment of life and death and I'll get that crown on yerr head.

There ain't nothing left for me in England anyway, that's why I moved here.
I'll take 4 tons of pure gold and the tools necessary to make my army of automatons.

Last edited by maart3n on Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:59 pm
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