Data Realms Fan Forums

Specal Coalition Forces
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Author:  lafe [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Specal Coalition Forces

the coaliton labs are experementing with some protype weapons

first of all is the drone,
this bad boy can deliver cargo, hover, and easly manuver, and the assult drone can kill :shock: the delivery drone is powered by a conventionaly thruster doubled with a anti gravty genorater, where as the assult drone uses a deadly dark matter drive that tugs it allong and acts as a weapon!
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we have 3 types of weapons for you too choose from:
the S.P.E.D fires rays that create deadly charged particles, if your in a room with them DO NOT MOVE!!!

the Smasher cannon fires heavy rocket propeled slugs at high speeds, making a most deadly weapon

the SP (super pistol) series fire normal, low calleber bullets but, at TWICE the speed!

the improved soldures are as followed:

the scout.
hes a step above the light soldure, just a run of the mill soldure equiped with
a very usfull full face helmet. he has no jetpack but he can jump

the paratroop.
hes a scout with no jump abilty, and no jetpack, but he can survive falls better,
and he has a mild anti gravty engine so he dosent die from falls as quick

the trooper
a improved heavy soldure with better armor, a jetpack, And, the full face helmet!

the OmniHuman
he a improved human with his own brain! (just make sure he dosent die)
he can jump very high (=
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SCF.rte.rar [1.05 MiB]
Downloaded 1479 times

Author:  joost1120 [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

Worst sprites ever... Try improving it...

Author:  piipu [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

Soldure :D
You're going to need some sort of sprites for your mods or you won't be liked. Two-coloured ones don't really count. And using correct amounts of spelling and punctuation is a valuable bonus when making posts. But there seems to be quite a lot of original stuff in there, which is a good thing.

Author:  shadow [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

I downloaded out of sympathy, but I deleted right away. The sprites are absolutely terrible. The coding is okay, but I seriously suggest redoing the sprites.

Author:  piipu [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

I have to say that sadness filled me when I downloaded this mod. This mod seemed pretty decent from what I was able to decipher from the OP, but I guess it isn't. :c

Author:  lafe [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

piipu wrote:
I have to say that sadness filled me when I downloaded this mod. This mod seemed pretty decent from what I was able to decipher from the OP, but I guess it isn't. :c

sorry if the qualty is low,
im on vacation and i made this on the airplane,
i just wanted to get it out there, mainly for the concepts,
then polish and compleate it withen the next few days.

Author:  xerxys [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces


sorry if the qualty is low,
im on vacation and i made this on the airplane,
i just wanted to get it out there, mainly for the concepts,
then polish and compleate it withen the next few days.

Sounds so familiar, I have read through the entire topic at Fun-Motion just to understand what a flame war (and a prat) truly is.

To be better excepted in a community you need to:

A) Spell and use grammar better.

B) Try very hard to be more believable. I understand it is frustrating but all we see is text, we have no way to know. You can prove yourself correct with images or understate what you have done.

C) Don't use excuses, whether they are true or not. It pisses people off.

I am trying to make this sound like something that isn't a ridiculous flame, if it is i will edit it to oblivion.

Author:  lafe [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

xerxys wrote:

sorry if the qualty is low,
im on vacation and i made this on the airplane,
i just wanted to get it out there, mainly for the concepts,
then polish and compleate it withen the next few days.

Sounds so familiar, I have read through the entire topic at Fun-Motion just to understand what a flame war (and a prat) truly is.

To be better excepted in a community you need to:

A) Spell and use grammar better.

B) Try very hard to be more believable. I understand it is frustrating but all we see is text, we have no way to know. You can prove yourself correct with images or understate what you have done.

C) Don't use excuses, whether they are true or not. It pisses people off.

I am trying to make this sound like something that isn't a ridiculous flame, if it is i will edit it to oblivion.

that was my second post.
ever, in the history of the internet,
sence then i attempt too keep my grammer in check.
another reason for the flaming there on that threed is that the finished product realy sucked, if you take a look at the lafesim thread its almost flame free, due to the qualty of the product. when i started lafesim it was not the best game (i admet the qualty was slightly better than this mod), but after some feedback it was one of the better falling sand games on the internet. its actualy still under production. i plan on making this much better.
theres no need to delete the post, its not a flame

Author:  CombatMedic02 [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

Dude... The sprites need to be MUCH better in this mod, you got me here with the name, and your ideas are quite good, but you need to improve this a lot if you hope to get any serious downloads from it...

Maybe take a tutorial in spriting/shading and such? I'm sure there is a few on YouTube. :P

I would also recommend you get Firefox as it has a built in spell-checker/grammar detector which will help make your posts look a little more professional. If you don’t want to get a new browser then what about just copy-pasting the text into a word processor to fix it up before you post? You can correct it on the word processor then copy-paste it back here to post it?

It seems like you had a bit of a tough time at that other forum and since this is a fresh start for you it'd be best not to repeat past mistakes.

Hope to see some good stuff from you in the future,


Author:  SpacePope [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

Being specal it's very specal...

Author:  Mind [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

Concerning the sprites...... Maybe add outline and better shading, cuz they look like you used two colors for all of them.

Nice attempt though, keep trying! ;)

Author:  dapaperboy [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

rofl lafe! your jokes are GENIUS! my favorite joke was the actors. they made me laugh soooo hard.

Author:  Mind [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

dapaperboy wrote:
rofl lafe! your jokes are GENIUS! my favorite joke was the actors. they made me laugh soooo hard.


Author:  Tark [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

dapaperboy wrote:
rofl lafe! your jokes are GENIUS! my favorite joke was the actors. they made me laugh soooo hard.

I know, its the funniest thing I've seen in a long while!

Author:  dapaperboy [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Specal Coalition Forces

The Mind wrote:
dapaperboy wrote:
rofl lafe! your jokes are GENIUS! my favorite joke was the actors. they made me laugh soooo hard.


i was making fun of this mod because i dont take it seriously. thats how bad it is. :roll:
lafe, never EVER post your first couple of mods in mod releases. do you honestly think the community wants to play with boring/hideous mods (assuming that your a noob spriter/coder which all mod makers start off to be) release your first mods into the mod making section next time. and next time, actually try.

edit: isn't there a bbs code to put a line through something? what is it?

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