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 RtD - Jailbreak 
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I'm still working on Ark but I have a hunger for pure RtD action so here we go.

Are you tired of all this plot crap? Do you just want a game? Well, your answer is here!


Play as inmates with horrible pasts and presents in a violent jail. Nowhere is safe! Only the mad would think of stepping out of line in this death trap! Nothing is off limits.
Can you band together to escape this hell hole in one piece? Only time will tell!

Those who die will quickly be replaced by a newcomer in the group... can't escape if you don't have enough man power, can you?
If you escape plot is found out... well, you all get executed. It's a good way to go really.
And, if you escape, well, that's another story.

That aside, the rules are just like any other RtD. However, this is a realistic RtD.

Do you want to join? Great.

I need five players.
If you want to join, post your name, your crime, and your appearance. (Bonuses to rolls will be given based on your crime.)

Players (4/5)
Matt L. Christmas (TorrentHKU)
Wiry and tall. Black hair, buzzcut. Scar on each cheek, one from a dog biting him, one from being shanked in the face after failing to hand over his mashed potatoes one meal.
Crime: Embezzled $24 million from a previous employer.

Ana Koslozwa (Tokochiro)
about 5'6", long hair,flat chested, tan with some tan lines along the torso, heterochromatic eyes (one black and the other brown).
Crime: Homicide

Daniel "Pinks" Zacherle (Amazigh)
Slightly Chubby, Average Height, Long slightly curly brown hair, Crude Tatoo of three Balloons on his Back.
Crime: Killing the entire population of his Hometown, and baking them into his baked goods.

Elim Garak (caekdaemon)
Pale white man, 5.8ft height, black hair slicked back. Brown eyes.
Crime: Espionage, Assassination, Sabotage

Deceased (1)
Markus Nitwheel (alphagamer774)
Skinny white dude with no life and no applicable use for seventy million dollars worth of credit card data.
Murdered in the Dining Area by Glock on roll 7.

Waiting List (4)
Dan Fogelson (Nonsequitorian)
A tall, weathered man with dark black hair. Just by looking at him you can see he has a good sense of humor and believes that scars are a map of all the things you've done and places you've seen. His rough, steady hands are perfect for his occupation.
Crime: Murder in the First Degree, General Misconduct

Raphael Mebbit (CaveCricket48)
Black hair, grey eyes, tall and lean. He's not stronger than an average man, but he's fast and agile.
Crime: Murder, Theft

Joe Arkolan (Roast Veg)
Short and stumpy, with greasy black hair and a pale face.
Crime: Attempted manslaughter.

Matthew F. Goodman (Ociamarru)
A little below six feet in height Entire body covered largely with scars, burns and other oddities resulting from being in a massive explosion. All hair has been burned off, and he is missing his lower lip. One of his hands has no fingernails.
Crime: Responsible for the deaths of thousands after a suicide bombing of an office building in Los Angeles, California; miraculously survived

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Mon May 16, 2011 1:30 pm, edited 13 times in total.

Tue May 10, 2011 12:29 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
Name: Markus Nitwheel
Crime: Data Breach (PSN)
Appearance: Skinny white dude with no life and no applicable use for seventy million dollars worth of credit card data.

Tue May 10, 2011 12:33 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
Name: Matt L. Christmas "Santa"
Crime: Embezzled $24 million from a previous employer.
Appearance: Wiry and tall. Black hair, buzzcut. Scar on each cheek, one from a dog biting him, one from being shanked in the face after failing to hand over his mashed potatoes one meal.

Tue May 10, 2011 12:34 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
Remember to keep those crimes horrible and unmentionable! There must be a reason you're in this hell hole, right?

Tue May 10, 2011 12:50 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
CrazyMLC wrote:
Remember to keep those crimes horrible and unmentionable! There must be a reason you're in this hell hole, right?


Tue May 10, 2011 12:52 am
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You're fine. Shutting down PSN for weeks is an unmentionable crime. Almost as bad as murdering hundreds of innocent children.

Tue May 10, 2011 12:56 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
Name: Ana Koslozwa
Crime: Homicide
Appearance: about 5'6", long hair,flat chested, tan with some tan lines along the torso, heterochromatic eyes (one black and the other brown).

Last edited by Tokochiro on Tue May 10, 2011 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 10, 2011 1:04 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
Name: Daniel "Pinks" Zacherle
Crime: Killing the entire population of his Hometown, and baking them into his baked goods.
Appearance: Slightly Chubby, Average Height, Long slightly curly brown hair, Crude Tatoo of three Balloons on his Back.

Tue May 10, 2011 1:06 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
Name: Elim Garak
Crime: Espionage, Assassination, Sabotage
Appearance: Pale white man, 5.8ft height, black hair slicked back. Brown eyes.

Gotta like DS9.
"Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life. I have threats against my life."

Tue May 10, 2011 1:07 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
I assure you, people will be dieing shortly.

Also, caek, 5.8ft tall? Do you mean 5'8"?

Tue May 10, 2011 1:52 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
CrazyMLC wrote:
I assure you, people will be dieing shortly.

Also, caek, 5.8ft tall? Do you mean 5'8"?

I've never been good with heights, I always use a vague answer.

EDIT : Urgh. A no data received error blanked my post :(

Tue May 10, 2011 2:02 am
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I'll be rolling shortly.

Tue May 10, 2011 3:03 am
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I have a loose definition of the term 'shortly'

Welcome to the Kingsville State Penitentiary!

The Kingsville State Penetentiary Is a wonderful place for friends and family! Long, luxurious beaches, cool island breezes, and amiable locals. The food and rooms are free -- and you can stay as long as you want!
And, you can leave any time you like!

That is, if you don't mind being shot.

Kingsville State Penitentiary may have the highest death rate of any prison on the face of the planet, but I can assure you that your lives are not in danger.
Serve your time, don't make any trouble, and you'll be fine.

At least, that's what the warden told you in the prison yard. Kingsville is notorious across the states for being a death trap -- it's said nobody leaves these walls alive.
That's why you're going to blow this popsicle stand. You, and the rest of the inmates that arrived today.

Enjoy your stay.

Markus Nitwheel (alphagamer774)
Skinny white dude with no life and no applicable use for seventy million dollars worth of credit card data.

Matt L. Christmas (TorrentHKU)
Wiry and tall. Black hair, buzzcut. Scar on each cheek, one from a dog biting him, one from being shanked in the face after failing to hand over his mashed potatoes one meal.

Ana Koslozwa (Tokochiro)
About 5'6", long hair, flat chested, tan with some tan lines along the torso, heterochromatic eyes (one black and the other brown).

Daniel "Pinks" Zacherle (Amazigh)
Slightly chubby, average height, with long, slightly curly, brown hair, and a crude tattoo of three balloons on his back.

Elim Garak (caekdaemon)
Pale white man, 5'10" height, black hair slicked back. Brown eyes.


Last edited by CrazyMLC on Tue May 10, 2011 11:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue May 10, 2011 11:27 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
Are all the other players in the same cell as me?

I already have a plan to get us out of here, but I can't say it if you guys are not in the same cell as me.

Tue May 10, 2011 11:50 am
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Post Re: RtD - Jailbreak
You're all in separate, single person cells, in case that wasn't already clear.

Gimme some actions, people.

Tue May 10, 2011 11:52 am
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