Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Nighthawk wrote:
I know I'm not even in this, but I have to say, I vouch for Fail Flail. I mean really - how can you say that dice are a "powerful influence" when he rolls a 10 and gets PUNISHED? I just do not see how that makes any sense. If your reasoning is that he should be trying to fight at a range since he's a sniper, also consider the fact that he is a giant mecha with a giant fist, so his melee can't be considered weak either.
Consider this example.
Medieval battlefield, Fail is an famous archer with a bow taller than he is and arrows that can punch through platemail twice. #2 is a huge armored knight on a similarly huge armored horse.
The two face off. Fail is currently on a 10 foot tall solid stone mound with extremely steep sides. Cannot be climbed, he is essentially invincible. He sees the armored knight approach.
Gets the brilliant idea of leaping his leather-tunic covered ass OFF the mound so that he can punch the knight in the face. Fail rolls an 8 for leaping off, and his punch gets +2 for war cry.
The knight lols and stabs the archer mid-jump with his lance and roll of 7.
To be honest, that example doesn't paint a slanted enough picture. Yes, Flail is in a future-tech mecha (shrunken down to normal human size), but he gave up his only form of defence and ignored his very powerful primary weapon, choosing to go into melee combat which he is very much unsuited to, with a superpowered woman who is currently using her full power and wielding a future-metal sword.
Had #2 failed badly, sure, but she suceeded pretty well, and Fail Flail put himself in an extremely vulnerable position.