Data Realms Fan Forums

The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders
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Author:  Comment [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

They first came in the late twentieth century. Mere scouting parties designed to test our worth, they sent wave after wave of ships to our surface, coming from some vast wormhole in space. We could hold them off, for a time. Unfortunately, even our best efforts were futile: Their resources were infinite, and they had patience that exceeded our determination. They did not take their chance to destroy us then, and as time passed, we forgot them.

Then they returned. And this time, they wanted more than just a sample. Game over.


The Space Invader is the ship that the Old Ones use to bring in troops and supplies from their bizarre home dimension. Space Invaders are incredibly resilient and more agile than our own dropships, and have refined their tactics so they deliver their payload and return instantly, instead of zigzagging across the sky as they did during the First Invasion. Destroying them is a fair blow against the Old Ones, but there will always be more.


The initial invasion is composed solely of Seekers, simple beings born directly from the alien matter of the home of the Old Ones. They are weak fighters, but fairly mobile and most often appear in groups. Shots to the head are particularly effective, especially given that their heads are so large compared to their bodies. This Seeker holds a Pixel Rifle, a rapid-fire weapon that hurls chunks of the strange stuff the Old Ones are made of. It will quickly kill unarmoured foes, but frequent reloading makes the user vulnerable.


Rift Keepers create and maintain the holes in reality that the Old Ones seep through. Since they spend so much time around these rifts, they assume some unique properties: If they take too much damage in combat, they will explode into a short-lived rift that pulls in anyone nearby. Those on the edges of the rift can hope to escape, but the unlucky ones who are sucked into the heart of the rift are reduced to ribbons by the constant bombardment of foreign matter. Rift Keepers usually wield Rift Openers in combat, a weapon that will create the same rifts they leave upon death. The attached aiming reticule shows where the rift will appear: It can even open them up from behind a wall, so it's a dreaded siege weapon.


After the Seekers find a place to invade and the Keepers prepare the way to it, the Riftblazes move in. The terrible armoured soldiers of the Old Ones are resilient, agile, and ruthless. Once their armour is gone, you can wound their core. The Riftblaze cannot heal its wounds and will eventually succumb to them, but it cannot feel pain and will fight to the last. The weapon this one is using is a Riftfire Launcher, which fires globs of alien matter that start reacting with the atmosphere. The reaction is comparable to our own fire, but much more deadly. Those caught in its core will be decayed to nothingness.


Finally, when the Old Ones take land, they guard it jealously. Their anti-aircraft defenses are incredibly potent, and can easily pick dropships out of the sky from a long distance away. They're not at all complicated: If they shoot you, you die. They can take numerous hits before they're destroyed, but they have difficulty shooting at targets that are underneath themselves.

Welp, here's my first released mod. Hope you guys like it, and I look forward to your feedback.


File comment: What, were you expecting Lovecraft?
OldOnes.rte.rar [170.41 KiB]
Downloaded 984 times

Author:  Marloss [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

I cant even think of playing this.. no colors, no nothing, no DL...
But still i kinda like the story thing.

Author:  Brainwashed [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

Looks ♥♥♥♥ amazing. See ya after the test drive.

Author:  dracura [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

Marloss, you've gotta be young if you don't have an instant nostalgic attraction to the theme here.

This is brilliant, Comment. Simply freakin' genius.

Author:  Brainwashed [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

Just tested it. The sprites are really nice. Good retro style. The actors sprites could be reworked a bit though. And if you don't like the sprites, download it for the coding. This thing's coding is damn amazing! I really like the weapons, btw. Nice craft, too.

Author:  CrazyMLC [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

Insert coin to continue...

Looks interesting.

Author:  Duh102 [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

Comment wrote:
The Space Invader is the ship that the Old Ones use to bring in troops and supplies from their bizarre home dimension.

You had me by here. YGMDL.

Author:  Tzsak [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

Very, very awesome.

Things I'd change: currently the Riftfire Launcher seems to be vastly inferior to the pixel gun. I'd make the riftfire launcher have higher ammo capacity and fire rate, maybe with better damage or range too. The pixel gun could be made a bit weaker too, but I quite like it as it is~

Secondly, I'd add a rift grenade and maybe a second, detonate on impact version. That would definately be awesome~

I have to say, I love everything about this mod~ The graphical style is spot on, I love the way the particles act, I like the feel of the weapons/actors, the theme is awesome and it's all very original.

Great job!

Author:  duo9ace [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

How nostalgic!

DL'ed and enjoying!

Author:  spinaljack [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

Simply one of the best mods I've played in a long while. I like how if you aim the rift launcher into the air it'll rain pixel death all over the place and the fact that the rift opener can shoot through objects. I like to build a winding path to the brain room where a single man can shoot rifts into any part of the tunnel without damaging the base. Another fun thing to do is to tunnel under the whole map just under the surface and have a guy shoot rifts up on the surface from the safety of the tunnel XD

Every part of this mod from the art style and effects to the aiming reticle on the rift gun is ingenious.

*thumbs up*

Author:  Foa [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

Marloss wrote:
I cant even think of playing this.. no colors, no nothing, no DL...
But still i kinda like the story thing.

Ah, you have yet to see Space Invaders. ( Have one, still! )

Hooray for nostalgic mods!
Now for FF7... ( The first one, and not revamp, Advent Bastard, and Cerebus' Angst Song )

Author:  Ultric [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

I get back from a party, I see this, I do a double take, and then I laugh. You're awesome, Comment. DLing.

Author:  CrazyMLC [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

I love it.
Reminds me of my old s/nes games.

Its really nice how their wounds emit - GlobalAccScalar pixels, so they just kinda float away.

Great mod.

Author:  maddog321 [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

This is awesome, although it should have a different name. Some suggestions are:
And "The Invaders"

Some more ideas for this awesome mod:
A weapon that opens a rift, but rather than suck stuff in, it shoots out pre armed seekers with pixel gun, maybe 3 seekers than closes.
A new ship, the UFO from space invaders.
Pac-Man That bites (wakakakakaka!).
Samus from Metroid (and the metroids!).
And Bomberman.

Those are the only things i can think of lol.

Author:  Phatmonkey [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Old Ones: Extraspatial Invaders

This has perfect style and sound. Its definetly my new favorite mod. I love the way these guys bleed rising pixels and shatter into dozens of pixels when they die. I hope you continue to update this with some more weapons. You dont even have to make any particularily new or special weapons. It could be as simple as a shotgun. Its just that the aesthetics of this mod are so good that they would make the most standard of weapons fun to use just for the visuals. I am glad however that you got creative with the rift opener. That thing rocks and its been awhile since anyone made placement weapons for their mods like the phoenix series weapons or some of shooks old weapons pack.

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