- Can move forwards or backwards at 1 mobility/tile
- Costs 1 mobility to turn 90 degrees
- Can move forwards or backwards at 1 mobility/tile
- Can strafe sideways at 2 mobility/tile
- Costs 1 mobility to turn 90 degrees
- Can move in any direction at 1 mobility/tile
- Can turn once per round for free, costs 1 mobility for each 90 degree turn after that
- Repositioning within the same tile costs no mobility, as long as you do not change orientation.
ShootingYour normal accuracy when stationary is 80%.
If moving you face a basic 20% accuracy penalty, and an additional 5% penalty for each tile you moved, but you cannot drop below 5% to hit.
A fully stabilised weapon doesn't face the basic 20% penalty for moving, and the penalty for distance only triggers every 2 tiles.
If your target moved 8 or more tiles in their last turn, then you take a 5% penalty to hit and an additional -5% for each 2 tiles moved past that.
- 8 tiles movement -5%
- 10 tiles movement -10%
Movement and ShootingYou can shoot and move in any order you like in a turn, so you can shoot then move, or move some of your movement capacity shoot then move again, or move then shoot.
You only take the movement accuracy penalty for the distance you have moved before you shoot in the current turn, If you set reaction fire and it goes off after your actions and in the enemy turn, you take the full movement penalty for those shots.
Internal DamageWeapons deal damage to internals based on how well penetrate the targets armour
- eg: 100 penentration, 50 damage against 80 armour thickness would equal 10 damage [20% of penetration went through armour, so 20% of damage is dealt to internals]
Inernal health is based on cost of all parts*10 (only *5 for guns+ammo)
On losing 20%/40%/60%/80% health total, roll for a crit on a D#[vehicle point budget]#
When checking to see if it hit something, Start with cockpit(8+sensor cost) then going on to: Mobility(cost), Shielding(cost), Ammo/Generator/Capacitor(cost), Weapons(cost/2), Other(cost/2)
- The part that takes the crit will suffer a penalty to operation, and if it gets crit a second time then it is destroyed
SpallingNon-Energy weapons cause spalling if they succesfully penetrate, this is represented by dealing additional damage equivalent to the amount of penetration that was in excess of the armour thickness.
- This bonus damage caps at the thickness of the armour plate that was penetrated, or at double the thickness for HE weapons.
HE ammo weapons are different and instead deal double the damage to internals rather than gaining the raw penetration depth damage bonus.
SmartplateA highly advanced armour material, capable of drawing nearby material in to "heal" holes
Thickness is lowered on taking durability damage. [effective value is: Thickness*(current durability/max durability)]
- Damage to durability is: damage*(penetration/effective thickness)
- The damage taken by the armours durability from a shot is capped at two times your weapons base damage value.
HardshieldsHave a single Level of durability/thickness across all facings.
Current durability has no effect on effective thickness.
Shots deal 50% damage if it fails to penetrate, but deal a full 100% if they do.
If you penetrate Twice the shields thickness, you "crack" it, dealing 150% damage and regeneration is halted for 2 turns.
While "cracked", shield thickness is tied to durability as armour is.
Shields will stop all damage from getting through them until they suffer a complete loss of durability.
A shot that depletes a shields durability will be "shieldgated" and will not deal any excess damage to armour/internals.
Take increased damage from EN weapons. [Add on thermal damage as extra damage]
Shields Regnerate 1% durability/turn when active, but 2%/turn when inactive.
If disabled takes 5 turns to reset, Then start recharging in the inactive mode.
When inactive a shield can be activated at a cost of 5% of your total charge.
Your charge level before the 5% penalty is your new maximum charge capacity until your shield enters the inactive state again.
Regeneration is disabled on any turn that you enable/disable the shield.
Any damage taken on the turn that you are activating your shield is doubled.
Shield Transfer Systems (Quirk)
Can only be used to transfer to one target per turn.
Can only be used on allies with a currently active shield.
Must be within 1 tile range of the target ally.
If the target has a current maximum charge capacity below their default maximum, then any excess charge transferred will increase their maximum capacity, but 50% is lost. eg:
- Target has 80/100 charge, with 200 being their default maximum
- You transfer 100 charge to them, 20% is lost by default, leaving 80 going to them.
- This brings them to 100/100 charge, with 60 "left over".
- The "left over" charge will then bring them up to 130/160 charge, with thickness scaling up to be appropriate for the new maximum capacity.
When firing against infantry, certain weapons [HE ammo, Plasguns] can hit mutiple infantry with a single shot [number hit is equal to damage/25 rounded up]
Reaction fire:If you have a weapon that didn't fire on a turn, you may set it to reaction fire within a 90 degree cone, and if enemies move into view in that cone on their turn then it will fire at them but with a 25% to hit penalty.
Weapons not mounted in a turret or on a walker can only use reaction fire in a fixed 90 degree arc based on hull facing.
All weapons mounted in the same turret must all reaction fire in the same arc.
Can also be used for when you round a corner in case there are enemies you don't yet know about there, this only incurs a 15% penalty. (5% penalty on a High Act Turret)
Missiles and Rockets can only use their Low angle fire type for reaction fire, and Mortars can't use reaction fire at all.
Stun:If you take a total damage of at least 25% of your internal health in one turn, then you are stunned [damage dealt to shielding counts as half]
When stunned you have a -50% to all rolls for one turn, and -20% on the next turn.
