Data Realms Fan Forums

The Converter (Repent you!)
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Author:  carriontrooper [ Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  The Converter (Repent you!)

Hey all, new guy here. I heard something about rockets turning enemies to your dudes, so I made something. This is probably my third mod, and it currently faces only left. Will update with pics and a right-facing converter (although it'll probably say NI istead of IN)...

UPDATE: Now with added suckerage. A big giant grouper (Metal Slug sprites again) and a piece of Bermuda Triangle. Original converter now has custom gibs. Still no screenshots though.

File comment: Since the glitch got fixed in most people's CC, I made some suckers that simply makes your enemy disappear.
Converter.rte.rar [150.21 KiB]
Downloaded 1444 times

Author:  Bladecat4 [ Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

Nice sprite. I won't test because I can't be arsed, but nice sprite all the same.

Author:  Rocksonic [ Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

I don't understand your description. What does it do now?

Author:  Inuyashe [ Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

To Rock:
You basically put it on the ground and open it like a dropship. If an enemy soldier gets sucked in, he converts to your side. Quite a devious device in a base corridor, I must say!

And I see Metal Slug sprites.

Author:  Rocksonic [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

Its fun to use as a storage crate type thing, but the whole converting thing doesn't work. I suck them in, close it, open again and they pop out still on the opposite team. : /

Author:  3 solid [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to do that with craft...

Maybe it was a glitch that was fixed or something. Which is a shame, this mod would have been brilliant otherwise.

Author:  Subiw [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

Might have been only one type of craft? Only dropships or only rockets may have the bug. I reserve the right to be wrong.

Author:  SnowMonster20 [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

It works for me. The only downside is that AI shoots it and it usually gets destroyed before it can convert anyone.

It also crashed on me while I was controlling the converted unit.

Great mod. Needs custom gib sprites.

Author:  zalo [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

I had the exact same Idea! I even included it into the MSS (Commented in the Index).
I didn't release it because my pinned dropships would gib on their own after a while.

How did you get around it?

Author:  carriontrooper [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

I dunno about dropships, Zalo, but the original drop crate was a rocket, and it could be attached by adding a PinStrength... So I tried editing some stuff...

Next time I'll try a Dropship. Or maybe finish the doors on that organic bunker modules first...

Author:  3 solid [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

I just had a spark of genius, maybe converting doesn't work on the IGF build?

That would explain why it works for some and not for others.

I shall test this theory when I get access to my laptop.

Author:  Rocksonic [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

I am not using the IGF build, but I am using the mac build.

Author:  pingu [ Sun May 10, 2009 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

By the way, I figured out how to steal enemy actors and convert them to your side, for those of you who may not know.

First, you need to abduct an enemy actor.
Then,, you leave your craft to the AI.

Then you switch back, and if you drop off the abducted actor, he'll come back, only on your side.

Speaking of abductors, is anyone here interested in making a UFO specifically for this purpose?

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Sun May 10, 2009 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Converter (Repent you!)

pingu wrote:
By the way, I figured out how to steal enemy actors and convert them to your side, for those of you who may not know.

First, you need to abduct an enemy actor.
Then,, you leave your craft to the AI.

Then you switch back, and if you drop off the abducted actor, he'll come back, only on your side.

Speaking of abductors, is anyone here interested in making a UFO specifically for this purpose?

That's how this works :wink:
Also, viewtopic.php?f=61&t=12594

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