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 -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product [B23] 
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
More to be desired :O For instance, in-game the last 3 rounds of the FAMAS were tracers (you'll probably be able to fix this with Lua as you can only set a ratio right now :P ) and the muzzle flash of the FAMAS was a red-orange + with the lines being a bit like ellipses [ () ]

Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:45 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
I remember in MGS1 that if you put the Bandoleer on when you were on a tracer bullet, you shot only tracers.

God that was cool...

Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:23 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
Oh yeah, useful when you had to go through the Wolf Cave because it was dark as crap. I would just run into the darkness then run out into that second area filled with snow where I could see, usually planting C4 or Claymore behind me. Fun times :3 My record play-through was 2 hours and 16 minutes.

On-Topic, there are a lot of features you can implement here then just the actor; an MGS Faction Mod would be pretty awesome :D

Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:58 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
Ragdollmaster wrote:
an MGS Faction Mod would be pretty awesome

Hell yes! I could almost imagine Psycho Mantis with his awesomepowah or Gray Fox (aka Cyborg Ninja) with cool swordplay and such. Also, The Fury shouldn't be hard to make because there are jetpacks as default and we already have dozens of flamethrowers.

Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:06 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
And of course we have Metal Gears =D Rex, Ray, Shagohad, etc.

Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:29 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
Shagohod isn't Metal Gear, it's "just" portable nuclear platform. numgun, you MUST make MG/S faction! There are too much coolness just laying around, unused.

All required information can be found from , all that is left are spriting (the hardest part?) and coding, maybe voices. FOXHOUND, Dead Cell, Cobra Unit, Black Chamber, the nameless mercenary unit, you name it. All the bosses (expect Psycho Mantis and Marionette Owl?) should be possible to create, it just takes lots of time and spriting.

Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:38 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
The download text is wrong. It's supposed to be "Yo G, dat looks like a bullet wound to m--".

I want an activity with PMC Soldiers. :(

Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:08 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
Does anyone want to make a mgs styled map for this guy? I tried buy unfortunately I have the Crobo activities and..well..Snake never really stood a chance.

Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:17 am
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
Lambda wrote:
The download text is wrong. It's supposed to be "Yo G, dat looks like a bullet wound to m--".

I want an activity with PMC Soldiers. :(

It's "yah b, dat luks leik ah bullet wound to me" *blam*

Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:37 am
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
NeoSeeker wrote:
Lambda wrote:
The download text is wrong. It's supposed to be "Yo G, dat looks like a bullet wound to m--".

I want an activity with PMC Soldiers. :(

It's "yah b, dat luks leik ah bullet wound to me" *blam*

And that's what got EgoRaptor killed by his friend at Gamers Tonight.
Bonus! Guess where this is from: "yes-yes-yes -- I am disappointed at your responsibility skills, Jason... JASON?"
I am surprised the update didn't that long.
And nice box decal: Happy Face!

Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:41 am
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
The box sprite could use some more detail; like in MGS there was different writing on each of the boxes showing where it should go, in MGS2 the boxes had a different band of color on the bottom edge, etc. A Gray Fox actor would be AWESOME. But when Lua comes... so we can have him block all bullets automatically with his sword >=o

On a sidenote, I haven't played MGS2 for a while; does anyone remember the name of that insane chick who wanted to die but never could because of the electro-magnetic-shield thingy she had, who wielded a railgun? Don't make her, but I thought that railgun was a pretty kickawesome weapon.

Unless I'm going insane and adding in characters. In which case, ignore me.

Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:28 pm

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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
On a sidenote, I haven't played MGS2 for a while; does anyone remember the name of that insane chick who wanted to die but never could because of the electro-magnetic-shield thingy she had, who wielded a railgun? Don't make her, but I thought that railgun was a pretty kickawesome weapon.

Fortune, her name was Fortune.

Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:49 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
This is pretty cool numgun! Nice job. Got a few questions though...

1: Did you make the Snake head or is that just a smaller version of the one from the Spriters Resource?
2: WHAT THE HELLS WRONG WITH YOU MAN??? I can't believe you've never played MGS! GO GET THE GAMES NOW!
3: Are you planning on making any more? Genomes, GRU, KGB, Bosses?

If you are you'll have to beat me to it because the original creator of the old MGS mods is back baby!!!

Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:42 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product *update
This guy is awesome. Would be nice with unlimited ammounts of grenades tho.
I mean, since if he dies you loose and you use your grenades in 10 mins or so then 20 min later you'd wish you still had em.
Not that they are very usefull but I like to use them every once in a while just for kicks.
Had alot of fun with this guy.

Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:11 pm
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Post Re: -Metal Gear Solid- ))AAL Product **Update2!
katieness wrote:
This guy is awesome. Would be nice with unlimited ammounts of grenades tho.
I mean, since if he dies you loose and you use your grenades in 10 mins or so then 20 min later you'd wish you still had em.
Not that they are very usefull but I like to use them every once in a while just for kicks.
Had alot of fun with this guy.

2nd UPDATE!!!

Thanks, and done. Snake now has unlimited grenades when you choose the [EQ] one. Also Snake has sounds now. Some of the ripped sounds have some wierd bg sh*t, so just ignore that.

[EQ] Stands for "equipped" so choose that one if you want a pre-equipped snake, otherwise choose the hardcore way and start unarmed and run for your life.

EDIT: Btw Azukki, that Snake from SSBB sounds like an arsehole. xD
David Hayter ftw.

"Oh just a box"

Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:17 am
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