Stun also reduces your movement speed to 50% for one turn.
Ramming:The target of a ram is stunned regardless of how much damage they take.
Damage is treated as having 50% of the penetration value of its damage value.
- Ramming Ignores "shieldgating" and excess damage will penetrate shields and impact armour, Penetration will be re determined with this "second instance" of damage.
Tanks+20 damage to target per tile moved towards the target this turn.
You take damage equal to the targets armour thickness, and your target takes damage equal to your armour thickness.
WalkersWalkers "Ram" with a stomp/kick.
100 base damage, no self damage.
+100 base damage when used against tanks.
+40 damage per unit mobility "spent" on the stomp.
Can Ram an Agrav, has no base damage but gains +40 damage per unit mobility "spent" on it.
AgravsNo ramming attack, but can't be rammed by tanks.
StructuresHave a durability value for the entire structure section, sections being determined by the solid outlines on the map.
The standard durability of a high structure is 1000 and low structures are 500, rubble will have 1.5* the durability of the building type it was before.
When shooting at a structure, you can re-roll any misses once, to represent their size and the ease of hitting one compared to a vehicle.
When destroyed a high structure will leave a low height ruin, while a low height structure will spread a field of Debris.
Destruction of a structure happens at the end of the turn, so you can only drop down one stage of destruction each turn.
Structures have their durability instantly dropped to 0 if they take over 20% of their current durability in one single hit.
Reinforced structures are resistant to lighter weaponry, and as such reduce all incoming damage taken by 100.
Orbital Guns and some other structures are specially Hardened, and as such have a 50% damage reduction on all High angle attacks as well as the damage resistance of Reinforced structures.
Volatile structures are vulnerable to thermal damage from energy weapons, and add that to any damage taken, they also explode dealing massive damage to nearby tiles.
District Walls and Gates are obscenely thick and heavily reinforced, while theoretically possible, it is completely impractical to destroy them.
The height of each structure section is denoted by the L or H in the bottom corner, a durability value will also be noted at the top if it is damaged.
If the height letter is in grey rather than black, then the structure is Weak, and has half the durability of comparable structures.
Special features such as if the structure is Reinforced/Volatile/etc will be noted next to the height indication of the structure as well as with additional detailing.
Terrain Types:Debris is represented by the tile having brown markers in it.
Barricades are represented as a yellow and grey dotted line, Each tile width section has 200 Durability.
Clear - No special rules, just flat ground.
Debris - Only affects Tanks, and they have to spend 1 mobility to enter the tile.
Barricade - No affect on Agravs, Walkers can pass these at a cost of 1 mobility, Tanks are stopped [Tanks take 100 self damage when ramming into/through barricades] [Anything from jersey barriers to tank traps, general category for something that can obstruct a Tank, but not so much a Walker]
Image Example showing examples of map features:At the top left, there is a tank, Walker, AGrav, Powersuit, and a Trooper.
Below there is a Barricade with some Debris tiles below it.
The Left and Top edges are marked with District walls, and there is a District Gate on the top edge.
There is a selection of buildings showing a High Weak structure, a standard High structure, a Low Reinforced Structure, a Low Volatile Structure, a High Hardened Volatile Structure, and a Ruin structure.
The High Hardened Volatile Structure has a bright green marker on it, this denotes that it is a mission objective.
There are also three tiles at the bottom representing tiles filled with smoke, with 3, 2 and 1 turns duration remaining.
Special weapon firing behaviours:Howitzers, Rockets and MortarsDo not roll to hit as normal weapons, instead have special to-hit mechanics.
There are two firing modes, Low-Angle, and High-Angle
Each mode can also fire Indirectly at a target, that you don't have line of sight on, but an ally does, this is at a 40% to hit penalty, which is lowered by 5% for each point into sensors that the ally spotting the target has.
Rockets can use either mode, but Howitzers can only use low-angle, and Mortars can only use high-angle.
Low-Angle:Can only fire over "low" terrain in indirect mode.
Takes an additional 5% to hit penalty for each tile the target moved last turn [is reduced in the same manner as the movement penalty is by stabilisation]
High-Angle:Can be fired over anything with no restrictions in indirect mode.
A shot starts with a normal roll as any other weapon, if it "hits" then the round is treated as heading for that target, but doesn't hit this turn.
Next turn the round rolls again, with a base accuracy of 100%, but with a 5% penalty for each tile the target moved that turn.
High-angle attacks also ignore any facing multipliers for armour thickness.
MissilesThese have two firing modes
Direct fire: As any normal weapon.
Top Attack: Is similar to High-angle shots from a Mortar/Rocket.
If you maintain line of sight to the target then both rolls have 100% accuracy
If you are relying on an allies sensors then the first roll has a base accuracy of 100%, but the second has to roll as per a standard high-angle shot.
Thermal damageThermal damage reduces effective thickness of armour. [takes place After the durability modifier]
The Thermal limit of a vehicles armour is its current effective thickness ignoring any facing multipliers.
- 100% heat = 50% effective thickness
- 50% heat = 75% effective thickness
If exceeding your Thermal limit, durability damage is multiplied by the amount that heat exceeds it.
- 120 heat, 100 "limit" = 1.2x durability damage
If heat exceeds twice your thermal limit, then the excess heat is converted to direct damage to durability at a ratio of 10 heat to 1 damage, this conversion happens only once per turn.
Thermal damage dissapates at a rate of 1/10 of your Thermal limit each turn.