Re: RtD -- Civil Steam -- Need moar Sol recruiters!
Thanks for the reply!Then I may want to try my hand at this one
BTW,I don't know a lot of stuff about aviation and stuff;so if you guys see something wrong;just tell me.
Name: Sgt. Lt. Kries Dever
Player: Silverarm
Description: A medium build person of olive complexion.
Class: Plane
Name: F-32 Junker "Castellan" Escort Plane
Pilot: Kries Dever
Description: A Plane commonly used to provide Escort duties to vulnerable and slow Airships.
Side: Sol
H: 20
Knots: 220
Engines: 2 Large Jet Engines - Wing Mounted;with VTOL Mode.
Weapon Class: Light
- 1 Turret-mounted Dual AA 8mm MGs(Topside)
- 1 Turret-mounted Dual AA 8mm MGs(Belly)
- ∞ 8mms AP
Passive Ability: Aiming Assist Module : +1 to hit as the turret keep targeting the same target
Passive Ability: Keep Her Steady! : Less chance of plane being diverted off path(from hits and such)
Primary Gunner - Gunther Mainfred
Secondary Gunner - Alexander Befski
Loader - Leos Mendes