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Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites
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Author:  shrike.ex [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

These are my first mods, so please, be gentle... :-( Also, the p90 is a modified version of a sprite I downloaded from the mod forum

Pancor Jackhammer

Ten round fully automatic, bullpup style combat shotgun.


Single shot high impact, low penetration, recoil compensated sniper rifle.

.357 Mag, and .357 Desert Eagle

I'm not particularly pleased with the performance of either of these weapons, but I like the sprites.

Thompson .45 Submachine Gun

Its a tommy gun, chicago typewriter... whatever you want to call it. :D I should note that the mag looks like the straight 30 round box, but actually holds 50, like the drum. (sorry, no screen shot at the moment)

The sprites
modified P90 (the one that actually looks like a P90)
modified Pancor

Here are some clips of some of the weapons in action.

Here is the Pancor in all its gory glory.

the Sniper Rifle

and the P90 (will add as a download soon if there is any interest)

Author:  Tendrop [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some Sprites and Mods

These look like good, if a bit generic, weapons. Definite DL.

Author:  Funtastic [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

That sniper rifle looks good, I love me a good snipah. Thats a pretty fudgin' huge bullet it fires though.

Author:  whitty [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

What, you expect a sniper to be weak and take 5 shots to kill a blue clone?

Author:  Winterous [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

No, it's just that the bullet it fires is the size of my fist.
I like some of those sprites, but the P90 doesn't look like a P90 at all.

Author:  shrike.ex [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

You know, I looked at it, and you are totally right. I modified the sprite a little, which looks a lot more like a real P90 (to me at least ) :D Bear in mind that the gun does look a little different when the clip is in.


Let me know what y'all think

Author:  Funtastic [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

whitty wrote:
What, you expect a sniper to be weak and take 5 shots to kill a blue clone?

No, i just expect the bullets to be sleeker and more penetrating, but anything that ends in spalttery heads works for me.

Oh, btw, the sniper rifle .rte is broken.

Author:  Winterous [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

The new P90 looks a lot better, but still a bit off.

Here's my one, still not perfect, but just for reference.

Author:  shrike.ex [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

its a hard gun to capture because it is both small AND curvy... something square little pixels do not like...
While I agree your's is closer to accurate, I think I am happy with the one I have now. :D

Author:  Winterous [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

I just revised it a little bit, looks better now.

Author:  Foa [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

Dude, please fix the coloring, the all black and no detail makes it look bad; add in shades and gradients, also the Pancor Jackhammer you made is also undersized.

For further reference, and for specification click the image ...

Author:  shrike.ex [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites


Is that a little better?

Author:  Winterous [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

Yes, that looks great!

Author:  Raintail99 [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

I do like, but i won't download the sniper because the bullet is too big.
'Rest are awsome. Will download those.

EDIT: I request the P-107 (I named it that because it doesn't look like a P-90, it looks cooler :grin:)

Author:  Kurrus [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pancor Jackhammer, Chicago Typewriter, and some sprites

The Jackhammer is awesome. I also tried the sniper, but it's really odd.

The sprite looks like a shotgun and has no recognizable scope. In-game, it likes to break randomly (or at least something -which I'm not aware of- breaks it). The bullets it shoots are identical to the one that p3lb0x's deagle shoots, but have a similar behaviour to the Saw Cannon saw from Shook's pack. I mean, they gib in a smiliar way (gibs a load of tiny particles that are propelled backwards from where it gibbed) and like to bounce and make fleshy stuff explode, but barely harm the rest. Robots seem to be completely inmune to the bullets, dummies barely suffer from their impacts, and skeletons suffer too little damage.
Also, the .rte is broken, it says Blue Flash or something is missing.

The sniper needs work but has potential (fix the sprite, the rte and the projectile behaviour), the Jackhammer is fine as is, although in my personal opinion the golden magazine makes it look stupid (make it darker, much darker, please). You should release the P90, by the way.

Overall, very good first mods. Keep up the good work.

EDIT: I just found the scope. Yay me :P

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