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 Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods 
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Loose Canon
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Post Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
Let me tell you a story...

It begins in a certain city, in a certain modern country. A dirty, ugly, city: one choked by the smog of industry and riddled with crime and inequality. A city that no one wants to live in, yet everything happens within it.
One day, one ordinary day unlike any other, the city became... extraordinary.
Out of the millions of people living and working in this city, a comparative handful, just a few thousand people of all ages and colors were given a gift. Each gift unique, and bearing a name. These gifts were Power.

The gifted could do things; miraculous, inexplicable things outside the realms of logic, of physics, of humanity.
The people, both gifted and not, had many questions. Where did these gifts come from? Why were they given? Why to only those people? Why this city?
What should we do with these gifts? Use them for the good of all? Rule the world with an iron fist? Perhaps do nothing?
...There were no answers to any of these questions.

Within a day, the government had locked down the city; only the most important and influential of people could enter, and no one could leave. There were riots, great discontent and anger at this treatment. These voices however, were ignored.
Within a month, almost as if by magic, a wall was erected around the city. 30 feet high and many miles long, guarded more fiercely than any money or jewels.
Within two months, the city had grown used to it all. Though locked in, the government provided everything the people needed, and did not interfere with their lives beyond keeping them in the city.

The gifted had grown discontent. They had quickly realized several things; each gifted could identify another gifted simply by sight, and knew the name of the other's gift. Additionally, their gifts could grow in strength. Slowly over time, faster with practice, and in great leaps and bounds if used for battle. Finally, every gifted was stronger. Stronger than they were before, stronger than they ever could have been.
The gifted quickly became catalysts for trouble and yet also decisive tools in the constant war for control over the city.

And so, the real story begins. The story of Lockdown City.

SO. I'll be rolling D10, as usual for me. 8 Players this time I think.
Now this is very important: when you make your character sheet, DO NOT WRITE DOWN A GIFT NAME. PM ME A POWER YOU WANT TO HAVE. If it's acceptable, I'll make a name for it, and you'll be on your way. If it isn't acceptable, then we'll work on it until it is. You are under no obligation to tell anyone what your power does.
Remember, there are thousands of gifted, each with a unique power. You can't have any simple or obvious ones, those are already taken. Be creative with your power choices!

Why the secrecy? Because you may not all be working together. I want the players to form alliances, make enemies, perhaps join a faction. Get creative with this!
None of the other gifted in this game know what each others power is until they see it for themselves, they only know the name. That applies for players, too.
Your individual objective is up to you as a player. Escape the city, take over and rule the city, defeat evildoers and make the city a nice place to live, get rich and live in the lap of luxury, it's fup to you.

-Character Sheet-
Gift Name:

Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:02 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
Grabbing a spot.

-Character Sheet-
Name: Tabitha "Tabi" Merriam
Age: 19
Description: 5 feet 8 inches, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. A frail looking girl, usually wears dressy clothes, but not dresses.
Background: The child of a family known for their company of literary reference books, Tabi's education was provided by either prestigious private schools or expensive tutors. She comes off as cold, calculative, and arrogant, and has a difficult time being friendly even when she tries. Her primary interest is theatrical performances, and spends the bulk of her free time in the box seats of the few expensive theaters in the city.
Gift Name:

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:28 am, edited 5 times in total.

Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:07 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
Spot grabbed!

Tim van der Valk
Age: 23
Description: A Dutch immigrant of nobel descent. A tall, at 6'3", young man with brown hair and deep blue eyes. Wears a suit jacket over his t-shirt and jeans, to somehow differentiate himself from people who are off "lesser origins".
Background: Obviously being of low nobility he also hails from a relatively wealthy home, expensive cars, suits, jewellery. You name it, they probably had it. Tim never really bothered with any of that. Except the cars, oh how he loved the freedom they gave him riding out into the dark of night breaking every speed limit imposed around the outskirts of town. Being an only child his parents expect him to follow in their footsteps and take control of his father's design corporation, something Tim is more than willing to do.
Gift Name: Pose Breaker

Not racist, more like elitist.

Last edited by maart3n on Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:06 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
CaveCricket48 wrote:
Grabbing a spot.

-Character Sheet-
Name: Tabitha Merriam
Age: 19
Description: 5 feet 8 inches, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. A frail looking girl, usually wears dressy clothes, but not dresses.
Gift Name: Playwright

What are you doing, Cave?


Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:07 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
I gave CC that ability name, it's clear.

Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:29 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
-Character Sheet-
Name: Blade Runner
Age: 20
Description: 6'2, pale man with a brown goatee and buzzcut hair. Wears jeans, a hoodie, and a skull-pattern bandana tied back, hood up.
Gift Name: Kinetic Pylon
Background: Homeless conspiracy theorist who moves around the city to further his investigations into -major company-'s obvious involvement in the origin of the gifts.

I'll do one of these.

Last edited by Benpasko on Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:30 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
I decided to add a Background section to characters as well. It'll be important, and there will be perks for any background, regardless of what it is. So you won't necessarily be better off being the child of the biggest, richest family in the city.

Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:39 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods

Last edited by Tomaster on Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:56 am, edited 4 times in total.

Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:00 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
I'm afraid of Power Overlap... since, I want to try again at being someone from Noitu Love 2.

Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:09 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
requesting a slot be kept until I can write something

Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:24 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
Save me a slot, can't read post right now because it's nearly 4 in the morning but statistically speaking I'm gonna end up in the player list.

Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:47 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
i am requesting a slot saved until i can write up a sheet.

Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:56 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
Right, mostly done, just waiting on HK for my gift power to be approved.

Name Known Alias: Daemon
Age: Unknown, analysts estimate approximately 20 to 30, most likely 27.
Description: A fairly bulky man, approximately 6'3ft tall, weight unknown. He has dark blonde hair and dark eyes with a series of tattoos across his body, most notably a large python on the side of his neck stretching down across the back of his body. He's fast on his feet, security footage shows him fleeing the scenes of his...handiwork with good speed.
Gift Name: Shadow Jack
Background Police Dossier: With a population of several million and thousands affected, it was almost guaranteed that one of them would be a criminal. Eventually, one of them would be a serial killer like our good friend Daemon. Whereas other killers do it for various reasons like failed relations or contract killing, evidence points that Daemon is a hunter and always goes for strong enemies. Gang enforcers, police officers and ex-military in particular proving Daemon's favored targets to kill. The city police has been on his trail for several *years* now, but every time they get close to taking him down, the man escapes, goes underground for a while and eventually resurfaces, usually taking out the leader of the team that tried to bring him to justice in the first place!

The autopsy of what's left of his victims after Daemon takes that Daemon prefers to doing his killing up close and personal, typically with knives. Some of the trophies theorized to have been taken include eyes, faces, tattoos and in one rather horrific case that this detective would rather forget, everything from the waist down when he murdered Nathaniel McDonough, the city's famed Olympic candidate runner.

This detective must of course make the recommendation that Daemon be brought to justice as fast as possible, the man is clearly insane. Personal dealings with the nutcase show him to be fairly cordial with a clear interest in hunting but Criminal Psych have no idea what caused the man to go from hunting rabbits to well, hunting people.

Detective Alan Greene, Central City Police Department - Homicide Division.

NOTE : After the finishing of this dossier, Officer Greene was killed in his home a week later. A search of his house indicates that his firearm has been stolen, most likely as another one of Daemon's "trophies."

Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:50 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods

Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:02 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Tiny Gods
Tomaster wrote:

Your part of a gang, Daemon here is a lone wolf who hunts people for sport. No thieving, no extortion and no blackmail.

Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:19 am
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